Rich Stunt Ex-Husband

Chapter 80: Shady


It was approaching evening, and the afterglow of the setting sun shone into the window sill, turning orange on the man's silver hair. He hunched over with a sluggish look, hugging the pillow with both hands, leaning his head against the glass window and looking out.

He moved to a hotel not far from Yunxiao. This location could just see the outside of their hotel.

Cars were passing below the hotel, and a couple holding hands and cuddling together sweetly on the sidewalk were saying goodbye to each other reluctantly at the intersection.

They kissed over and over again, and after embracing each other for a long time, they separated from each other step by step.

Lu Mingtong always thought that this would be the case between him and Yun Xiao. They met in college, and he fell in love with Yun Xiao at first sight. His voice and the way he moved his hands and feet fascinated him.

What happened last time at the hotel, the man in the white bear hood also disappeared without a trace. But he has no way to think about those things now. The thing that troubles him the most now is the new student Ye Yihan.

We have to find a way to get back the activities of the spokesperson of Yun's Real Estate.

Just as his thoughts were wandering, Yun Xiao's car just returned to the hotel, and he saw a familiar figure at the door of the hotel.

Cloud scales.

Although he is a clumsy chess piece, a few words can help him when necessary.

Lu Mingtong put down the pillow, got off the window sill, picked up the medicine bottle on the carpet, and swallowed two painkillers raw.

He changed his clothes, ordered He Xi to tidy up the room and went downstairs.

When he came downstairs, he saw Yun Lin parked across the road, apparently waiting for the bus.

As soon as the red light flashed, Lu Mingtong quickly shuttled through the crowd, came behind Yun Lin and called: "Sister Yun Lin, long time no see."

Yunlin turned around and saw that his reaction was not as surprising as expected, which surprised Lu Mingtong.

"Long time no see, brother Mintang. You haven't contacted me in the past few days since you came to country M. I thought you didn't want to see Yun Lin anymore." She looked down at her phone and tapped the screen, acting nonchalantly.

Her attitude was indifferent. Lu Mingtong was immediately embarrassed, but he still kept smiling and said: "It's my fault. I have too many things to do because I am attending classes at Beishan College. Look, aren't I here to see you now? Let's have dinner together tonight. how?"

Unexpectedly, Yun Lin refused without hesitation: "I'm sorry, Brother Mintang. I ate a little too much while having afternoon tea with my brother just now. It's time to lose weight and not eat at night."

"That's it. Actually, I have something to ask..."

Before Lu Mintang finished speaking, Yunlin interrupted anxiously and asked: "Brother Mintang, you just said that you were attending classes at Beishan College? Are you taking a course in modeling?"

Seeing her interest, Lu Mingtong took a step further, nodded and replied, "Yes, I'm taking modeling courses there."

But what Yun Lin said next made Lu Mingtong almost lose his composure.

"Then you must have taught Brother Yihan, right? Please take care of him! He is my good friend now." Yun Lin smiled when he mentioned Ye Yihan, with a good mood written all over his face.

"How do you know each other?" Lu Mingtong asked impatiently.

Yun Lin acted as if it were natural, and the taxi arrived at this time. She waved to Lu Mintang and said: "Because Brother Yihan is the spokesperson of Yun's Real Estate, my car is here. Brother Mintang will chat when he has time. Bye!"

Without staying for more than a minute, Yun Lin got in the car and left without Lu Mingtong even asking what he should ask.

"Ye Yihan... It's Ye Yihan again." Lu Mingtong walked back angrily, "You can't possibly pass this entrance test."


Two weeks have passed very quickly, and finally we are ready for this introductory test. Prior to this, among the 100 students majoring in modeling, nearly half were eliminated in the two-week quiz. The remaining students will face this severe entry test.

In addition to Lu Mingtong and Li Li, the review instructors for the entry test also include two editors-in-chief of well-known magazines. New autumn clothing will be provided, and the five debutants will have personal covers in two magazines.

Today, Ye Jin'an and Yan Shu both came to send Ye Yihan to the academy to take the test. Before leaving, Yan Shu gave Ye Yihan a small red tip bag and told him not to be nervous. If he had any problems, he would be able to solve them if he calmed down and thought about them.

Ye Yihan entered the academy. The students preparing for the test were surrounded by assistants and makeup artists, but he was alone.

He came to the stone road and found Shi Yanyu who had been waiting for him here.

Disguising himself as his uncle, it was rare for him to dress up for a while. A gray and blue shirt, and a pair of patent leather shoes under trousers.

"Good nephew, you're here." Shi Yanyu was particularly happy, took out a hamburger from his bag and threw it into his arms.

Ye Yihan sat down and said with a smile: "That means I haven't entered middle age yet, so I can't eat fat. I will really debut by then, so don't eat burgers in front of me."

"Moral kidnapping is wrong," Shi Yanyu continued to ask after eating his second burger, "Do you know which time you will appear?"

When he mentioned it like this, Ye Yihan remembered to read the news in the mobile course learning system.

He quickly fumbled for his phone and saw the message sent on the notification.

[Notice from the Beishan College Model Professional Course: Student Ye Yihan; took the entry test at 10 o'clock this morning, and the test number is No. 36. ]

Shi Yanyu glanced at the number on his mobile phone from the corner of his eye and sneered: "I have assigned you this position. No one will remember you if you don't go forward or backward."

"What do you mean?" Ye Yihan was confused.

Shi Yanyu finished the burger in his hand in a few bites, crumpled the bag into a ball, took out the bag he had just finished eating, and placed it in front of and behind his Dake.

"Look, I put two paper balls here. Assuming you are 'Dake', the paper balls represent the students in front of you and the students behind you. No matter how they go, especially the students who come on stage later are like the finale, they will It left a deeper impression on the instructor than when you appeared on the stage. You belong to the middle and last batch, which is equivalent to me watching the show until the end. It is boring and I just want to finish it and go home quickly." Shi Yanyu explained in detail. , then picked up the Dake and took a sip.

Obviously this order is not random. Click on the student list, and the few at the bottom are all training students under MY Studio.

The only one who can arrange this is Instructor Lu.

"I understand." Ye Yihan put away his phone in a calm tone, obviously in a bad mood.

Shi Yanyu patted his shoulder to encourage him and asked him to stand up. While pushing him towards his studio, he reassured him: "Don't worry, who am I? Your uncle Lao Ye. I said I would I will take you through the entry test and you will be able to pass it.”

Before the burger was finished, Ye Yihan was pushed and pulled into the studio by Shi Yanyu.