Ricki Benji

Chapter 10


If you want to unify the beast spirits, you must first recover those beast spirits. Li Qi was twenty-five years old. His father-in-law passed away. He became the new chief of the Saiwi tribe. At the same time, he was already the father of a three-year-old child.

One month after Li Qi took office, he sent the "whip" he had trained for five years to regain those small wandering beast spirit groups.

When the name was originally chosen, the name "whip" was chosen to express the power of the team and its whip-like effect.

After working hard for a year, Li Qi led the "whip" to recover the scattered beast spirits to his tribe, except for the Amumu Alliance, which lost five years ago, and the remaining beast spirits escaped farther. , For a while, Qi was not able to send troops and did not recover.

Just when Li Qi planned to regain the remaining beast spirits of the Mumu Alliance, an internal war broke out in his father's tribe.

Because of the growth of the Saiwei tribe, the former allies are very jealous, so Li Qi can't know exactly what the details are, but can only know the general situation.

According to the report, the information sent back by the son was because after the death of the old tribe chief, his son, Kushida Xiduo, who had cooperated and fought with Li Qi, succeeded to the throne as the new tribe chief. Originally, there was nothing wrong with this, but the point is that the new tribe leader Kushiro Xiduo died within two days of his succession. The old tribe chief also had this son, not even a daughter, son-in-law, and Kushiro left no son and a half.

Now, no one is convinced by the parties, there is no orthodox heir, and everyone wants to be the boss, so they fought.

"Kushida, are you here anymore..."

Li Qi recalled that Kushiro, who was three years younger than himself, was always smiling and fighting behind him, and now... is no longer there.

So young and three years younger than himself, he is no longer there... Isn’t it, suddenly one day, I will suddenly die...

Do not! I can't die! At least I can't die now!

Abandoning the sadness of Kushiro Xiduo's death, Li Qi took advantage of the chaos and sent troops to attack the tribe where his father was.

Daddy Deir, can you blame Liqi? Li Qi is not for status or power. Li Qi is for the future of beast spirits. Are you looking at it from the sky

The time was faster than expected. After more than a year, Li Qi smashed away a force and subdued a force.

On the grassland, now the largest tribe, the only tribe-Saiwei tribe.

Since the nomadic history of animal spirits, the grassland has not been unified, and Li Qi was the first tribal chief to unify the grassland. It can be said that Li Qi is now the only tribal leader on the grassland.

"Tribal chief, I think I should change my name!"

The deputy captain of "God's Whip" knelt down on one knee, and came to Li Qi's awe-inspiring proposal.

"No, there's more."

Li Qi, 27, patted Libby's head lying lazily next to him, and rejected the proposal.

Not enough, there are still beast spirits that have not been recovered, and the current beast spirits can't be regarded as a true unity.

not enough.

Half a year later, after the recovered beast spirits had been integrated into the Saiwei tribe, Li Qi sent troops again, this time to recover all the escaped beast spirits.

This time, he went by himself. This time, he is already the only tribe leader on the grassland. He can go on the expedition with confidence. He can safely take away most of the beast spirit warriors to go on the expedition and recover the beast spirits that are still scattered outside.

He doesn't need to worry, if he takes away most of the beast spirit warriors, those who remain will be attacked by other tribes; he doesn't need to worry about staying in the tribe, in case half of the tribes sent out betrayed by the beast spirit warriors.

Now, I took away a large part of the beast warriors, and the small group of beast warriors who stayed here guards the tribe residents. There is no need to worry about other tribes attacking, because there is no tribe; no more worry that you will be attacked when you come back. Mutiny, because first of all, the large unit has its own leadership, and will not betray under their own noses. Secondly, if something happens to the small unit, the large unit that comes back can directly suppress it at that time.

This time, the twenty-eight-year-old Li Qi paid a lot of money and vowed to unify the grassland so that all the beast spirits belong to the same family.

Before leaving, Li Qi took Saiwei to the graves of Father Deir and Mother Yaya. He hadn't been here for many years.

"Savi...I'm going out."

Saiwei lightly stroked Li Qi with a gentle smile. She knew that Li Qi felt guilty for herself and her child. It was okay, waiting for you.

"Feel sorry."

"When Ji Lihua blooms again, I will come back... Wait for me."

Just this time, I will regain all the beast spirits and unify the race of beast spirits. Sorry for you and your children, I am not a suitable husband or a qualified father.

With a heart owed, Li Qi went out for five years, finally! Li Qi recovered all the beast spirits!

When the grassland was full of beautiful Jili flowers, Li Qi returned with fatigue.

On the last expedition, Li Qi captured the tribal chief heir of the Amumu Alliance.

Li Qi, thirty-three years old, became the common leader and the only leader of the beast spirits.

After the class teacher returned to the court, it was natural to celebrate. The deputy captain of the "God's Whip" who had been following Li Qi to fight south and north, once again put forward what he said to Li Qi five years ago.

"Tribe chief, there are no more tribes in the grassland now, should you change your name!"

Looking northeast, Daddy Deiru, now... it should be enough!