Ricki Benji

Chapter 2


At night, Li Qi was holding Libby, and the unexplained dullness was suppressed in his heart, like a pair of invisible big hands holding his heart, the oppression made the heart not beat the kind of suffocation.

The arms surrounding Libby were tight, even if they were already sore, they didn't want to relax.

In the sweet memories of sourness in his mind, Li Qi lightly fell asleep.

In the dream, Dad Deiru took himself out to hunt, and Yaya’s mother was preparing food at home... Everything was so beautiful, the corners of Li Qi’s mouth in his sleep raised a sweet angle.

Beautiful dreams are short-lived, and the reality is cruel.

The sweet dream suddenly turned, Li Qi was playing with Libby happily, suddenly Libby stepped on the bottom of his feet, holding Li Qi hanging in the air on the cliff.

Gradually, his hands began to be unable to hold Libby, and Libby gradually moved away from him...

"No, Libby!"

Shouting in horror, Li Qi woke up, looked at Libby who was sleeping in the arms of others, and subconsciously snatched it in his arms.

"Lee, Libby?"

Libby was pulled by someone like he was dead, there was no movement at all! If it hadn't been for its chest ups and downs with breathing, Li Qi would definitely think it was dead.

In the darkness, Li Qi tried his best to pull Libby back, no longer caring whether it would be injured, but thinking that he could not let Libby leave him.

"What are you going to do!"

Staring at the unknown intruder with a slightly immature crying ending, a little scared and a little annoyed.

With a "rub", a sharp blade stood in front of Li Qi against the light.

Kill me and take the snow lion

Li Qi was stunned when faced with this knife that could end his life at once, not because he was frightened, but because he was shocked.

Shocked the heart of the intruder, why so shameless, why so cruel, there is no principle!

Maybe it was because Li Qi looked so much like a kid who was frightened and stupid. The intruder took the knife and he changed his mind.

Because of pity

Haha, I think too much! I just think it's better to have one more slave.

When he was nine years old, Li Qi was made a slave by an income account called Haroli.

Although being a slave insulted the bloodline that Old Deir had given him, Li Qi couldn't die.

Death begins and ends as a slave. You can't get rid of your status as a slave, and you can't wash away your own shame.

If you want to get rid of the humiliation brought by this lowly status, you can only overthrow the person who humiliated yourself-Haroli.

He must be washed with Haroli's blood, and his corpse must be used as a ladder. Only by stepping on that bloody ladder can he step through the lowliness of the slave.

In Haroli's tent, Li Qi grew up slowly, together with his mind. He is no longer the innocent little beast spirit in the arms of Father Deiru.

He will no longer be shocked by the greed of beast spirits, he believes that there are all kinds of beast spirits in the world. Not every beast spirit treats himself as kindly as Daddy Deiru, and not everyone has principles in doing things like Daddy Deiru.

The beast spirit that becomes greedy in the face of desire, only you can't think of, and he can't do it without him.

After all, Li Qi grew up, he became distrustful of other beast spirits, and he became accustomed to thinking and learning to put on a mask.

In a blink of an eye, Riqi has been in Haroli’s account for a year, and he has gained the trust of Haroli.

Why is it "relatively trusting"? Because Haroli is a more caring beast spirit, although he conceited that he believed that he was subdued by him, Li Qi didn't believe that Haroli was defenseless against him.

To be precise, Haro Li must be prepared for himself, so it can only be said to be "relatively trusting."

To deal with Haroldi, Li Qi knew that he would definitely not be able to beat Harold at present, so he could only use other means.

What means

Soon, this opportunity came.

This opportunity is Haroli's daughter-Qishe.

Qi Sihe had a little conflict with her father, and then they were about to run away from home, but no one could find it. In the end, Li Qi brought her back.

Li Qi was covered in blood, and a large piece of flesh was torn off his leg by an unknown beast, and the bones inside were all red and white. There was nothing wrong with Qi Si He, but she was a little bit silly and dumbfounded by being overly frightened.

Riqi insisted on sending Qisihe to Haroli's tent, opened his mouth, and after spitting out a few words with difficulty, he tilted his head and passed out.

"Fortunately, fortunately not insulting one's life!"

At this moment, Haro Li truly believed in Li Qi, because Li Li Qi could even give up his life for his own orders. He was dying and was still thinking about his own orders. What else could Li Qi like this let Haro? Force to guard again

Haroli does not believe in people, and it is hard to believe in people. Similarly, once he has given trust to a certain person, he will trust him wholeheartedly without reservation.

Congratulations to Li Qi, with the idea of becoming benevolent if he fails, he has made a small step!

After gaining the trust of Haroli, it will be much easier to do next.