Ricki Benji

Chapter 7


Maybe God wanted to give Li Qi and his partner Libby a chance to become famous in the grassland. In the year when Li Qi was nineteen years old, the next largest tribal war in history broke out on the grassland.

All the tribes on the grassland participated in this war. Large and small tribes are allied together, and they are divided into three camps.

The tribe where Li Qi his father is and the Saiwei tribe he is now in have combined to form a camp, is it the camp with the largest number of people, called the Weiwei Alliance? There is another faction which is also in the alliance of the two tribes, and the number of beast spirits in the faction where Li Qi belongs is similar, called the Yandi Alliance. What remains is the largest camp, the camp with the largest number of beast spirits formed by the three tribal alliances, called the Damumu Alliance.

Among the three camps, the Amumu Alliance has the most beast spirits, more than the other two beast spirits. If the Mumu Alliance came to attack the Weiwei Alliance or the Yandi Alliance, according to common sense, the success rate was very high. Therefore, in order to resist the Amumu Alliance, the Weiwei Alliance and the Yandi Alliance temporarily cooperated together. But this kind of cooperative relationship is also very dangerous, because once the biggest enemy factor does not exist, this kind of cooperation will immediately collapse, and the VV Alliance and the Yandi Alliance will immediately face each other with bows and arrows.

All three camps waited and watched for a while, restraining each other, and did not dare to act rashly.

However, everyone understands that war is only a matter of lateness, and it will break out sooner or later. Everything is calm now, just brewing before the storm.

Li Qi's father-in-law is the clan leader of the Saiwei tribe. Li Qi is capable and his own, and he has undoubtedly successfully become one of the rights holders of the Uygur Alliance.

The other tribe in the same alliance is the tribe he once stayed in. If it weren't for Haroldi ten years ago, my current location would be there, the tribe where my father once worked, defending the place where Father Deiru was sweating, and the grassland where Father Deiru was famous.

Looking at the strange but familiar faces that appeared in his childhood memories that used to have fun with Daddy Deiru, and used to bring himself to play with his beard, Li Qi felt a little uneasy, Li Qi It feels a bit strange.

If there is only one tribe on the grassland, and all the beast spirits are a collective, how good would it be

A seed fell in Li Qi's heart, and sooner or later it would take root and germinate, and finally blossom and bear fruit.

In the calm and calm, everyone enjoyed the last warmth. Five days later, the war broke out.

Answer The Mumu Alliance thought it was smart to provoke the partnership between the VV Alliance and the Yandi Alliance, and then attacked the VV Alliance without confirming the authenticity. Then, they were made dumplings by the Weiwei Alliance and Yandi Alliance.

Answering the stupidity of the Mumu Alliance made them pay the tragic price of almost annihilating the entire army, and the rest of them ran into the depths of the grassland to linger.

Answer the Mumu Alliance, die!

Without a common enemy, the VV Alliance and the Yandi Alliance have no reason to cooperate. The day before, they only wanted to answer the Mumu Alliance with their weapons, and they immediately pointed at each other today.

The cooperation broke, the VV Alliance and the Yandi Alliance were opposed.

Li Qi understood that if the Uygur Alliance wins in the next war, the next is the war between the tribe he is currently in and the tribe of Papa Deiru.

That was the scene that Li Qi didn't want to see the most.

If that day is really reached, do you have the heart to start? That's the place where Daddy Deir is loyal and loving!