Ricki Benji

Chapter 9


What is the most helpless thing in this world? The answer is-rascal!

Li Qi obviously did his job with due diligence. He succeeded in becoming a successful rascal, making his enemies tickled with hatred, but helpless.

Li Qi was ordered to lead a small group of soldiers to treat his body in his own way. Like the enemy, he sent small troops to carry out robbery and raids from time to time. However, the difference is that he is more ruthless and even more rascal.

The enemy sent a small team to carry out robbery and raid activities from time to time, but Li Qi sent two small teams to robbery and raid on both sides every time.

After several raids, he took back the robbed of his alliance, and added more than that.

In a hurry, the Yandi Alliance began to panic, and they no longer carried out robberies. But if they don't grab it, will Li Qi stop

of course not!

Li Qi still grabbed him, but he didn't start with the two teams as before. He only sent a small team to set off each time, calculating the time and location more carefully, and every time he went out quickly, and then robbed the one he could get and left, and quickly evacuated without stopping.

In response to this, the Yandi Alliance formed a small team, the pair that had previously robbed and escaped quickly. They patrolled every day, hoping to catch Li Qi and their team, but it was a bit of luck and never encountered each time. Every time I heard a resident calling for help and tried my best to rush over, every time they were left with a mess on the ground and a distant place invisible to enemy shadows.

Depressed... Ah!

From the top to the bottom of the Yandi Alliance, men, women and children all said that they felt depressed and a touch of sorrow.

"Hahahaha, Richie! Good job!"

During the meeting of the Uygur Alliance, the chief of the tribe patted Li Qi on the shoulder happily and laughed boldly. A wrinkled smile on his face could kill a fly.


Outside the tent, a reporting beast spirit bowed his head and knelt on one knee, begging to go in, he had something to report.

"Come in."

"Report! The Yandi Alliance dispersed the large forces and guarded the settlements!"

The tribal chief smashed the armrest of the chair with excitement and laughed at once.

"Good good! God help us!"

Li Qi's father-in-law was also very excited, although he was not as excited as the other tribe chief, but his eyes widened uncontrollably.

Li Qi, his father-in-law calmed down, and asked, "Is that sure?"

"I came to tell the messenger that I saw it with my own eyes."

"Good! Good!"

Immediately, the Uygur and Uygur Alliance sent troops out, with Li Qi as the coach, and Kushiro Xiduo as the deputy to attack the Yandi Alliance.

Fought three battles and won all three.

In this way, the five-month confrontation between the Yandi Alliance and the VV Alliance ended.

Next, the scene that Li Qi didn't want to see the most-the VV Alliance also broke up.

Fortunately, although the VV Alliance broke up, it did not go to war. It just returned to the previous state of the tribe and guarded its own "one-acre three-quarter land."

"Li Qi, I did a good job this time! Then I will be relieved when I die!"

Saiwei tribe patted Li Qi on the shoulder, and said something serious and earnest.

The meaning of these words is obvious, that is, Li Qi will pass the position of tribal chief to Li Qi after his father-in-law dies.

Li Qi nodded and withdrew from the tent and walked to the training ground. There was a team called "God's Whip", and every beast spirit warrior in it was personally selected by Li Qi.

He has people he wants to protect and things he wants to stop, so he needs to gain strength and have capital. However, "God's Whip" was Li Qi's preparation, his strength, and his capital.

He looked up at the beautiful blue sky above his head. In the distance, there were a small patch of beast spirit tents scattered in the distance... Such a beautiful tranquility, Li Qi wanted to protect.

Then the pure blue shouldn't be rendered by blood, and the beast spirits who were originally from the same root shouldn't kill each other. This land should be a paradise for the beast spirits, and the beast spirits should love each other in this land... There must be a day when he will build that empire, an empire of beast spirits!

Twenty-year-old Li Qi, heading northeast, made a promise and worked hard for it all his life.