Rise of Humanity

Chapter 115: Big blowjob


"No wonder it's called Xuanji. I don't even know where this guy is hiding!"

He took a long breath, radiating his mental power to capture the fluctuations in the air, and only then did he vaguely feel the breath of Yu Xuanji. This demon Qi refiner turned into a small fish only three inches in size, The rain fell to Qingyou and Yukun together.

And that rainwater is not rainwater, but a series of water sword qi, silk thread, sword qi connected, not only that, he also felt the terrifying explosive power contained in the raindrops, each drop of rainwater contains complex totem patterns, It should not be as simple as sword energy!

When it rained, Qing You, a monster girl fighting below, and Yu Kun, another Qi refiner, didn't take it seriously. At this moment, the faint sound of a pipa came, and Fox Qimei landed next to the battle place at some point. On the top of the mountain, fingers are rubbed, and the sound of the pipa is swallowed, which faintly reaches the ears of Qingyou who is fighting.

"Seventh Sister Hu's pipa is similar to Senior Sister Jun Sixie's qin, but they are different!"

Zhong Yue sensed it carefully, feeling awe-inspiring, Jun Sixie's zither sound turned into sword energy, while Hu Qimei's pipa sound was even weirder, the sound of the pipa moved people to tears, and the murderous intent was hidden.

Qingyou and Yukun also seemed to feel something was wrong, suddenly they both stopped and shouted: "Who is playing the pipa?"

Before the words fell, the light rain suddenly stopped, and the drops of raindrops stopped in the air. Yukun looked around, and saw that there were probably tens of thousands of thin raindrops and rain lines!

"Yu Xuanji!"

Yukun roared loudly, and the spirit of the demon god behind him suddenly held him in his hands and jumped up. At this moment, rain lines and raindrops shot from all directions!

The raindrops fell on Yukun and the spirit of the demon god, and they exploded with a bang. Immediately, dense black streaks gushed out of Yukun's body, intertwined at a high speed, wrapping herself like a cocoon, entrusted by the demon god. in hand.

His defensive shield method is different, and it is also the shield method of the demonic way, and the magic pattern of the demon god's spirit is stirred up all over his body to block the raindrops, and the black mist around him is blown up, breaking through big holes, but the black mist follows. Scattering and gathering together is very strange.

Countless raindrops fell on the black cocoon, blasting the cocoon into big holes, and the next moment, raindrops swarmed in, chi chi chi, passing through the spirit of the demon god and the tattered black cocoon.

"Yu Xuanji, I am at odds with you!"

Yukun let out a scream, and suddenly saw the black cocoon burst open, and a giant monster with a slippery jade luster suddenly jumped out of the black cocoon, its whole body was riddled with holes, and milky white jade fluid flowed out of its body!

It was a jade ox that kept roaring and was severely injured by the raindrops. The spirit of the demon god behind it was also severely wounded, and it shouted: "Yu Xuanji, come out for me..."

He hadn't finished speaking when suddenly he saw a silver fish slipping into his body from the wound on his body.

The jade cow was terrified, and suddenly his body began to shrivel rapidly. He was blessed by nature. He was a creature conceived in a piece of beautiful jade. After being irradiated by the sun and moon for a long time, spirituality was born, and jade pulp was formed in the jade, while the outer shell was in the shape of a cow. The air of the earth is called Kun.

At this moment, Yu Xuanji penetrated into his body and sucked the jade pulp, killing him immediately, and Yukun was left with only a shell in an instant.

On the other side, when the woman Qingyou heard the sound of the pipa, she immediately pushed the gourd with all her strength, and the multi-armed god standing in the gourd opened her big hands, surrounded Qingyou with her arms and palms, and ran away , The speed is amazing!

Suddenly, the sound of the pipa became more and more intense, and the sound made people tearful and life-threatening. Qingyou had only time to run out of the valley, and suddenly saw the blood rushing out of the arms and palms of the multi-armed god, like a waterfall Leave it along the gap between your fingers.

The multi-armed god man roared, his body began to collapse, turned into a thick cloud of monsters and shrank away from the gourd, and was immediately absorbed into the gourd, and the gourd fell to the ground.

At the same time as the gourd, Qingyou's corpse fell to the ground. The monster girl's eyes showed fear, and she did not show her original shape. , blood flowed out to death, even the original shape was not revealed in time!

"Invisible Sword Qi!"

In the boat, Zhong Yue squinted his eyes and looked at Seventh Sister Fox on the top of the mountain. He saw that witch put away her pipa and came to Qingyou's corpse. .

"Junior Sister Qingyou, even after death, my sister will let you die beautifully!" The witch said with a smile.

"Her sound waves are invisible and sound. It should be a kind of sonic supernatural power. The place where the sound wave is transmitted can be turned into a totem pattern. Almost all shield-shaped defensive supernatural powers can't resist it!"

Zhong Yue suppressed the shock in his heart, and said in his heart: "If you want to break this kind of sonic supernatural power, you can only break the sound with sound. Among the totem mysteries hidden in Yueling, there is Manggu Roar, which can break its sound power! Or, you can break it with lightning speed!" To cover your ears, kill him directly without giving him any chance!"

Yu Xuanji and Hu Qimei have their own methods, both of which are weird and powerful. Yu Xuanji's rain line is compatible with Jiansi, but the raindrop is a completely different attack method. It should be the water element bomb. Wei Po opened the opponent's defense, and Yuxian took the opportunity to attack.

And Hu Qimei's pipa is the most weird, making it hard to guard against.

Yu Xuanji and Hu Qimei boarded the boat, Hu Qimei was still carrying Qingyou's gourd, Zhong Yue was still in the critical period of merging with the Moon Spirit, so he immediately dispersed the Golden Crow Wings and let Yu Xuanji control the boat.

"It's really good to eat. The essence of Yukun is the most nourishing. After eating him, my cultivation can be improved a lot. It's a pity that Brother Long Yue didn't make a move."

A stream of water appeared in mid-air, clattering and driving the small boat forward, Yu Xuanji glanced at Zhong Yue, and suddenly smiled and said, "Brother Long Yue has seen the abilities of me and Seventh Sister, what do you think?"

Zhong Yue said with a smile: "Brother Xuanji is unpredictable, and Seventh Sister is weird and incomprehensible, which makes me admire."

"Then what?" Hu Qimei asked with flickering eyes.

"Then no."

Zhong Yue laughed, and said: "Of course the abilities of the two of you are good, but that's all. If the two of you don't hide your strength, hehe..."

Yu Xuanji and Hu Qimei looked at each other, alert in their hearts, and said, "Sister Qi and I want to see Brother Long Yue's hidden strength."

Without changing his face, Zhong Yue said leisurely: "There is a chance, there is a chance..."

However, he was also agitated in his heart, Yue Ling hadn't successfully merged yet, and it would take time, and Yu Xuanji and Hu Qimei were really good, if Zhong Yue didn't have a strong way to restrain these two guys, he might be in trouble when he came. Before the holy city is trapped, these two guys will kill him!

"They did hide their strength, and they hid a lot."

Zhong Yue secretly said in his heart: "Although they all wanted to sneak attack just now, they didn't use their full strength. The monster clan fights, when they use their real body, they are more powerful, and when they sacrifice their souls, they can increase their strength even more! Just now None of them showed their real bodies, nor sacrificed their primordial spirits. If I don't have the means to restrain them, I will suffer!"

The monster race respects the strong, and the weak eat the strong, so there is not much kindness to speak of. If there is a chance to attack Zhong Yue, Yu Xuanji and Hu Qimei will never show mercy!

Zhong Yue pretended to be profound, and at most he could temporarily calm them down. If he wanted to gain their real respect, he had to show his strength stronger than when he killed Yan Lisan!

And as long as the moon spirit is fused, the soul is one, and the sun and moon twin spirits are refined, and the cultivation level is doubled, even if Yu Xuanji and Hu Qimei turn their faces at the same time, Zhong Yue will not be afraid at all!

Yu Xuanji suddenly noticed Zhong Yue's left eye pupil, and said in his heart: "This Long Yue really has hidden strengths, his double pupils hide a mystery, I'm afraid they have a lot of power! I don't know what kind of supernatural power it is? "

The old god Zhong Yue was there, but the Moon Spirit in the Sea of Consciousness was stepping up to be compatible with the soul. At this time, most of his cultivation was spent on fusing the soul. If Yu Xuanji and Hu Qimei attacked him, he might be able to do it with just one blow. Took his life!

Fortunately, both Yu Xuanji and Hu Qimei were a little uncertain about his true strength, and they hadn't done anything yet.

As the boat was driving, it was getting closer and closer to the holy city of the sunken sky. There were more and more monster qi refiners along the way, and there were also many qi refiners fighting on the road. Obviously they all had the same idea. I want to be the first to eliminate a group of opponents before the battle of apprentice selection.

Yu Xuanji and Hu Qimei looked around, but they didn't see any opponent worthy of attention.

Their strength is extremely powerful, and they are the top existences in the Embodimentation Realm. What they can see in their eyes is naturally the top existence among the monster clan Qi Refiners in the Embryoization Realm.

Suddenly, the demon cloud swayed, and I saw two demon clan Qi refiners coming from the bottom up to kill the boat.

Yu Xuanji looked at Zhong Yue, and said with a smile: "Brother Long Yue, can you show us your hidden strength?"

Zhong Yue glanced at the supernatural powers of the two demon qi refiners below, laughed dumbfounded, and said, "This kind of thing is also worthy of my hidden strength?"

Hu Qimei plucked the pipa, and the supernatural powers of the two monster qi refiners were instantly broken, and they fell from mid-air. Before they landed, they were suddenly decapitated and killed by the sound wave skill of the pipa!

"It is indeed too weak."

Hu Qimei shook her head and said, "I'm not even in the mood to ask someone to tidy up their remains... Hey, there's a powerful guy over there, Brother Long Yue, here's your chance to show off!"

Zhong Yue looked down, and saw a big river with a width of several hundred feet below, and a young qi refiner was fighting five qi refiners standing on the surface of the river.

This person was wearing a purple robe, white cloth wrapped around his head, and peacock feathers on his head. He suddenly pulled out the feathers on his head and used the peacock feathers as a sword. The doctor was cut to pieces!

The leaders of the demon clan Qi refiners who besieged him were exactly the same, they should be from their compatriots, each of them was extremely powerful, and they could be regarded as good players in the Embryo-shaping Realm, the five of them teamed up to form a formation, and the formation was even more fierce , but he didn't expect to be beheaded and killed by that young Qi practitioner so easily.

Yu Xuanji said solemnly: "Kong Ban of Shenyi City is not inferior to you and my master! This guy, last time I fought against him, he almost broke my primordial spirit. The five brothers from the Li family who fought against him , is the overlord of this Sishui River...Brother Long Yue, why don't you take action and behead Kong Ban and the five Li family brothers, let us see your true strength?"