Rise of Humanity

Chapter 127: Inheritance of King Ming


Zhong Yue stepped into the Palace of the Demon God, looked around, and couldn't help frowning, the palace of the Demon God was already empty, empty, as if it had been ransacked by someone, and it seemed that the newly built house had not had time to decorate.

"Someone took one step ahead of us and ransacked this place."

Xinhuo looked through Zhong Yue's eyes and said, "I don't know if it was done by that holy city lord, or by the big guy who crawled out from here."

"It should be the big guy who crawled out from here."

Zhong Yue thought for a while, and said: "The Holy City Master of the Monster Clan was only a Qi Refiner in the Embryo Realm back then, and his cultivation base and strength were not too high. I'm afraid he couldn't break the ban left by the Monster God King. And the one who crawled out from here The big guy killed the last generation of the holy city lord. It can be seen that when he left here, he was already a giant-level existence, and he was definitely capable of searching this place. Moreover, this big guy broke the ban and left here, and even took the entire Black Mountain Secret Realm. The two bans of Yunling and Embodied have been eliminated by the ban, with such a terrifying strength, I am afraid that it is the giant of the giants!"

There are small bans and big bans. For example, the bans on the stone steps in front of the palace are small bans, but the big bans cover the entire secret place of Montenegro.

This big ban has banned all realms of cultivation from Yunling to Tongshen. Outsiders can't get in, and people inside can't get out. If they force their way in or out, no matter what realm they are in, they will be blocked by the master of the Black Mountain Secret Realm. Ban and obliterate!

And what the big guy destroyed was precisely the great ban covering the entire Black Mountain Secret Realm. When passing through the Black Mountain Secret Realm, it destroyed the bans of the Yunling Realm and the Embodied Realm!

This is very terrifying. The holy city lord of the Yaozu has never broken the third level of ban in the secret realm of Black Mountain, the ban of opening the round realm. It can be seen that he is not unwilling, but just incapable.

But that big guy has such abilities, which shows how powerful he is.

King Teng and the others finally climbed the last stone step and safely stepped onto the palace of the demon god. These young Yaozu Qi refiners looked at Zhong Yue with complex expressions. It took them nearly a month to suppress the ban on the 108 steps, and when Zhong Yue came here, his footsteps Without stopping, he went straight up the one hundred and eight blockades.

One can imagine the magnitude of the blow.

King Teng and the others had just arrived here, and immediately separated in all directions. They were extremely far away from each other, so as not to be attacked by the other party. Before, they could cooperate and overcome difficulties together, but here there is no need to cooperate, but to compete with each other!

"I heard that the East China Sea Dragon Clan has a rich collection and profound knowledge, and now it is considered knowledgeable."

King Teng glanced at Zhong Yue, nodded, then looked around, frowning slightly, and saw that the palace of the demon god was empty, without even half of the treasures.

The other masters of the monster race also frowned, they guessed that the palace of the monster gods must be full of treasures, and they came here after a lot of hardships, but now the gap is too big for them to accept.

"Without the treasure of the Demon God Ming King, where is the inheritance of the Demon God Ming King?" Yu Xuanji murmured.

Suddenly, the palace was rumbling and shaking, and the figures of the people in the palace were shaking. I saw that the palace began to disintegrate in front of everyone. Bricks, beams, walls, stone slabs, cornices, and copper pillars intertwined, like a huge machine Start roaring and turning!

Before Zhong Yue and the others could react, they saw that the palace had disappeared and was replaced by a huge platform. All kinds of gorgeous totem patterns appeared under their feet, and copper pillars fell below the platform to support the platform. In addition to the platform, there is another platform standing in the distance, also supported by copper pillars.

In the farther place, there is another platform, one platform after another emerges, and there are pontoon bridges between the platforms leading to the distance!

"What's this?"

Everyone stood on the first platform, but saw a wall flying towards and landed in front of the platform.

Suddenly a totem pattern appeared on the wall, flowing in the wall, and after a while, I saw gold paste flowing out of the wall and falling on the platform, turning into an eight-armed god man, exactly the image of the demon king Ming!

"Battle partner?" King Teng whispered, his expression solemn.

Zhong Yue took a closer look, and saw dense totem patterns emerging from the body of this doll, similar to the totem patterns left by the Lord of the Holy City on the stone wall of the Bashui Bridge.

It's just that this war partner seemed to have experienced a very painful battle, his body was torn and torn, and the third eye on his forehead was also broken, and gold liquid flowed out.

"The inheritance of the demon god Ming King is branded on the battle partner!" The demon qi refiners on the platform became excited and looked at the battle partner one after another.


The figure of the war puppet floated up, its whole body was made of gold and iron, and the voice came from the chest, as if the voice was a little blurred because of the age: "Everyone... Ming Wang Fengtian... Yaohuang ordered to guard Da... Ruins …Leave the inheritance, waiting for fate... The King Ming’s tactics are the first one, and you can go to the second one if you understand them thoroughly... See the real body of the King Ming... "

The voice of the war puppet was intermittent, but everyone on the platform was not a dull person, so they immediately guessed what the puppet was trying to say. The demon god Ming Wang was ordered by a powerful man who is called the emperor to guard this place. He was grateful for the end of his life, so he left the inheritance and waited for the fate. After comprehending the first part of the Demon King's Jue, you can enter the second platform and comprehend the second part.

If one can comprehend all the demon god Ming Wang Jue, one can see the real body of Ming Wang and obtain a higher inheritance!

Suddenly, Yu Xuanji asked: "How do you comprehend the demon king's art?"

The doll turned to look at him, and there was a sizzling sound in his chest: "Pass the pontoon bridge."

"Crossing the pontoon bridge counts as a pass?"

Yu Xuanji asked again: "What are the arrangements on the floating bridge?"

The battle partner didn't answer, obviously because of the serious damage, it has lost the function it had when the demon god Ming Wang was just created. Yu Xuanji frowned, and said again: "What will happen if you can't pass the pontoon bridge?"

The war partner looked down at the bottom of the platform. Hu Qimei, Zhong Yue and the others looked down one after another. They couldn't help being horrified. They saw a deep abyss under the pontoon bridge connecting the platform. The bones of the strong!

Obviously, these are the bones left by the strong monsters who stepped on the pontoon bridge!

The battle partner stopped talking, and suddenly took a step back, blending into the wall, and a pattern of a demon god Mingwang suddenly appeared on the wall, and the totem pattern of the pattern began to flow and change, demonstrating the beginning of the demon god Mingwang Jue.

Everyone has seen the beginning chapter of the demon god Ming Wang Jue on the Bashui Bridge and got its inheritance, but the inheritance demonstrated on the wall is a bit more complicated than the inheritance on the Bashui Bridge.

Everyone didn't dare to be negligent and tried to comprehend it one after another. After an unknown period of time, Kong Ban and the second wave of Yaozu Qi refiners also boarded the platform and sat down to comprehend it.

Zhong Yue is also quietly participating in the study, comprehending the changes in the beginning chapter of the Demon King's Art. With the foundation on the Bashui Bridge, it will be easier to comprehend the beginning chapter.

Another half a day later, suddenly a demon qi refiner got up, glanced at the other qi refiners who were participating in the research, shook his head and said, "I have fully comprehended all the changes in the beginning chapter, and such a simple thing It takes so long to comprehend? It seems that King Ming's inheritance is destined to be destined for me, so I have to take a step first!"

He stepped onto the pontoon bridge and walked towards the second platform. Zhong Yue stood up. At this moment, King Teng, Yu Xuanji and others stood up and looked at it. They saw the footsteps of the qi refiner fall, and a gorgeous figure suddenly appeared on the pontoon bridge. The totem pattern intertwined into light, rushing towards the Qi Refiner.

The qi refiner let out a loud roar, and couldn't help showing the body of King Ming, with eight arms, stepping on the light on the pontoon bridge, and walked forward!


A piece of flesh and blood fell off his chest, and the qi refiner didn't seem to feel the slightest pain, and didn't seem to notice that there was a piece of flesh and blood missing from his body, and continued to walk forward.

chi chi chi—

As he was walking, pieces of flesh and blood fell off his body, and after a dozen steps or so, the Yaozu Qi Refiner who was walking on the pontoon bridge was left with nothing but bones.

Bone was still walking forward, and there was still laughter: "It's so easy to pass, I don't know why it takes you so long..."

His head had already been split open by an invisible force, and a big hole was opened in his skull. In the brain hole, one could see that the brain pulp was boiled, bubbling with steam and blisters.

This scene made the Yaozu qi refiners on the platform terrified, Yu Xuanji couldn't help shouting: "Brother, you are already dead, don't you know?"


The demon qi refiner turned his head, pieces of bones fell off his body and fell into the abyss below, he smiled to himself: "What's dead? Hahaha, I got the inheritance of the demon king, are you jealous of me?" … What’s going on? I’m really dead…”

The bones on the bridge disintegrated and fell, and the totem patterns on the bridge surface still calmed down and disappeared.

King Teng got up suddenly, stepped onto the pontoon, and said calmly: "It seems that the totem pattern hidden on this pontoon bridge is the way to change the totem pattern in the beginning chapter of the Demon God King Art. Let the totem patterns change together with the totem patterns on the bridge, and demonstrate all the changes in the beginning chapter before you can walk across the pontoon bridge."

Zhong Yue also saw this, and nodded secretly. Some of the other Yaozu qi refiners realized this, and some of them also suddenly realized after being awakened by him.

Yu Xuanji smiled and said: "If you haven't comprehended all the changes in the beginning chapter, stepping on the pontoon bridge is a dead end, so you should not try it if you are too stupid."

A dozen demon qi refiners glared at him, Yu Xuanji shrugged, and said in a low voice: "I'm not wrong, if you don't understand, you will die if you walk on the pontoon bridge, I also care about you..."

Zhong Yue also got up and stepped on the pontoon bridge. There were already King Teng and his two qi refiners on the pontoon bridge, and the other qi refiners were still in the process of enlightenment.

At the moment they stepped on the pontoon bridge, both of them had already revealed the body of King Ming, with eight arms trapped, and various totem patterns on the body surface, corresponding to the totem pattern changes on the bridge surface.

King Teng stopped suddenly, turned around, and said seriously: "Brother Long Yue has comprehended all the changes in the beginning chapter so quickly, I wonder if you are interested in having a discussion with me on this pontoon bridge? I really want to know who has the higher understanding and the stronger strength between you and me."

Zhong Yue carried a big saber on his back, walked non-stop, stepped forward, and said with a smile, "Prince Teng is sure you want to fight on the pontoon bridge?"

At this time, Yu Xuanji and Hu Qimei also boarded the pontoon bridge, and Kong Ban and the other two monster race qi practitioners also stepped on the bridge. King Teng smiled slightly, walked forward, and said leisurely: "Now It’s not too late, it’s not too late to fight again when there are only you and me on the bridge. Brother Long Yue, I hope you can make it to the end and fight me!”