Rise of Humanity

Chapter 140: kill him!


On the second day, the sun rose, and the sun shone on the vast and magnificent empty holy city.

Under the holy city, the iron chains are covered with rain and dew, and the iron chains connect the cities on other hills below the mountain. In the large and small cities, one after another, the demon qi refiners drove the demon clouds to the holy city, and the demon clouds were captured. When the sun shines, it is colorful and very gorgeous.

Today is a big day for the monster clan. Donghai Longyue challenged the sky demon Li Jun to compete for the only place as the closed disciple of the holy city lord. The battle of the holy city lord's choice of disciples would have touched the hearts of countless monster clans, not to mention this Zhongyue challenge What is the most beautiful man in the demon clan, Tian Yao Li Jun

As for who the "Longyue" who fought against the Heavenly Demon Lord Li was, they had also heard that this Longyue was from the Dragon Clan from the East China Sea.

King Teng's reputation in the Holy City is very famous, he challenged the Kailun Realm from the Embodied Realm, slaughtered the opponent's whole family, young and old, and forced the qi refiners from the Kailun Realm to leave his hometown.

But King Teng died at the hands of Zhong Yue, so this battle will definitely be a battle between dragons and tigers.

On the top of the city, Zhong Yue sat on the top of the tower, Yu Xuanji and Hu Qimei were beside him, Hei Hu and Hu Qingqing were also beside him, waiting quietly.

"The sky demon will win!" A female goblin downstairs shouted at Zhong Yue.

Yu Xuanji and Hu Qimei looked worried, looked at Zhong Yue, and said in a low voice: "Brother Long Yue's injury from the battle with King Teng should have healed, right?"

"rest assured."

Zhong Yue said softly: "The sky demon must die."

Yu Xuanji and Hu Qimei couldn't rest assured, they hesitated to speak, lest their words would affect Zhong Yue's fighting spirit and state of mind.

Tian Yao Li Jun and Zhong Yue have already cultivated to the extreme of the Embryo-Breakout Realm. It is very difficult for any Qi Refiner in the whole monster race to surpass their achievements in the Embryo-Breakout Realm. At this time, fighting spirit and state of mind are extremely important. Fighting will and state of mind, it is possible to lose.

And defeat is a dead end!

Time passed slowly, the scorching sun of summer had risen, and the sun was getting stronger and stronger, steaming the earth and all things, and over the sky of the Holy City, there were monster clouds floating, large and small, covering the entire sky. The holy city, covering the sun, is not too hot.

There are more and more demon clans in the holy city, and there are demon clan Qi refiners standing on every tall building, watching from a distance, only to see that the sun is rising, and the sky demon Li Jun has not arrived yet.

In the palace of the Lord of the Holy City, Li Jun, the sky demon, sat in the jade pond, bathing in the clean water, covered with petals, and two beautiful female fairies scooped up the clean water with a ladle and poured it from his solid back. A female goblin laughed and said: "Master, that dragon clan has been waiting on the top of the city for more than an hour, why don't you hurry over there?"

"No hurries?"

Tian Yao Li Jun smiled, and said calmly: "Let him wait, wait until he is anxious, wait until he is distracted, and then I will kill him. When he is distracted, I will go down the mountain like a hungry tiger, and kill him with one blow."

Another female goblin laughed and said: "That dragon clan is so bold as to challenge you, it really doesn't know how to live or die. Who doesn't know that Tian Yao Li Jun not only has the most attractive appearance, but also has the deepest scheming and the most terrifying methods?"

The Yuyuqiong Tower in the holy city is towering, and the strong men of the major forces of the monster clan climbed up the tower. This battle is the battle of the closed disciples of the lord of Dingsheng City. It affects people's hearts and makes many older generations appear one after another. , up to the elder level powerhouse, the number is extremely large, gathered in one city.

I don't know how many female fairies who came out of the painting appeared, and their body fragrance gathered into a fragrant wind to linger in the whole city. When the female fairies waved their sleeves, they would be colorful clouds covering the sky.

"The sky demon will win!" There were scattered voices.

The sun is getting higher and higher, and all the monster races are waiting anxiously, and Lord Yao Li has not yet appeared to this day. On the contrary, those older generation celebrities in the holy city are still stable and not in a hurry, drinking fragrant tea, chatting with friends, talking and laughing.

Yu Xuanji on the top of the wall was fidgeting, gritted his teeth secretly, and said with a sneer, "The reason why the Heavenly Demon has not come is to wear down your patience. Brother Long Yue, you must not lose your composure and calm down."

Even though he said that, his mood was messed up first.

Zhong Yue smiled and said: "Don't worry, the sky demon asked me to wait, messing with my mind, but in fact, while I was waiting, wasn't he also waiting? I am here waiting for him to fight, open and aboveboard, and he is hiding in the dark Flying like a dog, his mind is more chaotic, and he is faster than me. When he feels that it is almost time to appear, his patience has reached its limit, and at that time, his mood is the most chaotic! Kill him at that time!"

Yu Xuanji, Hu Qimei, Hei Hu and Hu Qingqing were dumbfounded, and Hei Hu praised: "Mr. Long is really powerful, and Hei admires it."

Time passed, and before we knew it, the sun was approaching noon, and the sun was scorching like fire. Even though it was covered by monster clouds, the holy city was still a bit hot, which made people anxious.

But at this time, in the mansion of the Lord of the Holy City, suddenly a large flower rose slowly from the mansion, and the fragrance of the flower was overflowing. Spread!

The petals fluttered, and in an instant, a road was paved from the sky above the Holy City Lord's Mansion, all the way to the gate tower where Zhong Yue was.

Then a huge flower bone slowly grew out of the city. The flower bone was about two or three feet high. The color of each petal was different, colorful, and the petals had a fragrance. It didn't take long for the flower bone to grow to be at the same level as the flower road. flat height.

This big flower bone appeared flat on the flower road, strange and beautiful, and then this big flower slowly bloomed, with layers of petals opening to all directions, the stamen, which is as tall as half a person, trembled lightly, standing in the flower A man whose appearance is so refined that even women are crazy about it.

Heavenly Demon Lord Li finally appeared!

He stepped on the flower path, walking in mid-air, with an extraordinary demeanor, and the petals fluttered up and down, carrying him towards Zhong Yue.

"Mr. Li!" A female goblin screamed.

Heavenly Demon Li Jun smiled and waved to the female fairy. The female fairy looked obsessively and trembled with excitement. More female fairies shouted loudly: "Li Jun, Li Jun!"

Tian Yao Li Jun walked slowly, and smiled at the female fairies along the way, making those female fairies go crazy, and even many male fairies also shouted his name.

As soon as he appeared, he attracted the attention of all the monster races.

He is such an outstanding man, no matter where he goes, he will become the focus of attention. Not only will his temperament not arouse the dislike of other monster races, but he is very friendly, so he has countless fans.

Hearing the voices below getting louder and louder, Lord Tian Yao still ignored Zhong Yue on the tower, and continued to greet his admirers and fans, leaving Zhong Yue cold on the tower.

"That person is the Heavenly Demon Lord Li."

On a jade universe, Lang Qingyun, the eldest disciple of the Lord of the Holy City, smiled and said: "He was personally taught by my master to teach the king of demons and gods. He is the number one master among the Qi refiners in the realm of my demon clan. What do you think of him, Brother Fenglou?"

The dragon man from the East China Sea nodded and said: "He is good-looking and has a city mansion, but some of the glitz has not gone away, and has not settled down."

"Li Jun's appearance is unparalleled, no matter men or women, he is inferior to him, so it is natural to be a little flashy."

Lang Qingyun looked at Zhong Yue on the tower, and said with a smile: "Brother Fenglou, what do you think of this Long Yue? Is he really a dragon? I have doubts about him. There are many doubts about him."

Ao Fenglou also looked at Zhong Yue, his eyes flickered, and said: "He has dragon blood in his body, but just by looking at it, I don't know if he is really a dragon. You need to get closer to see him." Is the true body of my Dragon Clan?"

"Then, Brother Fenglou sees their battle, who wins and who loses?" Lang Qingyun asked again.

Ao Fenglou shook his head and said: "I don't know anything about them, so I dare not judge victory or defeat lightly. Only after they make a move, see their strength bloom, scheming, means, supernatural powers, skills, city, experience, battle Will, soul soldiers, fighting spirit, these aspects are revealed, and I can judge. If there is not much difference in strength between them, these factors will affect the outcome. If the difference in strength is too large, I don’t need to judge, and the battle will end soon .”

"Mr. Li! The Heavenly Demon, Mr. Li!"

In the holy city, the voices became louder and louder, and thousands of voices gathered together, turning into a shout that resounded through the sky!

"Mr. Li! The Heavenly Demon, Mr. Li!"

The supporters of Tian Yao Lijun waved their sleeves, covering the clouds with their long sleeves, and the rolling voice turned into an incomparable belief and incomparable momentum!

"Tian Yao Li Jun, Li Jun will win!"

This invincible aura is getting stronger and stronger, and the belief in invincibility is getting stronger and stronger, as if there is an invisible force blessing the sky demon Li Jun!

The frenzied atmosphere is spreading. I don't know how many monsters are following the flower road, following Li Jun's footsteps on the flower road, and walking with him!

Their momentum, their beliefs turned into a torrent rushing towards the tower where Zhong Yue was!

On the city tower, Yu Xuanji, Hu Qimei and others looked at the surging torrent with pale faces, felt the incomparable momentum, and couldn't help but despair in their hearts.

Tian Yao Li Jun is getting closer and closer to them, only more than two hundred feet away, but his aura seems to be connected with the thousands of supporters below him, he is not big, but in their eyes Like a giant standing upright, an invincible giant!

"Brother Long Yue is afraid that he will lose this time, and the loss will be terrible..."

This is the same idea in their minds: "Sky Demon Li Jun, united as one, builds an indestructible city with awe and belief, it is unbreakable, how can we fight..."

"This momentum, this belief..."

Above Zhong Yue's sea of consciousness, Xin Huo was trembling with excitement, jumped onto Zhong Yue's shoulder, and screamed: "Kill him! Boy Yue, beat him to death!"

On the city tower, Zhong Yue suddenly stood up, and golden wings appeared behind him, with a wingspan of half an acre. The wings of the Golden Crow emerged and opened with a sound. Eyes, like gods and demons!

The sun and the moon emerged, shining on the body, and at the same time, his soul leaped out, standing eighteen feet tall, with eyes like the sun and the moon.

"Brother Long Yue can't help it?" Tian Yao Li Jun smiled, his smile fascinated thousands of monsters below.


Zhong Yue sneered, whoosh, a hundred-foot-long golden dragon emerged from his back, and in an instant, the city tower was covered with ferocious and ferocious golden dragons, with their teeth and claws stretched out, hundreds of golden dragons crawled all over the tower, emitting a monstrous air. fierce spirit!


Hundred-foot-long dragons suddenly raised their heads and roared in unison. The rolling sound was earth-shattering, and the sound exploded, suppressing all the voices!

The invincible aura and invincible belief of the supporters of Tian Yao Li Jun were impacted by the ferocity and roar of the evil dragon, and the voice was suppressed immediately, and the terrifying dragon's might bloomed, suppressing those demon clans into silence, their minds went blank, and only The roar of the dragon that traversed the sky continued to vibrate!

Tian Yao Li Jun's face turned pale in an instant, and his aura of united will was shattered by a roar!

Zhong Yue stepped forward and swooped down from the city tower. With one step, the air exploded, and with the second step, he stepped on the flower path. The flower path between his feet and Tian Yao Lijun trembled like waves, and the petals shattered!

In the third step, he broke through the sound barrier and came in front of Tian Yao Li Jun, the wind and thunder rolled!

Zhong Yue came with the torrential flames of the sky, shattered the dead, and shattered the aura and belief of the heavenly demon Li Jun with a roar, and the palms of the eight arms flipped up, covered them, and slapped them hard!

At this moment, the muscles all over his body trembled, the air around him exploded, his muscles broke through the sound barrier with every bounce, the blood in his body was rushing like a mighty Yangtze River, and his tendons vibrated like a strong bow and a crossbow snapping!

Heavenly Demon Lord Li raised his head, roared hastily, and cast the Demon God King Art, and greeted him with eight arms!

Boom boom boom—

His arm was broken, and eight arms exploded, turning into blood mist and broken bones, and he fell from the air involuntarily.

Zhong Yue followed him like a shadow, and with a heavy bump on his shoulder, Tian Yao Li Jun's chest collapsed, his chest was pressed against his back, and the momentum of falling suddenly turned into a momentum of flying in parallel, and he flew backwards!

Although he was severely injured, he was still able to move, and the twenty-foot-long Yuanshen appeared behind him, and immediately urged the soul soldiers to move. At this time, Zhong Yue's eight arms pushed forward heavily, and the eighteen-foot-long Yuanshen behind him also palmed Push forward hard!


The body of Tian Yao Li Jun and the primordial spirit behind him were pressed by his palm at the same time, turning into a stream of light and going away.


There was a loud noise, and his primordial spirit and body hit the high wall of the City Lord's Mansion together, turning into a puddle of blood mud and bone fragments, and smeared on the wall.

"Mr. Li, Mr. Li, the sky demon!"

"Mr. Li must win!"

There are also Yaozu who didn't see the death of Tianyao Lijun, they were still shouting, their voices shook the sky, but gradually, their voices became less and gradually lowered. Look on the wall.

The wall was imprinted with totem patterns, and it was extremely solid. On it, there was a group of bloody flowers and white bone residues that exploded in all directions. The blood was dripping and dripping.

In the empty holy city, there was no sound, and the silence was terrifying, like the calm before the storm.