Rise of Humanity

Chapter 1486: All beings are ants


The Daoist God of Origin is not praising the canopy of the ancient tree of life. The ancient tree of life was originally formed by the avenue of life, and the effect of the avenue of life is naturally extraordinary.

What he admired was the Great Dao solution blasted out of the Eight Passes.

In today's world, only five of the six worlds remain, and the eight gates of the imperial dynasty are able to display the unifying supernatural powers of Taoism and harm the existence of the Taoist God of Origin, which is really remarkable and deserves his praise!

"These eight great passes are no small matter. The Bianhua has turned into a small void realm, covering this place, forming a small six realms."

Tian Fei rushed over, and it was he who sacrificed the crown of the ancient tree of life just now to heal the origin and the four-faced god. Looking at the arrangement of the eight levels, Tian couldn't help admiring them again and again, saying: "With the small void, these remnants and defeated generals can hide in it and display their unifying supernatural powers. If we want to break the eight levels, we must use our full strength."

The canopy of the Ancient Tree of Life was majestic and heavy, covering a very wide area. The follow-up troops came here one after another, looking at the eight passes, the shock in their hearts was incomparable.

Among the eight levels, there is also the ancestral court known as the first killing array in history, and the Tai Chi city of gods and demons!

God and Demon Tai Chi City is now guarded by the corpses of the three God Kings, God, Demon and Evil, turning the God and Demon Tai Chi City into an extremely difficult bone!

Coupled with the fact that the terrifying existences such as Dasui, Lei Ze, Hua Xu and Houtu are all sitting in the eight passes at the moment, this battle is probably even more dangerous than before!

"In addition to the Eight Gates, the Taiji City of Gods and Demons, and the Ancestral Court, there are actually reincarnation burial areas and holy places of rebirth."

Tian suddenly stretched out his hand, and saw that the numerous nebulae outside the eight gates were scattered by him, revealing the situation below the eight gates, which is the holy land of rebirth!

The Holy Land of Empress Si Ming is located below the ancestral court, and below the Holy Land is the ten heavens of the reincarnation burial area. The two holy places are like steps, but they are much smaller than the ancestral court and Baguan. , not noticeable.

If you don't observe carefully, it's easy to ignore these two holy places.

But the appearance of these two holy places here must have its function. If you ignore these two holy places, you will definitely suffer a big loss!

Daoist God of Origin said with a smile: "These two holy places must be eliminated. Friends of Heaven and Friends of Longevity, you come to deal with the reincarnation burial area. There are eight gates in the court."

Tian breathed a sigh of relief, compared to the reincarnation burial area, it was relatively easy to deal with. In the burial area, there were only two masters, the Burial Spirit God King and Di Fentian, and the Eight Hundred Great Emperors. With him, Changsheng Emperor, and Junyue God King, it was enough to deal with it. .

But it is much more difficult in the Holy Land of Rebirth. Empress Siming controls the wheel of rebirth and the vine of reincarnation, plus twenty emperors and Emperor Shengwu, it is really tricky.

He was unprepared before, but was smashed to pieces by Emperor Shengwu and twenty emperors, and he was extremely afraid of these existences.

As for the eight passes, it is even more powerful. The Dao solution blasted by the emperors in the eight passes can hurt the origin of the Taoist god and the four-faced god. Its power is so strong that the sky can't bear it!

In comparison, the reincarnation burial area is the easiest one to deal with.

"Friend Longevity, let's go."

After Tian and Changsheng Emperor and Junyue God King left, the Saint King of Samsara said with a smile: "If the two Taoist brothers break through eight levels, don't forget my Samsara Stake."

Origin Daoist said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist Samsara, don't worry. Little friend Helian, please also invite those ancient emperors under your command to come out and sacrifice the six realms."

The Holy King of Reincarnation's eyes lit up, and he praised: "Brother Dao's idea is really ingenious. It seems that these eight levels can't stop the two brothers!"

Helian Guiyu didn't understand what it meant, and quickly ordered people to invite an ancient emperor from the Six Realms. In the Battle of the Sixty-Four Divine City, nearly half of the ancient emperors from the Six Realms were killed and injured, and the casualties were heavy.

"You fellow Taoists have worked hard."

Origin Dao was very polite, and invited the emperors to sit down, saying: "You have made great contributions to the new emperor, and you have made great contributions to this country. The emperor will not forget it. In the future, you will make great achievements and achieve extraordinary achievements."

"Brother Dao, you are welcome."

A great emperor said with a smile: "Dare to ask what is the important matter of calling us here?"

"Destroy the Six Realms."

The Dao God of Origin laughed and said: "The Eight Passes of the Emperor's Dynasty are no small matter. There are twenty saint emperors sleeping in the dream of the other shore flower inside, forming a small void, so you can use the magical power of the six realms. The power of the six realms is too powerful. Want to To crack it, one realm must be removed. The ancient universe is the foundation of this universe, and it cannot be destroyed, nor can the seventh area of reincarnation. Ziwei is still in the hands of the emperor, and it is even more impossible to destroy the Taoist realm. If it can be destroyed, Only the six worlds in the hands of the lords."

The faces of the emperors changed drastically, and their complexions were cloudy and uncertain.

Helian Guiyu was also shocked, destroying the Six Realms

Isn't it too frenzied? The six worlds are the habitat of acquired beings, and there are endless acquired beings living there. If it is destroyed, where will these living beings go to live? They have no time to migrate!

Moreover, migrating the creatures of the Six Realms is probably a huge project. It needs to mobilize countless gods and demons, and it will take at least a thousand years to migrate all the creatures from the Six Realms.

The current battle situation cannot wait for a thousand years.

The Four-faced God smiled and said: "As long as the six realms are completely destroyed, the heaven and the earth will give birth to the four realms. In addition, there are five realms in the small void in the eight passes, and the power of the unified supernatural power of the five realms will be greatly reduced. Brother Dao and everyone, it is a great benefit."

An ancient emperor couldn't help but said: "The Six Realms is the mysterious realm of our previous life. How can it be destroyed? Besides, the creatures living in it are all worshiping our people, and it is related to the way for us to become the god of worship and obtain eternal life! Destroy it! Six realms, definitely not!"

Yuanyuan Taoist smiled and said: "I invite you to come here, just to inform you, I don't mean to ask you for advice, you just need to nod."

The faces of the ancient emperors completely changed. The Dao God of Origin summoned them, and did not give them a second choice at all, without their consent. No matter what, they must destroy their Six Realms!

The Realm of the Six Realms is indeed related to whether they can become sacrifices to the innate gods. Their original purpose of opposing Zhong Yue was also because Zhong Yue did not want to re-open the Realm of the Void, so that they could not enter the Realm of the Void to enjoy the sacrifices of the creatures of the Realm of the Six Realms!

And now that the Six Realms are destroyed, they also destroy their hope of becoming a sacrificial congenital god!

The Dao God of Origin's move undoubtedly cut off their road to eternal life!

Thoughts of regret arose in the hearts of the emperors, and the Four-faced God coughed and said calmly: "Masters, after this battle, you can still rebuild the Six Realms, and your road to longevity will not be cut off."

All the emperors looked at each other, and suddenly an ancient emperor said: "In this case, I implore seniors to allow a few days, let us move the creatures from the six realms of their respective realms, and give them a safe place."

The emperors nodded one after another. The creatures in their respective six realms sacrificed to them, served and supported them. In any case, these creatures must have a place to live. In the future, the six realms will be rebuilt, so that the acquired creatures can return and worship them again. They can also enjoy sacrifices, and it is hoped that they will be able to sacrifice to the innate gods.

Origin Taoist smiled and said: "You are so confused. The battle situation is tight, so there is no time to delay? It is stupid to delay the battle situation for these humble lives. These acquired creatures also exist in the ancient universe and Ziwei, just destroy them directly That’s right. At worst, we’ll make another batch in the future.”

An ancient emperor suddenly stood up and said angrily, "How unreasonable!"


A twilight drum appeared, shaking loudly, all the ancient emperors who stood up vomited blood, the avenue melted in the blink of an eye, the primordial spirit decayed, turned into fly ash, and died completely!

The other ancient emperors were terrified, the hairs on their backs suddenly rose, and they dared not speak, and beads of sweat the size of beans rolled down their foreheads.

"I'm not the emperor."

Daoist Yuanyuan tapped the evening drum lightly, and said leisurely: "The Emperor of Thailand is the emperor of heaven. I dare not kill you for no reason, lest I lose the hearts of my subordinates and rebel even more. But for me I don’t have such concerns. In my eyes, you ancient emperors are no different from those ants-like acquired creatures in the Six Realms. The only difference may be that you are bigger ants. Hand over the Six Realms , we will attack the eighth pass later, you are the first batch to charge. Go down."

The rest of the ancient emperors trembled and got up silently. Some people's legs and feet were still trembling, leaving each of the six realms to go down.

The sixteen emperors of the Hexu family all frowned and looked at each other. One emperor said in a low voice: "This is not the right way. This emperor's struggle is against my heart. Heavenly emperor, I should not sit idly by. matter."


Another Emperor of the Hux family shook his head and said: "Our Hux family is already on the verge of firing, and there is no turning back. If we don't fight with the race, the Hux family will not be destroyed in the hands of the Thai emperor, but it will be destroyed in the origin and heaven. their hands."

Hirsch didn't have a second option either.

Daoist God of Origin looked at more than a thousand six worlds and said with a smile: "Cheerful. I have been bullied by the Emperor for so long, and now I feel proud for the first time. It is really amazing that an existence like the Emperor was born by the acquired soul, but it is a pity that these humble Insects only know how to fight in their nests. Friends of the four sides, are you going to destroy these six realms, or am I going to destroy them?"

The Four-faced God smiled and said, "Brother Daoist, thank you."

The Dao God of Origin chuckled, stretched out his hand and pointed out that the twilight drum flew up and rushed into a realm of the six realms. The sound of the drum was booming, and galaxy after galaxy exploded, and the ashes flew into smoke. The sound of the drum resounded in the starry sky. The stars in the galaxy can be heard.

The creatures in those stars experienced the five declines of heaven and man in an instant, the destruction of their souls, the death of their bodies, and the bones of the planets were everywhere!

Then those planets also shattered with the sound of vibrating drums, and the sun shattered.

The twilight drum flew over the realms of the six realms, more realms of the six realms disintegrated, and the resentment of countless creatures was overwhelming. This resentment was so strong that Tian, who was rushing to the burial area of reincarnation, couldn't help but tremble with fear.

"How can the resentment of mere ants in the day after tomorrow be able to do nothing to the Taoist God in the chaos?"

The Dao God of Origin waved his hand, not caring about the resentment of those acquired creatures who died tragically. The resentment was too strong and formed a Dao fire, but he was immediately suppressed by him with a wave of his hand, and he couldn't hurt him a bit.