Rise of Humanity

Chapter 1487: Greatest kill in history


In the ancient universe, existences such as the Great Creation moved here to avoid this troubled world dispute and devote themselves to self-cultivation. There are many emperors secretly informed that they intend to seek refuge with the Emperor Tai. However, Emperor Good Fortune and others persuaded the emperors on the grounds of being on the safe side, saying: "If we participate in this battle, we will surely die more and live less. It is better not to participate." Wonderful. In the future, no matter who sits on the throne of God, the Void Realm will be reopened. At that time, neither of us will be offended, and we can live forever. Why not do it?"

So these hundreds of great emperors never rebelled, nor did they seek refuge in the Heavenly Court.

On this day, all the emperors were terrified, Emperor Good Fortune's face changed drastically, and he lost his voice: "My six realms have been destroyed!"

The other emperors came one after another and shouted: "Brother Good Fortune, destroying my six realms is like killing my parents. This hatred cannot be shared!"

"If you don't avenge this revenge, you swear not to be an emperor!"

The Great Creation couldn't sit still, he got up and shouted: "This is driving us to a dead end! Forget it, let's take refuge in the Emperor Tai, all lords, follow me to kill his mother and turn the world upside down!"

The eight hundred emperors nodded one after another, and their bodies sank into the seventh area of reincarnation. The good fortune emperor looked around and said, "The sixty-four god city has been broken, and the eight gates have been completely surrounded. It is difficult to rush in now. We will wait until the battle begins. Attacking from the rear and breaking Helian Guiyu's army of gods and demons is also a great achievement!"

All the emperors laughed and said, "Good!"

The realm of the six realms was completely destroyed, immediately changing the pattern of the heaven and earth avenue.

Dao God of Origin smiled and said, "The supernatural power of Dao Jie has been reduced by at least 20%, and now it is difficult to threaten our lives. To be cautious, it is better for little friend Helian to order the emperors to lead troops to tackle key problems."

Helian Guiyu took the order and ordered the emperors to divide their army into eight groups and attack the eight passes.

The reason why it is divided into eight groups is because the Dao Jie formation can only attack one of them, while the other seven groups can contain the generals of gods and demons in the pass, preventing them from continuing to use Dao Jie, and the power of Dao Jie's supernatural power is naturally weaker. .

And if the Dao God of Origin and the Four-faced God attack the eight levels, then Dao Jie is to deal with the God of Origin and the Four-faced God, and there is no time to attack the army of the eight-way gods and demons, giving them a chance to break through the level.

"Friends of the four sides, let's go for a walk!"

Origin Dao God and Erawan God got up and walked towards Shenyang Pass, walking very fast, still in front of Helian Guiyu's other armies.

Daojie's monstrous power exploded, blasting towards the two existences at the same time, the Origin Daoist said with a smile: "Yunjuanshu and Taihuang are indeed extraordinary, if we really calculated that we would destroy the six realms early on, we have counted on the Dao of Heaven and Earth Changed and prepared the Taoist solution under the condition of the Great Unification of the Five Realms! Unfortunately, the Taoist solution of the Great Unification of the Five Realms can’t help us at all!"

The existence of two Taoist gods erupted at the same time, and the gods on all sides turned into chaos. The chaotic world-breaking supernatural power shot forward like a sharp arrow. The power vibrated every time it rushed a certain distance, and the power of chaos erupted to generate a world, and then Another burst of chaotic energy shot out from that world, rushing forward with the power of the world!

boo boo —

A series of worlds were born in the place where the chaotic air passed, and its power became stronger and stronger, and it became more and more terrifying, colliding with Dao Jie's supernatural power!

On the other side, the Dao God of Origin simultaneously casts all the heavens, no ways and all the heavens and ten thousand ways. The two powerhouses work together to resist the Dao Jie that erupts from the eight passes, and the terrifying fluctuations cut the eight passes and the starry sky in front of them with a bang!

The clothes of the two Dao God-level existences were rattling, and they were not injured this time. Obviously, the Dao Jie supernatural powers of the five realms have indeed not threatened their strength.

This scene made the hearts of all the emperors in the pass sink. The Dao God of Origin is indeed powerful and ruthless. He directly destroyed the Six Realms, even if it was to bury endless acquired creatures. It made it possible for the eight passes to be broken !

The Taoist God of Origin and the Four-faced God walked forward together, only to hear a loud bang, and the barrier cut by the collision just now was directly smashed to pieces by two extremely powerful beings.

"Break the eight levels, it's that simple!"

Boom, boom—

There were two more loud bangs, and the sky-like city wall of Shenyang Pass shattered, and two Taoist-level existences stepped into the pass, trampling countless gods and demons to death!


All the emperors in Shenyang pass shouted loudly and rushed towards the two of them. The Taoist God of Origin and the Four-faced God looked at each other, smiled at each other, and the Four-faced God bloomed with a single thought, and all worlds exploded, and all the great emperors seemed to be attacking his front alone.

The Four-faced God raised his hand and beheaded a great emperor, as easy as beheading a naughty boy.


The Dao God of Origin shook the evening drum, and the great emperor who rushed towards him fell like rain, the primordial spirit dissipated, and the avenue melted.

The two beings beat down the killer, and Helian Guiyu's army rushed forward, rushed to the broken city wall, and entered the pass. For the other seven levels, the emperors led an army of gods and demons to kill them, and the two sides fought bloody battles.

Suddenly, a voice came from the ancestral court, and said leisurely: "Origin, the four-faced god, the two Taoists are capable of bullying my courtiers? I am in the ancestral court, waiting for the visit of the two masters!"

The Taoist God of Origin and the Four-faced God looked at each other, and saw Zhong Yue's Taoist body standing above the abyss of the ancestral courtyard with his hands behind his back. , let's enter this ancestral court and break the so-called first killing formation."

Yuanyuan Dao God nodded, stepped forward, and said with a smile: "His first killing formation has been broken."

Two Dao God-level existences crossed eight levels, stepped into the ancestral courtyard one after the other, and the monstrous killing array was activated, drowning the two of them!

The Dao God of Origin stood in the rolling killing formation, staring at it, saw that the ancestral court had disappeared, replaced by hundreds of millions of stars all over the sky, couldn't help being moved, and praised: "The killing formation of the ancestral court is the same as before. It's quite different, it's worthwhile to see the Chensu Seven Paths Reincarnation Killing Formation at the level of Dao God. This killing form is left by Daoist Feng, right?"

A phantom of Feng Xiaozhong emerged from among the billions of stars, his face was indifferent, and suddenly the stars turned, strangling towards the Taoist God of Origin!

"Although it's not the real you, it's worth my shot!"

Yuan Yuan Taoist body moved, suddenly the space split, and the infinite space rotated, and the phantom of Zhong Yue appeared in the layers of space, which made his heart tremble slightly.

"The phantoms of the two Daoist venerables, this first killing formation is really famous!"

Just as he said this, suddenly time was like a long river, in which samsara revolved, and another phantom of Zhong Yue appeared in the samsara of time.

Origin Daoist's eyes twitched slightly, and said with a smile: "This first killing array is well-deserved of its reputation! I wonder if there are other changes?"

Boom, boom, thunder spawned, and boundless thunder formed the fourth killing formation, Lei Ze's phantom appeared there, holding a spiritual root congenital fruit tree.

Yuanyuan Daoist felt a sudden in his heart, and said with a smile: "Old opponent."

Suddenly the vast ocean surged, and the fifth killing formation emerged, and the phantom of Empress Hua Xu appeared in the ocean, followed by the sixth killing formation. There.

The eighth killing array emerged, and Dasui phantom was sitting on the flower of the other shore, holding a hibiscus tree.

The ninth killing array emerged, and another one came out of the corner of Dao God's eye, and he saw an old emperor standing upright with an emperor's sword in his hand.

"Daoist Fumin!"

The Dao God of Origin showed a startled expression, and killing formations burst out one after another, all the phantoms of the emperors of the twenty-three dynasties of the Earth Era emerged, in addition to the phantoms of the Sui Emperors of the various dynasties of the Fire Era, plus the seven reincarnations Killing array, each of the seven reincarnation killing arrays has different rules!

This ancestral court formation is no longer the original ancestral court killing formation, but has been improved by Zhong Yue, Feng Xiaozhong, Lei Ze, Dasui and others, and has evolved a killing formation into seven reincarnations!

The power of the ancestral court formation is many times greater than before!

"Taihuang, how long can you maintain such a killing formation? What's more, you are splitting your mind. In addition to dealing with me, you also have to deal with friends from all sides!"

The Dao God of Origin laughed loudly, each seat was activated, and extremely powerful phantoms came to them!

"If you were really here and used this killing formation, even I would end up with hatred! It's a pity that you can't protect yourself!"

On the other side, the Four-faced God also fell into a heavy killing array, and soon the ten thousand realms were broken, and the Four-faced God turned into chaos, with left branches protruding from the right, but he was still unable to break through the formation and was soon covered in bruises.

This first killing formation gathers the most powerful beings from ancient times to the present, and relying on the wisdom of Zhong Yue and Feng Xiaozhong to complement the seven reincarnations of these beings, each one is created with the goal of being infinitely close to the realm of the Taoist God. Among the tight siege, the consequences can be imagined!

At this time, the existences of Dasui, Lei Ze, Houtu, and Empress Huaxu in the eight passes were also fighting, killing one of the enemy's great emperors, and the situation was suddenly reversed!

Suddenly, there was chaos behind Helian Guiyu, the Great Creation and others came to kill him, Helian Guiyu and others were attacked by the enemy, panicked in their hearts, and secretly said "Oops".

In the reincarnation burial area, Tianhe Changsheng Emperor and Junyue God King went deep into the burial area. After passing through a layer of heaven, they never saw any gods and demons in the burial area, and they were puzzled.

Not long after, the three of them came to the tenth heaven of the burial area. Looking forward, they couldn't help but tremble. They saw eight hundred emperors, headed by Di Fentian and the Burial Spirit God King, waiting for them for a long time.

"God, do you know what the name of the tenth heaven is called?"

The King of Burying Spirits was dressed in a suit, sitting in front of the formation with a big horse golden sword, and said coldly: "This place was originally called the Burial Heaven, but Taoist Fu Min had the foresight to change this place into the Burial Heaven! Burying Heaven, Burying Heaven, Heaven Your burial place! Today, let you confer your head here!"

Tian's complexion changed drastically, and he suddenly smiled and said: "Buying Ling, Di Fentian, you have a great battle, but the defeat is already doomed, no matter how you struggle, it is just a dying struggle."

His thoughts moved slightly, and he said leisurely: "Now, the great emperors I hide among the emperors of the Eight Passes should also attack. And even the emperors under the command of the two have many of my subordinates."

Di Fentian and the Burying Spirit God King glanced at each other, then looked at the great emperors behind them, and suddenly Di Fentian shouted violently: "Don't worry about it, just mobilize Daojie, whoever rebels I will kill!"

The King of Buried Spirit stood up and shouted: "Masters, we should bury a god in the reincarnation burial area! Come with me and bury the way of heaven!"

The fierce battle broke out immediately.

Dao world, the door of the dao world opened slowly, and two rays of light, one black and one white, emerged from the door of the dao world.