Rise of Humanity

Chapter 1491: authorized


Emperor Yanhuo and other ancient emperors were besieged by Emperor Good Fortune and others, and they fought for a long time. The other ancient emperors were all beheaded. He was severely injured, and his life was spared.

Emperor Yanhuo vomited blood in his mouth, he laughed and said: "Win the king and defeat the bandit, now that I am defeated, how can I pretend to be reserved? Dao brother, you and I have a friendship in ancient times. Since I have surrendered today, you have to do it in front of the Thai emperor." A few words of kindness, lest I suffer from flesh and blood."

Emperor Creation sighed, remembering the friendship between each other, suddenly an ancient emperor next to him said: "Friend Creation, we didn't contribute at the beginning of the war, only after our own six realms were destroyed, did we help the Emperor Tai .In the future, the Thai Emperor will settle the merits and demerits. We all have merits and demerits, and our merits and demerits will balance each other, so we will not be eligible for promotion."

The Great Creation was slightly taken aback, and said, "What does Brother Dao mean?"

The great emperor said in a low voice: "Emperor Tai, you are not a hero in the world. Daozun Fumin was also a generation of Mingjun back then, but later he went on a killing spree and killed us. Today's Emperor Tai is still unpredictable in Fumin Dao." We have no nostalgia for power, we only want to enter the void world to obtain the position of longevity. If we don’t have much credit, will the emperor allow us to enter the void world?”

The corners of the Creation Emperor's eyes twitched.

The three thousand great emperors in ancient times all cherished their own lives, knowing that their sacred lifespan is limited, and the long ones persist for ten thousand years, and the shortest ones are only a thousand years. Just really dead.

This war was protracted, and countless acquired souls were killed or injured. In the future, they will inevitably recuperate, and more broken souls will be needed to enter the reincarnation and turn into new lives.

If there is no inch of merit, these ancient emperors will probably lose their souls in the future and reenter the samsara to fulfill the creatures of other races, and the Void Realm will definitely lose their part.

The ancient emperor said in a low voice: "The head of fellow Taoist Yanhuo is your qualification for promotion. Fellow daoist, please think about it."

Emperor Yanhuo hurriedly said: "Brother Good Fortune, don't listen to his nonsense! You and I have tens of thousands of years of friendship, how can you take my head to ask for credit? Our friendship..."


The Great Creation cut off his head, and the Primordial Spirit also cut off, and silently put away the head of Emperor Yanhuo. The soul of Emperor Yanhuo has not yet dissipated, his head is still wide-eyed, and he sneered: "Good luck, you sell your friends for glory, I hate that I didn't open my eyes to be friends with you!"

"Fellow Daoist, I have no other choice. We don't have much lifespan, so we have to enter the Void Realm!"

The Emperor Good Fortune looked indifferent, and said: "Even if I save your life, you will not be able to enter the Void Realm, and sooner or later your soul will be scattered. Since you are destined to die, it is better to fulfill me, and our friendship is not in vain."

Emperor Yanhuo cursed continuously, and it took a long time before his soul dissipated.

"In the future, the Emperor Tai will reopen the void, and if we want to enter it, we need to make more contributions!"

The Great Creation shouted: "Today we don't care about friendship, we only talk about the enemy and ourselves, let's go! Kill him without leaving a piece of armor!"

Their eight hundred great emperors worked together, and they were really invincible in the battlefield, roaring and scattered, unstoppable. After all, they are the prestigious existences of the previous generation. Although the new emperors of this era also have outstanding people, they cannot surpass them in strength.

"There is Helian Guiyu!"

Suddenly a great emperor's eyes lit up, and he shouted loudly: "Take off his head, and you will be sure to re-enter the void in the future!"

The eight hundred emperors were excited, and immediately went straight to Helian Guiyu.

In the killing formation of the ancestral court, there are twenty-eight Suihuang emperors of all dynasties, and twenty-eight phantoms are added to integrate with the killing formation, move with the formation, and kill the origin Taoist god.

Da Sui's heart sank slightly, there were still a few Sui Emperors who failed to come here, probably died in the war.

This battle was really tragic. Even the former emperors and emperors could not protect themselves.

The killing formation was rolling, trapping the Dao God of Origin within it, and extremely powerful figures rose and fell one after another, the most powerful of which were Da Sui, Hua Xu, and Hou Tu, but Zhong Yue's two phantoms, Feng Xiaozhong's phantom and Fu Min's phantom are also extremely powerful, plus the real body of Sui Huangdu from the 28th Dynasty came, compatible with the formation, not much less!

In this battle, everyone tried their best, the hibiscus tree and the purple bamboo spiritual roots danced in the formation, suppressing the chaotic lotus spiritual root, the Taoist God of Origin was trapped, unable to rush out of the killing formation, and soon his body was covered with bruises!

The majestic Taoist god was trapped here and was seriously injured. The name of the ancestral court's first killing array is indeed not in vain.

But as Yuanyuan Taoist said, the first killing formation can indeed only hurt him, but not kill him, without the presence of the Emperor of Earth and Emperor Sui of all dynasties.

Fighting up to now, he has only been injured, and there is still an unattainable distance from the end of the road.

But at this time, the operation of the killing formation slowed down significantly. It was obvious that Zhong Yue's Taoist body had run out of fuel to deal with the Taoist God of Origin and the Four-faced God at the same time.

Dao God of Yuanyuan was refreshed, blocked from left and right, and blocked everyone's attack, laughed and said: "It seems that Taihuang's Tao body can't hold on anymore."

Suddenly the big formation roared, and powerful phantoms and Suihuang, Dasui, Huaxu, Houtu and others scattered in a row, forming a way to solve the big formation!

The expression of Dao God of Origin changed drastically, Dao Jie exploded, and the terrifying power destroyed everything, drowning him!

At the same time, the Origin Dao God heard another loud noise and felt another terrifying wave, and knew that it must be the Four Face God who also encountered the great supernatural power of Dao Jie!

That is the great unifying supernatural power specially aimed at Taoist gods!

At this moment, Zhong Yue's Dao Body suddenly activated the first killing formation to burst out with Dao Jie's supernatural powers. It was obviously a desperate attempt to bury the two of them here!

The Dao God of Origin roared, and his body suddenly turned into a chaotic giant beast, crawling in the chaotic lotus, and opened his mouth to swallow the Tao!

The boundless power collided, and the Chaos Lotus disintegrated in that terrifying and suffocating fluctuation, turning into a little bit of aura!


The lotus flower exploded completely, and countless auras scattered!

Dao Jie's power continued to impact, and the terrifying wave impacted the chaotic giant beast. Even if the opponent was a Taoist god, it was constantly shattered in this terrifying wave!

After a long time, the suffocating power finally dissipated, and the phantoms suddenly became dim, and then disappeared one after another. Da Sui, Hua Xu, Hou Tu and the twenty-eight Sui Huang fell to the ground one after another, gasping for breath. With a rough breath, almost all the strength in his body was exhausted.

"Hehe...hehe, what a terrifying first kill, almost buried me here, almost..."

Where Daojie bombarded, the air of chaos was thick and pervasive, and there were things wriggling and gathering in the air of chaos, panting and laughing: "It's a pity that it's still a little bit... Now, the Taoist body of the Thai emperor should be dead." ? It's time for me to break through the first kill formation!"

The air of chaos became weaker and weaker, revealing the huge shadow within it, and gradually the figure of Yuan Yuan Dao Shen became clear, with bruises all over his body, but he showed a smile, spit out a few mouthfuls of blood, but looked very leisurely, and looked at Da Sui and the others sarcastically. People, said: "Tao Jie can break the Taoist Dao, but it can't break the chaos, and can't break my chaotic body. I have been to the future, and everyone died in this battle. Now it seems that although there are twists and turns, But the ending of the future remains unchanged. Gentlemen, now is the time to send you on your way!"

Dasui exploded, and the Chaos Sea in his palm suddenly stood up, buckling behind his back, arousing all the power as much as possible.

Empress Huaxu and Empress Houtu also got up respectively, urged Zizhu to move with all her strength, and shouted: "Emperor Suihuang of all dynasties, leave this place!"

There is no leader in the first killing formation in the ancestral court. Now the Dao God of Origin will be an invincible existence. Now retreat, you can still retain some power!

The Dao God of Origin laughed and said, "Let's go? Where can you go? This universe is so big, it's unbelievably big for ordinary people, but for me, it's nothing more than that. Even if you go back to the past, to the future, I can't escape death!"

Youchao Suihuang smiled and said: "In this case, then I will not leave. The three ancestors, we will stay and fight to the death!"


A Sui Emperor laughed loudly and said, "Fight to the death!"

The Dao God of Origin laughed loudly: "Killing all of you is as easy as pie!"

As soon as he finished speaking, suddenly, the first killing formation was activated again, and phantoms emerged, compatible with Dasui, Hua Xu, Houtu Niangniang and others again!

Everyone was in doubt, Da Sui smiled and said: "It seems that the Taoist body of the Thai Emperor is not dead yet! Brother Yuan Yuan, how long can you hold on?"

Origin Dao God's complexion changed drastically.

Above the abyss of the ancestral court, Zhong Yue's Taoist body exhausted all its strength, his primordial spirit dissipated, his physical body rapidly aged, and he fell from the sky into the endless dark abyss below.

At this moment, a ray of light flew over and lifted him up slowly.

"Emperor God..."

Zhong Yue opened his eyes, saw the hazy figure, and recognized the person supporting him, suddenly coughed up blood violently, and sat up.

The Emperor Zhong prostrated himself and worshiped: "Father, my ministers are not filial, and they still walked out of the cycle of reincarnation! The emperor's father was exhausted, and the ministers came to take over the ancestral court, and they are about to destroy the origin and the four-faced god!"

Zhong Yue's body was withering, his white hair turned gray in an instant, his old tears were muddy, and he tremblingly said: "You have come out, so my son and my daughter will all die in this battle? Forget it, forget it, my sons and daughters, They are all Fuxi, following my temperament, very stubborn. Emperor Shen obeys orders!"

Zhong Huangshen was solemn.

Zhong Yue raised the authority of the Emperor of Heaven, slowly lowered it, and gently placed it in his hands: "In the past, the ancestral family was in danger, and you used your young body to block the disaster in the ancestral court. When this crisis happened, I, as the head of the Fuxi clan, Grant this authority to you. With this authority, the fate of the Fuxi family depends on you. If you live, the Fuxi family will live, and if you die, the Fuxi family will not perish! This authority is both power and a heavy burden. Live for it, die for it!"

Zhong Huangshen took the authority with both hands, and solemnly said: "My son, accept the authority!"

Zhong Yue's Dao body showed a smile, his rotten body, he raised his hand to gently stroke his head, then his body and soul were all shattered, like colored glass shattered, Dao explained.

The Emperor Zhong kowtowed, straightened his waist, and sacrificed his authority.