Rise of Humanity

Chapter 1494: The origin of reincarnation


The holy land of origin can be said to be the first holy land formed in this universe, where the second innate god of this universe, the god king of origin, was born.

The origin god king had many disasters in his life, and Da Si Ming guarded the origin holy land. After the birth of the origin god king, he recognized Da Si Ming as his elder brother. Although Da Si Ming is the first congenital sacred, perfect, but what is perfect is not Da Si Ming's character and conduct, but his physical body.

Da Si Ming has his shortcomings both in strategy and in doing things. It was the God King of Origin who supported him all the way, and supported him to become the ruler of the dark age in the long dark age.

Da Si Ming was able to have the status at that time, and most of the credit was due to the Origin God King.

However, the Dao God of Origin came ashore from the chaos, but ate him, impersonated him, and became the God King of Origin, and then plotted against Da Si Ming and a group of God Kings.

Later, Da Si Ming came back to life and revived the god kings who died in that battle. When rebuilding the Dao world, Da Si Ming plotted against a group of god kings and sacrificed their blood to the Dao world, including the origin god king.

First, he suffered a disaster for no reason and was devoured by the Dao God of Origin to replace his name, and then he was betrayed by the most trusted chief minister for the blood sacrifice. The life of the King of Origin God can be described as a miserable failure.

As the innate god born in the first holy place in the universe, and the second innate god in the universe, it is embarrassing that he ended up like this.

Zhong Yue came to the Holy Land of Origin. This Holy Land is still very complete and has not been damaged.

The god king of origin was sacrificed to the Dao world by the blood sacrifice, and the master ordered him to be ruthless. None of the god kings who were sacrificed by blood had the possibility of being resurrected. The god kings who died in that blood sacrifice had their holy land intact, but their consciousness was not clear. It is impossible to resurrect from their respective holy places.

It is not surprising that Da Si Ming, who controls the Dao of Life, has such means.

The Holy Land of Origin was empty, with no signs of life. Although the world was smashed outside and countless stalwarts were buried, it seemed like a peaceful harbor, and it was not affected at all.

It's just that there are very few creatures who can take refuge in the Holy Land of Origin. Only the ability of the emperor can come here safely and avoid the dangers along the way.

Zhong Yue walked forward, looked around, suddenly stopped and looked outside, but saw the strange scene outside, it was still at the moment when the universe was born, the universe and the universe were being formed, the space was expanding rapidly, light chased There is no space to expand, and therefore no time.

Here, the passage of time cannot be felt, and there is no concept of time in the Holy Land of Origin.

Back then, Zhong Yue went back in time to see if Taoist Fumin and Empress Hua Xu had really met the God King of Origin here, but in the end they were unable to enter the Holy Land of Origin 100,000 years ago.

"What an incredible holy place, not only the origin of the universe, but also the origin of all problems."

Zhong Yue lamented that the universe originated from here, and the chaos also came here to devour the King of Origin God, and only then did the Dao God of Origin come into being.

It can be said that this is the only place that is not in the cycle of reincarnation. The vine of reincarnation unifies the six worlds, and even the Dao world is included in the vine of reincarnation. However, this is the only place in the universe that is not in the cycle of reincarnation.

All holy places and all worlds are in reincarnation, even Taoist gods, and there is no original reincarnation in the unified reincarnation.

The only place where you can escape from reincarnation is this place.

So the origin god king who was born in this holy place is also not in reincarnation

An existence that is not in the samsara was given to the Dao world in the samsara by the Daoist Blood Sacrifice. For Zhong Yue, this is not reasonable, and there is something tricky in it.

The great unity of reincarnation was created by Zhong Yue. It was he who divided the vines of reincarnation into 24,335 plants. The Dao Realm was crossed, and the universe was superimposed to form the seventh space-time.

The seventh area of reincarnation has the reincarnation of the Taoist realm, the reincarnation of the six realms, the reincarnation of crape myrtle, the reincarnation of the void, and the reincarnation of the ancient universe, but there is no reincarnation of origin.

Da Si ordered blood sacrifices to many god kings. The sacrifices he used were actually Dao offerings, dedicating the Dao of these god kings to the Dao world.

Because these god kings were congenitally born, they themselves are the innate Dao, and the blood sacrifice to them is actually dedicating their Dao to the Dao world, so that the Dao world can be stabilized.

This is a little strange.

"The avenue of reincarnation in the Tao world is unified by me."

Zhong Yue was talking to himself, but his voice turned into strange fluctuations and spread throughout the Holy Land of Origin, saying: "When I used the Dao of Reincarnation to unify the Dao of Reincarnation in the Dao Realm, I didn't find the Dao of Origin God King in the Dao Realm. And even if there was, The Dao of Reincarnation cannot unify the Dao of the Origin God King, after all, the Holy Land of Origin is not in the reincarnation, so how can we talk about unification?"

He frowned slightly, and continued: "That is to say, the Daoist Commander sacrificed the God King of Origin to the Dao Realm, but the Dao Realm couldn't bear the Dao of the God King of Origin. Since he couldn't bear it, then the God King of Origin He won’t die. Since the Origin God King didn’t die, the Origin God King was also among the corpses in the Dao Realm back then, so would he be a fake death?”

"The God King of Origin who is no longer in reincarnation must have survived, but the emperor under my command found the body of the God King of Origin when he was packing up the body. This shows that the King of God of Origin is indeed dead. Since the King of God of Origin is not dead Because of Da Siming's blood sacrifice, how could he have turned into a corpse again?"

Zhong Yue took out a big meat ball from the Yuan Mysterious Realm. This huge meat ball squirmed, it was the Tai Sui God King. This guy had no eyes, no face, no mouth, no nose, no limbs, just a puddle of flesh, very weird.

Zhong Yue said unhurriedly: "I think the Origin God King should have died on his own initiative, and then escaped from the battlefield. After all, it was extremely chaotic at the time, and no one would notice that he died again. His consciousness can return to the battlefield. Originating from the Holy Land, you can use the avenue of the Holy Land to be resurrected. You must hate Da Si Ming very much, right?"

Zhong Yue suddenly laughed and said: "You regard Da Si Ming as your elder brother, but Da Si Ming betrayed you, not only you, but also those god kings who were loyal to him. You hate him very much, he betrayed you, So you decided to betray him, and Da Si Ming is dead, how can betraying him be the best betrayal?"

There were no other voices in the Holy Land of Origin, only Zhong Yue's voice echoed, appearing empty and silent.

The Tai Sui God King rolled around, not knowing who Zhong Yue was talking to, and he was very puzzled.

"The body of Da Si Ming fell into my hands. The headless body turned into the air of chaos and fell into the chaos. A piece of flesh and blood was never melted, and it became Tai Sui."

When Zhong Yue's voice came, the Tai Sui God King was shocked, and Zhong Yue suddenly mentioned him, which made him quite happy.

Zhong Yue asked: "God King Tai Sui, how did you come to Heaven?"

The Taisui God King said honestly: "The Taoist God of Origin said that I am a piece of meat drifting from the chaos. Throw it to the Heavenly Court to eat the reincarnation sphere."

Zhong Yue smiled and said, "And then?"

"Then I was caught by you and sent to the army as rations!" Tai Sui God King said in grief and indignation.

"Does it hurt?"


Zhong Yue smiled slightly, and said leisurely: "I thought that the Origin God King still hated you, so he threw you here to me, and you were constantly eaten by hundreds of millions of gods and demons. This is naturally an excellent revenge."

The Taisui God King was quite puzzled, and wondered: "The Origin God King? No, it was the Origin Dao God who threw me to the heaven."

"Revenge on the Tai Sui God King will not make you happy physically and mentally."

Zhong Yue continued: "Tai Sui is not Da Si Ming after all, but just a piece of flesh and blood that has not been obliterated by chaos. If you want to really take revenge on Da Si Ming, you must go back to the past and make a comeback. Da Si Ming is not trying to open up the way Realm? Then I will destroy him and let him be crushed to death by the Dao Realm! This kind of revenge is not good, so let Da Si Ming kill his best brother and destroy his Dao Heart. This is the best Betrayal is the best revenge! And this just forms a closed space-time cycle.”

"It's just going back to the past. The past cannot be changed. The Origin God King has no way to take revenge. How can we go back to the past and take revenge?"

Zhong Yue said leisurely: "There is a way, and that is to turn into chaos, become a chaotic creature, and climb ashore from the past. But this point is extremely dangerous. Chaos will completely dissolve the god-king of origin, and become a muddleheaded creature." A living creature that doesn't know the cause and effect, and doesn't know his desire for revenge. So, how can he retain his consciousness and take revenge on Da Siming?"

Tai Sui God King was at a loss.

"This requires a treasure that can make his consciousness immortal in chaos."

Zhong Yue took down a small bottle from his waist. This bottle was a chaotic drifting bottle picked up by the seventh son Zhuoguang from the dry chaotic sea of flames, and released Empress Hua Xu from the bottle.

It was a coincidence that Empress Hua Xu got this vase. It was Da Sui who caught a chaotic creature from the chaotic sea of fire, and the chaotic creature was given to him.

So how can there be such a thing as a chaotic drifting bottle in the chaos

"This kind of drift bottle should be refined by later generations."

Zhong Yue played with the Chaos Drifting Bottle, smiled, and said, "What can be refined to resist the invasion of Chaos? Undoubtedly, the best material is Chaos creatures. And the Four-faced God happens to be Chaos who landed on the shore, but he wants to get a piece of it from the Four-faced God. Obtaining a part of his body is still extremely difficult for the Origin God King, but fortunately, the Origin God King already has the palm of the Four-faced God."

"The palm of the Four-faced God was cut off by me before the birth of the Holy King of Reincarnation (Zhaizhu Note: For details, see Chapter 1416 The Origin of the Dao World). However, I have not found the palm of the Four-faced God that fell in the reincarnation of the Dao World At that time, I had no time to search, because I still needed doves to occupy the magpie's nest, refine the avenue of reincarnation, and seize the chance of the reincarnation saint king. However, Da Siming brought a group of god kings to find the whereabouts of the reincarnation saint king's spiritual fetus. Wang should have found the palm of the Four-faced God at that time."

"This Chaos Drifting Bottle was forged from the phalanx of the palm of the Erawan God. Isn't that right, the Origin God King?"

He suddenly noticed a slight mental fluctuation, he raised his foot and paused heavily, the Holy Land of Origin vibrated loudly, the Holy Land split open, revealing the turbulent chaotic atmosphere beneath the Holy Land!

The Taisui God King was startled, and looking down, he saw a stair passage leading to the chaos, and the Origin God King was sitting on a platform at the end of the steps, with a jade bottle floating in front of him, and he could vaguely see that it was Made of hand bones.

He has not completely refined into a chaotic drift bottle.

The God King of Origin looked astonished, and looked up blankly at the drifting bottle in Zhong Yue's hand, and was shocked to find that it was very similar to the one he was refining!