Rise of Humanity

Chapter 1506: Earth


Zhong Huangshen's heart trembled, and he said quickly: "Father, can you not go to the Dao Realm?"

Zhong Yue laughed loudly: "In my life as a father, I have been afraid, lost, and embarrassed, but I never gave up. If the Taoist world wants to kill me, it will break the Chaos Clock in just a few days. How can I be killed by it?" Kill? This crisis is my own crisis, this reincarnation is my own reincarnation, I don't want you to be involved!"

He raised his head and looked at the lofty Dao Realm, the gate of the Dao Realm was still open, and there were still Daoguang falling down, cutting towards him.

Zhong Yue said leisurely: "I want to unravel this reincarnation myself!"

Zhong Huangshen gritted his teeth and said, "Father, don't worry, I'll wait for ten years! If my father doesn't come back after ten years, I'll go and undo the seal of the ancestral star!"

Zhong Yue smiled and waved his hand to let him go down.

Zhong Huangshen bowed and said: "Father, there is one more thing. During the war, Huaiyu let Feng Wuji go, abolished his cultivation base, cut off the brain of God's will, and then let him go. I have been chasing Feng Wuji all these years. Wuji's whereabouts, I just searched here and there, but I couldn't find his whereabouts. Feng Wuji, he... "

Zhong Yue was slightly stunned, knowing it in his heart, and said with a smile: "Although Feng Wuji is unwilling to be lonely, he is already difficult to achieve great things, so you don't have to take him to heart. He has his own ending."

Zhong Huangshen felt relieved and retreated.

"Junior Brother, have you abdicated and abandoned the position of Emperor of Heaven, have you decided to enter the Dao Realm?"

Feng Xiaozhong came, stood side by side with him, looked up at the Dao Realm, and said leisurely: "Although I think you will die when you enter the Dao Realm, I am grateful for your sincere Dao heart, I feel your confidence to win, and I also feel grateful for you." It is the courage and strength to dare to explore the avenue, so I will not stop you."

Zhong Yue smiled slightly, and said: "My Dao heart is not as stable as my brother's. If my brother persuades me, maybe I will change my mind."

Feng Xiaozhong shook his head and said: "I will not persuade fellow Taoists to give up their desire to seek the Tao."

Zhong Yue laughed loudly, poured wine for him, raised his glass to the Dao Realm, and drank it all in one gulp, "Brother, see you in the Dao Realm!"

Feng Xiaozhong also drank it down in one gulp, threw his cup away: "See you in the Dao world!"

His figure disappeared into the gate of the Taoist world without a trace.

Zhong Yue was silent, and Zhong Yue from Qiqiao came and said: "It's time, those eight chaotic clocks are about to break."

"I want to say goodbye to my wife." Zhong Yue said calmly.

Qiqiao Zhongyue nodded, Zhongyue went to see Yin Xunxuan, Qiu Jin'er, Jin Hexi, Jun Sixie, Hua Qianwen, Yi Wanjun, and Shi Yinji …

Finally, he meets Empress Si Ming.

It is a great fortune to have one of these women that he loves and loves him in this life, but he has them all.

He wants to have it forever, but there is still the Dao Realm that hinders him.

a long time.

"time to go."

Zhong Yue bid farewell to them, met Zhong Yue with Qiqiao, and said faintly: "I'm not sure."

Qiqiao Zhongyue nodded, and said: "I have a way to escape the Taoist light. I opened up eight secret realms in the chaos and evolved the magnificent universe. You follow me, the Taoist light should not be able to reach there. I don't I will follow you to the Dao Realm, and I will go to my world."

Zhong Yue said with a smile: "This is the difference between you and me. This reincarnation, I will break it!"

Qiqiao Zhongyue frowned and said: "After you break it, the connection between you and me will be broken."

Zhong Yue suddenly said seriously: "I want you to promise me a few things."

Qiqiao Zhongyue said solemnly: "But it's okay to say!"

"I know that you have led many souls into the chaos. Most of the heroic spirits who died in this war are with you. You plan to open another universe in the chaos, but there is no tempering, no enemies, only will kill itself."

Zhong Yue said slowly: "The beings in the two universes both need enemies, so that Taoism and supernatural powers can continue to progress and continue to surpass the ancient times, so I think..."

Qiqiao Zhongyue interjected: "Sooner or later, the two universes will collide. As long as there is contact, there will be disputes. They will never lack opportunities for sharpening!"

Zhong Yue smiled and said, "Is Gandu still alive? Is King Xiang still alive? And Kongtong and Yunmeng, are they still alive with you?"

Qiqiao Zhongyue said: "You follow me there, you will know naturally."

"Not going!"

Zhong Yue walked towards the Dao Realm, laughed and said: "I have encountered countless difficulties and obstacles in my life, and I have never flinched! If I shrink back, am I still Fuxi, or the God of War? I ask for another one from you. The thing is, if I don't come back in ten years, you will see the Emperor God instead of me, he won't be able to tell you and me apart, so give him some hope."

He waved his hand down and walked into the gate of Taoism.

Qiqiao Zhongyue didn't look away. He was relieved when he saw him enter the gate of the Taoist world, and silently put away the eight chaotic bells.

The eight chaotic clocks suddenly shattered, and beams of light roared and rushed towards the Taoist world!

Qiqiao Zhongyue was stunned, and it took a long time before he stepped out of the heavenly court and headed for the holy land of chaos.

In the Holy Land of Chaos, the ancestor of Chaos had been waiting for a long time, seeing him, he couldn't help but smiled and said, "I knew you would come to see me off, Daoist brother, I suddenly lost my heart and strayed into the world of mortals, disturbing my heart, but now time has moved forward , the future will no longer be muddy, and it is time for me to leave this chaotic world and return to chaos.”

Qiqiao Zhongyue said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist enters chaos, we will meet again in the future."

The Chaos Patriarch smiled and said, "Who dares to say for certain what will happen in the future? But I think it is extremely dangerous for you to enter the Dao Realm, and you may not be able to escape from reincarnation. You may still be Zhong Yue, and you will still have a previous life."

Qiqiao Zhongyue was stunned, and lost his voice: "You mean, that I will die in the Dao world, turn into chaos, and repeat this reincarnation?"

In the chaotic sea behind the ancestor of chaos, a huge chaotic creature emerged, calling him, the ancestor of chaos shed his Taoism, stepped into the chaos, and the voice came: "Then let's see if the emperor can jump!" Come out, if you can't jump out, you are him!"

His figure disappeared into the chaos, turned into a chaos creature, and traveled away with other chaos.

Qiqiao Zhongyue was stunned, looked up at the Taoist world, and murmured: "Ten years... ten years is very fast, ten years is too fast..."

He walked into the chaos and came to the eight worlds he opened up in the chaos. Another holy king of reincarnation was traveling from world to world. After searching for a long time, he couldn't find the holy land of reincarnation. The flag of the Dao of Heaven was fluttering, and he couldn't help but be surprised: "Heaven is still alive?"

He quietly passed by, and when he saw the banner of Heaven's Dao, he was surprised again: "So it's this guy! This guy is lucky to be able to live till now!"

He suddenly saw a vast galaxy again, and there was an extremely powerful god and demon in the galaxy, and his heart was shocked again.

The more places the Holy King of Reincarnation traveled, the more shocked he became. He saw many gods and demons who died in the rebellion, and they appeared here at this moment, and they were alive and well!

"Weird... Oops! I know!"

The Holy King of Reincarnation's face was cloudy and uncertain, and he lost his voice: "Brother Yuan Yuan and Erawan God must think that I am a traitor and follow the Emperor Tai!"

"Will not."

A voice came, and the Saint King of Samsara hurriedly looked around, only to see Qiqiao Zhongyue approaching, and said slowly: "They are all dead."

"Dead?" The Holy King of Samsara was stunned.

"Including the other you, also dead."

Qiqiao Zhongyue said indifferently: "Before he died, he thought that you would become the real reincarnation saint king, the master of reincarnation, and would resurrect him. It's just that he didn't expect that you are no longer the reincarnation saint king of that universe."

The Holy King of Reincarnation was surprised and delighted, but he was even more puzzled: "That universe?"

"Not bad. The universe."

Qiqiao Zhongyue waved his hand lightly, but seeing numerous reincarnations emerging, he said leisurely: "You are the master of reincarnation in this universe!"

The Holy King of Reincarnation was completely dumbfounded, and murmured: "But this universe is so small, and it's your secret realm..."

"That's why you need to continue to develop."

Zu Xing.

"This is a great adventure, an achievement unprecedented in human history!"

On the holographic stereoscopic projection of high-rise buildings in the city, images from distant outer space are being played, and an excited anchor quickly said in a passionate tone: "Our human fleet has come to the edge of the solar system for the first time. In three hours, the space fleet will come to Pluto! Speaking of Pluto, there is another interesting fact. Pluto was once listed as one of the nine planets, but later it was renamed and became the eight planets... Look, Pluto appears on The fleet is in sight! This quiet rocky planet seems to have flown from outside the sky, and it is out of place with other planets... "

"There is a life signal from the life detector in the front fleet!"

The anchor almost exploded, and the sound attracted passers-by on the street, who stopped to watch, and saw the announcer's face flushed red: "My God! My God! There is a life signal in Pluto! A strong life signal! It's just under the rock formation There are countless signs of life! Could it be aliens? Are aliens living in the underground of Pluto? This is a revolutionary discovery! It is a great achievement of technological civilization... "

Among the people who stopped by, an old man with bones and fairy style looked back, continued to walk to his work place, and muttered: "The star that Empress Si Ming moved? What bastards, they actually ran there. It seems that the Thai emperor sealed some Kun eggs there...these guys are going to suffer..."

He walked into the school, came to the classroom, coughed, and said, "Class."

"Stand up! Hello, Teacher Shui!"

"Hello, Teacher Shui!"

The water teacher said in a calm manner: "Today's history class, let's talk about the ancient myth, the story of the Thai emperor among the three emperors. Originally, the earth was not called the earth, but the ancestor star. At that time, there was no Australia, nor The Mediterranean Sea doesn’t even have many mountains, rivers and lakes today. At that time, there was a majestic mountain called Jianmen Mountain in the middle of Shu…”

"This student is right. It is the current Jianmen Mountain. However, the Jianmen Mountain at that time was too high, many times higher than it is now. Somewhere in the northeast of Jianmen Mountain in central Sichuan, there is a mountain called Zhongshan... is not Zhongshan in Nanjing, but the Zhongshan in Shanhaijing, that is, the Zhongshan where Zhulong lives. At the foot of the mountain there is a tribe of people who call themselves the Zhongshan clan, and one of the teenagers is called Zhongyue..."