Rise of Humanity

Chapter 154: His heart can be punished


"Brother Ying, well done!" The mongoose yelled violently, squatting with all four limbs, and suddenly exerted strength, jumped into the air, and grabbed the falling Zhong Yue!

"Come down and die!"

His palm almost caught Zhong Yue, but he saw the scorched Zhong Yue who had been struck by lightning suddenly move horizontally, like a flying dragon, avoiding the attack of the mongoose snake.

"Long soaring ten thousand miles!"

Zhong Yue's figure swam, and rushed towards Guxia City.

"Why didn't you get severely injured?"

The mongoose snake grabbed the air with its palm, startled in its heart, suddenly turned its palm into a fist, and punched away, the power of the Mountain Shaking God Fist burst out, bombarding the air, the air was compressed into substance, and went straight to Zhong Yue's back!

Zhong Yue turned around and shook hard, his body shook violently, blood spurted from his mouth, he fell from midair, bounced up immediately after landing, and went towards Guxia City Juechen.

The mongoose snake roared, and tried to chase and kill Zhong Yue by flying through the air, but it was too heavy to stop falling from the sky. When he landed, the mongoose elephant on the other side immediately jumped like flying, its mental power rolled up stone pillars one by one, and approached Zhong Yue quickly!

"Brother Xiang, come back! You are no match for him!"

The mongoose snake's expression changed drastically, and he quickly called out: "Brother Ying, hurry up and catch up with Longyue!"

However, Ying Chi and Ying Bai brothers fell from the sky like coke, their bodies were scorched black, they remained motionless, black smoke and black blood spewed out from their mouths, and their injuries were several times worse than Zhong Yue's!

The primordial spirit is the soul, which belongs to yin, and thunder belongs to yang. When yin and yang meet, it will trigger thunder to strike.

The higher the realm, the stronger the thunder that is induced, and the higher the flight, the greater the power of the thunder. It can be said that even a giant cannot fly out of the atmosphere, because the soul of the giant is stronger, and the thunder that is aroused by flying into the sky will be stronger. Terribly strong!

Only by cultivating into a god and refining the primordial spirit into pure yang, can one not be struck by lightning.

Both Ying Chi and Ying Bai had opened up the Five Elements Secret Realm with their primordial spirits, and their realm was higher than that of Zhong Yue, and the power of the thunder they aroused was much greater than that of Zhong Yue. A lightning strike almost killed them!

Although Zhong Yue was also struck by lightning, he had already used the thunder to sharpen his body and soul when he was in the sword gate. Although the thunder that struck him was extremely terrifying, the injury it caused to him was not like that of an eagle strike. It's as serious as Yingbai.

At this moment, the brothers of the Ying family were knocked unconscious by the thunder, and they couldn't protect themselves, how could they fly to rescue the mongoose elephant.

The mongoose elephant ran wildly, the speed was getting faster and faster, and the sound could not catch up. Naturally, it could not hear the cry of the mongoose snake behind it. But at this time, right in front of the mongoose elephant, sword threads suddenly erected on the ground, There are seven paths in total, as thin as a cicada's wings, standing straight up.

The mongoose elephant was extremely fast, and rushed towards Zhong Yue, passing through before it could find the seven sword threads.

He ran fast, his body was divided into eight pieces as he ran, and he rushed forward a few miles before he fell to the ground, and the stone pillars rolled up by his mental power suddenly lost control, and the stone pillars fell from the air one after another. fall down.

The seven sword threads flew up without a sound, and chased Zhong Yue who was still running wildly ahead, and disappeared into his body one after another.

"Brother Xiang!"

The mongoose snake screamed, jumped like flying, and rushed towards Zhong Yue. His speed was faster than the mongoose elephant, and his strength was stronger. Zhong Yue knew that his sword silk could not help him, so he immediately buried his head and ran wildly, trying to catch up with the mongoose elephant. Before stepping into the sphere of influence of Guxia City.

The boundary marker between Guxia City and Dayuan Wasteland is getting closer and closer, and the distance between the mongoose snake and Zhong Yue is getting closer and closer. Finally, Zhong Yue rushed into Guxia City behind the boundary marker. Looking back, he saw the mongoose snake jumping high like a hill. Pan threw it at himself, his face couldn't help changing slightly, and immediately visualized the golden crow's wings, soaring into the sky!

"Kill my brother Xiang, can you still go?"

The mongoose roared loudly, and punched out, the golden feathers scattered in mid-air, Zhong Yue let out a muffled snort, the golden crow's wings exploded behind him, and he fell down involuntarily.

With a sudden step, the air was crushed by him, and he stepped into the air, running continuously, and the speed was not slower than that on the ground.

"Come down for me, Mountain Shaking Fist!"

The mongoose snake roared unceasingly, ran with all its strength, and punched Zhong Yue in the air with one punch after another. The wind of punches blasted the air, causing Zhong Yue to step on the air from time to time, get punched from time to time, and had to stop from time to time. Shake him hard with the Mountain Shaking Fist.

"Mongoose, come back!"

Earth Dragon raised his head and shouted loudly: "That is the territory of Gu Hongzi City Lord. Gu Hongzi is extremely powerful. If you enter his territory to kill his lord, you must first say hello to him!"

"Say hello!"

The mongoose snake's eyes were bloodshot, and he said sharply: "Kill my brother Xiang, I want to avenge my brother Xiang! What can Gu Hongzi do? I even killed him when he got annoyed!"

"You're obsessed with hatred!" Tu Zhonglong stomped his feet, wanting to rush into the boundary of Guxia City to stop the mongoose, but he was a little worried and hesitant.

In mid-air, Zhong Yue ran quickly, his body flickering again and again, his injuries became more and more serious, and he gradually felt that the burden on his body was getting heavier and heavier. The martial arts master's air-running combat method is certainly good, but it consumes a lot of energy. It is impossible to run in the air all the time.

In particular, the strength of the mongoose snake is too terrifying. The Shaking Mountain God Fist is domineering and full of power, so he has to focus most of his attention on the mongoose snake, so as not to be killed by his punch if he is not paying attention!

And it is impossible for him to visualize the wings of the Golden Crow, the Mountain Shaking God Fist is extremely ferocious, one punch can shatter his wings of the Golden Crow!

The gap between him and the mongoose snake is too great. He can still fight against Zhong Yue, a master of the five elements wheel. The guy who opened the Vientiane Secret Realm, Zhong Yue will definitely not be an opponent!

It can't fly in the air, and it can't hide in the ground. The attack power of the mongoose snake is too terrifying. The mountain shaking fist bombards the ground, and the fist force crushes it, like a mountain hitting the body, it can't bear it at all.

And running wildly on the ground is also not feasible, this guy has a huge body, he jumps like flying, one vertical jump is equivalent to Zhong Yue's more than ten steps, running is no match for him!

Now, Zhong Yue can only desperately delay time and rush to Guxia City desperately, otherwise he will most likely be killed here by this crazy mongoose beast!

"I've been through a lot of wind and waves along the way, can I still fall into the hands of a mongoose?"

Zhong Yue yelled angrily, the primordial spirit appeared behind him, suddenly King Ming's divine eyes opened, his pupils shone brightly, and the pure yang energy turned into a pure yang light, and he slashed down with a sneer!

The power of this ray of light is extremely astonishing, Zhong Yue once used the Divine Eye of the Ming King to slash an expert in the Open Wheel Realm who had opened the Five Elements Secret Realm, beheading his opponent like cutting melons and vegetables.

The golden light slashed down, the mongoose roared loudly, and the Vientiane wheel suddenly appeared in front of him. The Vientiane wheel turned, shaking the light, and the Vientiane wheel collided with the light, and there was only a soft clang, and a streak appeared on the Vientiane wheel. crack.

The mongoose was startled, and suddenly saw another ray of light coming, slashing on the Vientiane wheel again, the Vientiane wheel vibrated, and the crack was deeper, almost cutting the Vientiane wheel open!

"Such a powerful divine eye is indeed worthy of the demon god Mingwang Jue, but unfortunately, the realm is a bit short, and it can't break my Vientiane wheel!"

He had just thought of this, when suddenly he saw the third divine eye of the primordial spirit behind Zhong Yue open again, a ray of light shot out, and cut down again!


The Vientiane wheel vibrated and was cut open by Pingping!

The mongoose snake turned pale with fright, its qi and blood became disordered immediately, the Vientiane Wheel was cut open, and the Yuan Mysterious Realm closed with a bang, shocking him so much that his qi and blood surged. To the realm of the Five Elements Wheel!

Regardless of the Vientiane Wheel or the Five Elements Wheel, they both open the wheel-shaped secret realm in the primordial spirit. When the Vientiane Wheel is erected, it means that the Vientiane Secret Realm has been opened and the Vientiane power has been obtained!

But at this moment, the Vientiane wheel was cut off, the Vientiane secret realm in his primordial spirit suddenly closed, and the Vientiane power disappeared, leaving only the Five Elements secret realm open!

"His third kind of divine eye is more powerful than the previous ones, and it can knock me down to a small level!"

The mongoose snake was shocked, its physical strength was greatly weakened, and he thought: "In the previous battle, he did not use these three special skills of divine eyes, which means that the consumption of these three divine eyes is extremely high. Desperately use these three divine eyes!"

Just as he thought of this, Zhong Yue staggered, fell from mid-air, and flew away.

The mongoose snake quickly chased after him. Although he fell to a small level, he was still a master who had activated the Five Elements Wheel. Now that Zhong Yue was exhausted, how could he be his opponent

"Die to me!"

His speed was extremely fast, and he was getting closer and closer to Zhong Yue. The two fought in close quarters, their feet staggered. It didn't take long for Zhong Yue to groan and vomit blood, and was punched flying by him.

The mongoose snake laughed loudly, stood up, and followed Zhong Yue to kill him. It was about to kill Zhong Yue with its fists, but at this moment, suddenly, an incomparably majestic aura came, and the mongoose snake saw a sudden look. Hua, I saw a young man who came behind Zhong Yue in a single step, handsome in appearance, but wild in breath, raised his hand to catch Zhong Yue, rolled up his sleeves, and sent Zhong Yue behind him.

"Gu Hongzi!"

The mongoose snake hurriedly stopped, showing vigilance, bowed and said: "The mongoose snake of the mongoose family, I have seen the city master Gu Hongzi!"

Gu Hongzi raised his brows lightly, hummed, and the mongoose snake boldly said: "I also ask Gu Hongzi, the city master, to hand over Longyue. Longyue committed a heinous crime and killed my brother Xiang, and killed one or two hundred people in the holy city." Yaozu..."

"The closed disciple of the Holy City Lord, you want to kill him too, you can kill him."

Gu Hongzi raised his hand and pointed, a bloody hole was pierced between the mongoose's eyebrows, his eyes showed disbelief, Gu Hongzi shot so fast that he didn't even have a chance to react, and was killed immediately!

"What's more, the closed disciple of the Lord of the Holy City is also my lord. On my land, killing the lord under my command would be too disrespectful to me. Are you right, Senior Brother Lang?"

Gu Hongzi killed the mongoose snake with one finger, looked up into the air, there was a chuckle in the air, and it got farther and farther away: "It's extremely, extremely. The mongoose snake rebelled and dared to chase and kill Junior Brother Long. It deserves death. Fortunately, Senior Brother Guhong is here, otherwise it will lead to a catastrophe..."

Lang Qingyun's speed was extremely fast, leaving only the voice curling up.

"Little Fox."

Gu Hongzi withdrew his gaze, looked at Zhong Yue, and said with a half smile but not a smile: "Junior Brother Zhong, is it not easy to be a traitor in the Yaozu?"

"You, you..." Zhong Yue stared at him dumbfounded, speechless.