Rise of Humanity

Chapter 164: within the spirit body


"The gods of Jianmen?"

Zhong Yue's heart trembled slightly. The Sword Gate of the Great Wilderness possesses two strongest spirits. One is the sword spirit conceived by the Jianmen Mountain. The human race of the Great Wilderness has worshiped the Sword Gate for thousands of years, so the spirit was born!

The second is the sword gate god, the soul of the first generation gate master!

It is precisely because of these two spirits who guard the Great Wilderness and the Sword Gate that the Great Wilderness has not fallen down to this day.

Back then, the two monster giants, the Lord of Iwo Jima and the Lord of Jinxiu Island, brought the spirits of Iwo Jima and Jinxiu Island to break the seal of Beast God Ridge.

But the two spirits of Jianmen are spirits at the level of gods and demons!

These two spirits have extremely terrifying combat power. If they are activated, their power will definitely be earth-shattering, shocking the world, and they are the last barrier to protect the sword gate and the wilderness. The human race was able to keep the Great Desolation and survive till now, thanks to the great contribution of these two spirits.

However, there are spirit guardians in Jianmen, and the Yaozu and Xiaomang God Clan also have their own spirit guardians, so the human race can't take advantage of it.

When Zhong Yue and "Shui Qingyan" were tied for the first place in the outer courtyard, what Jianmen made them realize were these two spirits, and the spirits that "Shui Qingyan" got were gods!

"Mother Tianxiang died at the hands of the first-generation sect master, and she chose to comprehend the spirit of the first-generation sect master. Could it be that she wanted to find out the secrets of my sword sect's god?" Zhong Yue felt awe-inspiring.

In the past, he thought that "Shui Qingyan" just chose to comprehend the gods casually, but now it seems that this woman's actions at the beginning were very meaningful!

The old man led him to the center of the hall, which was filled with divine power and the majesty of the gods. Zhong Yue looked up and saw a group of light enshrined here, a group of light as tall as a mountain.

In the light group, one can vaguely see an indomitable figure, that is the soul of a god, worshiped and worshiped by the people of the wilderness, and preserved to this day.

Limin worshiped, and his thoughts and prayers turned into invisible power, locking his soul in the spirit, so the soul is immortal. If there is no sacrifice, the spirit will dissipate, and the soul will also dissipate.

The god opened his third eye, leaned on his sword, and stood in the light cluster. The light was like a beam of light, shooting out from his body, as if it was the sword energy drilled from the pores of his body.

"I'll take you into the body of the gods and let you see how to reverse the five secret realms."

After the old man finished speaking, he worshiped the god of Jianmen, the body of the god in the light group shook slightly, and suddenly there was a buzzing sound, and a light wheel suddenly appeared, floating behind the god.

buzz buzz —

One after another, larger light wheels appeared one after another. The big wheel was surrounded by the small wheel, and they were arranged backwards. There were five light wheels in total!

Zhong Yue immediately noticed that the multicolored light wheel was not the first to appear, the first one to appear was a quaint light wheel, the thickest and the smallest, but it gave him the most powerful feeling, it should be Dao Yi wheel!


The old man took a step forward and suddenly walked into the five light wheels.

Zhong Yue also hurriedly took steps to keep up with his footsteps. The outermost light wheel was tens of feet wide. When he walked into it, Zhong Yue suddenly saw all kinds of mysterious lights dancing gracefully under his feet and around him. Substantial, palpable.

Walking into this five-element wheel, he suddenly felt that the light wheel was probably only a hundred miles in size, and he had to walk tens of miles forward before he could enter the second light wheel, the myriad phenomenon wheel.

Zhong Yue and the old man had walked for two to three hundred miles before they entered Dao Round. In front of them was the God of Sword Gate. Zhong Yue looked carefully, but saw beams of light shooting out from the body of the god, gathering into beams. The speed of light emitted from his body shines, and this forms the vision of five rounds!

And the sources of these speeds of light correspond to the five secret realms in the body of the god!

And no matter the Five Elements Wheel, the Vientiane Wheel, or the Divine Talent Wheel, the Yin-Yang Wheel, or the Dao Wheel, they are all projections of the power contained in the secret realm of the gods!

Zhong Yue's heart trembled slightly, this was a little different from his cognition, he originally thought that the Five Elements Wheel was forged, but he didn't expect that the Five Elements Wheel and other light wheels were not forged, but projected from the power of the secret realm!

The old man walked against the light, and Zhong Yue hurriedly followed, only to feel that all kinds of light coming from his face converged, as if the light had penetrated his body.

Not long after, he and the old man walked into the body of the Jianmen god. Zhong Yue looked up and finally saw the Five Elements Mystery, Myriad Phenomena Mystery, Divine Talent Mystery, Yin-Yang Mystery and Dao One Mystery in this god's body!

"Mr. Zhong Shan, Yuanshen is not a physical body. There are no internal organs, no blood and flesh. The secret realm of the five elements corresponds to the five internal organs of the physical body."

The old man pointed him out and said, "Look at the Five Elements Secret Realm, the location of the secret realm opened is exactly where the five internal organs of the physical body belong."

Zhong Yue looked up, this god was actually the primordial spirit, the soul of the first generation of sect masters, there were indeed no internal organs, no flesh and bones in his body, it was pure energy.

The position of the primordial spirit's internal organs has been replaced by the Five Elements Secret Realm!

"The Five Elements Secret Realm is the secret realm created by replacing the internal organs."

The old man pointed to the Vientiane Secret Realm again, and said, "The primordial spirit has no bones, so the Vientiane Secret Realm has to be created to replace the bones. You see, the Vientiane Secret Realm connects limbs, so it has the function of bones."

Zhong Yue looked carefully, the mystical realm of Vientiane connected the limbs to form the skeleton of the primordial spirit.

"Why is the Primordial Spirit of the Qi Refiner in the Kailun Realm called the Primordial Spirit of Fighting? The main reason is that the five secret realms in the Primordial Spirit's body have been opened, allowing the Primordial Spirit to possess extremely terrifying combat power, and among them, the five secret realms are the most important. The reason. The Five Elements Secret Realm replaces the internal organs, the Vientiane Secret Realm replaces the bones, and the Divine Talent Secret Realm replaces Qi, blood, and skin."

The old man continued: "The Qi comes from the throat, the blood comes from the bones, and the skin comes from the blood. The Mystic Realm supplies the Primordial Spirit with Qi, blood and skin to increase its combat power."

Zhong Yue sized it up again and again, only to see that the Shencai wheel connects the throat, heart, and navel.

"The secret realm of yin and yang is where the eyes are, and the eyes are yin and yang. The secret realm of Daoyi is located on the top of the head, under the cover of the sky!"

Zhong Yue listened quietly.

The five-element wheel is made of metal, wood, earth, fire, and water into five kinds of qi, corresponding to the five internal organs, heart, liver, spleen, lung, and kidney, and the five qi form a wheel.

The Vientiane wheel uses the bones of the four limbs as the pillars, and the four elephant pillars stand tall. The pillars are imprinted with various totem patterns, which are intricate and varied, and the dense totem patterns are intertwined to form various totem patterns. It is the largest wheel.

The throat of the chakra is Qi, which corresponds to the sky, the heart is blood, which corresponds to life, and the navel is the ground, which corresponds to gestation. Three points and one line are divided in the middle of the line, forming a big round secret around this line.

The yin and yang wheel is the wheel with the eyes as the wheel, the secret realm is smaller, and the dao wheel is a little smaller than the yin and yang wheel, it is the smallest wheel.

"The Vientiane wheel is the largest, followed by the divine talent wheel, the five-element wheel is next, the Yin-Yang wheel is fourth, and the Dao wheel is the smallest. It seems that the order of the five secret realms is not arranged according to size." Zhong Yue pondered.

"Follow me, I'll take you to the Daoyi Secret Realm."

The old man walked in front, rising step by step, the two walked up all the way, when Zhong Yue passed the Five Elements Secret Realm, he looked carefully, and saw that the five qi in the Five Elements Secret Realm were like wheels, going round and round.

Looking at the Vientiane Secret Realm again, you can see the four pillars supporting the sky and the earth in the secret realm, like the pillars that support the sky; looking at the God Talent Secret Realm again, you can see that the heaven and the earth are separated, and the breath of life gathers in the center; .

"A qi refiner opens the Five Elements Secret Realm first, because the five qi are easy to find. If you find the five qi, you can use the power of the five qi to open the five element secret realm."

The old man pointed out: "The Five Elements Secret Realm is opened, and the Vientiane Secret Realm is built around the Five Elements Secret Realm. With the Vientiane Secret Realm as the root bone, with the root bone, and the heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys, hematopoietic skin grafting begins, and then the God Talent Secret Realm can Open it, you have qi, blood and skin. The genius secret realm is opened, and the qi and blood clash, you can open yin and yang, and open your eyes to see the world. But it is still extremely difficult to open the Daoyi secret realm. The Daoyi secret realm is the overall plan of all the secret realms , integration, it can be opened, which is equivalent to the human brain. The brain of a Qi refiner is the place where the gods live. The brain of the primordial spirit is the god!"

Finally, they came to the Daoyi secret realm.

Zhong Yue looked around, only to see that there was only one light wheel, and it was slowly turning with the loud sound. The phantom of the god in the light wheel was sometimes blurred and sometimes clear, and the light wheel revolved around the god, beautifully And full of mystery.

The five secret realms are not the real flesh and blood of the Yuanshen, nor is the Daoyi secret realm the real brain, but the five secret realms in the Yuanshen's body are opened, so that the Yuanshen can fight like a physical body.

"This is the most difficult level. Starting from the Five Elements Secret Realm and opening it step by step, you can open the Dao One Secret Realm, but if you start from the Dao One Secret Realm and reverse the five great secret realms, if you are not careful, it will be equivalent to destroying the brain. Abolished. The danger in it can be imagined."

The old man sighed, and said: "I used to cultivate between life and death, and I was bold and reckless, but I didn't dare to open the five great secret realms. In the end, I could only practice step by step. How to open it, you only need to wake up this god, and you will be able to do it." Let me tell you the secret of it."

He straightened his clothes, respectfully worshiped the god in the light wheel, and said: "Ancestor Feng, the unfilial son Fengshang is disturbing today, wake up the ancestor, and ask the disciples why he opened the five wheels in reverse, please also ask the ancestor Give pointers."

The light wheel slowly stopped turning, and the five secret realms were slowly oscillating. Suddenly, the five element secret realms in this god's body were closed, and then the Vientiane secret realm, the genius secret realm, and the Yin-Yang secret realm were closed one after another.


Violent shock came, Dao Yi Secret Realm and Dao Round also closed abruptly, and disappeared. The primordial spirit head of this god was in chaos, without any light and color, and without any sound.

Zhong Yue didn't know why, but suddenly saw a ray of light shoot out from the chaos, illuminating the chaos, like opening up the world.

More rays of light flooded in, opened up a secret realm of Dao, and turned into a round of Dao, and the rays of light converged to form the god in the round of Dao.

Then, the secret realm of yin and yang is illuminated, the secret realm of genius is opened, the secret realm of Vientiane is formed, and the secret realm of five elements reopens!

Zhong Yue's heart skipped a beat, that light was the thunder light transformed by mental power, and it required mental power to reach the level of lightning at least.

Blast the chaos in Yuanshen's mind with Thunder Pond!

This is equivalent to bombarding one's own head with a thunderbolt. If you don't get smashed, you will also be bombarded stupid!

And if the head of the primordial spirit is stunned, it is equivalent to abolishing one's own primordial spirit and turning into a walking dead!