Rise of Humanity

Chapter 177: Let me fight


Feng Shouzhu took a long breath, and was about to make a decision, when Zhong Yue suddenly bowed and said, "Elder, this disciple has entered the realm of opening the wheel."

Feng Shouzhu almost said the words "Lei Teng will fight", when he heard the words, he was slightly taken aback, and murmured: "You have entered the wheel-opening state... what, you have entered the wheel-opening state? You have successfully opened the wheel gone?"

He stood up suddenly, looked at Zhong Yue in disbelief, and said in surprise and joy: "You really succeeded in opening the chakra and opening the Yuan Mysterious Realm?"

Zhong Yue nodded and said with a smile: "This disciple just succeeded in opening the chakra yesterday, and became a qi refiner at the chakra opening state."

Feng Shouzhu took a long breath, with joy on his face, and murmured: "Good boy, good boy, you were able to successfully open the round by yourself... High Priest, in the third game I played in the sword gate to refine Qi at the opening round stage The scholar is Zhong Yue from the Zhongshan family!"

When Lei Teng, who was waiting for the battle, heard this, his eyes widened, he couldn't believe his ears, and looked at Feng Shouzhu and Zhong Yue in a daze.

Zuo Xiangsheng, Tian Yanzong and the others were even more stunned, not knowing why Feng Shouzhu would make such a decision.

Tian Yanzong hurriedly said loudly: "Elder Feng, Junior Brother Zhong has just cultivated to open the wheel, how can he be allowed to fight? Only one secret realm is opened, and the combat power is completely different from the five great secret realms!"

Zuo Xiangsheng and the others nodded one after another, full of doubts about Feng Shouzhu's decision.

The high priest of Xiaomang Temple was also shocked, looked at Feng Shouzhu in disbelief, and said in disbelief: "Brother Shouzhu, you said you couldn't surprise me, but now you surprised me even more! Zhong Shan's breakthrough At the Kailun Realm, you actually sent him to fight, do you have any grudges against him? Could it be that you want to use the hands of our family's qi refiners to kill him?"

Feng Shouzhu laughed, and half-truthfully said: "This kid is rebellious in my sword gate, and he doesn't listen to the lectures in every class. I wanted to beat him up a long time ago. This time I came to the Protoss, I ordered They don't want to make trouble, they want to endure, but he shot and killed two disciples of the gods. I have tolerated him for a long time. This time he is sent to fight in the Kailun Realm. The high priest must choose the strong one to fight, and teach him a lesson for me! "

His words baffled the elder high priest and many strong men from the Crow Clan, Ghost Clan, and Mountain God Clan, so they all knew that Feng Shouzhu was joking, but such serious nonsense, for Feng Shouzhu, an old man who has always been serious , but very rare.

The High Priest of the Xiaomang Temple hesitated for a moment, and said, "The Zhong Shan family just broke through and entered the Kailun Realm?"

Feng Shouzhu nodded, and said with a smile: "I entered yesterday."

The high priest said again: "He was still in the realm of rebirth the day before yesterday."

"Yes." Feng Shouzhu nodded again, smiling all over his face.

The high priest of the Xiaomang Temple said: "You send a human qi refiner who entered the Open Wheel Realm yesterday to fight against my Xiaomang God Clan who has opened the Five Yuan Mysterious Realm. Brother Shouzhu, your head is not broken?"

Feng Shouzhu laughed and said: "I also ask the high priest to teach him a lesson for me, let him know that the sky is high and the earth is thick."

The high priest of the Xiaomang Temple lingered for a while, but couldn't think of any resources for a Qi refiner who had just entered the Kailun Realm, and said, "Xiaojin, since Brother Shouzhu wants Zhong Shan's life, you will fulfill him." Forget it. Go down and fight!"

A woman bowed to take the order, and a twenty-foot mastiff Yuanshen appeared behind her, clattering, and a round of light wheels emerged from the Yuanshen's body, and the five big wheels shook, rotated, colorful and beautiful, and looked up at Zhong Yue. It seems.

Zhong Yue smiled slightly, and the twenty-foot-high Sun Golden Crow Primordial Spirit appeared behind him, and with a buzzing sound, a light wheel appeared, filled with five colors, it was the five-element wheel.

The smallest light wheel of Xiaojin's pan mastiff Yuanshen is Dao, about Zhang, while the largest Vientiane wheel is twelve Zhangs in size, and the five-element wheel behind Zhong Yue's twenty-zhang Yuanshen is only It was the size of a bowl, and I couldn't help but laugh out loud from the powerhouses of all the major protoss.

When Feng Shouzhu saw this extremely "small" five-element wheel, the muscles at the corners of his eyes suddenly throbbed violently again, and he regretted endlessly: "This brat opened the Five Elements Mysterious Realm first, and opened the five-element wheel first! Oops, Oops! If he goes smoothly, he won't be the opponent of Xiao Jin who has integrated the five great Yuan mysterious realms. If I choose him to fight, I might as well choose Lei Teng to fight... "


There was a crisp sound, and behind Zhong Yue's Great Sun Golden Crow Primordial Spirit, a slightly larger Vientiane Wheel appeared again, and the corner of Feng Shouzhu's eyes twitched again: "He actually opened the five elements and Vientiane two secret realms! Boy, it’s beyond my expectation. Just opening the Vientiane Secret Realm won’t work, his five-element wheel and the Vientiane wheel are too small, and together they’re not enough to fit between people’s teeth...”

Clang, clang, clang—

Behind the Great Yen God, the Shencai Chakra appeared, and then the Yin-Yang Chakra, which was as small as the mouth of a teacup, appeared, and then the smaller Dao Chakra, which was as small as a wine glass, made people laugh and cry!

Xiaojin drives a wheel, and he drives a cup. The gap between the two is too great, which can't help but make people laugh and cry.

And on the aerial city above the Xiaomang Temple, elders and priests stood up one after another, with turbulent breaths, looking at Zhong Yue in disbelief. Other qi practitioners were laughing at Zhong Yue's pitifully small Wulun, but these elder priests felt deeply shocked!

"In one day, the five great Yuan mysterious realms were opened? What kind of technique is this, and what kind of foundation is it?"

"Break through the five great Yuan mysterious realms in one fell swoop, which is unheard of!"

To open the Five Great Yuan Mysterious Realms, one needs to proceed step by step.

First open the Five Elements Secret Realm, replace the internal organs with the Five Elements Secret Realm, accumulate enough strength, and then break through the Vientiane Secret Realm, replace the limbs and bones with the Vientiane Secret Realm, then break through the Divine Talent Secret Realm, and use the Divine Talent Secret Realm to replace the throat, heart, navel, Corresponding to heaven, earth, and life, and then break through the secret realm of Yin and Yang, open Yin and Yang, and then break through the secret realm of Daoyi.

This cultivation step needs to be accumulated step by step, step by step, breaking through the five great secret realms in one go is simply impossible, and it only exists in theory!

Theoretically, with an unimaginable background, one can break through the five great secret realms and cultivate five rounds, but that's a theory, and Zhong Yue actually managed it!

It's just that the five rounds projected by these five secret realms are so small, it doesn't look like he has accumulated enough knowledge to be able to open the five secret realms.

This is the weirdest place!

Even Feng Shouzhu was dumbfounded, Zhong Yue managed to open all five rounds!

"Is he driving five rounds in reverse, or five rounds in sequence? If it is in sequence, it is impossible to have such a background. If it is in reverse, it will be even more weird. How did he drive it? Open five in one breath..." Feng Shouzhu was also shocked and speechless.

"The third game, the terrain of the temple. Please enter the secret realm, you two. You each have a quarter of an hour to familiarize yourself with the geography." After a while, the white-robed priest came to his senses and said.

The geography in the secret realm suddenly changed. Mountains collapsed and the terrain changed. Instead, temples rose from the ground, magnificent, and there were various totem patterns on the temples. The shape of this temple is not filial piety. In the Mang Temple, the totem pattern painted on it is also quite different from the totem pattern of the Xiaomang God Clan. Instead, it is painted with big hands and eyes.

Mountain Temple!

The temple of the mountain gods was copied by the secret realm.

Feng Shouzhu and the high priest of Xiaomang Temple set up these five competitions. The geography of each competition was discussed in detail, and they fought openly and secretly. The geography of each duel must be a terrain that neither side is familiar with.

Originally, the High Priest of Xiaomang Temple wanted to use the terrain of Xiaomang Temple in the third game, so that he would have a great advantage over Xiaojin, but Feng Shouzhu directly vetoed it.

After some discussion, it was finally decided to use the temple geography of the Mountain God Race.

Every battle seems simple, requiring only two qi refiners to fight and fight in front of the stage, but behind the stage there is actually a struggle between Jianmen and Xiaomang God Clan!

Xiaojin and Zhong Yue flew into the secret realm one after the other. Xiaojin did not immediately set off to check the geography, but stood on the high spire of a temple, looked at Zhong Yue with flickering eyes, and said softly: "You came My God Clan, kill my two God Clan disciples?"

Zhong Yue also landed on the steeple of the nearby temple, without checking the geography, nodded and said: "Not bad."

Behind Xiaojin, the huge pan mastiff Yuanshen floated, its fierce eyes opened, and it stared closely at Zhong Yue, showing joy: "I thought my opponent would be Lei Teng, Lei Teng is not my opponent, I killed him, no, I ate him."

She licked her red lips. The image of this woman at the moment is a three-headed human face. Each face is extremely delicate. It is also a rare beauty among the human race. One of the faces smiled slightly: "It's just that , I still have regrets in my heart, that is, I failed to kill you. You are the first one to kill my Protoss in my Protoss territory. It was expected that you would break through to the Open Wheel Realm and be sent out."

"It's really unexpected, isn't it?" Zhong Yue said with a smile.


Xiao Jin turned another face, and said with a sweet smile: "However, it also makes me very happy. I will eat you, eat you bite by bite in front of your clan."

With a smile on his face, Zhong Yue said leisurely: "I'll beat you to death, I'll beat you to death alive."

"I'm going to eat you while you're alive."

Xiaojin licked her red lips, looked at him with the third face, and said with a smile: "Although you have entered the Open Wheel Realm, your secret realm is too small, how strong can you be? Killing you, it would be a big deal for me." It's easier and simpler than killing Lei Teng."

"try it yourself."

Zhong Yue put his hands behind his back and said leisurely: "You are not the first Xiaomang God Clan I killed, nor will you be the last one. There will be more Xiaomang God Clan killed by my hands in the future. I haven't hurt you yet , but I will continue to work hard to make you hurt and make you cry."

Outside the secret place, the white-robed priest said in a deep voice: "You two, a quarter of an hour is about to pass, time is running out, don't you check the geography?"

"Why do you need to look at geography when you kill him?" Xiao Jin laughed, the fluffy tail behind her stood up and swayed slightly, looking extremely strange.

"She doesn't look at it, I look at it."

Zhong Yue suddenly smiled, his body sank, and a light palm was printed on the temple.