Rise of Humanity

Chapter 186: The extravagant corpse clan



The waves at Zhong Yue's feet dissipated, just sending him to the small temple in the middle of the three willow trees, which made him admire: "Elder Shui Zi'an's supernatural power is simply amazing. There are many, many, and there is no more strength. No wonder he can create sixty-four sword moves and one of the ten fierce soldiers! Now that Elder Shui is wounded, I don’t know about his battle with Xiao Que. Can you win... ”

The small temple was pitch-black, and the portal was also pitch-black. Compared with the brightly lit temple in the distance, it looked extremely shabby and gloomy.

There was no sound, it was eerily quiet.

Zhong Yue regained his composure, reached out and knocked on the pitch-black temple door, the sound was extremely ear-piercing.

Then, the ear-piercing door opening sound came out slowly, and the black door was gradually opened, and a pitch-black palm protruded from it, slowly stretched out, and Zhong Yue quickly put the Sanliu Token that Shui Zi'an gave him in that palm. In the palm of his hand, when he touched that strange hand, it felt icy cold, and the coldness pierced his bones, making Zhong Yue shiver more than a dozen times in a row!

The cold air was extremely terrifying, it seemed to contain this poison, Zhong Yue visualized the great sun again and again, and only then did he drive away the cold poison.

The palm squeezed the token, and slowly retracted into the black temple.

After a while, a very pleasant voice came from the black temple, it was a woman, and the voice was beautiful: "So it is the messenger of Shui Zi'an, please come in."

Zhong Yue shut his mouth tightly, without saying a word, and stood motionless outside the temple.

"The smell of the human race, it turns out to be the little brother of the human race, what are you afraid of?"

The woman's laughter came from the temple, it was crisp and graceful, she giggled and said: "I won't eat you again."

Zhong Yue remained motionless, only feeling that the auras of those strong men who were chasing him were getting closer and closer. Obviously, these protoss strong men had locked onto his aura and knew his position!

"You have enemies chasing you. These enemies are many times stronger than you. Hurry up and hide in the temple. They will help you resist them." The woman's voice continued.

Zhong Yue made up his mind, and still stood in front of the temple gate, not being confused by the woman's words, and thought: "Elder Shui doesn't need to waste his tongue to harm me, since he won't let me enter the temple, he won't let me speak out, If I don't enter the temple, I won't make a sound!"

The woman's voice came from the temple: "He is guarding the empty temple alone, it is very lonely, young man, don't you come in to accompany him? They want you to come in..."

huh huh—

There was a sound of breaking through the air, followed by a boom boom boom, as if a huge object had landed on the ground, shaking the mountains and forests, and the pursuers who were chasing Zhong Yue finally arrived!

Zhong Yue followed the moonlight to look, and saw tall figures appearing in the darkness under the moonlight. Among the mountains and forests, the eyes were like lanterns at night. There were red lanterns, green lanterns, yellow lanterns, and fire lanterns. , the fire that burns in the eye sockets.

"This group of hunters includes not only the three major protoss, Xiaomang, Mountain God, and Ghost God, but also four more protoss!"

Zhong Yue could tell the race from these glowing eyes, and couldn't help but tremble in his heart: "The other protoss have also sent masters to hunt and kill me..."

"Human race, Shui Zi'an is stuck by filial piety, you are desperate."

In the darkness, a pair of huge eyes flickered on and off, and I saw a pair of eyes floating forward, and said solemnly: "Reversing the mysterious realm of the five great origins, no matter what race it is, let alone the human race? Now, you have no way out." You can escape, just accept death obediently!"

Zhong Yue shut his mouth tightly and stood in front of the temple without saying a word. The aura of these strong men was too terrifying for him. They surpassed him by a few, and the lowest level was the level of the hall master. A desperate aura enveloped the surroundings. .

Although he reversed the five great Yuan mysterious realms, he was still too weak for these hall master-level existences, as weak as an ant.

"When will I be able to gallop between the heavens and the earth like a real strong man, and wherever I pass, the gods will kneel down tremblingly?"

Zhong Yue was silent, and thought: "It's not possible now, but in the future, I will definitely do it!"

"Don't say a word, have you been scared to death?"

In the darkness, a pair of eyes flickered with fire, and they approached Zhong Yue, and said with a smile: "But even if it is dead, you need to confirm it again!"

The terrifying aura was turbulent, getting closer and closer to the Three Strange Willows and the Little Black Temple, Zhong Yue saw a huge mountain-like body moving under the moonlight, with terrifying explosive power hidden under his body, he reached out and grabbed himself!

The existence of the hall master level, finally do it!

All of a sudden, at the moment when this protoss master made his move, he saw the three willow trees around the Xiaohei Temple moving without wind, their branches swaying and swaying, and the willow branches shot out one after another, and with a whistling sound, the willow trees The huge mountain-like body rolled up and was dragged into the small temple!

The protoss powerhouse let out a scream, and then saw violent vibrations from all around, it was the protoss powerhouses around the black temple who shot!

The incomparably powerful supernatural power suddenly erupted around this small temple, and the terrifying power made people tremble. It turbulently churned in the hundreds of miles of space around the small black temple, forming a variety of strange and terrifying visions!

In addition, there are those creepy soul soldiers flying in the darkness. The soul soldiers cut through the sky and come and go like lightning. Some are silent, while others are like thunder!

In front of the Little Black Temple, under the moonlight, Zhong Yue saw soul soldiers and supernatural powers intertwined like a net, and powerful figures jumping like flying, strange figures all around and in mid-air.

The murderous intent around this small temple erupted in an instant, enough to kill a qi refiner like him at the opening stage tens of thousands of times!

However, under the shroud of this terrifying power, the small temple and the three willow trees still did not fall down, and Zhong Yue in front of the small temple was not injured at all. He could only see the willow branches going back and forth under the moonlight, blurring Very good, piercing through the supernatural powers, cutting off the soul soldiers!

The huge bodies screamed and exclaimed, and then were dragged into the small black temple!

After a while, several figures rushed to the sky, fled, and screamed: "The three strange willows are the corpse king's temple of the Shebi corpse clan!"

"Isn't this temple deserted? Why are there still gods alive inside?"

"Go, go!"

In the blink of an eye, the supernatural powers around were no longer there. Huge fragments of soul soldiers fell from the air and stuck aggressively on the ground around the small black temple. Some soul soldiers were like a wall, extremely bright, but a blade. Some soul soldiers are like a round ball, two or three people high, which is the hammer head of the soul soldier.

Zhong Yue was shocked in his heart. In the blink of an eye, most of the great protoss powerhouses who chased and killed him were killed or injured, and all the soul soldiers fell, while more protoss were dragged into this small temple.

"The Temple of the Corpse King?"

Zhong Yue looked at this dark small temple, and felt creepy. A woman's soft voice came from the small temple, and she laughed softly: "Fresh flesh...and it's the best flesh and blood. I haven't eaten such kind of meat for a long time. Delicious, ummmmmm..."

There was a sound of chewing, as if there was a huge monster in this small temple gobbling up those strong protoss just now.

"What's so weird about this small temple? What kind of protoss live in this small temple?"

Zhong Yue was puzzled, and only listened to the woman's soft voice, eating and praising: "It's even sweeter than the young man from the human race outside the temple, but it's a pity that the bad guy Shui Zi'an won't let him enter the temple, otherwise he... miss the human race very much." It's delicious... eat it, eat it, I've been hungry for a long time... "

Zhong Yue's hair stood on end, he didn't dare to make a sound, and he didn't dare to take a breath.

After a while, there was only the sound of chewing in the temple, and the woman in the temple didn't know how big her appetite was, so she kept eating, non-stop!

Zhong Yue boldly took two steps, but the women in the temple were still eating, and there was no other movement.

"Fortunately, the guys in this temple are no longer dangerous if they have something to eat..."

Zhong Yue heaved a sigh of relief, looked at the soul soldiers scattered all around, and his eyes couldn't help but brighten up: "Good things, they are all good things! Any of these protoss powerhouses is a powerhouse above the Spirit Body Realm and the Alchemy Realm. The existence of Fatian Realm! Their soul soldiers are countless times stronger than those of Qi refiners at the Open Wheel Realm, and the energy of the five elements contained in them is even more majestic. If I absorb and refine the energy of the five elements in these fragments of soul soldiers, Consolidating the Five Elements Secret Realm with the Qi of the Five Elements is enough to complete my Five Elements Secret Realm!"

Cultivating the Five Elements Secret Realm requires the support of a huge Five Elements Qi to consolidate and expand the Five Elements Secret Realm in the primordial spirit. A strong person in the Open Wheel Realm collects the Qi of the Five Elements, and often needs months of painstaking practice and continuous expansion of the Five Elements Secret Realm in order to achieve the completion of the Secret Realm and open the next Secret Realm.

Qi refiners in Jianmen often rely on spirit pills such as Wuqi Dan, and other low-grade spirit pills such as Jin Yuan Dan and Mu Yuan Dan, which are used to nourish the Five Elements Secret Realm in the body.

On the other hand, Zhong Yue has already fully opened the five great secret realms, and has the sword pattern of the free sword qi, such a heaven-defying totem pattern, which can directly extract the gold and wood qi from the soul soldiers, and refine the qi of the five elements in these remnant soldiers The speed is extremely fast.

He immediately wandered around the small temple at high speed, collecting all the fragments of soul soldiers, and saw that these fragments of soul soldiers were piled up like a mountain, each of which could be called the best of the best, and the energy of the five elements contained in it was extremely huge!

Zhong Yue was both surprised and happy, and fear in his heart: "The things in this temple are so terrifying that they can easily cut off these soul soldiers. Is it true that the things in the temple are corpse kings as those strong men said? Otherwise, what Will it be called the Corpse King Temple?"

He settled down, practiced in front of the temple, and absorbed the energy of the five elements. The secret realm of the five elements in Yuanshen's body gradually expanded, and the five-element wheel behind Yuanshen was also rapidly growing in size!

Soon, his Five Elements Secret Realm changed from the size of a bowl mouth to the size of a washbasin. After half an hour, the Five Elements Secret Realm behind Zhong Yue's Yuanshen had expanded to about eight feet, and it was still expanding!

At sunrise, the five-element wheel behind Yuanshen was about three feet long, turning slowly, filled with the power of the five elements!

He had consumed less than half of the soul soldier fragments in front of him, Zhong Yue opened his eyes, saw the sun rising, and said in his heart: "Elder Shui said, I can enter the small temple to take refuge after dawn, and there will be no one in the small temple at that time." danger. Now it's daylight..."

Looking back, he couldn't help but be horrified, and saw the small black temple among the three willow trees. It wasn't a black temple, but a huge black coffin, a black coffin with a radius of eighteen feet, an erected coffin!

And those three willows are willows growing from the coffin lid of this giant coffin!

He actually stood in front of this black coffin the whole time!

The lid of the coffin was opened by a thread, the strange hand protruded from the coffin, and the woman's voice also came from the coffin!