Rise of Humanity

Chapter 190: Don't feel guilty about me


Shui Zi'an turned his head and stared at Zhong Yue. This old man was filled with fierce fighting spirit and a monstrous aura.

"There are countless suspicious points on you, enough for me to believe that you are the devil soul in the underground of Jianmen, and I didn't kill you. It's actually very simple, that is, you left too many flaws and suspicious points."

Shui Zi'an laughed, with a playful look in his eyes: "If you were really a demon soul who invaded Zhong Shan's body, then you wouldn't leave so many doubts and flaws, on the contrary, you would be like Shui Qingyan. , not leaving any flaws. If Shui Qingyan hadn't fought you in the no-taboo duel, no one would have expected that her strength would have improved by leaps and bounds! Only when she fought with you did she reveal her only flaw."

"As for you, you are not like a god and devil who has no plans at all. You leave doubts and flaws everywhere in your work, which is the biggest reason for your innocence. Back then, the sect master knew about you and asked me if there was something wrong with you. Tell him, are there any gods and demons who are so stupid to leave so many flaws and doubts? The door master laughed and nodded."

He smiled and said: "The more I study about you, the more interesting I find you. Later, I followed Long Xiang's footsteps to the wilderness of the Great Plains. Jun Sixie was ambushed. I was going to save her, but I saw you make a move." Rescue Jun Sixie, and I will know that you are the dragon that made trouble in my water village."

There was a look of approval in his eyes, and he said: "You went to Yaozu again, became Longyue, became a disciple of Master Yiyi, and then gradually became more meticulous in doing things, leaving fewer and fewer flaws, and I will also help you. You are happy because I watched you grow step by step."

Zhong Yue's eyes were slightly red, and Shui Zian took out a scroll of pictures, stuffed them into his hands, and said with a smile: "I watched you grow up, and I am happier than I picked up my baby. Take this map with you. This is a copy of the original picture." , come with me, I will find a safer secret place for you, and you hide in it. I will fight, but I cannot protect you, this place is too remote, and there is no temple that can protect you anymore."

"Elder Shui..."

Zhong Yue's nose was sore and he couldn't help crying. When he suspected that Shui Zi'an was a traitor, he never thought that this old man was paying attention to his every move, every little bit of his progress, and this old man would smile happily.

"Don't be hypocritical, it's a man, stand up and cheer for me! The old man just wants to compete with those three old guys, not to die."

Shui Zi'an stepped forward and said: "Without your burden, I might still be able to fight out. By that time, you will be trapped in this place of God's battle, and you will have no place to cry! Let's go!" , let’s go, let’s look for it, there must be a relatively safe God’s Secret Realm preserved here... "

Zhong Yue followed him with the scroll of pictures in his hand, Shui Zian looked around, searched around, and after a while, said: "If you survived and I didn't return to the Great Wilderness, then you go and tell the sect master, moths can only be found in the wild." Among the people who are qualified to check the map, there are not many who have this qualification... Don't frown, I am not really going to die. This old man has been clever since he was a child, and he is the smartest person in Jianmen. I have a few hundred yuan in Yuan Mysterious Realm The protection tokens were given to me by those powerful and terrifying guys, and I still have the protection tokens you gave me. These tokens can keep me from dying hundreds of times... "

Finally, Shui Zi'an found a place in the Yuan Mysterious Realm, and with a light finger, sword qi flew out, cutting a line through the secret realm, and shouted: "Go in! Zhong Shan, let me in quickly!"

Zhong Yue turned over and knelt down on the ground, kowtowed in the mud, then got up, and flew into the mysterious realm of the gods.

"Don't come out for now, wait for the storm to subside!"

Shui Zian's voice came into the secret realm, and it was a little blurry through the secret realm: "Remember, the person they want to kill is not you. From the beginning to the end, their thoughts were not on you. From the beginning, they just wanted to kill you. Me! Whether I die or escape, you don’t need to feel guilty because of me! I don’t need your guilt, understand?”

"Also, although this secret realm of the gods is relatively safe, it is also dangerous. You should be careful. You can only come out when the storm subsides and you are safe. When you leave the secret realm, you should also be careful around, there may be pursuers. At that time, there will be no one to protect you, you need to fight yourself..."

In this mysterious realm of gods and spirits, Zhong Yue was stunned, his eye sockets became moist again, and then fire gushed out from his eyes, not letting the tears flow out, but evaporating them.

Shui Zi'an doesn't need tears, saying it's hypocritical is hypocritical, tears are useless, it's useless to be shocked.

"What is useful is strong support and strong force. My strength is too weak to be of any help..."

Zhong Yue's expression was dull. Elder Shui fought against the giants of the Sifang Temple of the Xiaomang God Clan. He couldn't intervene or help. After a while, he lifted his spirits and said in a low voice: "It's no use complaining about yourself. If you want to become stronger, I can only rely on my own efforts, instead of being silent in grief! I am still too weak, but I will not always be weak, this kind of thing, it happens once is enough!"

He calmed down, cleared away the distracting thoughts in his heart, and looked around. Here was the Yuan Mysterious Realm of a god. The Yuan Mystic Realm did not disintegrate even after the god died.

For gods who die in battle, their Yuan Mysterious Realm will also become extremely dangerous, full of many unpredictable dangers.

For example, in the mystical realm of a god, if the god dies in battle, his mystical realm of myriad phenomena is still in constant turmoil and changes just before death, mobilizing the power of myriad phenomena, then my mystical realm of myriad phenomena will still be full of myriad phenomena after his death, Constantly changing!

In the Xiaomang God Clan, Zhong Yue had entered the Mystery of Mystery of the Gods. Under the urging of the white-robed priests, the Mystery of Vientiane changed ever-changingly, turning into deserts, mountains, forests, temples, and oceans.

For the gods who died in the battle, their Mysterious Realm will be even more terrifying. Horror scenes such as the power of mountains and seas, the mighty power of temples, desert quicksand, sea of fire, and meteors may all appear.

If it is the Five Elements Secret Realm, the Qi of the Five Elements will kill and refine all intruders, the Yin and Yang Secret Realm will be filled with Yin and Yang Qi, the God Talent Secret Realm will overwhelm the world, absorbing the vitality of all intruders, and the Dao One Secret Realm is even more terrifying. The power of the five great secret realms.

Even the giants will fall into this land of gods' battle, so the danger can be imagined.

The secret realm that Shui Zian chose is the safest one. There is no turbulent secret realm power in this secret realm, and even if it does, it is not as dangerous as other secret realms.

Zhong Yue looked around and saw the sun and the moon in the sky, one hanging on the left and one hanging on the right, confirming that this is a secret realm of yin and yang for the gods.

In this secret realm, the sun and the moon are broken, a large part of the big sun in mid-air is broken, and a raging fire flows down from the sky. Like a waterfall rushing down, what flows out is Yin Qi.

"The yin and yang secret realm of the gods is just the yin and yang qi in this yin and yang secret realm, not pure yin and pure yang. Obviously, this god has not cultivated pure yin and yang qi. But the yin and yang qi here are suitable for my cultivation Yin and yang two qi."

Zhong Yue walked towards the place where the sun, fire, and yang qi leaked out. Regarding the yin and yang qi, he was uniquely blessed. After all, he got the sun spirit and the moon spirit. , and even he has refined into a wisp of yin and yang qi, and it is pure yin qi and pure yang qi.

He has a specialization in surgery, and he is also stronger than a god.

"My yin and yang secret realm can also use the yin and yang qi here to raise a big level and cultivate the yin and yang secret realm to a perfect state! It can also regulate yin and yang, rectify the spirit of the sun and the moon, so as to avoid the imbalance of yin and yang in the body, and more importantly, , my sun spirit and moon spirit will definitely be able to achieve a huge leap because of this."

Zhong Yue sat down by the edge of the fire and practiced quietly.

"Elder Shui..." From time to time, the figure of the somewhat thin old man appeared in front of his eyes, reminding him of his fluttering sleeves.

"You said you didn't die because of me, but in fact you died because of me. If you hadn't come to rescue me under the order of the sect master, how could you have fallen into such a dangerous situation?"

"You don't let me feel guilty, are you worried that guilt will disturb my mind and make me decadent in guilt? I won't."

"I only feel the helplessness without power, the helplessness of powerlessness, I will become stronger, and continue to become stronger, so that this kind of thing will not happen again!"

In the boundless land of God's War, Shui Zi'an put his hands in his sleeves, and the sleeves were bulging in the wind. As the old man walked forward, he saw that the sky on the left was more cloudy, the moon on the right was brighter, and the sky was clear and bright.

The dense cloud is not a cloud, but a gray-black robe, covering the sky, the bright moon is not a bright moon, but a jade plate carved from white jade, and the clear sky is a net made of deep-space rays that blends into the sky among.

Shui Zian looked up at the three extremely powerful soul soldiers, and suddenly smiled: "Xiao Yin, Xiao Qing, and Xiao Yuan, three senior brothers and sisters, there is no need to hide, I am already here!"


The cloud trembled and turned into a gray-black robe and fell on the shoulders of an old man with three heads. The moon set and turned into a white jade plate and landed on the back of a white-haired old woman. Trembling in the middle, an old woman stood upside down on the net, with her head and feet hanging on the net.

The Sifang Temple, three giant-level priests, appeared on the only way of life in the Battle of Gods.

"Shui Zi'an, senior brother Shui, you are a smart person, so you don't need us siblings to talk too much?"

Xiao Yuan was that old woman, the white jade plate on the back of her head became brighter and brighter, she hunched over and said with a smile: "You should have guessed our target, we dispatched the four priests of Yin Qing Yuan Que, plus Xiao Demon God, there are five The giant, just to get rid of you. You have severely injured Xiao Demon God and Xiao Que, and let us attack you together, you are proud enough to die."

"Deadly proud?"

Shui Zi'an laughed loudly and said, "Before I died, I had to drag one or two senior brothers to accompany me on the road. I wonder which of you three?"

When the three giants came, Xiao Yuan smiled and said: "There is no such possibility, you are already injured, and you don't have the sword cocoon and sword silk in your hands, so we can't take away any one of them to be buried with you."