Rise of Humanity

Chapter 194: let him go


Shui Zi'an's body was covered with blood spots, but his figure was still vigorous. A flood of water was born from his feet like a long river, supporting him. The long river was like a dragon like a python, carrying him back and forth, trying to break through the siege of the three giants and escape.

He was old, and his energy and blood were not as strong as before. After fighting for three days in a row, his energy and blood were withered, and his body suffered from many injuries, making his physical mobility somewhat inconvenient.

If he was a mature man, he wouldn't be exhausted in three days. After all, he was a member of the Shuitu family, and his water-type supernatural powers were far beyond ordinary people, and he had a long stamina.

"Shui Zi'an, you are indeed amazing, and you have managed to persevere until now. Unfortunately, you are old and not as good as before."

The old woman, Xiaoyuan, urged the bright moon mirror, and the bright mirror hung high like a moon, and sword qi shot out from the mirror, constantly colliding with the sixty-four sword moves, and said with a smile: "In order to kill you, not to be counterattacked by you when you die, We have only spent three days killing your blood, but now, you are exhausted. Now, it is time to reap your life!"

In mid-air, the sixty-four sword moves rolled like a dragon, and the extremely complicated sword moves unfolded, criss-crossing. Haoyue Mingjing is also an amazing soul soldier, not inferior to the ten fierce soldiers of Jianmen, but he was still unable to attack after fighting for a long time. Sixty-four moves into the sword.

And the gray-black robe in mid-air is another extremely powerful soul weapon, which was refined by Xiao Yin and soaked in his whole life's painstaking efforts.

I saw this gray-black robe coming and going like the wind, sometimes falling on Xiaoyin's shoulders, protecting his whole body, allowing him to break into the sixty-four sword moves, blocking the attack of the sixty-four sword moves, and sometimes the robe flew away. He raised it, swung it open, and lowered the cover, collecting streams of sword energy into the cloak, turning them into ashes.

And the deep-space ray net made by another giant shakes the net, and it engulfs the world. Rays hide the void and hide between the sky and the earth. When the net is drawn, everything in the net is cut into pieces.

None of these three giants was afraid of single-versus-one Shui Zi'an, but the combination of the three giants, together with the three soul soldiers, made him bear unimaginable pressure.

Fortunately, these three giants cherished their own lives. They wanted to consume his vitality and cultivation, force his old injuries to explode, and then take his life, so they didn't try their best as soon as they came up.

And now that Shui Zi'an's qi and blood were withered, it was time to reap the fruits!

"Shui Zi'an, die!"

The three figures rose violently, Xiaoyin put the gray robe on her body with a whimper, passed through the sleeves with a flick of her hands, poked out her palms, and broke into the sixty-four sword moves, the sleeves trembled, and the two big sleeves It's getting bigger and rounder, whirring and drawing sword energy into the sleeves.

Shui Zi'an was about to activate the sword energy in the sleeve, when suddenly the two goddesses Xiaoqing and Xiaoyuan yelled loudly at the same time. The sound wave went straight to Shui Zi'an!

Howling Moon God Roar!

Shui Zi'an was so shocked that he vomited blood, the long river under his feet was broken, water splashed everywhere, and his thin body fell backwards and flew away. At this time, Xiao Yin refined the sword energy in his sleeve and caught up with Shui Zi'an in mid-air within a few steps. , pressed his palms on his chest.


Shui Zi'an's chest collapsed, his ribs crackled and shattered, and his chest shriveled. At this moment, the sword lights shot out by Haoyue Mirror suddenly broke through the barrier of the sixty-four sword moves, and the sword lights shot out!

The primordial spirit of He Bo emerged from behind Shui Zi'an, and water lotus flowers emerged from under his feet. Layers of lotus flowers surrounded and protected Shui Zi'an.

Xiaoyuan roared, he leaped forward, swayed, revealed three heads, turned into a mastiff-bodied giant beast, opened his bloody mouth to bite He Bo and Shui Lianhua.

He Bo reached out and grabbed it, the lotus rose and turned into a flower bone and fell in his hand, while Shui Zi was lying in the lotus, his body retreated suddenly, but at this moment the deep space ray net appeared, and with a sudden sweep, He Bo and The lotus embraced together, and the power of deep-space rays exploded, piercing through, piercing He Bo Yuanshen, almost smashing into a broken sieve!


The water lotus bloomed and grew bigger and bigger, stretching the deep space ray net, He Bo rushed out of the net with Shui Zi'an under his arm, and the three-headed giant mastiff transformed by Xiao Yuan hit him head-on, almost hitting He Bo's primordial spirit Shui Zi'an was even more seriously injured.

Xiaoyin took off her robe, and shook it against the wind, covering He Bo and Shui Zi'an like a dark cloud.

That He Bo fell to the ground, he was about to be unable to escape from the snare, suddenly turned into a big pool of water and washed away, hiding the water under the water.

"Want to go?"

Xiaoqing set up the deep-space ray net, and the big net covered the surrounding space and hid in the air, while Xiaoyin and Xiaoyuan guarded the two ends of the road one after the other, waiting for Shui Zi'an to show up.

Suddenly, the net suddenly lit up, and a series of azure blue rays burst out, hitting a lotus flower. I saw that the water lotus continued to expand, stretching the net by a line, and the water roared out from below.

"Didn't you come from the way of life?"

The three giants were startled, and saw that the place where the water lotus opened the net was located in the Jedi of the Land of Gods War, and Shui Zi'an suddenly opened the net and rushed into the Jedi!

"He is so seriously injured that he is bound to die. Do you want to continue hunting for us?"

The Xiaoqing old woman put away the deep-space ray net, frowned and said: "There is only one way to survive in this place of God's War, and other places are desperate, life and death, even if we three giants join forces, I am afraid that at most it is self-protection. He went in Naturally, he must die."

The old woman Xiaoyuan sneered and said: "The land of God's War is full of dangers, not to mention that he is about to die, even if he breaks into this desperate land in his heyday, he will be dead or alive. No need to take risks!"

Xiao Yin nodded, and said: "That's true. Together, we can break into the land of God's War, but it's only enough to protect ourselves, not to mention that he only has one person, and he is exhausted."

But at this time, a voice suddenly sounded: "Three priests, Shui Zi'an is resourceful, and it's hard for people to feel at ease if they don't see his body."

A tall figure appeared on the road, and the shadow split into three strands, showing the appearance of three heads on the ground.

Sword Gate God Envoy.

He has been hiding in the left and right, never showing up.

"How can I rest assured that I don't see Shui Zi'an's body? Even if you are a Jedi, you have to break in and see him die with your own eyes, so that I can rest assured. Three priests, if Shui Zi'an walks out of this place alive, we will fall short."

The figure of the envoy was erratic, and the shadows were shaking, making it impossible to see his true face, and said: "Besides, he has many tokens on him, and these tokens are the most precious wealth. There is always a strong person who can ask the owner of the token to do something for him. If these tokens fall into the hands of my Xiaomang God Clan... "

The three giants looked at each other, Xiaoyin took a long breath, and said in a deep voice: "Okay! Let's join forces to break into the land of God's War, even if there is danger, we can deal with it as much as possible!"

The three giants each sacrificed their soul soldiers, walked into the place of God's battle, and chased after Shui Zi'an.

At this time, Shui Zi'an's figure reappeared, his body was covered in blood, his soul was in tatters, he staggered and ran on the water, trying to escape forward.


The old man fell into the water, tried to support his body with his hands, wanted to stand up, but fell into the water, he looked back and saw Xiaoyin, Xiaoqing, Xiaoyuan, three giants chasing after him, he struggled to get up, but was powerless stand up.

"It should be in the direction of Jianmen..."

He struggled to sit up, facing the direction of Jianmen, the corner of his mouth was bleeding continuously, his face was calm, and his eyes gradually dimmed.

"The footprints of the ancestors lead from here to the Great Wilderness... I seem to have seen their figures overcoming thorns and thorns thousands of years ago..." he murmured.

Suddenly, a gorgeous divine light surged, and the divine light was tattered. You can vaguely see a scorching sun rolling inside, half of which was broken, and a bright moon, which was pierced by something. Jumped out of the divine light, landed on the water, and walked towards him.

"Zhong Shan's..."

Shui Zi'an was startled. He wanted to struggle to stand up, but fell to the ground again, and said angrily, "Why did you come out? Go back! Cough cough!"

He vomited blood, tried to open his eyes, trying to make a fierce expression, but his eyelids became heavier and heavier.

Zhong Yue jumped out of the Yin-Yang Secret Realm and walked forward. Shui Zi'an only felt that he was being carried on the young man's back, and walked towards the depths of the Land of Gods War with one foot high and the other low.

"Xin Huo, can you be reliable again?" Zhong Yue's soul said to the little flame in Zhong Yue's sea of consciousness.

"Don't waste your energy, my life is dead..."

Shui Zi'an coughed again and again, and murmured: "My vitality has been shattered by them, I have no hope of living, let me go..."

Xing Huo looked around nervously through Zhong Yue's eyes, aware of the hidden magical powers and murderous intentions around him, and instructed Zhong Yue to walk step by step into the depths of the Land of Gods. This little flame was also a little anxious: "The remaining There are too many magical powers, it is difficult to go out... But don't worry, I will not make mistakes this time, I will never make mistakes, let me do the math again... "

"Don't set yourself up for me, a mortal man, it's not worth it, let me go..."

"Boy, this is your token, I want you to take back the token now, put me down and run for my own life..."

"Boy Yue, the pursuers are approaching." Xin Huo reminded.

Behind, Xiao Yin, Xiao Qing and Xiao Yuan approached, and suddenly they were trapped by a remnant magical power. The three giants fought, finally broke through the incomplete magical power, and came after them again.

"Let me go, if you don't let me go, you are a traitor to the human race..." Shui Zi'an coughed up blood, hot blood flowed down Zhong Yue's neck.

Zhong Yue kept silent, and moved forward with great effort, carrying the old man on his back, stepping deeper into the Land of Gods of War.

"Put me down..." The old man on his back gradually lowered his voice, and after a while there was no sound.

Zhong Yue continued to walk forward, shook his head, and threw away his tears. Behind him, the three giants of the Xiaomang God Clan approached again. The three powerful men joined forces to break through the aftermath of powerful magical powers and strange mysterious realms of gods. His distance is getting closer and closer.

"Boy Yue..."

Xinhuo hesitated for a moment, and couldn't help but said: "Put him down."

Zhong Yue tried his best to move forward, and had to calculate the fire with all his strength, searching for a new way of life from the endless murderous opportunities. After a while, he couldn't help but said: "Put him down, he has no breath, carry him, your With limited mobility, it is difficult for us to escape from this place... "

The temperature on Zhong Yue's back gradually cooled, and the old man's body temperature gradually dissipated.

Zhong Yue shook his head and looked forward, only to see that there was an isolated island in the swamp of the Land of Gods of War, which had not been destroyed by the chaotic magical powers so far.

"Xinhuo, go there."

His voice was hoarse: "I want to bury him there, let him sit in his tomb, facing the direction of Jianmen, facing the road that the ancestors walked..."