Rise of Humanity

Chapter 217: Kunpeng


"Master, if you beat them up violently, will something happen?"

Qing He followed Zhong Yue, with one foot high and the other low, and her mood fluctuated, she said in a low voice: "After all, they are the elite of the dragon clan, and their blood is relatively high. If you tell their elders..."

"I'm here as a guest of the Dragon Clan, and I'm a distinguished guest, not to be angry!"

Zhong Yue put his hands behind his back and said leisurely: "You don't have to worry. The Ao family will definitely not let me suffer any damage. Even if they tell the elders of the Yu family and the Jiao family, they will do nothing to me! After all, I have nothing to do with it. Whether the Dragon Clan can land on land!"

Qing He hesitated for a moment, gritted his teeth and said, "Master, why did you betray my Yaozu..."

Her heart was beating wildly, she was about to risk her life to persuade her, her heart was overwhelmed, she would be beheaded by Zhong Yue at worst, and she wanted to save this lost lamb.

Zhong Yue said with a half smile but not a smile: "Qing He, you are older than me, come and tell me, how should I deal with myself?"

Qing He was stunned, thinking of Zhong Yue's situation, and only then did he understand why Zhong Yue wanted to be a lord in the Eastern Wasteland and flirt with the Dragon Clan. She could see that, in fact, she, the master of the dragon clan, did not have a high status in the dragon clan and was squeezed out and suppressed, so she wanted to come to Donghuang to find a place where she could develop and perform.

But when he arrived in Donghuang, although he became famous and even became a disciple of the master of the holy city, Shibuyi, Shibuyi also doubted him, and even resorted to murder repeatedly!

If not, who would dare to chase and kill Zhong Yue? Isn't it all the teacher who secretly acquiesced

Zhong Yue was precarious in the monster clan, and he would die at some point, and the dragon clan became his support and barrier, so even though his status in the monster clan was not low, when the dragon clan wanted him to be a spy, he would only I can agree.

Qing He asked herself, if she were herself, I'm afraid she could only do this.

Thinking of Zhong Yue being neither tolerated by the monster clan nor by the dragon clan, she even felt a little sympathetic to Zhong Yue, feeling that Zhong Yue had a very difficult life these days.

"Master, you must be very bitter, right?"

After all, Qing He is a woman, not a decisive and powerful person. Thinking of Zhong Yue's fate, she couldn't help feeling a little sentimental, and sighed: "You are ruthless, but you are actually forced to do so. Other qi practitioners only see you. The beauty and arrogance, who can know the pain in your heart. You are pretending to be fierce, but there is also a soft place in your heart... "

Zhong Yue nodded heavily, and the corners of his eyes trembled: "This girl is actually not bad at heart, but I am destined to let her down, because I am neither a dragon nor a monster, but a human. The great spy of the human race... "

The steward of the Hai Clan chose a good wing room and arranged for Zhong Yue to live there, Zhong Yue lived in the inner room, Qing He lived in the outer room, so that it was convenient for him to serve his food and daily life, such an arrangement, Qing He unexpectedly did not raise any objections.

Xinhuo excitedly said: "Boy Yue, this girl is in the mood for spring, as long as you hook your hands, she will come over and throw herself into your arms automatically."

Zhong Yue laughed and said: "Xinhuo, you are talking nonsense again, Qinghe is elegant and refined, extremely wise, I forced her to be a maid, of course she has resentment towards me, she wished to kill me and escape, Would you be tempted by me?"

Xinhuo urged: "Don't believe me? Try to hook your finger at her to see if she comes over?"

"Okay, let you give up."

Zhong Yue regained his composure and looked at Qing He, only to see that woman was slim and graceful, with a petite and lovely figure, quietly looking at him, like a lotus flower in a clear pond.

Zhong Yue's heart moved slightly, he hooked his fingers, Qing He blushed, bit her lower lip with her white teeth, stood up, pinched the hem of her clothes, and walked over slowly. The atmosphere became a little charming, the girl's eyebrows were affectionate, and a scent of lotus came, Zhong Yue's head was stunned, and he was a little distracted: "She is here, she is here..."

"Master called people over, what is he going to do..." Qing He said softly.


Suddenly, a violent shock came from the entire Dragon Clan Holy City, the house was shaken unsteadily, the window lattices rattled, Zhong Yue didn't care about distractions, he got up quickly, and looked out the window in surprise.

Outside, the dragon city was shaking, and the huge air bubbles around the dragon city were cracked like glass!

This bubble is not a real bubble, but a totem film composed of countless totem patterns. It is a soul weapon refined by gathering the power of countless dragon clan powerhouses. See all soul soldiers!

At this moment, a sharp claw with a radius of hundreds of feet was pressing on this huge dragon wall, almost breaking through the elasticity of the totem membrane. The sharp claw was pressing on the dragon wall, pressing towards the center of the holy city!

The huge claws were blue-gold, separated from the transparent dragon wall, brushed away the Lufusi Palace where Zhong Yue was located, broke through the top floor of the main hall, and came straight to the Dragon Palace, the Dragon Palace in the center of Dragon City!

Zhong Yue and Qing He were shocked, the charming atmosphere just now disappeared, Qing He's heart was beating wildly, and he quickly regained his composure, only to see that Zhong Yue had already flown out of the wing room and onto the roof of the wing room.

Qing He also hurriedly boarded the roof of the wing house, and the two looked side by side, but saw that the extremely thick and sharp claws were covered with scales, and the scales were shining with various incomparably gorgeous totem textures, glowing with blue light, although there was still no Piercing through the dragon wall covering the Dragon City, but the dragon wall is refined and elastic, this sharp claw has already pressed the dragon wall and penetrated into the most noble dragon palace!

In the central Dragon Palace, one after another halls fell apart, but there was a sound of angry screams, and a terrifying aura erupted from the Dragon Palace. It was a powerful aura only for giants. The dragon's power was overwhelming, and it should be the strongest of the Dragon Clan sitting in the Dragon Palace. !

"Kunpeng Clan!"

In the Dragon Palace, a huge dragon rose up, with long beards dancing hundreds of feet long. It was an old dragon, spitting out a sword light, and slashed towards its sharp claws.

That sharp claw didn't dodge, grabbed a palace inside the Dragon Palace, and lifted up the bronze palace, but saw that the palace was full of dragon-shaped totems and seals, obviously It is an extremely precious place for the Dragon Clan!


The sword light slashed on the sharp claw, blood splashed everywhere immediately, but failed to cut off the sharp claw, only the scales on the sharp claw vibrated, countless totem patterns flew, and collided with the sword light!

"Tune the tiger away from the mountain!"

Zhong Yue's heart was shaken, and he said in a low voice: "Sea King Shark Qishan colluded with the powerful Kunpeng tribe to rebel, just to divert the tiger away from the mountain and lure away the most powerful existence of the dragon tribe, and the strong man of the Kunpeng tribe showed up here to attack the dragon clan of the Ao clan important place!"

"Sacrifice to the spirit, quickly sacrifice to the spirit of the ancestors!"

The sneak attacking Kunpeng clan powerhouse was really powerful, and his mana was really powerful, even stronger than that dragon clan giant. The dragon clan giant couldn't cut off the sharp claw with one blow, and immediately shouted loudly: " He wants to take away the magical weapon sealed by my dragon clan, but he cannot be allowed to succeed. The sacred weapon of the Kunpeng clan, the divine wing knife, is sealed in that treasure hall! If it is taken away by him, it will be dangerous! All dragon clan obey orders and immediately Sacrifice the ancestor spirit, wake up the ancestor spirit!"

There was a panic in Dragon City, and now most of the powerful members of the Ao clan led their own troops to encircle Shaqishan and the Kunpeng clan, but they did not expect that the giants of the Kunpeng clan would take the opportunity to attack Dragon City, causing a huge commotion. However, as soon as the dragon giant's words came out, many dragons in the city immediately settled down, and they all worshiped and sacrificed to the center of Dragon City.

And in the dragon palace that was scratched by the sharp claws, a sacred aura shot up into the sky, and countless dragon scales flew up, forming a huge dragon body in midair.

A sleeping dragon god with eyes closed appeared, as if hearing the sacrifices of countless tribesmen, slowly opened his eyes, the huge eyes were like two suns, filled with amazing heat!

"The Kunpeng of Jupiter..."

The eyes of the dragon god's spirit looked at the sharp claw that was grabbing the palace and was rapidly retracting, and slowly opened its mouth, with a concussive voice: "How courageous!"

His dragon claws protruded out, and the voice shook the dragon clan in the city: "Junior, when you were defeated and kicked out of the ancestral star, even your ancestor's holy weapon, the divine wing knife, was sealed by me. You Kunpeng clan still haven't woken up!" ?"

The dragon claw caught up with the sharp claw, and also grabbed the bronze palace, but at this moment, the seals on the palace shook one after another, and an astonishing force came from the palace, breaking the seal from the inside!


The palace suddenly exploded, and Zhong Yue was watching the battle with his head up. His eyes were stabbed suddenly, and he saw countless rays of light bursting out from the palace, and huge feathers flew out of the broken palace. A knife-shaped wing!

The blade-shaped wings are thousands of miles long, almost reaching half the width of the Dragon City. The divine wings spread and retracted, cutting open the dragon wall covering the Dragon City, and cutting off the captured dragon claw.

He could barely see the Divine Wing Saber in the divine light, and then he felt his eyes heat up, and two lines of blood flowed from the eye sockets.

Zhong Yue was startled, knowing that his eyes had been stabbed by the light emitted by the holy weapon of the Kunpeng clan, he quickly closed his eyes, and opened the third divine eye between his brows, so that he was not blinded by the light of the divine wing knife.

And beside him, Qing He's eyes were bleeding profusely, and she didn't dare to look any more.

The ancestor spirit of the dragon clan retracted his sharp claws and returned to normal. Even the ancestor spirit could not help but change his face, let out an astonishing roar, stretched his body, and turned into a god-man with the head of a dragon, looked up into the sky, angry He shouted: "Bastard! Junior of the Kunpeng clan, do you still want to escape? Can you escape? Where is my weapon, the Coiling Dragon Sword?"

Tremors came from the ground of Dragon City, and suddenly a dragon-shaped sword energy shot up from the center of Dragon City, turning into a giant dragon, the monstrous God Wei was no less inferior than the God Winged Saber!

The dragon-headed godman raised his hand to grab it, grasped the dragon-shaped sword energy in his hand, moved his body, rushed out of the dragon wall, and slashed the sword with the sword!

The two magic soldiers collided in the deep sea, and the deep sea was pitch black. Zhong Yue looked with his third divine eye, and vaguely saw a big black fish with a body length of thousands of miles. .

Suddenly, the big black fish flapped its wings and flew up, breaking through the sea. The moment it broke through the sea, it turned into a golden-winged roc and swung up, ready to break through the air.


Jian Guang broke through the defense of the Divine Wing Knife, and cut open the golden-winged roc, and the two halves of the roc fell into the sea, filled with blood. The Divine Wing Saber suddenly pierced through half of the body, and the roc in the other half turned itself into a black fish and dived into the depths of the ocean.

The dragon-headed god man chased and killed Wanli, but he was a spirit after all, without a real body, so he couldn't stay away from the place of sacrifice, so he had to stop and return to Dragon City.