Rise of Humanity

Chapter 23: Absolute trust


"A few of the torch inheritors I taught in the past were beaten to death by goddess demons. If you learn this method from you, you don't have to worry about being beaten to death after mating." In Zhong Yue's sea of consciousness, the little flame exclaimed happily.

"Hook up with the heifer? Does the meaning of Xin Huo mean that Senior Sister Tao and Senior Sister Yu are here to look for me?"

Zhong Yue was stunned, and walked towards the two girls.

Seeing him approaching, the two girls were a little flustered, and Tao Daier quickly said: "Mr. Zhong Shan, we didn't come here to find you, nor did we come here to sing for you. This is not your territory. Anyone Anyone can come here! We come first, so you come to us!"

Zhong Yue smiled and said, "It's natural. The two senior sisters, please go ahead."

Yu Feiyan couldn't help it, and said: "Junior Brother Zhong, we are indeed here to look for you. I want to ask you about life and death, but I wonder if Junior Brother can teach me?"

"You also want to practice in this way?"

Zhong Yue pondered for a moment, then shook his head and said: "This cultivation method is already extremely dangerous to me, but it is even more dangerous to you. If you also jump off the cliff, the chance of death will be ninety-nine percent. And it's ninety-nine percent every time!"

What he said is by no means an exaggeration. Using life and death to enter the limit reaction is not as simple as jumping, because when entering the limit reaction, you need to practice visualization and take this opportunity to improve your cultivation. As long as you fall into visualization, you will Unable to wake up easily, ignorant of the outside world!

In the process of falling, if you can't wake up in time, what awaits you must be the fate of being smashed into meat sauce!

The reason why Zhong Yue has a high success rate is not that he can wake up in time every time, but that the fire is in his sea of consciousness. It is the fire that wakes up his soul at the right time, thus greatly reducing the death rate!

Although every jump would be dangerous, Zhong Yue was able to succeed many times because the fire was awakened in time.

But Yu Feiyan doesn't have this kind of treatment. If she practiced alone, she would definitely fall to her death because she didn't wake up in time. Even if Tao Dai'er was floating in the air, it was not feasible to count the time to wake up her soul, because the timing flickered. Death, if it was a moment later, what was waiting for Yu Feiyan would probably be death.

It is already very difficult for another person to wake up the soul that is still in visualization in the sea of consciousness. It needs to be summoned by the soul. If Tao Daier makes half a mistake in this process, Yu Feiyan will die!

"If you ask Junior Sister Tao to help, you can reduce the death rate to eighty to ninety percent, but it's still extremely high. Senior Sister Yu, I'll pass on to you the secret of entering the gap between life and death. As for whether you practice or not, it's up to you to decide." .”

Zhong Yue will enter the gap between life and death, and teach the knack coefficient of suppressing great fear, saying: "Senior sister, I still need to practice, let's take a step first."

He carried the rock on his back and jumped down the cliff.

Tao Daier hesitated: "Elder Sister, do you really want to do this?"

Yu Feiyan was also struggling in her heart, Zhong Yue taught her the secret of life and death, and also pointed out the dangers, making her realize that this method of cultivation is indeed extremely dangerous!

"Even with Taotao's help, I'm still close to death! And if Taotao makes a mistake..."

Yu Feiyan hesitated for a long time, then sighed suddenly, and said, "I'm not going to try it anymore. This kind of cultivation method is to fight with one's life, and one can become a Qi refiner only by dying, but it's not difficult for me to become a Qi refiner, so why should I work so hard?"

Tao Daier also breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "Senior sister is right."

Yu Feiyan showed a confident smile, and said conceitedly: "Junior Brother Zhong has worked so hard, but he has not become a Qi refiner now? And I practiced step by step, and now I am still the senior sister of the Women's Academy."

Zhong Yue waited under the cliff for a while, only to see that Yu Feiyan never jumped off the cliff. If Yu Feiyan jumped off the cliff and the visualization failed, he would still help him.

After all, Yu Feiyan's heart is not bad, and she also sacrificed her life to save him yesterday.

"Boy Yue, not everyone has the courage like you, and not everyone has the luck to meet me!"

Xiaohuo Tong said proudly: "That woman seems to have a tough heart, but her state of mind is not as good as yours. She has a good relationship with another woman, but it is not good enough to entrust her life and death. If she jumps off the cliff, because she is worried Whether the other woman can wake her up in time, she will definitely not be able to stabilize her mental visualization, and will only turn into a bird to escape again and again. This level alone, she can't pass! But you completely trust me and entrust your life and death to me , I let you jump, you can jump with your body, so you can easily enter the visualization, and your cultivation base will improve by leaps and bounds!"

Zhong Yue thought about it carefully, and it turned out to be the truth. When Xin Huo asked him to jump off, he did not think too much about it and just jumped off. He didn't even think about what would happen if Xin Huo woke him up too late.

This is absolute trust, absolute rest assured!

The time he spent with Xinhuo was only a little over a month. If it was such a short time for an ordinary person, he would at most make friends with dog meat, but he already felt in his heart that he could entrust his life to Xinhuo!

He has unreserved trust in Xin Huo, so when he jumps off the cliff, he enters the realm of life and death for the first time, and visualizes Sui Huang improving his cultivation and strength!

Between life and death, the test is not one person, but two people, the trust between two people!

"The trust between Senior Sister Yu and Senior Sister Tao is not as good as that between me and Xinhuo. She should choose to give up. Even if they can achieve the trust between me and Xinhuo, the death rate is still extremely high. After all, Senior Sister Tao has no salary for her eyesight." Huo has sharp eyesight?"

Zhong Yue climbed up the cliff, and Yu Feiyan stood on the edge of the cliff, with fluttering black clothes and a heroic figure, suddenly said crisply: "Junior Brother Zhong, you practice so hard, I would like to compare with you to see how hard you practice Cultivate step by step with me, who is stronger and who is weaker! Now there are still two months before the end of the year. At the end of the year, there will be a non-taboo duel between the disciples of the Qi refiners in the upper court. This duel is decided to enter the Ling Kong Temple Qualifications! I hope to meet Junior Brother Zhong in the final duel!"

"Year-end duel, Ling Kong Temple?" Zhong Yue was a little at a loss.

"You don't know about the Spiritual Space Palace?"

Tao Dai'er was a little surprised, and said: "Well, you have only been in the upper court for a month, so it's forgiven for not knowing the Ling Kong Temple. The Ling Kong Temple is the place where you can most easily sense the spirit, and it's the best place to cultivate into a spirit." So. For example, if you want to sense the sun spirit, you need your soul to fly to the sun to attract the sun spirit. Can your soul fly to the sun? But if you are in the Lingkong Temple, you can sense the spirit in the sun , so as to cultivate into a Riling. The Lingkong Temple is the supreme holy place of my Jianmen, and being able to enter the Lingkong Temple to practice means that Jianmen has already believed that your foundation is solid and you can cultivate into a Qi refiner."

"Junior Brother Zhong, you only have one chance to become a Qi Refiner every year, and whether you are eligible to enter the Spiritual Space Hall depends on your performance in the year-end duel."

Yu Feiyan turned around and walked away, saying: "However, you only practiced the attack method of Benlei Sword Jue. With this method alone, you can't get to the end at all, and you may not even be in the top ten! Moreover, you still need to go up A good soul soldier, a good totem pillar, because it is a no-taboo battle! Taotao, let's go!"

After the two girls left, Zhong Yue wondered, "Xinhuo, does it need to be so troublesome to become a spirit?"

"Cultivating into a spirit is indeed very troublesome, but cultivating into a spirit in the Lingkong Temple always gives me a feeling of unreliability."

Xin Huo said: "In the period of Sui Huang, the descendants of Sui Huang belonged to the family of Yanzi God Emperor. I remember that when they were sensing spirits, they directly drove the boat with real dragons. The children of the royal family stood on the boat and sailed towards the sun mightily. The spirit of the sun is sensed on the side, and the spirit of the sun is the most advanced spirit of the golden crow! After cultivating a spirit in this spiritual space temple, I guess the sun spirit that can be obtained is the ordinary fire spirit. There are also other protoss, all of which are Take the disciples straight to the place of the spirit, and practice induction in the nearest place."

Hearing this, Zhong Yue could not help being fascinated by the scene of a giant dragon pulling a golden boat through the starry sky and running towards the sun.

"Who can come to the side of the sun and feel the spirit now?" He not only shook his head.


The fire boy was not without complacency, and said with a smile: "Whether you want to cultivate a sun spirit or a moon spirit, I can do it! But what the little girl said just now is right, your accumulation is indeed not enough, far from enough! Not really The attack method you cultivated is small, but your foundation is not solid enough, if you can reach a level that satisfies me, I will send you to the edge of the sun and above the moon, so that you can cultivate into the spirit of the sun and the moon!"

Zhong Yue's heart was beating wildly, and he hurriedly said, "Why are you sending me up?"

"I wandered here with the previous fire inheritor back then, and the old boy was already very old, so I asked him to leave arrangements for the next fire inheritor, set up two large formations, activate the formation, and then you can teleport To the edge of the sun and to the moon."

Xinghuo smiled and said: "As long as you can satisfy me, I will let you enjoy the treatment of a pure-blooded Xunhuo inheritor. I just don't know if our arrangement has changed after so many years. Destroyed... Come on, continue to practice!"

After more than ten days, Zhong Yue continued to practice, rain or shine, and the consumption rate of the Feather Pills was frighteningly fast. In these days of crazy practice, more than half of the more than 900 Feather Pills were consumed, leaving only more than 300 pieces.

But Zhong Yue's sea of consciousness has grown to a radius of three thousand acres, like a big lake. When his heart moves, the sea of consciousness will be filled with furious waves, and his mental power will explode, which is extremely frightening!

Moreover, climbing with a load allows him to control the dragon totem and body like his fingers, and the combination of the Benlei Sword Art and the dragon totem is even more subtle. Zhong Yue can fly for a distance of several miles while controlling the thunder, and the speed is extremely fast, but it is only for the spirit. It consumes a lot of energy, and it is not as labor-saving as the method of wings.

At this stage of cultivation, Zhong Yue only felt that his progress was getting slower and slower, and the chance of entering the realm between life and death was greatly reduced.

This way of cultivation is not very threatening to him now, and the chance of entering the realm between life and death is naturally low.

"Tomorrow is the day when the qi refiners of the upper court will give lectures. The two soul soldiers that Mr. Pu promised to refine for me should have been refined. I wonder what the two soul soldiers he helped me refine these days look like? "

Zhong Yue couldn't help being excited, this was the first time he had come into contact with such a high-level treasure as a soul soldier!