Rise of Humanity

Chapter 42: Breakthrough


"The two Qi refiners of the Shui Tu family have caught up again!"

Zhong Yue looked up, couldn't help grinding his teeth secretly, and ran away with both legs. For more than ten days, he has had an extremely difficult time. While refining the excess spirit energy of the beast spirit in his body, he also has to avoid the pursuit of these two Qi refiners of the Shui Tu family, and dodge around in the wilderness.

He turned into a dragon, and his speed was astonishing, and he could even ride the thunderbolt far away, but he couldn't run for a long time. It didn't take long for the two Qi refiners of the Shuitu clan to catch up.

The biggest threat to him is not the Qi refiners of the Shuitu family, but the spirit of the beast spirit that is constantly emanating from the inner alchemy of the beast god. He must maintain the state of visualizing Suihuang without any interruption, otherwise the spirit of the beast spirit in his body will be destroyed. It accumulated more and more, and finally turned him into a dragon.

This is simply an ascetic practice that is more tormenting than life and death and thunder quenching. It is an unprecedented ascetic practice. While cultivating without interruption, one has to avoid pursuit, and even when sleeping, one needs to maintain visualization. Strength or body and perseverance, it is an incomparably huge test!

For the first two days, he could still hold on, but on the third day he almost collapsed, couldn't help falling down beside the mountain stream and fell into a deep sleep, forgetting to visualize, and also forgetting about the chasing Shui Tu Clan Qi Refiner.

Fortunately, Xinhuo has been supervising him, waking him up, and urging him not to forget to visualize, which prevented him from completely assimilating into Long Xiang, and also prevented him from falling into the hands of the Qi refiners of the Shuitu clan.

After more than ten days of tempering, Zhong Yue has basically been able to achieve the level of "non-thinking".

The so-called "non-thinking" means that there is no need to visualize, and one can fall into the state of visualization, and Li Xiuniang is also at this level.

It took Li Xiuniang years of practice to allow herself to be able to achieve non-perception, while he was promoted to the level of non-perception after more than ten days of suffering.

However, if you want to be able to visualize without interruption even in sleep, you need to achieve "non-non-thinking", which is very difficult.

The level of "non-non-thinking" is higher than "non-thinking". Only under the constant reminder of the fire, can he do non-non-thinking intermittently, but it won't last long. With the deep sleep, His visualization state will be interrupted.

These more than ten days were simply unimaginable torture for him, and he persisted with his strong perseverance. But this was also a great tempering, which made his mental strength improve by leaps and bounds!

Now, his sea of consciousness is vast, and it has been raised to a radius of three thousand acres, and his spiritual power is extremely pure!

"These two Qi refiners of the Shuitu family are simply lingering ghosts!"

Zhong Yue gritted his teeth. At present, his cultivation base has improved, and the sea of consciousness is vast. The spirit of the beast god emanating from the inner alchemy of the beast god above the sea of consciousness and his refining speed have faintly reached a state of balance. This is a huge leap in his cultivation base. !

At this speed, in a few days, he will be able to refine the excess beast spirit energy accumulated in his body, and transform from the form of Longxiang into a human body!

"Well, these two alchemists separated?"

Zhong Yue suddenly sensed that the auras of the two qi refiners separated, one was chasing closely behind him, while the aura of the other was getting farther and farther away, it should be a detour.

"Strange, why did they separate?"

Zhong Yue narrowed his eyes, curious in his heart: "These two have been chasing for so long but they can't stop me, and it's even more difficult to stop me after they are separated... No, there is moisture ahead, that's why!"

He ran forward for a few miles, and saw a big river rushing forward, appearing in front of him, this big river was thousands of feet wide, with a surface of ten miles, the current was turbulent, and the waves on the river surface were several feet high!

Moreover, this large river flows through this place and slides around the hillside at the foot of Zhong Yue in a semicircular arc, which means that another Qi refiner of the Shuitu clan did not take a detour, but met another Qi refiner on the upper reaches of the river. The soldiers separated, stepped on the river, and prepared to stop him on the river!

And the other person is chasing after him, attacking from two directions, he must be left on the surface of this big river!

Zhong Yue squinted his eyes and looked downstream of the big river. He saw that on the tidal flats on both sides of the big river, there were more tribes and villages, and many fishing boats were docked on the bank.

"No, it's Weishui! The tribe of the Shuitu clan! I'm afraid there are still Qi refiners sitting in the Shuitu clan. If they are blocked here, they may be doomed!"

Zhong Yue took a long breath: "Downstream is the Shuitu tribe, and there are Shuitu qi refiners above and behind. Now there is only one way, which is to cross the river before the two qi refiners encircle and fight to the opposite side." !"

On the upper reaches of the Weishui River, there were rough waves, and a Qi refiner came riding on the waves. He had already transformed into the body of Hebo, and he was riding the waves at an extremely fast speed!

At this moment, the Qi Refiner of the Shuitu Clan behind him was also speeding up, and his breath kept approaching.

Without hesitation, Zhong Yue leaped and galloped towards the other side of the Weishui River. Long Xiang's footsteps were extremely fast, and before he stepped on the river, he lifted his body up with explosive force before he fell into the water. Tap, tap, the surface of the water continued to explode, and a dragon shadow shot towards Hurricane away!

"The Weishui River is my Shui Tu family's home court. When we arrive at our home court, do you still want to leave?"

With a loud laugh, the Qi refiner of the Shuitu family on the river suddenly accelerated, and the waves rose hundreds of feet across the entire Weishui River, rolling forward, and said with a sneer: "On this big river, I, Shuitu Shi is the invincible king!"

The waves are hundreds of feet long, locking the river horizontally and crushing it forward, which is extremely terrifying.

Zhong Yue gritted his teeth, thunder burst out from his feet, his speed was greatly accelerated, breaking through the sound barrier in an instant, but the waves were even faster, and when he ran to the middle of the river, they had already come to his side!

"Ice Soul Sword Mountain!"

The Shuitu clan's Qi Refiner stood on the waves, his feet stopped heavily, and he saw countless streaks of Ice Soul Sword Qi aggressively shooting forward in the waves.

Zhong Yue jumped up, avoiding the sword qi, and jumped a hundred feet into the air, the Qi refiner of the Shui Tu clan laughed, and urged He Bo's body to kill him, and said with a smile: "You beast, you are above the Wei River, Still want to fight with me?"

While speaking, another Qi refiner from the Shuitu family descended on the Weishui River, and his speed increased immediately, chasing Zhong Yue.

At the same time, the qi refiners in the Weishui tribe also noticed the movement upstream, one by one qi refiners rose into the sky and looked around from afar.

"It's two senior brothers, Jianshu and Jianping!"

Several Qi refiners of the Shuitu family exclaimed in surprise: "They are catching a strange beast, hurry up and help!"

The Qi refiners of the Shuitu family rushed from the downstream to the upstream in a hurry, and in the midair at this moment, without thinking, Zhong Yue immediately visualized the flood dragon, and he fought hard with the body of Hebo, which was as flat as Shui Jian, and was shocked. Have to fall from mid-air.

The fire boy lazily said: "Boy Yue, why don't you visualize yourself when you visualize the flood dragon?"

"Visualize yourself?"

Zhong Yue was knocked down high into the sky, and he couldn't help being stunned when he heard the words. He saw huge water dragons soaring into the sky from the river below. The terrifying scene transformed by the flood!

When fighting against Qi Refiners, he was too immature, too much. Although Shui Jianping was just an ordinary Qi Refiner, compared with the Qi Refiners, the disciples of the upper court were one underground and one heavenly, and they were not in the same breath.

With his current strength, it is simply impossible to compete with him.

"Of course it is to visualize yourself. What is Jiaolong? It's not as good as Longxiang."

Xinhuo smiled happily: "You are Longxiang yourself. You must have been familiar with the structure of Longxiang these days. It is not difficult for you to visualize Longxiang and turn Longxiang into a totem texture. If you observe Thinking of Long Xiang, combining with himself, becoming one, the body is at least twice as strong as it is now! Are you still afraid that you won’t be able to escape?”

Zhong Yue's heart was shocked, and he immediately visualized Long Xiang, that is, he visualized himself, and suddenly the three thousand acres of sea of consciousness rushed, and the surging mental power flowed to every corner of the limbs and bones in an instant, filling his body with unimaginable pressure. the power of!


Zhong Yue let out a high-pitched and passionate dragon chant, the sound waves vibrated, and the thunder contained in his mental power erupted, entangled his whole body, stepped on the air, and ran like flying in the air, with a bang, breaking a water dragon that was entwined towards him , the water dragon burst into pieces, and the water fell from the sky and hit the river.

Bang bang bang!

One by one water dragons were broken, Shui Jianping above was shocked, and He Bo's body was grabbed downwards, but it was too late to catch Zhong Yue, and Zhong Yue flew away from between his palms!

"So fast?"

Shui Jianping was stunned, the big waves under his feet swayed, countless sword qi shot out, and the icy sword qi all over the sky rushed towards Zhong Yue, only to hear a crisp sound, and the icy sword qi shot On Zhong Yue's body, they exploded one after another, but failed to penetrate the dragon scales on the surface of his skin!

"The fog locks the river!"

Shui Jianping yelled angrily, water jets from the several miles wide river soared into the sky, turning them into cages, and then white mist gushed out from the water jets, blocking the Wei River, but at this moment, only a loud bang was heard, That dragon smashed a jet of water, rushed out of the mist, and walked away through the air. Wherever it passed, there were lightning and thunder.

Shui Jianping was dumbfounded, Shui Jianshu chased to the center of the Weishui River, and the Shui Tu family Qi Refiner who flew out from the tribe also caught up from the downstream, staring blankly at this scene.

"This dragon is growing too fast, I can't catch up..." Several Qi refiners looked at each other and shook their heads.

Shui Jianshu coughed, and said: "You keep chasing, I will go to Jianmen to inform the elders, I have to ask the elders to mobilize more Qi refiners to surround him, otherwise just a few of us..."

He shook his head, turned and left.

On the edge of the Weishui tribe, there is only such a favorable situation to occupy the right time, place and people, but they still failed to capture Long Xiang, which dealt a great blow to their confidence.

But at this moment, Zhong Yue stepped on the air and ran fast, feeling extremely joyful in his heart. Suddenly, he let out a long roar, and his body changed abruptly, from a dragon to a human, returning to its original appearance, but still did not fall from the sky, and was still stepping into the air And go.

"Finally recovered, finally don't worry about being beaten to death as a monster, and finally can return to Jianmen!"

Zhong Yue couldn't help but howl loudly, imagining that Long Xiang let his spiritual power merge into his whole body, even if Long Xiang's body was dispersed, he could still walk in the air without worrying about falling.

"Boy Yue..."

Xin Huo couldn't help reminding: "You don't have any clothes on. Your animal skin coat and shorts were blown up when you transformed into Longxiang..."

There was a scream in mid-air.