Rise of Humanity

Chapter 89: Totem message


Half an hour later, the demon cloud filled hundreds of miles, several figures stood in the demon cloud, their eyes were like lanterns, faintly visible, and their eyes were like pillars, sweeping across the wilderness from time to time, searching for movement.

"City Master Guhong, I found something!"

Those lantern-like eyes suddenly closed their gazes, and a loud voice came from the demon cloud, saying: "There is the corpse of Li Shisong's subordinate in front of you."

"The corpses of Shisong's subordinates? How many wolf demons and hyena demons died?"

"Back to the city lord, a total of fifty-six."

"Fifty-six? None escaped? So it seems..."

The demon cloud was turbulent, suddenly sank to the ground, and then suddenly retracted. Gu Hongzi stood in front of the piles of wolf and dog corpses with a fierce face, his face sank like well water, looked around, and suddenly walked away. Go, come to a piece of scattered flesh and blood.

"The embarrassing Shisong is also dead."

Gu Hongzi looked down at the body that had been chopped into pieces, slowly closed his eyes, opened them after a while, and said, "Although the embarrassing Shisong is not outstanding, he is clever and clever, even if his strength surpasses him, It was not easy to kill him. But the person who fought with him was not as strong as him, so he killed him. Probably because he paralyzed the embarrassing Shisong, making him think that he was sure of winning, so that he was caught by that person by surprise. Afterwards, Shisong was defeated again and again, and finally he was completely defeated, with no chance to stand up."

He guessed the situation of the battle between Zhong Yue and Lian Shisong very close to each other. Zhong Yue first paralyzed his mind, and then broke his saber array, so that Lian Shisong was defeated and then defeated again, and finally lost his life.

"The person who killed Mr. Embarrassed is quite smart and cunning."

Behind Gu Hongzi, several strong monsters stood there, also looking at the battlefield, calculating the process of the fight, one of the strong monsters sighed: "Mr. Hao is a wise general, I didn't expect that he would die in a battle that doesn't even have a name." In the hands of unknown human qi refiners. City lord, do we want to chase him?"

"This person has been walking for more than half an hour. Looking at the distance between his steps, it may not be easy to catch up with him."

Gu Hongzi observed the traces of dragon claws left by Long Xiang, judged the length of time Zhong Yue left based on the freshness of the soil fault, shook his head and said: "It can be seen that this person already knows that there is a strong man behind him, and he ran desperately. At this speed, even I can't stop him before entering the wilderness. I won't chase him anymore, you can do whatever you want."

The strong men of the monster clan looked at each other, and suddenly their bodies moved together, driving the monster cloud to chase in the direction Zhong Yue left.

"Idiot, even if you go into the wilderness, it won't help."

Gu Hongzi shook his head, walked in the direction of Guxia City, and said in a low voice: "There are many outstanding people in the Great Wilderness. Those who killed the embarrassing Shisong and rescued Jun Sixie, I am afraid that their future achievements will not be as good as those of the top four of Jianmen. The young and strong are weak. Dahuang, hehe, he is really the opponent of my demon clan. Fortunately, the human race started to fight among themselves a little more comfortably, and self-defeating, otherwise it would be a serious problem for my demon clan... "

Zhong Yue's Great Sun Golden Crow Primordial Spirit controlled the two dragons and ran wildly all the way, the speed getting faster and faster. This speed is no more than flying.

Jun Sixie was surprised, and looked at Zhong Shan's young man again and again, thinking: "Junior Brother Zhong hasn't eaten anything, and he hasn't eaten anything in the past few days, and he hasn't taken any panacea. After so many battles, it is logical In other words, his mental power should be exhausted quickly, why is his mental power still so abundant, as if he is always at its peak?"

A good body is the foundation of spiritual power, so the diet must keep up with it. In addition to good visualization exercises, improving mental power also requires the supplement of panacea.

For Qi refiners, whether they are on the road or fighting, their mental power will be greatly consumed, especially after an unprecedented fierce battle like Zhong Yue, they have to visualize Long Xiang running wildly, which consumes a lot of mental power. Terrible.

For a Qi refiner who has just cultivated to the Embryo state, it is impossible for his mental strength to reach this level.

Even for a strong man like Jun Sixie, the mental power will be exhausted after continuous fierce battles, and the lamp will dry up. She was ambushed and besieged, and her mental strength was exhausted to end up where she is now.

But Zhong Yue has experienced fierce battles and long-distance running, but his mental strength is still at its peak, which cannot but make Jun Sixie curious.

"No wonder he said he didn't need the panacea..."

In less than half a day, Zhong Yue and Jun Sixie entered the boundary of the Great Wilderness. The towering and steep mountains formed a natural barrier, separating tens of thousands of miles of the Great Wilderness.

Zhong Yue dispersed the dragon, and visualized Jiaolong again. Compared with Longxiang, Jiaolong is better at climbing mountains and ridges, and crossing cliffs and streams. The two of them entered the wilderness, but they still didn't dare to relax, because Jianmen was in the middle of the wilderness, and there were still more than 50,000 miles to go.

Moreover, there are mountains all around, and the forward speed is definitely not as smooth as the plains. The frontier defense of the Great Wilderness is weak. If it is invaded by the strong monsters, the four bright beasts on the golden top of the Sword Gate of the Great Wilderness may not be able to find it.

"There are strong monsters chasing into the wilderness!"

Sensing waves of monster energy following behind him, Zhong Yue couldn't help frowning. These waves of monster energy were extremely powerful, much more tyrannical than Li Shisong, and they must have been chased and killed by a great master from Guxia City.

"When we get to the Great Wilderness, if you dare to chase after him, these monster races are so courageous!"

He continued on his way, going deep into the mountains for thousands of miles, and gradually there were people and tribes active. It was a small clan among the three thousand clans in the wilderness, with a small number of people, only tens of thousands.

"Brother stop."

Jun Sixie said suddenly, "There are totems and altars in this clan, let's go in and worship the totems."

Zhong Yue was astonished and puzzled, the two rode a dragon into the human tribe, the tribe's chief hurriedly led the crowd to welcome them, and invited the two into the village.

"It turned out to be the goddess Sixie, why is the goddess injured so badly?" The patriarch was not a Qi refiner, but he recognized Jun Sixie, and asked hastily.

When Jun Sixie explained the purpose of his visit, the patriarch was taken aback, and quickly ordered someone to open the altar. On the altar in the center of Dazhai, there stood a totem pole carved from a huge tree stump that could only be embraced by five or six people. Exotic totem texture pattern.

Jun Sixie struggled to get up, the wounds all over her body were almost cracked, and she bled again. A member of the clan stepped forward to help her, and invited her to the altar.

Jun Sixie bowed to the totem pillar, and saw that the strange totem pattern on the totem pole began to flow and change, and gradually turned into a face with a nose and eyes, just like a human face, but there were many magnificent patterns on the face. The totem pole seemed to have turned into a talking human head, opened its mouth, and said, "So it's the Celestial Lady of Sixie. I don't know why the Celestial Lady called me?"

Jun Sixie saluted and said: "I was seriously injured and was chased and killed by the strong monster clan. Now a strong monster clan has entered my Great Wilderness territory and is chasing after him. Sixie also asked my brother to notify the elders of Jianmen to come and stop them." .”

The face on the totem pole was taken aback, and quickly said: "Goddess of Sixie, take a step ahead to avoid the sharp edge of the powerful monsters. I will notify the elders and ask the elders to stop the enemy!"

Jun Sixie thanked, and said: "Thank you, brother. I also hope that brother can inform me of the Qi refiners in the Junshan clan to meet us near Weiyang Lake."

The face on the totem pole disappeared, Zhong Yue and Jun Sixie immediately boarded the dragon and left quickly, Jun Sixie smiled and said: "Junior Brother Zhong, any tribe in my Great Wilderness, as long as there is a totem pole, can contact Jianmen and exchange news By sensing the totem pole, you can get in touch with the owner of the totem pole and pass on the news. Now Jianmen already knows our situation, and soon there will be masters from the Presbyterian Church to stop those strong monsters."

"Totem poles still have this magical effect?"

Zhong Yue admired that he "practiced too fast", and he really didn't know much about these things. He said: "There are three thousand clans in the Great Wilderness, spread over a hundred thousand miles of the Great Wilderness. Even if not every tribe has a totem pillar, it is no small matter. Forming a A huge network of contacts."

Jun Sixie relaxed a lot, and said with a smile: "In some big clans, there is more than one qi refiner, and naturally there are more than one totem pole. The clan with more qi refiners, the wider the distribution of totem poles. There are about 10,000 roots! Moreover, there is a temple in Dahuang, which has altars and totem posts for emergency contact. My Dahuang network is so large that it can definitely cover hundreds of thousands of miles! A temple, through which you can contact Jianmen."

Zhong Yue was moved, he didn't know about this kind of thing before, but now he has some understanding of the power of the Great Wilderness Sword Sect.

"Senior sister, why did the qi refiner just now call you the Heavenly Maiden of Sixie?"

Jun Sixie blushed slightly, and said shyly, "It's all those good people who are flattering me, saying that I'm the Junshan Clan's celestial girl, and I'm good-looking, so they call me a celestial girl..."

Zhong Yue praised: "Senior sister is indeed very beautiful, and she has a good figure, her skin is also very white, her waist is thin and soft, but she eats a little too much."

Jun Sixie glared at him: "If you dare to spread my embarrassing story, senior sister, I will chop it up in a flash, believe it or not? Also, you are not allowed to talk nonsense about my good figure, skin, white waist and soft waist! Otherwise People thought I was captured by you!"

"What succeeded?" Zhong Yue wondered.

Jun Sixie was ashamed and angry: "Anyway, you are not allowed to mention it!"

Zhong Yue said sternly: "Senior sister, don't mention my help and my affairs in Yaozu to any third person."

Jun Sixie felt awe-inspiring, thinking that Zhong Yue had another identity, that is, the dragon lord of the monster clan Guxia City, if she spread the news about Zhong Yue's rescue, the monster clan would probably notice his true face.

"This matter really cannot be said, junior brother, don't worry."

The powerhouses of the monster race were still hot on their heels, even though Zhong Yue and Jun Sixie concealed their aura, they couldn't hide it from the noses of these monster race, and they still hung tightly behind them, unable to shake off.

But fortunately, with the high mountains and deep forests, it is not easy for the strong monster clan to find them.

On the way, Zhong Yue and Jun Sixie encountered two larger clans, and reported their directions to the Elder Council through the totem pole. After several hours, the strong man from the Presbyterian Council finally stopped the strong man from the Yao Clan, and a brief battle broke out , and calm down again.

Weiyang Lake was in sight, and many Qi refiners of the Junshan Clan stood above the lake, looking around, and even the old patriarch of the Junshan Clan appeared on the lake.

"The goddess is back!"

Suddenly, a sharp-eyed qi refiner saw the dragon coming out of the dense forest, and Jun Sixie on the dragon's back, he couldn't help being surprised and delighted, and hurriedly shouted.

Many Qi refiners of the Junshan Clan rushed to meet him, Jun Sixie slid down from the dragon's back, and said with a smile, "Junior Brother, you are also seriously injured. My Junshan Clan has spirit jade ointment, why don't you go to cultivate for a few days... Junior Brother?"