Rise of Qinglian

Chapter 22: Weapon Refining Outline


"Brother has advanced to the seventh level of Qi Refining?" Wang Changsheng was a little surprised, with an envious look on his face.

There are nine levels of Qi refining. Members of the "eldest" generation of the Wang family are below the seventh level of Qi refining. Those with poor qualifications are still at the second level.

Wang Changfeng is the eldest son of Wang Changsheng's uncle Wang Mingzhi. He is twenty-five years old this year. His fire spirit root sensitivity reaches 75. His qualifications are better than Wang Mingzhong's. He is the number one member of the younger generation of the Wang family. This is also the main reason why Wang Mingzhong comes to work. , after all, Wang Changfeng is still young and has a greater chance of advancing to the foundation building stage.

One type of spiritual root will be dominant among the spiritual roots of a cultivator. Sensitivity refers to the strength of the spiritual energy of a certain attribute that a cultivator can sense. The spiritual root with the highest sensitivity is called the main spiritual root. Generally speaking, a cultivator will use The attributes of the main spirit root are chosen to correspond to the exercises. The higher the sensitivity of the main spirit root, the more spiritual energy of the corresponding attributes will be absorbed, and the faster the cultivation speed will be. No matter how many attributes of the spirit a cultivator possesses, Roots, the combined sensitivity of all spiritual roots is one hundred.

The sensitivity of Wang Changsheng's water spirit root is only 60, which is considered good among the elders, but compared with Wang Changfeng, it is still far behind.

Because of his good qualifications, Wang Changfeng does not have to go out to work and can always practice at his residence. Even if the family cannot make ends meet, the resources provided by the family to Wang Changfeng have not decreased, but have increased.

Wang Yaozong is getting old, and the Wang family must have new foundation-building monks. Without the foundation-building monks in charge, the Wang family is like a kid holding gold in the market, and will attract countless pairs of prying eyes.

As long as Wang Changfeng advances to the foundation building stage, the Wang family's peace can be guaranteed for two hundred years.

No matter how hard the family suffers, it cannot reduce Wang Changfeng's cultivation resources. This is the consensus of Wang Mingyuan and the clan elders.

"Yes! God rewards hard work. Although your qualifications are not as good as Changfeng's, you can work harder than him. When your term is over, I will ask your father to transfer you back to Qinglian Mountain. You After four years of hardship in Ping'an County, it's time to return to Qinglian Mountain to practice. In addition, you have made great achievements this time and discovered a black gold mine. It is justifiable to transfer you back to Qinglian Mountain. Even your father will not do it. will object."

"Mom, as long as you are contributing to the family, it doesn't matter where you do things. It's better not to make it difficult for dad."

"What's so difficult about this? Your father is the head of the family. If he wants a bowl of water, he will let his son do the tiring work, and push his son away when good things happen. There is no such thing. By the way, mother gave it to you. "Compendium of Weapon Refining," have you read it?"

Wang Changsheng felt a little guilty and said hesitantly: "I read some of it, but the content is quite complicated and I can't understand it."

Three years ago, when Wang Changsheng left Qinglian Mountain, Liu Qing'er gave Wang Changsheng a "Compendium of Weapon Refining" and told Wang Changsheng to memorize the contents above.

"Weapon Refining Compendium" is a book on refining, which introduces hundreds of first-level refining materials and basic refining knowledge.

Wang Changsheng read it for a while at first, but as time passed, he threw the book in his storage bag and never looked at it again.

It was a problem for him to even maintain his own cultivation. He wanted to break a spiritual stone into two pieces, so there was no spare spiritual stone to learn to refine weapons.

When the Wang family was founded, there was a first-level high-grade weapon refiner who could refine more than a dozen first-level spiritual weapons. However, the family became increasingly poor and could not produce enough spiritual stones to train a weapon refiner.

It's not that Wang Mingyuan has never thought about training a weapon refiner, but the cost of training a weapon refiner is too high. The first-level weapon refinement materials are not particularly expensive, but training a weapon refiner requires hundreds or thousands of practice. If If you have bad luck and spend thousands of spiritual stones, the weapon refiner apprentice may not be able to refine a low-grade spiritual weapon.

This is also the living situation of small immortal cultivating families. The four most popular professions in the immortal cultivating world are Talisman Maker, Weapon Refiner, Alchemist and Formation Master. It would be good if the children of a small immortal cultivating family can understand one of them. Most of the small immortal cultivating families He makes a living by selling spiritual grains and raw materials, barely keeping his family running.

In addition to the Wang family, Changping County also has two small immortal cultivating families, Huang and Chen. The Chen family, the most powerful, has opened a spiritual talisman hall that specializes in selling first-level spiritual talismans. The business is quite good, making the Wang family and Huang family very jealous.

The Huang family discovered a small black iron mine ten years ago, and the situation has improved somewhat. However, they have not been able to train a weapon refiner. The specific reason is unknown to outsiders.

The three families of Chen, Huang, and Wang jointly opened a small market. There is a weapons shop in the market, but the spiritual weapons sold are all purchased from Dafang City, earning some price difference. The price is not high, but the quality is average. .

All three families have seen a gap in the weapons industry, and they all want to monopolize this big cake. However, currently, the Chen family with strong financial resources has the greatest chance of cultivating weapon refiners.

The Wang family also saw this business opportunity, but it was a pity that they were powerless. However, Liu Qing'er had been thinking about this matter and always felt that the Wang family would train their own weapon refiners sooner or later. For this reason, Liu Qing'er began to learn the knowledge of cultivating immortals when Wang Changsheng entered the Lecture Hall. The son purposefully instilled the knowledge of weapon refining into Wang Changsheng, hoping that Wang Changsheng would become a weapon refining master in the future and receive strong training from his family.

Even maintaining his own cultivation is a problem for Wang Changsheng. How can he have the time and money to learn the art of weapon refining.

When Liu Qing'er heard Wang Changsheng's answer, she raised her eyebrows and was about to say something reproachful. However, when she thought about her son's three years in the secular world and lack of food and clothing, she swallowed the words that came to her mouth.

"You should read the "Outline of Weapon Refining" carefully in the past few days. Mom wants you to memorize it from top to bottom. If you don't understand anything, I will explain it to you. Do you hear it clearly?" Liu Qing'er solemnly warned.

"I understand, kid." Wang Changsheng agreed honestly.

It didn't take long for the meal to be ready.

A steaming bowl of noodles, with a layer of oil floating on the soup, two large steamed buns, and a fried pork with purple bamboo shoots, the aroma is fragrant and extremely tempting.

Wang Changsheng sniffed it lightly, with an intoxicated expression on his face, and said with a smile: "It smells so good! It's been a long time since I've eaten the food cooked by my mother."

"As long as you like it, my mother will make it for you every day. Come and eat it! The noodles won't taste good when they are cold." Liu Qing'er suddenly smiled when she heard her son's praise.

"There are so many things, I can't finish them all. I'm not as good at eating as the Mountain Pushing Beast. Mom, you can eat too!"

Liu Qing'er shook her head, her eyes full of doting, and said, "Mom has eaten. If you're not hungry, you can eat!"

At Wang Changsheng's insistence, Liu Qing'er took a small bowl and scooped out some noodles. She refused to take any more.

"It smells so good! Mom... makes delicious food." Wang Changsheng said vaguely while eating noodles.

Watching Wang Changsheng feasting happily, Liu Qing'er's face showed a look of happiness.

Wang Changsheng enjoyed this meal very happily, and Liu Qing'er was also very happy.

After eating and drinking, Wang Changsheng returned to his residence, showered and changed into clothes made by his mother, and took out a blue book with the four characters "Compendium of Refining Weapons" written on the cover.