Rise of Qinglian

Chapter 28: training camp


"Double-pupiled rat? Ninth brother, when did you raise a double-pupiled rat? Last time, my second sister and I saw someone selling a double-pupiled rat in the market, but the seller wanted more than a hundred spiritual stones. Second sister and I Even if I take out all the spiritual stones from my body, I can’t even collect a hundred spiritual stones.”

Wang Changyu blinked and asked curiously.

"Some time ago, ghosts appeared in Wangjia Town. I went to Wangjia Town and exterminated the ghosts. On the way back, I luckily encountered them in the mountains. By the way, I found a two-foot-sized spiritual vein in the mountains. I heard the world The tribesmen said that this rat is a drug-seeking rat. It is estimated that the drug-seeking rat made a nest in the land of spiritual veins. Over time, it accidentally evolved into a double-eyed rat!"

Wang Changsheng threw out his previous remarks, and this explanation was quite reasonable.

"Ninth brother, have you recognized your master?"

Wang Changyu looked at Wang Changsheng expectantly and asked.

"I recognize my master."

When Wang Changyu heard this, he couldn't help but show a disappointed look on his face.

Wang Mingyuan comforted: "Changyu, it's just a rat with two pupils. I'll ask your uncle to buy you a rat with two pupils someday. Although your father is gone, the third uncle will take good care of you two and you will grow up." Yes, I will ask your third aunt to arrange a good marriage for you, and marry you off in all glory."

After hearing this, Wang Changyu felt warm in his heart. He shook his head and said seriously: "Uncle San, thank you for your kindness. I don't need to bother you to buy a rat with two pupils. I saved up the money to buy it myself. I have already thought about it." No, I will not marry outside. My grandfather is old and my mother is not in good health. I want to stay with my two elders and fulfill my filial piety. I want to be like my fifth aunt and serve the family all my life."

"Silly girl, Third Uncle will take good care of them, so you don't need to worry about it. Fifth sister was hurt by love, so she stayed in the family to serve. Don't worry, your Third Aunt will definitely tell you a good family, and she will never let her go." You have been wronged, I made a solemn oath in front of your father's grave that I will take good care of you, and I, Wang Mingyuan, will keep my word."

When Wang Mingyuan said this, his face became extremely serious.

Liu Qing'er nodded and said, "Yes! Changyu, your father is gone, but you still have your eldest uncle, second uncle, third uncle and other uncles to take care of you. We will not let you be wronged."

Wang Changyu was very moved after hearing this and said nothing more.

"Seventh sister, I caught a double-eyed rat. I will go to the mountains another day and help you catch one too!"

Wang Changsheng took the double-eyed rat out of his arms and held the tail of the double-eyed rat in his palm.

The double-eyed rat struggled to break free from Wang Changsheng's restraints so that he could pounce on the food on the table.

"How can a spirit rat be so easy to catch? By the way, you don't have a spirit animal bag yet! I have an old spirit animal bag here. Although there is only about ten feet of space, it is still no problem to hold a double-pupil rat. You If you don’t mind it, I’ll give it to you!”

Wang Changyu took out a yellow cloth bag and handed it to Wang Changsheng.

The color of the yellow bag is dull, and the pattern embroidered on the bag is almost invisible. It is obviously old.

"No need, Seventh Sister, I don't need the spirit beast bag yet."

Wang Changsheng shook his head and declined politely.

"This spirit beast bag is just a low-grade spiritual weapon. It's still old and not worth a few spirit stones. If you don't want it, you're looking down on Seventh Sister."

Wang Changyu said with a straight face.

"Seventh sister, that's not what I meant, I..."

"Second sister gives you a spirit egg, so you accept it. I give you a spirit beast bag, but you don't want it. You still say that's not what I meant."

Wang Mingyuan frowned, nodded and said: "Since your seventh sister gave it to you, just accept it! If you catch another double-eyed rat in the future, don't forget to give it to your seventh sister and your second sister. When you get good things, don’t forget your tribe.”

Wang Changsheng agreed and accepted the spirit beast bag.

Half an hour later, the meal was finished. Wang Changxue and Wang Changyu stood up to say goodbye and left. Wang Changsheng personally sent the two cousins out of his yard.

"Sheng'er, you just came back. Have a good rest. Starting tomorrow, mother will teach you the knowledge of weapon refining."

Wang Changsheng returned to his residence, first sacrificed the spirit beast bag, fed the double-eyed rat twenty grains of spirit rice, and put the double-eyed rat into the spirit beast bag.

Early the next morning, Wang Changsheng had breakfast and learned the knowledge of weapon refining under the guidance of Liu Qing'er.

Liu Qing'er has been a weapon-refining apprentice for ten years. Although she doesn't know how to make weapons, she has rich theoretical knowledge.

If he could become a weapon refiner trained by his family, he would not have to worry about training resources. Therefore, Wang Changsheng studied very seriously. When he encountered questions that he did not understand, he would ask his mother, and Liu Qing'er would explain everything he knew.

Three days later, Wang Changsheng followed his mother's instructions and came to a quiet courtyard early in the morning.

Three men and one woman gathered in the yard, led by a middle-aged woman with a good face and light makeup.

"Fifth aunt, tenth uncle, eleventh uncle, eighth brother, morning."

Wang Changsheng saw the four of them and said hello honestly.

According to their seniority, the four people are Wang Mingmei, Wang Mingdong, Wang Mingcan, and Wang Changhuan.

Wang Mingmei is forty years old this year. She was hurt by love in her early years and has never married. She has been working for the family and refining Qi at the seventh level.

Wang Mingdong is thirty years old this year and is at the sixth level of Qi Refining. In his early years, he liked to travel around and was well-informed.

Wang Mingcan is twenty-seven years old and is at the sixth level of Qi Refining. He can handle some simple materials, such as refining ore and making talismans.

Wang Changhuan is twenty-two years old this year and is the only son of Wang Changsheng's sixth uncle. He has been working for several years and often follows the clan elders to escort goods.

"Changsheng, when did you come back? Weren't you driven by your father to Ping'an County to serve as the Celestial Master? Are you the fifth candidate?"

Wang Mingmei nodded and asked curiously.

From her words, it seemed that she didn't know that Wang Changsheng was also selected.

"Well, my father transferred me back three days ago and said he wanted me to study the art of refining weapons with all my heart."

"We were just guessing who the fifth person was! I didn't expect it to be you. Also, when you were very young, your third sister-in-law forced you to memorize the knowledge of weapon refining. You deserve to be selected."

Wang Mingdong said with a smile.

"The current situation in the clan is not easy. Why do we suddenly need to train weapon refiners, and there are five of them all at once? How many cultivation resources will this cost?"

Wang Mingcan frowned, with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

"I believe that Third Brother will not act without aim. He must have his reasons for doing so."

Wang Mingmei disagreed.

"What Lao Wu said is right."

A powerful voice suddenly sounded.

As soon as he finished speaking, an old man in red robes in his sixties came out of the house in the yard.

The old man in red robe has white beard and hair, a goatee about an inch long on his chin, a rosy complexion, and his right arm is hanging in the air.

"Uncle Qi, why is it you?"

Wang Mingmei said with some surprise.

The old man in red robe is named Wang Yaoxi. He is sixty-two years old this year and ranks seventh among his peers. He was trained as a weapon refiner in his early years. Unfortunately, a lot of weapon refining materials were consumed. Although he can refine spiritual weapons, However, only low-grade spiritual weapons could be refined, and the success rate was very low. The family had financial difficulties, so they did not continue to invest resources in cultivating them.

Decades have passed, and Wang Yaoxi has become an old man over fifty years old. He was originally supposed to be a grandson, but he was entrusted by the family with the important task of teaching the younger generations and striving to train his own weapon refiner to restore the glory of his ancestors.

Wang Yaoxi has a mixture of sorrow and joy. What is sad is that he spent a lot of resources and was unable to become a weapon refiner and wasted a lot of spiritual stones in the family. What is happy is that the family still trusts him and gives him the responsibility of teaching the younger generations.

From the moment he received this task, he was so excited that he couldn't sleep. He dug out all the weapon-refining experiences he had left over from his previous studies, and flipped through page after page, so that he could save time when teaching the younger generations. Take some detours and save some spirit stones.

The family must train its own weapon refiner and restore the glory of its ancestors. This is the consensus of all the elders of the Wang family.