Rise of Qinglian

Chapter 4: Confirm the real culprit


Li Ermazi is 43 years old this year and is the second oldest child in his family. Because his face is covered with pockmarks, he is called Li Ermazi. His real name has been forgotten by everyone. Because of his ugly appearance and idleness, his family told him After many marriages, no family was willing to betroth their daughter to Li Ermazi.

After Li Ermazi's parents passed away, no one took care of him, and Li Ermazi acted even more unscrupulously.

Anyway, he only has enough to eat, and the whole family is not hungry, so he doesn't have so many scruples when doing things. He is a well-known rogue in Wangjia Town.

More than 90% of the people in Wangjia Town have the surname Wang. Li Ermazi did not dare to offend the female relatives of the Wang family, so he extended his evil claws to orphans and widows with different surnames. The young and beautiful Xiaofeng was often bullied by Li Ermazi.

Li Ermazi has a thief's heart but not the courage. Coupled with the restraints of the Wang family members, Li Ermazi does not dare to act recklessly.

After Xiaofeng disappeared, the police asked Li Ermazi several times. When Wang Changsheng asked about Xiaofeng, Li Ermazi felt uncomfortable.

"When was the last time you saw Xiaofeng? Has anything strange happened at your home recently? In addition to peeking at Xiaofeng taking a bath, have you done anything excessive to Xiaofeng?"

Wang Changsheng asked three questions in a row, staring at Li Ermazi.

People have three souls and seven souls. Under normal circumstances, after death, the three souls and seven souls will slowly dissipate. Xiaofeng's mother was starved to death and her body was burned. The chance of becoming a ghost is very low. In comparison Next, the missing Xiaofeng has a greater chance of turning into a ghost.

If a person has resentment before death and the body is dumped in a place with abundant Yin energy, there is a high chance of turning into a ghost after death.

Xiaofeng was young and beautiful. If she was insulted to death by a man, she would definitely have resentment and would have a high chance of turning into a ghost.

If Wang Changsheng guessed correctly, Xiaofeng must have been killed. That's why he didn't go back to cook for her mother, causing her mother to starve to death.

"About a month ago! I passed by her tofu stall at noon and bought some tofu to eat. As for my home, nothing strange happened. I just peeked at her bathing and didn't do anything else. Her disappearance has nothing to do with me. .”

"Did you kill Xiaofeng and hide the body?" Wang Changsheng's face turned cold and he shouted loudly.

After hearing this, Li Ermazi was as impatient as an ant on a hot pot. He argued: "O conscience of heaven and earth! I, Li Ermazi, don't even dare to kill chickens. How dare I kill people? You can't pour this dirty water on me." Splashed on me."

"Hmph, you still dare to lie. The last time you ran to Xiaofeng's house in the middle of the night, if Xiaofeng hadn't shouted loudly, I would have been ruined by you. You must have killed Xiaofeng. Tell me quickly, so as not to suffer physical pain." Wang Tianhu said fiercely.

When Li Ermazi heard this, his face turned pale and he retorted: "Hei Fatty, you can't do this nonsense. I, Li Ermazi, don't even dare to kill a chicken. How could I dare to kill someone? I was drunk that time, Xiaofeng, this girl Her eyes are too high, maybe she ran away with that pretty boy, why would she put the shit basin on my head?"

A scoundrel like Li Ermazi who bullies the weak and fears the strong is most afraid of people in the government.

If he is really caught in prison, he will definitely be beaten to death.

"Babyface? Who is this person? Tell me clearly."

Li Ermazi curled his lips and said: "A month ago, a young man named Zhao passed by here. The boy looked fair and clean, like a girl. I don't know what kind of candied dates the boy gave Xiaofeng. Xiaofeng and he were making love to each other in the alley in the middle of the night, but I bumped into him. Huh, shameless woman, pretending to be aloof in front of me. We only knew him for a few days, and we were cuddling in the alley. She didn't dislike me. Don’t have any money?”

"Which of you knows the origin of Mr. Zhao? Or has he met this person before?" Wang Changsheng looked at Wang Qingyun and asked in a deep voice.

Wang Tianhu thought for a while and said with some uncertainty: "Mr. Zhao? Is he bringing the book boy with him?"

"I don't know about that, but that pretty boy does have a book boy who is young and rich, and has a servant to wait on him. No wonder that girl Xiaofeng fell in love with that pretty boy."

"A month ago, several scholars who were rushing to take the exam passed by our Wangjia Town. Among them was a scholar named Zhao. Because Mr. Zhao spent a lot of money, I was deeply impressed by him. However, I remember that when they left, they did not bring anything with them. It’s a female family member!” Wang Tianhu said doubtfully.

"Are you sure they didn't take any women with them when they left? Is there an error in the number of people?"

Wang Tianhu thought for a while, nodded and said: "I'm sure that the inn they stayed in was run by the grandson's family. Except for Mr. Zhao and his book boy, the other scholars were all alone. There were six people in total. They stayed for three days in total. They left It was early in the morning, and my grandson happened to see them, no more, no less, six of them. As for whether they took Xiaofeng with them on the way, my grandson doesn't know."

"They went to Beijing to take the exam, why were they delayed in the town for three days?" Wang Changsheng asked the question in his mind.

"It seems that Mr. Zhao accidentally caught a cold, so I helped him call a doctor. Mr. Zhao is very sick and has no strength to restrain a chicken. If Xiaofeng was killed, he should not be the murderer. He has no motive for committing the crime. ." Wang Tianhu analyzed objectively.

"By the way, I remembered something. My family's wealth was stoned to death. It's so damn unlucky." Li Ermazi added.

"Is your family's wealth a black dog? Is there anything unusual these days?" Wang Changsheng's eyes lit up and he asked.

"How do you know Wangcai is a black dog?" Li Ermazi was a little surprised. After thinking about it, he said, "Wangcai was raised by my father. He has been raising him for more than ten years. His teeth are almost gone and he can't bite anyone." , I didn’t tie it, but I don’t know what happened recently. It kept barking in the middle of the night. I was so angry that I tied it to the woodshed. This morning I found that it was stoned to death. No. I know some unscrupulous guy came to my house in the middle of the night and smashed Wangcai to death."

After hearing this, Wang Changsheng was sure that Xiaofeng was dead and had turned into a ghost to harm people.

Dogs are the most yang animals, and the corresponding twelve earthly branches and five elements are Xutu, which is Yangtu. Ghosts belong to Yin. Dogs are naturally capable of restraining ghosts. Taoist priests often use the blood of black dogs to drive away evil spirits and cure demons. Xiaofeng turns into a ghost. I want to find out. Li Ermazi took revenge, but as soon as she got close to Li Ermazi's house, she was discovered by the black dog, who barked wildly.

If Wang Changsheng guessed correctly, Xiaofeng would definitely come out to harm Li Ermazi tonight.

Li Ermazi was not an idiot. Seeing so many elders of the Wang family gathered together, and thinking of the recent murder case, he asked nervously: "It couldn't be the murderer who killed Wangcai, right? Is he targeting me?" Already?"

Wang Changsheng shook his head and said: "No, the county government found a female corpse. It was initially suspected to be Xiaofeng. I came to you just to confirm whether you were the murderer. Now I have asked clearly. That Mr. Zhao has a big problem." Motive for committing the crime, you can go back, and by the way, don’t publicize this matter to the outside world.”

Li Ermazi always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't find any flaw in Wang Changsheng's words, so he didn't think much about it and turned around and left.

Even when Li Ermazi was beaten to death, he never imagined that the murderer was not a human being, but a ghost.

"Qiu Xian, go guard outside and don't allow anyone else to approach the ancestral hall. I have something to tell you." Wang Changsheng ordered.

"Yes, Uncle Nine." Wang Qiuxian responded and followed Li Ermazi out.

"Uncle Jiu, is that female ghost really Xiaofeng?" Wang Qingyun asked in a low voice, his eyes full of worry.

Wang Changsheng nodded and said: "Well, if I guessed correctly, she will definitely come out to harm others tonight. Please inform me that after dark, all clan members are not allowed to go out alone. There are no young people in the house. Tonight, we will move to a place with more young people." I will stay here for one night, and there must be at least eight people living in a household. They have to eat, drink, and have sex together. In addition, we must find a way to make this Li Erpazi sleep well at home tonight, and the more he sleeps, the better."

"Let Li Ermazi sleep soundly tonight. My grandson can do it. I guarantee that he won't wake up until dawn tomorrow." Wang Tianhu promised, patting his chest, full of confidence.

"Did you all hear what Uncle Jiu said? Go back and inform the clansmen, strictly follow Uncle Jiu's instructions, and declare to the outside world that you are strictly guarding against murderers. What Uncle Jiu said just now is not allowed to be leaked. If anyone leaks it, it will be delayed. Uncle Jiu catches ghosts and punishes them severely." Wang Qingyun looked at the other Wang family elders and said solemnly.

'Yes, Third Uncle. The elders of the Wang family all agreed and left one after another.