Rise of Qinglian

Chapter 453: Bad luck continues



There was a huge roar, and several yellow earth walls were shattered.

Taking this opportunity, Wang Changhao crushed the only fire escape talisman left on his body and disappeared into little flames.

The next moment, a fire suddenly lit up on a somewhat desolate plain. The fire dissipated, revealing Wang Changhao's figure.

Before Wang Changhao could breathe a sigh of relief, he glanced at the surrounding environment and cursed his mother angrily.

Around him, two groups of people were fighting. Judging from their attire, they were disciples of the Wind and Fire Sect and the Hundred Beasts Sect.

Three men and two women, three from the Wind and Fire Sect, two from the Hundred Beasts Sect, and Su Yihang was also inside.

Several corpses were lying on the ground nearby. Some corpses were completely charred, and some had only limbs left. There were dozens of large, steaming pits on the ground.

High in the sky, a giant red bird with wings spread two feet wide was fighting fiercely with a thick silver python, with billowing air waves and constant roars.

Several sparkling magic weapons collided at high altitude, making a "clang" sound of metal clashing.

There are three disciples of the Wind and Fire Sect, two men and one woman. The one with the highest cultivation level is a young man in a red shirt in his twenties, with a huge waist, a thick body, and an eighth-level foundation.

The young man in red shirt was proficient in fire spells, and he was clenching his hands. Giant fireballs appeared behind him and smashed towards the two Hundred Beasts Sect disciples.

Su Yihang's magic technique continued to twitch, and a large silver arc flowed on the surface of his body, turning into thick silver lightning bolts and hitting the incoming giant fireball.

The roaring sound of "rumbling" continued, and the red flames and silver lightning were blazing, regardless of top or bottom.

With his sharp thunder spells, Su Yihang and the other two were in a close fight with three Wind and Fire Sect disciples.

The appearance of Wang Changhao broke this delicate balance.

Su Yihang almost killed Wang Changhao. Wang Changhao had been recuperating for seven years, but his injuries had not fully recovered, and he hated Su Yihang in his heart.

Su Yihang was at a disadvantage, so naturally Wang Changhao would not miss this opportunity to beat the drowned dog.

Without saying a word, he took out a shining red talisman and threw it towards Su Yihang.

As soon as the talisman left his hand, it immediately shattered and turned into hundreds of fist-sized red fireballs, which smashed towards Su Yihang with a roar.

The second-level middle-grade seal script meteor fire rain talisman.

Wang Changhao suddenly appeared, and the Fenghuo Sect disciples were startled. Seeing Wang Changhao take the initiative to attack Su Yihang, they felt relieved.

Su Yihang and the other two had no time to separate themselves and were busy dealing with the three people from the Wind and Fire Sect.


A huge roar sounded, and hundreds of red fireballs drowned the two figures of Su Yihang.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the red-shirted young man's spell changed, and the void around him twisted and deformed, and clusters of red fire appeared, turning into red rockets, hundreds of them in number.

"Rain of Arrows!"

As the young man in red shirt fell down, hundreds of red rockets shot toward the opposite side one after another.

The roar was loud and the flames were rising.

The next moment, a dazzling silver light lit up in the red sea of fire, and the flames flashed and went out.

Su Yihang's body was covered with a thick silver mask, and a pale silver talisman floated in front of him. The surface of the silver talisman was covered with mysterious runes the size of rice grains. Each rune was like a living thing, shining. Keep moving.

Several magic weapons hit the silver light shield, only to make a muffled sound.

"Body protection charm! Damn it."

The face of the young man in red shirt changed, he cursed, sat down cross-legged, and took out a talisman with red light flowing uncertainly. There was a lifelike little red snake on the surface of the talisman.

As soon as this talisman appeared, the temperature in a radius of dozens of feet suddenly increased.

"Real treasure! No, Senior Brother Su, what he is holding is a real treasure."

The disciples of the Hundred Beasts Sect's expressions changed greatly and they lost their voice.

A look of surprise flashed across Wang Changhao's eyes. True treasures are also talisman treasures, but they are very different from talisman treasures. Talisman treasures can be used multiple times, while true treasures are disposable items that can only be used by descendants of the true treasure refiner. When used, the real treasure is several times more powerful than the talisman, but activating the real treasure is more troublesome.

Two disciples of the Wind and Fire Sect protect the young man in red shirt. As long as the young man in red shirt activates the true treasure, Su Yihang and the two of them will definitely die.

Su Yihang frowned and pinched his spell. There was a huge roar in the sky, and a dark cloud appeared out of thin air above the three Wind Fire Sect disciples. The size of the dark cloud increased rapidly.


A huge roar sounded, and an extremely thick silver lightning flew out from the dark clouds, turning into a large silver thunder light that enveloped the three Wind Fire Sect disciples.

The two couldn't breathe, and the silver lightning dispersed. The three disciples of the Wind and Fire Sect were intact. One of the disciples of the Wind and Fire Sect held a shining silver talisman in his hand, and a silver arc flashed on his body.

"Lightning Talisman!"

Su Yihang's face turned ugly. At this moment, three extremely thick beams of light shot out and hit Su Yihang's body protective spirit shield. Several sounds of rain hitting banana trees were heard.

"Junior Brother Li, protect me!"

Su Yihang gave an order, and took out a broken blade with silver light flowing around. The majestic mana continued to pour into the broken blade. Countless runes lit up on the broken blade, vaguely forming a restriction, exuding astonishing aura.

Wang Changhao pinched his magic skills, and the mouths of the three ape puppets lit up with little spiritual lights, and each of them sprayed out a beam of light as thick as a bowl, hitting Su Yihang and the other two.


There was a huge roar, and under Wang Changhao's crazy attack, the blue light shield covering Su Yihang and the two men shattered.

Several sparkling magic weapons shot out, and with a scream, the disciple of the Hundred Beast Sect fell in a pool of blood. Su Yihang sat cross-legged on the ground, with a silver light shield covering his body.

The silver light shield is very strong, no matter how the three foundation-building monks attack it, it remains intact.

Wang Changhao glanced at the young man in red shirt, and a red python was about to emerge from the treasure.

Wang Changhao didn't dare to stay too long. He used a shining green ball and struck it at Su Yihang. He put away the puppet beast, released the green-scaled horse, got on his horse, and ran towards the distance.

The disciples of the Wind and Fire Sect did not stop him and attacked Su Yihang with all their strength.

Under their frenzied attack, the aura of the silver light shield dimmed and loomed.

A green ball flew over, exploded suddenly, and countless black iron nails shot out from it.


The silver light shield shattered, the silver talisman burned automatically and turned into ashes, and some black iron nails flew out.

Su Yihang moved his hands in front of his face, and was hit by several black iron nails on his arm. The spellcasting was interrupted, and the broken blade returned to its original state.

At this time, the young man in red shirt had activated the real treasure, a red fire python more than ten feet long, which rushed towards Su Yihang with an astonishing high temperature.

Wherever the red fire python passed, the weeds on the ground quickly withered and ignited spontaneously.

Su Yihang cursed Wang Changhao in his heart, took out a silver talisman and threw it forward with a look of reluctance on his face.

With a flash of silver light, the silver talisman turned into a lifelike silver dragon, its body surface filled with a large number of silver arcs.

The third-level low-grade talisman thunder dragon talisman, a one-time attack talisman, is Su Yihang's biggest trump card.

The red fire python struggled with the silver dragon, and the silver dragon was obviously slightly better. Within a few rounds, the red fire python was torn into pieces by the silver dragon, and the silver dragon shrunk by one-third.


The silver dragon let out a deafening roar and rushed towards the opposite side with its fangs and claws bared.


There was a deafening explosion, and the silver dragon exploded, turning into a large dazzling silver arc that drowned the three young people in red shirts.

After three breaths, the silver thunder light dissipated, and the three young men in red shirts disappeared without a trace.

In this battle, Su Yihang used two trump cards, the body protection talisman and the third-level talisman.

If it weren't for Wang Changhao, he wouldn't have wasted two trump cards at all. He hated Wang Changhao so much that if he encountered Wang Changhao again, he would have to kill Wang Changhao.

In a bluestone valley full of exotic flowers and grasses, a clear stream about ten feet wide lies in it.

Wang Qingshan was fighting with a strange beast with three heads and two wings, and there was a constant roar.