Rise of Qinglian

Chapter 66: Losses turn to profits


Arriving at Wang Changxue's stall, Wang Changsheng took out the little monkey puppet.

"Ninth brother, have you really refined the puppet beast?"

Wang Changxue said in surprise, his eyes full of disbelief.

To be honest, she actually didn't have much hope for Wang Changsheng. If the puppet beasts were so easy to refine, there wouldn't be only two shops selling puppet beasts in the White Dragon Valley.

Wang Changsheng gave her three hundred spirit stones before, and she just returned the spirit stones to Wang Changsheng. She thought that Wang Changsheng would give up after failing several times, but she didn't expect that Wang Changsheng actually refined the puppet beast.

"Hey, second sister, have you forgotten Third Uncle? When I was young, I learned to carve puppets from him. Later, my father found out and scolded me severely, so I stopped carving puppets."

The third uncle, Prince Yaojian, was born in a secular world. His father was a carpenter. When he was six years old, he was found to have spiritual roots and was taken to Qinglian Mountain to start practicing.

Wang Yaojian has five spiritual roots and has very poor qualifications. He is not very interested in cultivation. He is more interested in carving puppets.

By chance, Wang Changsheng saw the lifelike puppets carved by Wang Yaojian. He liked it so much that he begged Wang Yaojian to teach him how to carve puppets.

From then on, whenever he was free, Wang Changsheng would go to Wang Yaojian's residence and learn to carve puppets.

Wang Yaojian had a wife and a concubine, and gave birth to three boys and two girls, all of whom had no spiritual roots. He regarded all the "elders" as his children. Wang Changsheng was his favorite grandnephew, and he taught him everything he knew. Wang Changsheng.

Wang Yaojian is a very good sculptor. The joints of the puppets he made are extremely smooth and move freely. He even imitated his own facial features and made a humanoid puppet, which is very lifelike. Under Wang Yaojian's careful teaching, Wang Changsheng made rapid progress.

The good times didn't last long. By chance, Wang Mingyuan discovered that Wang Changsheng had time to learn to carve puppets instead of practicing.

Wang Mingyuan severely reprimanded Wang Changsheng, saying that he had lost his ambition by playing with things, so he burned all the puppets with a fire. From then on, Wang Changsheng never carved puppets again.

When he grew up, Wang Changsheng felt ridiculous when he thought of this past incident, but now it seems that if he hadn't learned to carve puppets from Wang Yaojian, he might not have been able to refine the puppet beast.

Of course, there is another more important reason why he can refine the puppet. His spiritual consciousness is much stronger than that of monks of the same level.

When he was eight years old, by chance, he discovered that his spiritual consciousness seemed to be stronger than that of monks of the same level, and he casually told Wang Mingyuan.

Wang Mingyuan actually invited Wang Yaozong. Wang Yaozong inspected it personally and used magic weapons. Nothing was found. However, he confirmed that Wang Changsheng's expression was indeed stronger than that of monks of the same level. He told Wang Changsheng not to tell others.

Wang Changsheng originally practiced "Autumn Water Jue" and had already reached the first level of Qi Refining at that time. However, after discovering that his spiritual consciousness was stronger than that of monks of the same level, Wang Mingyuan asked him to practice "Yunyu Jue" instead. He also said that it was an ancestral technique, so he He didn't want to tell anyone.

"Yunyu Jue" and "Autumn Water Jue" are both water-based exercises, and Wang Changsheng didn't pay attention to them. However, Wang Changsheng wasted more than a year by practicing again.

Wang Changsheng didn't take it seriously. Strong spiritual consciousness was not helpful for cultivation. That is, he could control a few more spiritual weapons. He did not expect that powerful spiritual consciousness would be helpful for refining the puppet beast.

Of course, in order to refine this little monkey puppet, he used five materials, and the puppet beast, which has always been a low-grade first-grade beast, only sells for more than 60 spiritual stones on the market.

When Mu Yuyan sold the little monkey puppet beast, she offered fifty spiritual stones, which was definitely cheaper than the puppet beast in the store.

This is also normal. The products in small stalls are cheaper than those in stores. If the prices are the same, why don't others buy them in stores? At least if there is quality problem, they can come to ask for explanation. The whereabouts of the stall owners of small stalls are erratic. If they are cheated, There is no place to cry.

Wang Changxue suddenly realized, and said with a chuckle: "Remember, why don't I remember, if third aunt hadn't stopped me that time, third uncle would have spread your ass. How many spiritual stones do you plan to sell this puppet beast?"

Wang Changsheng thought for a while and said: "The first-level low-grade puppets on the market sell for 60 yuan of spirit stones. We have to sell them cheaper, let's say 50 yuan!"

"Fifty yuan? Isn't that too little? Fifty-five yuan!"

Wang Changsheng shook his head and said: "There are only five spiritual stones missing. Why don't others go to the Tianbing Building to buy them? Besides, the refining of my puppet beast is not good. It will be easier to sell if it is cheaper. Second Sister, you are also tired. Now, go back and rest! I'll look after the stall."

Wang Changxue did not object, gave a few instructions and left.

Time passed little by little, and the sky became dark.

All the snacks at the stall were sold out, leaving only the little monkey puppet. Several monks asked about the price, but did not buy it. They thought it was too expensive. The price they offered was too low, and Wang Changsheng refused.

Wang Changsheng is not discouraged. If he really can't sell it, he will keep it for himself. The Bailong Mountains are rich in monster resources. It will be safer to have a puppet beast to help.

He took out "Mu's Secret Code of Weapon Refining" and started reading it.

"How do you sell this puppet beast of yours?"

A somewhat rough male voice came to Wang Changsheng's ears.

Wang Changsheng looked up and saw three men and one woman standing in front of the stall. The leader was a bearded man in his forties. The man was tall and had a sinewy face, giving people a sinister look.

Wang Changsheng forced a smile on his face and said: "Fifty spirit stones, fast running speed, and strong arms. Whether it is to lure monsters or break off the queen, it is a good choice."

"Can I control it? If there are no problems with the activity, it's acceptable."


The big man with a beard opened the secret door without Wang Changsheng's introduction and put the spirit stone in. Judging from his skillful technique, he seemed to have used a puppet beast before.

The big man with a beard controlled the little monkey puppet to move a few steps, and asked his companion to hold out a shield, and then controlled the ape puppet to punch the shield.

"Your puppet beast is not very flexible. Fifty yuan is too expensive. Forty yuan is about the same."

"Fellow Taoist is joking. The purchase price is forty yuan of spiritual stones, forty-eight yuan. You have to let me earn some!"

After some haggling, Wang Changsheng sold the little monkey puppet for forty-six spiritual stones.

After selling the ape puppet, Wang Changsheng closed the stall and went home.

After returning to his residence, he had a good sleep.

Early the next morning, after breakfast, he began to refine the puppet beast.

With the previous successful experience, he refined the puppet beast again, and the success rate was higher.

From three materials, he spent five days refining two ape puppet beasts.

The two ape puppet beasts were sold for forty-seven spiritual stones and forty-eight spiritual stones respectively.

The three puppet beasts were sold for 141 spirit stones, costing 300 spirit stones, resulting in a loss of 159 spirit stones, leaving three bottles of jade silver powder and three demon rat spirits.

Wang Changsheng bought four more materials and continued to refine the puppet beast.

It took him seven days to refine three ape puppets. After selling them, he lost more than ten spiritual stones.

Wang Changxue felt that Wang Changsheng was talented in this area, so he invested another 500 spirit stones to encourage him to increase his success rate.

Wang Changsheng was very moved and became more serious when refining the puppet beast.

He bought twenty materials in one go and spent more than a month refining seventeen ape puppets.

As the number of refining times increased, the quality of the puppets refined by Wang Changsheng gradually improved, and the price slowly increased from forty-six yuan to fifty yuan. Even so, the ape puppets were quickly sold after they were put up.

From initial losses, we slowly turned to profits.