Rising: Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 101: question


But senior teachers are senior teachers, and Lin Xiufeng quickly started giving lectures.

The content of the lectures is naturally the existing teaching materials in Kyushu, and the teaching materials used by Fuxing University and Imperial College.

It's just that the content is relatively deep, and I can't understand it at all if I haven't gone to the sixth grade.

In fact, there is a kind of mystical effect here. Lin Xiufeng gave a class to the students of Jiuzhou Institute of Physics for the first time. He wanted to show off. This was a psychological factor that was the first thing a new official would do when he took office. He must use his profound knowledge to conquer this group of teenagers in the first class.

So the whole lecture felt like a blur. Everyone listened quietly and no one spoke.

But the strange thing is that Lin Xiufeng soon realized something was wrong. When he talked about the phenomenon of free fall, some students standing in the back row silently left. Left the classroom and left.

Although some people in the class were still sitting and listening to the lecture, their expressions showed a bit of impatience.

Li Zhen frowned a little and hesitated to speak, but he couldn't bear to interrupt Lin Xiufeng who was talking endlessly.

"Free fall is a very interesting phenomenon, and everyone should be able to see it in daily life. However, the principle behind it is very profound. Do you know why it is so profound?"

Lin Xiufeng gave up and nodded to Fang Hanxian with a smile: "This classmate, please tell me what the principle of free fall is."

Fang Hanxian had a helpless expression on his face: "Conventional objects only move with an initial velocity of 0 under the condition of gravity. This is called free fall."


Lin Xiufeng was furious and slammed the table: "Did you pay attention to the lecture? What did I just say? What is your answer now?"

Fang Hanxian was stunned for a moment and wanted to explain. He sighed and said, "What I said is the correct answer."


Lin Xiufeng sneered, and he felt increasingly irritable in his heart. I am a senior lecturer at Imperial College, but I don't receive the corresponding respect here. Some people turned around and left without saying anything while listening to the class, and many people sitting here listening to the class even showed impatient expressions while listening.

What kind of attitude is this

What kind of student is this without a bit of rigorous scientific attitude

I am a senior lecturer at Imperial College. Shouldn't they feel honored when they listen to my lectures? Shouldn't we cherish every minute and every second

The most irritating thing is that when I asked a serious person to answer, his answer was wrong. And the correct answer was clearly stated by myself.

Lin Xiufeng took a deep breath and asked Qin Enze to stand up with a cold face: "This classmate who likes to smoke, tell me what free fall is. I tell you, don't underestimate this physical phenomenon in daily life. There is a very profound academic debate at stake.”

All the physics students in the entire auditorium rolled their eyes.

Kyushu Institute of Physics has learned about dynamics, and now he is telling you about free fall. It's like being a college student and listening to someone telling you elementary school knowledge in a serious manner. Most importantly, everything he said was wrong. You can't refute him yet...

How could everyone take it seriously? No one can bear this.

From this moment on, everyone at the Kyushu Academy of Sciences no longer had hope in these senior lecturers. Before I studied at the Kyushu Academy of Sciences, I thought people like them were bachelors, but after studying there, I just thought they were so childish and laughable.

Qin Enze said: "Free fall... How to explain it? Let me explain it with a formula. vt2=2gh. g is the acceleration of gravity, and on the earth we live on, g≈9.8m/s2. The phenomenon of free fall outside the earth The situation is to be determined.”

Qin Enze really didn't want to argue with him on such a childish question, and thought to himself that maybe Teacher Lin's attainments in other areas were pretty good. I couldn't bear to hurt his face, so I had to coax him. Just throw out a formula to save trouble.

Lin Xiufeng was so angry that he trembled all over and shouted, "I'm asking you a question, but don't talk to me about formulas or formulas. What did I just say, and what was your answer to me!"

'Bang bang bang' Lin Xiufeng slapped the table several times and became furious:

"You are simply uneducated. The black and white words in the textbook show it. Are you here telling lies with your eyes open? What kind of Kyushu Academy of Sciences is just for fame and fame? Don't think that you can be proud of accidentally restoring a steam engine. Scientific knowledge is not yours. This group of blind and arrogant people can know."


There was silence in the field.

Li Zhen's face darkened, but he didn't speak.

Liu Jinghong's temper was about to explode on the spot. Li Zhen held down his hand and whispered: "Let him finish the lesson first before talking."

Liu Jinghong sighed: "You are really relying on your old age. I am superstitious about a wrong answer and insist on letting others agree with it. If you say what he said is right, I can still bear to listen. The problem is that he can't even free fall. If such a low-end law can be wrong, what else can I say?"

Lin Xiufeng hated iron and said: "I will tell you again, remember it all. The phenomenon of free fall is because of the universal gravity of this world, so in free fall, the weight of the two objects is different, and the weight of the two objects is different. The speed is also different. One of the most important key points is the weight."


There were commotion sounds in the auditorium, and many people were whispering and talking, but they all had sneers on their faces.

"Is he a lecturer at Imperial College?"

"He hasn't even understood this kind of problem yet, so why does he have the courage to give us a lecture?"

"The basic laws of free fall are all wrong, and he's still so crazy."

"Hey, the lecturer at Imperial College is not very educated, but he has a very bad temper."


I saw the discussion going on all over the place, but I couldn't hear it clearly, but they were all voices of opposition. Lin Xiufeng became angry instantly and kicked the desk over: "Can we still go to class? If you don't like listening, get out. If it doesn't work, you really don't welcome me, the worst I can do is leave."

"Get serious. Everyone, write down what I just said, the principle of free fall, a hundred times in your notebook right now. Write it down for me. I am a senior lecturer at Imperial College, What I said is all recorded in black and white in the textbooks. What I said is the truth. Remember it. Forget all the rubbish you learned before."


Liu Jinghong was completely furious. He kicked the table over and stood up. He pointed at Lin Xiufeng's nose and said, "Why did the imperial court send you such an arrogant and ignorant person to give lectures to us? I will tolerate you." It's almost an hour, and a person has been talking to us for so long on the podium, and it's all about some erroneous answers you think. We are not allowed to discuss, different opinions and voices are not allowed, or even If you allow your classmates to question you, what kind of lecturer do you think you are? How qualified are you to give us lectures like this?"

Liu Jinghong took the lead, and students from Jiuzhou Institute of Physics stood up and shouted:

"Teacher Lin, it's not that we are incompetent. You really don't have any scholarly demeanor. Even if what you say is right, you should allow discussion and allow different questioning voices to appear. Science is progress through continuous discussion. Why are you so academically dictatorial? What qualifications do you have? Besides...what you said is simply wrong."

"It's wrong from beginning to end. To be honest, we have tolerated you for one lesson. These phenomena you mentioned can be explained to you by the Dafengtai fishermen who often attend Master Li's lectures. After many times of verification, you You are still here insisting on your opinion and saying the wrong answer.”

"Teacher Lin, I want to ask you, do you really teach physics? You don't even understand the phenomenon of free fall."

"Oh, Teacher Lin, if you really don't want to teach here, you should leave quickly. Don't delay us here."

"That's right. Master Li was originally going to talk about aerodynamics today, but you were delayed for nothing."


The students started to criticize each other. Lin Xiufeng was dumbfounded, and then became furious.

You actually questioned me

Do you all question me

I am a senior lecturer at Imperial College. What I have learned are theorems that have been circulated in Kyushu for hundreds of years. They are all real science. You question me

(End of chapter)