Rising: Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 102: Gravity moment



Lin Xiufeng was too angry to say a word. Pointing at the students in the classroom, he then looked at Li Zhen:

"Li Zhen, you Li Zhen. This is your Kyushu Academy of Sciences. Hahaha, you see. Using your ignorance as capital? Haha, that's awesome."

Li Zhen had a sullen face and sat there without saying a word.

Qin Enze was furious, kicked over the table and stood up: "You are here to discuss academic matters, even if you are wrong, we will cooperate with you because you are sent by the imperial court, and we don't want to hurt your face. But you What qualifications do you have to say that Teacher Li is wrong here? What qualifications do you have to criticize the Kyushu Academy of Sciences here? You don't admit defeat, right? You don't think you are wrong, do you? Okay, let me explain to you what high-level academics are in your eyes. What we consider low-end cannot be low-end basic things.”

After saying that, Qin Enze walked up to the podium with a pipe in his hand, looked at Lin Xiufeng and said:

"I'm telling you, what you just taught in the whole class is nonsense. And the speed of free fall is determined based on whose weight is greater? I'll tell you the theorem of free fall. Remember it: the object starts to fall. When the object is at rest, the initial velocity V = 0. If the initial velocity of the object is not 0, even if it falls vertically, it cannot be regarded as a free fall.

During the falling process of an object, except for the effect of gravity, it is no longer affected by any other external force, including air resistance.

When any object is in free fall at the same height, the fall time is also the same. "

"Remember? It's the same. It's the same. The acceleration of free fall of any object at the same place is the same, so the free fall motion of the same place is also the same. The speed of free fall will only change according to different geographical conditions."

When Lin Xiufeng heard this, he laughed wildly: "Hahaha, that's nonsense. Let's do an experiment right now. You don't need to verify it. You can even think of it. The same volume of cotton and the same volume of iron have different weights. So the cotton is free Is the speed of falling objects the same as the speed of free falling iron? Who told you this stupid theory? "

Lin Xiufeng looked at Li Zhen mockingly.

Qin Enze sighed helplessly: "How should I explain to you? Your theory is wrong, it should be the overall cognition of Jiuzhou. In fact, it should have been overturned a long time ago. This is a self-contradictory law."

"Contradictory? Hahaha, really?" Lin Xiufeng looked at Qin Enze disdainfully.

Qin Enze sighed: "Okay, let's take what you said and make an assumption. Suppose the weight of cotton is 4 kilograms, the weight of iron is 8 kilograms, and the volumes are the same. The acceleration of cotton's descent is 4, and the acceleration of iron is 4 kilograms. It’s 8. It looks like the iron is falling faster, right?”

Lin Xiufeng nodded, sneered, and said nothing. He wanted to see what flowers this ugly guy with a scarred face could tell.

Qin Enze added: "But have you ever thought about it. What if cotton and iron are tied together? Then, the acceleration of the iron that falls quickly will be dragged down by the cotton. When the two are together, their uniform speed will be It will become the same. That’s okay with you.”

Lin Xiufeng imagined in his mind that cotton and iron were tied together. Indeed, because they became one body, although the speed of cotton was 4 and the speed of iron was 8, they would indeed become the same. Huh? Strange, why is it the same again

"Haha, don't use word games and brain teasers to confuse right and wrong. What does this prove?"

Qin Enze slapped his thigh: "So. Are you still confused? The speed of cotton is 4 and the speed of iron is 8. If they are tied together and dropped, the falling speed of their entire system becomes 4-8 speed between."

Lin Xiufeng's face became suspicious: "What does this prove?"

Qin Enze smiled bitterly and said: "Why can't you figure it out? The falling speed of their entire system, combined, is between 4 and 8. However, the weight of cotton is 4 and the weight of iron is 8. If it is subject to weight If so, then their falling speed should be 4+8=12. Their speed should be above 12. Not between 4 and 8. This is a contradictory situation."

"this… "

Lin Xiufeng's expression became strange, as if he had seen a ghost. The whole person seemed to be in a daze, and kept muttering:

"This... how is this possible? Yes, if the speed of free falling objects is determined by their weight, then their speed should be the sum of their weights and the sum of their speeds. Why is this like this... How can this happen? .”

He was dumbfounded. The law of free fall, which is common throughout the world and has been passed down for hundreds or thousands of years, has been overturned. The rate of decline of cotton and iron was overturned...

You can't explain it all, and the answer turns out to be self-contradictory.

Qin Enze added: "So the speed of an object falling is not determined by its weight. The speed of a free falling body changes at a uniform speed. The speed of an object falling is proportional to time, and the distance it falls is proportional to the square of time. The distance of an object falling is proportional to the square of time. Acceleration has nothing to do with the weight of the object, and it has nothing to do with the mass of the object.”

Lin Xiufeng said nonchalantly: "Then... what does that have to do with?"

"Gravity. I said it's gravity. Free fall only changes under the influence of gravity. So I said that the speed of free fall can only be determined by gravity, or by the geographical environment. Objects at different heights have different free fall speeds. are different."

Lin Xiufeng felt as if he had been struck by lightning, and he froze on the spot in despair.

He is still thinking about that question, why

It's really strange...

If it were a direct experiment, Lin Xiufeng might not approve it. But Qin Enze's example, an extremely terrifying contradictory idea, directly drove Lin Xiufeng crazy.


Li Zhen sat down and watched, sighing silently in his heart. The teaching staff sent by the imperial court is really disappointing.

Should we still let them teach? If we let them teach again, what we will cultivate will not be the seeds we want. Instead, they just completed another mass production of 'Paleoscience Scholars'.

Li Zhen hesitated.

Lin Xiufeng was also surprised that after waking up from the contradiction in thinking, he was not angry and asked Qin Enze again: "I have another question that has been bothering me for a long time. I don't know if you can give an explanation."

"you say?"

Lin Xiufeng looked at Qin Enze expectantly: "Why does the second hand always stop at nine o'clock when the quartz clock is out of power, or when the clockwork stops because it has no power."

Qin Enze was stunned and looked at Lin Xiufeng suspiciously. Who knows why he had such a big idea. Being so tough can get rid of topics that were in free fall before. incredible.

"I haven't studied this question. Brother Jinghong, please answer it."

Liu Jinghong stood up and looked at Lin Xiufeng with disdain: "This question is actually very simple and a daily phenomenon in life, but it may be an unsolved mystery for you. When the quartz clock is out of power, Or when the clockwork power is exhausted, why does the second hand always stay at the nine o'clock position? Because the 9 position on the clock is most affected by the resistance of the gravitational moment."

Lin Xiufeng looked at Liu Jinghong in astonishment, never expecting that he could explain this phenomenon to him.

This phenomenon was discovered by Lin Xiufeng decades ago when he was still young. Quartz clocks were popular at that time, and he discovered that every time the quartz clock stopped, the second hand actually pointed to 9. No matter how many times I try, this is the result.

This problem has troubled him for decades. He has been unable to figure it out. He tried to understand it, but he couldn't understand it at all. I have also asked many great scholars, but there is no reasonable explanation...

Some people say, because of metaphysics.

Some people say that because the number 9 is very unique and represents the extreme of numbers, the pointer will always point to the extreme of numbers.

Some people also say that this is due to the magnetic field.

But Lin Xiufeng knew that these answers were wrong!

Unexpectedly, the grumpy Liu Jinghong explained this phenomenon in one breath.

Lin Xiufeng looked at Liu Jinghong excitedly: "What is the gravitational moment?"

(End of chapter)