Rising: Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 103: The tenth place phenomenon


In general, Lin Xiufeng also has the spirit of a scholar.

It’s just that I have been respected and authoritative at Imperial College for too long. I have become superstitious about myself and existing science.

He himself made no mistakes, he just learned the wrong knowledge and believed that the wrong was right. Like most Kyushu people, he is just an epitome of Kyushu scholars.

But Lin Xiufeng himself has a scientific research spirit. Unlike some stubborn people, he always insists on his wrong answer even if you tell him the right answer.

Lin Xiufeng knows the changes, and he will think about why.

He could instantly switch from being a teacher to being a student. He wanted to ask Liu Jinghong why.

"What is the gravitational moment?"

"That is, the gravity arm of the second hand. Let me give you an example. Draw a vertical line from the fulcrum to the center of gravity. The distance between these two lines is called the gravity arm. When the second hand reaches the 9 position, it is affected by The impact of the gravity arm is the greatest, and at that time there will begin to be a stronger resistance than at other positions. So the second hand always stays at the 9 position."

Lin Xiufeng shook his head: "That's not right. The position of 9 and the position of 3 are opposite and parallel. You can't explain why it doesn't stay at the 3 position if it is affected by the gravity arm. Where's the stop at position 9?"

Liu Jinghong laughed: "You have ignored the most important point. Because the hands of the clock rotate clockwise. Although the moment arm will be larger at the 3 position, it will not stop because it rotates clockwise. At the 3 o'clock position. It will continue forward and then stop at the 9 position. If you rotate the clock counterclockwise, it will stop at the 3 o'clock position."

"If the clock is square and you place it upside down, it will stop at 12 o'clock. If you rotate it counterclockwise, it will stop at 6 o'clock. Depending on the placement, you want it to stop at 6 o'clock. What time it is, it stops at what time it is.”

Lin Xiufeng took a breath of air: "So that's it..."

"After decades, this problem has finally been explained."

"So that's it."

Lin Xiufeng muttered to himself absently, then silently left the podium, walked out of the physics institute, and sat alone in the yard outside, feeling dazed in the cold wind.

Today I had a class at Kyushu Institute of Physics, but I was taught a lesson.

In one day, I was deeply shocked.

The contradiction of free fall made his mind agitated. He came out of the horn in an instant, but he was at a loss.

The concept of the gravity arm and the strange phenomenon of the clock always staying at 9 were explained, and the whole person suddenly realized it.

At this moment, Lin Xiufeng was stunned, her mind went blank...

Lin Xiufeng's departure shocked the entire Kyushu Academy of Sciences, and people from all departments flocked to watch the excitement.

The new teachers also saw it, and they all looked at each other with shame.

How can I take the next class? The teacher was so beaten down by the students that he was dumbfounded by every truth and every law. What to do with the rest of them

Of course, there are also some fanatical scientists among these teachers, but they take this status lightly.

Another physics teacher passed through the crowd and looked at Liu Jinghong excitedly: "I also have a problem that has been bothering me for more than ten years and cannot be explained."

Liu Jinghong enjoyed being asked for advice very much, and said with a smile: "You tell me."

At this time, Liu Jinghong seemed like a teacher, and the teacher seemed like a student.

"I have been teaching and educating people for many years, and I have discovered a strange and unexplainable phenomenon. After my students graduate, the most promising ones are often neither the first nor the last. They are all tenth. I Of all the graduates I have taught, it has been verified over time that the most promising ones are all ranked tenth. Not eighth, not seventh. They are all tenth in every exam."

The teacher said nervously, all the hairs on his body stood up because of the nervousness: "I discovered this phenomenon more than ten years ago, and then I deliberately followed up and investigated it. And every time, every year, among the fresh graduates, the most promising ones All ranked 10th. Why is that?”


Liu Jinghong screamed in horror: "Is there such a thing?"

The teacher looked downcast and said, "Well, it seems you don't know either?"

"Wait, I know!"

At this time, a voice burst out in the auditorium.

Everyone followed the sound and couldn't help but exclaimed.

This person is none other than Qi Lengzi!

Li Zhen is a groom, a bodyguard, a nanny, and a fool.

Qi Lunzi, who can’t read a single Chinese character and has only recently started to learn how to read!

"Why is it him?"

"How would he know?"

"Does a guy like Qi Lengzi, who has no brains, know about this kind of problem?"

"Oh my god, Li Zhen, the horseman, actually knows something that even Liu Jinghong, the influential figure in the Kyushu Institute of Physics, doesn't know?"

"Yes, Qi Lengzi has been with Li Zhen for a long time, and he should know a lot of things that we don't know. Li Zhen is so talented."

"Hey, are all the grooms around Master Li so knowledgeable?"


The teacher looked at Qi Lengzi and asked nervously: "Who is your Excellency?"

Qi Lengzi came out, looking even more nervous than the teacher. He stood on the podium at a loss and said quickly: "My name is Qi Lengzi."

"What's your name?"

"This is my great name."

Qi Lengzi rubbed his hands between the seams of his trousers, and others could see his nervousness.

This is the first time Qi Lunzi has appeared in the auditorium, and the first time he has stood on this podium. In the past, his low self-esteem only allowed him to squat in the steam car and secretly learn cultural knowledge by himself.

Although Qi Lengzi worked hard, he saw all kinds of dragons and phoenixes from the Kyushu Academy of Sciences, and his inferiority complex was extremely serious. Everyone here is a pillar of the empire, but he is a rough guy who has just started to learn to read and add and subtract.

Li Zhen saw Qi Lunzi walking up to the podium, glanced at him with a smile, cast an encouraging look at Qi Lunzi, and whispered: "Don't be afraid."

Qi Lengzi felt Li Zhen's encouraging eyes, his heart was shaken, and he was speechless.

The teacher urged, "What's the reason? Why is the tenth place always the best?"

Qi Lengzi's voice was a little trembling, even a little broken: "I heard Li Zhen say before that before Li Zhen established the Institute of Physics, he loved chatting with me and talking about some things with me. At that time, he told me After this phenomenon..."

Qi Lengzi spoke incoherently, but everyone did not rush him and allowed him to speak slowly.

Qi Lengzi talked for a long time but couldn't get to the point. The teacher became anxious: "Why?"

"Ah. Li Zhen told me at that time that the most promising people are not the first or the last. They are not necessarily students. It is the same in all industries. The people who are easy to succeed are all the people around the tenth place. They are all people who are in the middle of the pack in their industry or studies.”

Qi Lengzi tried his best to calm down, carefully recalled every word Li Zhen told him, and cherished this opportunity to step onto the podium of the Institute of Physics: "Because this is a psychological reason. The tenth place in the middle , there is no psychological burden of "wanting to win but afraid of losing" of those who are at the top. There is also no "inferiority" of those who are lagging behind. The people who are ranked tenth have the ability to be among the best. Those who are around tenth dare to fight and rush. , so it’s easier to succeed.”

"So students are always in the tenth place. If they have been in the middle position for a long time, the mentality of daring to fight and dare to rush is deeply ingrained, so it is easier to be successful after graduation. Li Zhen also said, but this is also a probability Phenomenon. So relatively speaking, people in that position have a greater probability of success. This is called... the tenth place phenomenon."


'Hua Hua Hua'

Everyone stood up and applauded for a long time.

Li Zhen took the lead in applauding and looked at Qi Lengzi with approval.

Everyone applauded, encouraging this low self-esteem Qi Lengzi, encouraging this weak Qi Lengzi with a tough character. Encourage him to step onto the podium for the first time!

Qi Lengzi watched the whole hall cheer for him, his eyes red with excitement.

PS: It has been confirmed that it will be available on September 1st. It will be available this Friday. I hope that some people who like this book will be able to subscribe...

(End of chapter)