Rising: Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 107: A fulfilling day (with testimonials)


Li Zhen only teaches one class a day and leaves immediately after the lecture. Then everyone discusses among themselves.

The atmosphere of this self-discussion was simply intense to a certain level. Everyone has needs, and everyone has many things they don’t understand. But there are always people who understand, and everyone exchanges their knowledge.

In an environment where people communicate with each other and are afraid of falling behind others. How could their progress not be rapid

How could their knowledge reserve not be terrifying

Li Zhen completely turned teaching into a business.

Li Zhen is responsible for sowing the seeds of knowledge quickly and accurately. It is up to you how many signals you can receive. After leaving the room, everyone entered the discussion. You know this knowledge point, but you don’t know other knowledge points. But if someone knows, you can change it. Tell each other things that the other person doesn't know.

And everyone knows the knowledge points. But they gathered together to discuss and study in depth.

The pace of lectures at the Kyushu Academy of Sciences is so fast that it makes people collapse. But actually... the foundation is solid! Not pie in the sky at all.

Because the content of Li Zhen's lectures every day is only part of the lecture. It seems rushed, but it is not too deep.

Although there is only one class, everyone will discuss it after the class is over and will be completely immersed in research. This effect is excellent, even better than Li Zhen explaining to them in detail. During the discussion, they had a solid foundation and learned everything.

Soon, the teachers also became involved in the discussion.

Lin Xiufeng gradually adapted to it, holding a notebook and shouting at the top of his lungs: "Can anyone tell me what conservation of energy means?"

No one paid any attention to him. Because I have learned this thing a long time ago, it is a waste of time.

"Someone tell me."

Lin Xiufeng picked up a random person and said, "Tell me about the conservation of energy."

"No time."

"I don't care, tell me, otherwise I won't let you do anything." Lin Xiufeng acted rogue.

The man sighed: "Okay."

Quickly tell Lin Xiufeng the previous content.

Li Zhen only teaches one class a day, so what does everyone do in the rest of the time

The answer quickly emerged.

After four or five hours of discussion and intense research, everyone formed their own discussion teams in groups and left the auditorium one after another, and then walked into the physics laboratory of Kyushu Institute of Physics in groups. .

They began experiments, began to verify hypotheses, and verify theorems.

During the verification, we gain a more thorough understanding of this knowledge. More consolidated.

Liu Jinghong, the first batch of people, naturally hugged each other: "Han Xian, Enze, Famous Scholars, let's go, let's go."

"You haven't eaten yet, let's eat first."

"There is too much knowledge today, so I can't even think about eating. Hurry."

"Okay, Xiao Shengnai, Lan Xunqi. Hurry."

"Everyone go."

"Lab assembly."

"No, I have to go out and buy a bun. I'm hungry."

"Bring me two.:"

"Bring me two, too."


Hou Qiang also walked into the laboratory, looked at Lengzi Qi who was following behind, and shouted: "Why are you still standing there? Get us some food."

Qi Lengzi nodded quickly: "Oh, yes. What do you want to eat?"


After saying that, Hou Qiang left in a hurry. Qi Lengzi finished sending Li Zhen off and had nothing to do at the moment. He drove the steam car out to buy food.

Lin Xiufeng and other teachers saw everyone leaving in a hurry and left after the discussion. One summation: "Let's stick together, let's go along."

"Gotta go."

"Yes, verification means verification. This is a good habit. You can't just memorize it by rote. During rote memorization, you need to conduct actual verification in order to understand it more thoroughly."

"Hey, isn't the study intensity at Kyushu Academy of Sciences too intense? Even if you don't want to learn, you have to learn. Everyone is like this. If you don't take it seriously, you will be kicked out. If you miss a little bit, you won't be able to listen to the rest. Got it."|

"We are struggling so hard. We haven't listened to the previous lessons. We have to start over."

"Well, speaking of which, I am a teacher who specializes in teaching physics. I have to learn it from scratch."


In the laboratory, it was a different scene. The whole laboratory was in chaos. Everyone gathered together in small groups and it was extremely noisy.

Everyone was quarreling, quarreling with red faces and thick necks.

Lin Xiufeng finally saw the stubbornness of intellectuals. Everyone insisted on their own opinions and had a heated argument. But the atmosphere of this discussion was extremely heated.

"I slide a wooden board in a basin and create all the conditions. How is this not fluid mechanics?"

Another person blushed and yelled: "This is not fluid mechanics. This water does not flow. Your power comes from your hands, from the board itself. It is not water, not a fluid, so your behavior does not comply with fluid mechanics." ."

"Why don't I comply? This also represents fluid mechanics."

"Fart, that's not what you are!"


Lin Xiufeng and others were completely dumbfounded. They were as if Grandma Liu had entered the Grand View Garden. Everything that happened here was new. They were all scenes that they had never heard of or seen before.

I saw a young man and an old man arguing, throwing tables and benches. I saw two young people arguing and asked to go out for a fight.

Then he came back with a bruised nose and a swollen face, and another test proved that, oh, what both of them said was wrong. Then they quietly resolved the conflict and resumed the discussion.

Lin Xiufeng murmured: "Is this the atmosphere of the Kyushu Academy of Sciences? Has it always been like this? The atmosphere of this academic discussion... is really too strong. Even I can't help but want to study science crazily."

Another teacher from Imperial College sighed: "In time, it will become the third university in Kyushu."

"No, it will surpass Imperial College and Renaissance University."

"It's already exceeded, isn't it?"

"Already exceeded?" Everyone gasped.

"All of them have more knowledge reserves than the people in the two universities. And they also know too much knowledge that ordinary college students don't know at all. The most important thing is their emotions that can go crazy at any time, and this Aren’t they already surpassing this atmosphere of fanatical research into science?”


The teachers looked at each other speechlessly, sighed, and then began to study. I also started to enter that atmosphere.

At this time, no one dared to say that he could be a teacher at Kyushu Academy of Sciences.


In this world, perhaps Li Zhen is the only one who can be a teacher at Kyushu Academy of Sciences. Kyushu Academy of Sciences, teacher of the Third Academy.

He alone can teach.

No one can teach this group of people anymore.

So, what kind of existence are they? Is this a school after all? Is it a group of students? What are their identities

The identity of Kyushu Academy of Sciences is hard to tell whether it is a school or a scientific research institution. Very hazy.

After Li Zhen finished teaching the three colleges, he ended all the classes for the day.

But it didn't stop after he finished the class. He still had to write teaching materials. Li Zhen's main task now is to publish books and compile teaching materials for the Kyushu Academy of Sciences.

The Kyushu Academy of Sciences will definitely continue to have new blood coming in in the future. You cannot just let yourself teach, there are still many things to do. Then the only thing left is to write teaching materials. The teaching materials have been compiled so that the senior students from the earlier batch can be used to teach the junior students.

These books can also be distributed so that people in Kyushu can learn from them.

Very busy and very tired.

But very fulfilling.

Li Zhen's office and bedroom have long been combined into one. The desk is full of messy files and information, so messy that only he can distinguish them clearly.

And every piece of information is extremely important, and every piece of information is Li Zhen's painstaking effort.

He can understand this difficulty. Really, knowing some knowledge yourself and being able to teach knowledge are really not the same concept. Sometimes Li Zhen also feels powerless. He clearly knows it, but he just can't tell it, or he doesn't know where to start.

This difficulty has always troubled him. Therefore, he would make careful arrangements the night before to prepare lessons for the next day. Every night, I prepare lessons until late at night before I have time to sleep...

tired. Go to the window, breathe the air of the twelfth lunar month, and look at the moon in the night sky.


PS: That’s it for today’s update. Then something was said behind him, so they all stopped and looked down.

It will be released in the early morning of September 1st. That is one minute after 11:59 tonight. (Let’s twist the tongue)

Let's talk about it. Since the book was published, the website and editors have not been very optimistic about it. Because the subject matter of this book does not conform to Xiaobai’s aesthetic...

Therefore, the website has not recommended this book much since it was published. I haven't had any great recommendations.

There is no Sanjiang recommendation, no strong recommendation. After more than ten hours, it will become the legendary "naking on the shelves". Hahaha...

It's actually quite sad. Because I can feel that the readers of this book are very loyal. It is generally said that it is a good one but not a big one. But the website doesn’t recommend it…

This book now has 10,000 collections. Along the way, almost all the author’s friends have recommended it to me, and readers have spontaneously recommended it to me. That’s it.

I have severe shelf phobia and fear of getting bad grades.

Quite tiring.

The author’s friend said that I might be desperate this time, with at most a few hundred first-day subscriptions.

I have encountered a lot of things recently. We broke up on Valentine's Day and while driving, I got distracted by the plot and hit a wall. The family has debts. I was beaten when I peeked at others going to the toilet. I stole cucumbers from the vegetable patch and was bitten by a dog. Hey, there's a lot of trouble.

My heart is full of negative energy...

If the performance of this book collapses again, I feel like my whole body will collapse because I have high expectations for this book.

But there are too many pirated fans of this book. I can't even imagine it, it's really shocking.

Sorry everyone.

I can't face hundreds of first-choice results.

If the subscriptions (number of paid readers) of this book on the first day it was released were not even my lowest expectation of 1,000.

Let's all disperse.

It will be released in the early morning, and two pieces will be released first. If the first order exceeds 1,000, the reward will be huge, and it will explode at 6pm on Friday.

If not even a thousand. Then I will save the remaining dozens of chapters and send them privately to the die-hard supporters on the fan list of this book. Then the eunuch stood up.

Readers who read pirated copies, don’t ask for any moral support from me. Let me emphasize that I don’t need any moral support from you. This is my career and I need it to support my family.

I am a man and I want to live.

Don't kidnap me morally again!

Sigh... I just hope the results can be better.

Forget it...take back the angry words you just said.

Not a prisoner.

Try not to be a prisoner.

Thank you for listening to me, a person with a serious glass heart and a serious phobia, complaining here.

So be it. I won’t write any comments on the launch. Remember the time, twelve o'clock in the morning!

Twelve o'clock. We meet at the starting point and rise for ten thousand years! ! !

(End of chapter)