Rising: Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 11: A one-man cavalry team


Is the tragedy over

Just started…

Li Zhen drove away like crazy. Liu Quan then stuck his head out of the window and looked back; at the exit of Yanziji, the master directed the horse thieves to remove all the things blocking the way, revealing a gap.

Chase again.

From a distance, you can vaguely hear the boss yelling in anger: "I said, no one is allowed to live!"

Twenty riders chased him from hundreds of meters away.

Liu Quan retracted his head expressionlessly and said calmly: "Based on the mathematics we learned before, we can calculate that in a race between two horses under the same conditions, the horse with the weight will definitely not be able to outrun the horse without the weight. In other words, we The carriage will be overtaken by them."

Li Zhen also said calmly: "This common sense does not require mathematical calculations. Are you catching up?"


Li Zhen was silent for a while: "Let's run separately. I'll jump out of the car and walk into the mountains from here. You ride on the horse, and I'll help you untie the reins. I don't want the carriage, so you can run away on horseback."

"..." Both of them were silent.

After a while, Liu Quan took off his personal backpack, took out a dark object, and laughed nervously.

Li Zhen untied the reins and helped Liu Quan prepare, while turning back: "What is this?"

Liu Quan smiled proudly: "Have you ever heard of bombs? This is a new weapon developed by Imperial College. My dad got a few from abroad. I stole one from his cabinet last month and kept it close to me. , take it out and study it if you have nothing to do. Do you think my dad is stupid? He hides such a dangerous thing in the closet. "

"Are you stupid? You hide such a dangerous thing on your body."


Liu Quan laughed crazily. After laughing, with tears rolling down his face, he forcibly tied his personal backpack to Li Zhen: "There are 10,000 coins in it. My dad gave it to me to take the exam."

Li Zhen's whole body trembled, and tears flowed out like a dam: "We can actually run away."

"But according to a probability theory you mentioned, the chance of both people escaping is less than 50%, but the chance of just one person escaping is greater than 80%."

After Liu Quan finished speaking, he jumped out of the carriage without warning.

Li Zhen was so angry that he quickly reined in his horse, stood on the platform and leaned out, shouting: "Come over here. I'll switch with you!"

Liu Quan looked at Li Zhen calmly and said in a very soft voice: "You are better than me, better than me. Be brave and get admitted to Imperial College."

Li Zhen was furious: "Who cares so much about you saying nice things to me?" After saying that, he jumped off the carriage and chased Liu Quan, hoping to catch him back.

Liu Quan couldn't help but froze when he saw Li Zhen chasing him. He took the bomb and ran towards Yanziji. While shaking off Li Zhen, he yelled: "You can make up your own mind. I've made up my mind. If you're sensible, get out and go to the exam! Do you want both of us to die here?"

Li Zhen was dumbfounded, looking at Liu Quan running in the opposite direction without caring about his own safety, his whole body was in a daze.

After running for tens of meters, Liu Quan stopped again, looked deeply at Li Zhen and said:

"Remember, you owe me ten thousand coins..."

"There are still my unfinished dreams..."


'drive! '

Once riding Juechen, the carriage stayed where it was, with one man and one horse running wildly.

Li Zhen looked back at Yan Ziji with red eyes, looking at the back of the young man who rushed towards the horse thief.

Liu Quan also looked back, and the two teenagers looked at each other.

Li Zhen roared with all his strength:

"If one day I, a high official, come to my aid, I will destroy the entire Yanziji!"

"If one day I gain power and wipe out all the horse thieves in this world."

"If that day comes, I will definitely carry your dream."

"If that day cannot come, I will come to Yanziji to accompany you to bury Jiuquan!"


His eyes were red and tears were rolling down his face. Turn around and look towards the green Jiahe County ahead - 'drive'

Liu Quan turned his head and looked at Li Zhenyuan, showing a relieved smile.

"Hahaha, that boy said he wanted to destroy Yanziji."

The horse thief heard Li Zhen's roar coming from ahead and sneered.

The leader sneered, looked at Liu Quan who was standing struttingly in the middle of the road, and sneered: "Are you going to die on your own initiative?"

When the cavalry approached, Liu Quan laughed, pulled out the fuse of the bomb and rushed into the group of horse thieves.


Fire filled the sky, and the earth shook.

A dozen people were killed on the spot as blood and flesh flew everywhere.

People died and horses were frightened.

The horse thieves chasing after them watched the living people climb out of the sea of fire, and watched the living horses run away uncontrollably.

Already scared to death...


A mile away, I looked at the city gate of Jiahe County and saw the endless stream of people coming in and out.

Li Zhen's eyes flashed with hatred, and he murmured: "An official and a bandit?"

Drive your horse around.

Not going into town.

Li Zhen didn't know which way Huangpu County took, he only knew that direction. So he rode his horse along the mountain road, detoured around Jiahe County, and headed towards Huangpu County covered with dust.

A lonely person and a horse, in the dusty sky in the yellow sand.

But he is not alone. He alone carries the dreams of more than a dozen people.

The sky is the quilt and the earth is the bed.

He tried not to attract any attention along the way, just carrying Liu Quan's backpack and walking quickly. When you're hungry, you'll take a bite of dry biscuits. When you're thirsty, you'll take a sip of lukewarm water.

We are approaching Huangpu County.

Along the way, Li Zhen also saw more and more convoys from other areas rushing to take the exam.

There was a huge convoy coming from Huzhou County, with more than a hundred candidates and as many as 700 people accompanying them.

Li Zhen stood on the sand and held the horse, watching the sounds of laughter and slapstick coming from the team. He looked around and saw that he was the only one in the sky and on the earth. The eyes are incomprehensible.

The cavalry in other counties and cities is so magnificent.


In the cavalry, someone shouted to Li Zhen.

Li Zhen looked and heard an old man holding a map in his hand say: "My child, are you going to Huangpu County?"


"Haha, so are we. We are from Huzhou County going to Huangpu County to take the exam. I see you are traveling alone. If you don't mind, come with us."

Li Zhen smiled and shook his head: "No need."

"It's okay, don't be shy."

The old man seemed to be in a good mood. He jumped out of the car and came over with a piece of watermelon in his hand: "Here, eat some watermelon. Hahaha, what are you going to Huangpu County for? Are you visiting relatives? Are you familiar with the road?"

Li Zhen didn't pick up the watermelon and said with a smile, "I'm going to take the exam."

"Are you also a candidate?"

"I am a candidate from Hangcheng County!"

Li Zhen said loudly.

The old man was stunned, and everyone in the Huzhou County cavalry team was also stunned.

Immediately, bursts of laughter broke out.

"Hahaha, I was laughing so hard."

"Hangcheng County is going to take the exam alone?"

"Is there just one candidate? Not even a cavalry team."

"I heard that Hangcheng County has not produced a student who can go to university in twenty years. In our Huzhou County, one must be born every five years."

"No wonder there are no college students in Hangcheng County. Look, how shabby it is, just one person and one horse?"


The old man couldn't help laughing, and said with a kind smile: "In that case, come with us. Support each other. If you have any academic problems that you don't understand, you can also consult our Huzhou County candidates and students."

Li Zhen smiled, stepped on the stirrup, mounted the horse, raised the reins and swept away.

The old man watched Li Zhen leave and frowned: "How rude."

Looking back, many people on the Huzhou County cavalry team were pointing at me.

Li Zhen murmured: "I am the cavalry by myself!"


It was windy and sandy for several days.

"Here we are, this giant city..."

A hundred meters away, looking at the city that looked like a dormant giant beast, watching the horse teams coming in and out, it was so lively.

Looking at the plaque on the towering city gate with the word "Huangpu" written on it, I knew that this was the ancient giant city that had been established for thousands of years in Southeast Prefecture.

Li Zhen led the horse and walked in with heavy steps. Huangpu County didn't say anything about dismounting and entering the city, so everyone felt strange when they saw the young man holding the horse and walking very solemnly into the city.

But this is Li Zhen's respect for this giant city.

It carries the dreams of so many people.

At this time, sunset.

Under the setting sun, the silhouettes of a man and a horse were stretched out.

"Five coins for a shovel. You must buy it. When you lead a horse into the city, you must have a shovel to clean up the horse manure. Our Huangpu County is not a place that any country bumpkin can enter."

"You are not allowed to cause trouble in Huangpu County. The government is very strict. My friend, do you need a copy of Huangpu County's 'Rules and Codes'?"

"Our Huangpu hotel has a very good service attitude and complete facilities. We even have a No. 1 building specially prepared for candidates. Five hundred yuan a night... "

In the repeated words of guards, traders, and liars.

Li Zhen entered the city amidst the hustle and bustle.

Thanks to 'Jiasi Xiumeng' for the reward of 500 starting coins.

Thanks to 'Le Zhong Qilin', 'Mild Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder' and 'Xiao Xiaoqiang's Love' for the 100 starting coin reward. thank you.

(End of chapter)