Rising: Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 113: Reform (fourth update)


Xun Shifei left.

From Qingdao County, he moved to other counties in Dongzhou.

It was announced that the prince traveled to Kyushu...

Rizhao County.

"The prince is here."

"I can finally see the prince."

"This is the future crown prince of Kyushu. I heard that the prince is unparalleled in magnificence. Together with Li Zhen, he is one of the two most talented men in Kyushu."

"Hey, the eighth prince is nothing. I heard that the eighth prince still wants to compete with the prince for the position of heir apparent?"

"The Eighth Prince set up a conspiracy to frame Li Zhen. He is so cruel that he dares to seize the crown prince's position?"


Sitting in the steam car, Xun Shifei listened to the discussions of the people outside, and listened to the many Zhongzhou accents mixed in those discussions, and he couldn't help but smile.

Looking out the window at the scenery along the way and the endless flow of people, he murmured:

"You dare not leave the Eight Dragon City because you are afraid that if you leave the Eight Dragon City you will never be able to go back. Therefore, your situation will be small and your words will not get out of Chang'an. And I still have more than half a year to travel around the world. My words will be It will spread throughout Kyushu.”

Xun Shifei's eyes flashed with blazing fire, his longing for his lifelong dream: "He must be the Lord of the Nine Provinces!"

The similarity between him and Li Zhen lies in his courageous pursuit of his dreams.

Using the tenth place phenomenon, maybe the prince and Li Zhen are both people ranked in this tenth place phenomenon. It's not that they are both ranked in the middle of the pack, but they both have a mentality.

'Dare to fight and dare to enter. If you lose, you'll have to start over. '

After spending a day in Rizhao County, Xun Shifei was almost non-stop. It's not like traveling around Kyushu at all. He broke through a kind of long-term thinking and spread his presence all over Kyushu.

In the yamen of Rizhao County, the princess smiled flatteringly: "Prince, all the outstanding people, wealthy businessmen, and bachelors in this county are already waiting for you. Following your instructions, we will have a banquet for all the outstanding people in Rizhao County. They They’re all already here.”

Xun Shifei nodded and said with a smile: "I am new to Rizhao County, and I don't understand many of the rules of the locals. If there is anything I do wrong, I hope you can remind me."

The princess of Rizhao County felt as comfortable as if she had been exposed to the warm winter sun, warming her from head to toe. The prince of the empire, the future emperor of Kyushu, is so approachable, asking me for advice

"Prince, don't you dare."

"Haha, you are so efficient in doing things. The empire needs talents like you."

Hearing this, the princess of Rizhao County was so excited that she almost bowed her head and bowed. The prince praised me

After leaving the government office, the courtyard outside was full of guests and friends, and all the local outstanding people were whispering together and talking excitedly. The prince invited them to dinner!

Finally, the prince of Jiuzhou came out. Xun Shifei was dressed in military uniform and his whole body was full of energy: "Hello everyone."

Everyone stood up with a roar.

"I've met the prince!"

The momentum is overwhelming.

Xun Shifei looked at the mighty appearance of these more than a hundred people, and his heart was filled with excitement and generosity. Xun Shifei understood at this moment that he was taking the right path.

He gradually embarked on a path of reform and innovation.

During the banquet, people kept offering toasts, but Xun Shifei never refused.

Everyone came to toast, and everyone wanted to get a little bit of the breath of the Nine Provinces Dragon Vein. Xun Shifei, who was overwhelmed with alcohol, quickly became drunk.

'Vomit' Xun Shifei couldn't help it and suddenly turned his head and vomited.

Everyone stopped and looked at the vomiting prince and the anxious prince's entourage with fear.

The princess of Rizhao County turned pale and shouted in horror: "Who, who toasted? Isn't there any sense of propriety? The prince has drunk enough, and you still want to toast?"

Everyone was stunned.

If persuading the prince to drink causes the prince to go into trouble, who can bear the responsibility

But at this time, the panting Xun Shifei came back after vomiting, smiled and reassured everyone: "It doesn't matter. I saw so many outstanding people in Rizhao County, and it was as if I saw the vastness of Kyushu through a glimpse of my face. I can’t help but be excited. There’s nothing I can’t drink. You are all the pillars of my empire, and you are all people who have dedicated your youth to my Kyushu. But I can’t bear to drink, so I’ll toast you three glasses and then stop, okay?”

Three more drinks

Everyone was in an uproar.

The princess of Rizhao County was so anxious that she said, "Prince, you can't drink any more."

Xun Shifei couldn't help but stand at the highest place and drank three glasses of wine in a row until he was shaking.

Below, everyone stood up and looked dumbfounded.

"This... I have never seen such an approachable prince."

"Let me, let me!"

"Prince, you are a free and easy-going gentleman. I am willing to shed my blood for Kyushu."

"Prince, I am willing to sacrifice my life and blood for you."


Everyone was moved. Isn't it enough for the majestic Crown Prince of Nine Provinces to be so courteous to a virtuous corporal

Everyone picked up their cups and gave the prince three cups in return.

Xun Shifei stood on the high platform, laughing with drunken eyes, and suddenly said loudly: "When I came here, I saw the suffering of the people in Rizhao. The roads were not repaired, and the people were suffering under the scorching sun. I felt really uncomfortable. . I saw the people being oppressed by bullies, and I also saw traces of pirates ravaging everywhere in Rizhao County along the coast, which caused too much loss and too much pain to my people in Rizhao and Kyushu. I feel bad, I feel sad. ah."

Xun Shifei suddenly mentioned this matter, and everyone fell silent. This hit their pain point. The problems of piracy and transportation are indeed the scars of Rizhao County.

Xun Shifei suddenly bent down and bowed to everyone: "I'm sorry, as the future emperor of Kyushu, I'm late."

'Wow' The scene was boiling and everyone was panicked. The prince bowed to them

Xun Shifei said in public: "I only have the power to supervise the country now, but I have no power to implement it. I just want to suggest as a citizen of Jiuzhou that I hope that the relevant officials in Rizhao County will take responsibility for these things. Don't let it happen again. The agriculture, industry and commerce of Jiuzhou Zimin City are suffering."

The princess of Rizhao County felt extremely complicated. She wanted to cry and was nervous at the same time. This is really a man who makes decisions for the people, the prosperity of Jiuzhou. The nervous thing is that he is afraid that the prince will question him.

"Prince, don't worry, I will definitely take responsibility."

"I'm tired, please excuse me."

"The prince invites you."


After bowing to each other, everyone looked at Xun Shifei's back and started talking about it:

"As you wish, as you wish."

"There has never been such a monarch in the history of Kyushu, such a courteous and virtuous corporal. He took the people's affairs seriously."

"It will be a blessing for the people of Jiuzhou to have such an emperor in the future."

"Before the prince came, there were still rumors that the eighth prince wanted to seize the throne of the crown prince? I hope the officials in the government and the opposition will not be too blind to see the wrong person."

"I've also heard about it. Some people say that the news has spread throughout the Eight Dragons City. Because the Eighth Prince was jealous of Li Zhen's talent, he used intrigues to force Li Zhen out of the Eight Dragons City. Now the Eighth Prince used intrigues to force the Crown Prince away. The prince can only travel around Kyushu and cannot stay in Eight Dragon City. Alas."

"We cannot let a short-sighted person like the Eighth Prince become emperor."

"The prince is so generous to you, don't be jealous of talented people."


In the bedroom, Xun Shifei was completely drunk, but there was only clarity in his eyes.

"The way is right."

"After talking with Li Zhen, I suddenly realized something. Maybe I made a mistake in the past... The court does not control the people. The court serves the people."

"I'm on the right path."


Traveling around the world is not without purpose. Traveling around the world is to follow the common people's route. The Eighth Prince only thought that he was standing on the same line as Balong City and did not dare to leave. But Xun Shifei occupied the line of Balong City, but he stepped out and began to occupy the line of the people of Kyushu.

It's good to reach heaven and listen to it, but if you don't have a foundation below, how can you stand firm? Xun Shifei saw through this. Perhaps, he will become the only emperor with a democratic election system in the history of the Kyushu Empire.

He is similar to Li Zhen, both are extremely qualified reformers.

Li Zhen reformed the academic issues, social atmosphere, and barriers to human progress throughout Kyushu.

Xun Shifei reformed the policy issues of the entire Kyushu and reformed the inherent concepts of the entire Kyushu.

One is to reform the social sciences, and the other is to reform the humanistic atmosphere.

You are in the far east of Dongzhou, and he is all over the nine states, advancing side by side, blooming on both sides.

In this new calendar year 10001, two great reformers began to go their own way.

This year is destined to usher in a new era and a new chapter in history.

PS: No need to read the subscription results. There are only 600 subscriptions now. Alas, the achievement of one thousand subscriptions has simply become an unreachable number...

I originally wanted to be a eunuch on the spot. It has even been decided.

But I saw that there were so many people supporting this book, which obviously only had five or six hundred chapters. The initial decision of five to six hundred actually reached eighth place on the monthly ticket list this morning, thanks to everyone’s concerted efforts. Lack of stamina, now stable in 12th place.

Oh my god, the cohesion of everyone really shocked me. There were only so many people, but we almost stopped at eighth place.

Thank you everyone. I suddenly decided that I would work hard to write even for the small number of readers I have now.

I care too much about the monthly vote list. Because of the performance of this book, the website is probably even less optimistic about it. The monthly ticket list is now the only way to increase exposure opportunities and the only way to let more people discover this book. So I have to enter the monthly vote list. It's on the top list on Qidian's homepage.

I finished eighth today. Although I fell again, I saw hope and light. Our book is quite helpful. Now, we can only rely on ourselves to write this book.

I hope everyone will quickly vote for me and let me keep this book on the monthly vote list.

Readers who have spare money and readers who really like this book. Can you send me monthly ticket red envelopes to get more monthly tickets? Let’s get on the list. As long as you are on the list, there is hope!

Again, for every 100 additional monthly tickets, one update will be added.

Our subscription performance is not as good as others, but we hope that capable readers can send monthly ticket red envelopes. If they are on the monthly ticket list, there is hope.

Xiaobao is here to kneel down and thank you all.

In addition, thank you to the leader of 'La La Dong', I will update it for you tomorrow.

From now on, this book will be updated at 6 p.m. every day. Three updates guaranteed.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

(End of chapter)