Rising: Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 116: Verification


Qin Enze saw a lot of people gathered below and suddenly laughed:

"Everyone from the Kyushu Academy of Sciences, listen up!"

Below, the riotous crowd suddenly became quiet. Li Zhen yelled with an angry look: "Don't talk, don't make any noise, just listen to Enze."

When everyone calmed down, Qin Enze suddenly took out a folded piece of cloth from a large package at his feet. This is a kind of canvas used on small fishing boats. The canvas is not thick, but it is very strong and has good sealing properties.

Qin Enze held the canvas in his hands and shouted: "Everyone, listen to me. Now I want to prove the wind resistance. If I jump from here and still live, then we can prove that humans can definitely fly into the sky. . If I jump from here and die, it means we still have a long way to go, and we still have many mysteries to solve."

Hearing this, Li Zhen was so angry that he pointed at Qin Enze above him and shouted: "Enze, come down here. You don't need to prove it. If you really want to prove the power of wind resistance, we can tie it to the cloth. Stones to prove it.”

Qin Enze shouted: "It's not intuitive!"


"It's not intuitive. I don't think it's intuitive. I can only feel the intuitive experience if I jump from here personally."

Qin Enze looks crazy, he is a madman!

Li Zhen looked at that ferocious face and was so angry that he almost vomited blood: "Qin Enze, you are crazy!"

But Qin Enze shouted: "The people from the School of Mathematics and the School of Physics all opened their eyes for me to see clearly. They used the stopwatch to calculate the data for me, as long as my feet were off the ground. I was not allowed to miss a minute or a second. , Calculate how long it takes for me to land. Don’t let me waste my efforts.”

Everyone below was stunned and didn't know what to do.

Li Zhen slapped his thigh hard and shouted: "Record!"

"Quick, record!"

"Stopwatch ready."

"Quick, get the stopwatch."

"Keep your eyes open and look carefully, observe his state in the air, observe the movements of the canvas and deduce the strength and direction of the wind resistance."

"Hurry up and get ready."


The Jiuzhou Institute of Physics was in an uproar. Everyone knew that Qin Enze was a bastard who was determined to jump down from the top. You can't persuade or stop it at all.

This disfigured and blind ugly monster has proven his madness and stubbornness countless times. Even Li Zhen had nothing to do with him.

This time, he had to use his life to prove the existence of wind resistance. Some understand why Qin Enze jumped off because of aerodynamics. Everyone just understands the concept and the data. But there is no intuitive feeling at all.

Although other phenomena can be used to prove that these phenomena are true, everyone is still unsure.

Qin Enze was obviously unsure. He had no idea whether humans could use tools to break gravity. Qin Enze believes that only if he jumps from here and is still alive can everyone have real feelings in their hearts.

Li Zhen naturally understood Qin Enze's mood, so he could only follow Qin Enze and ask everyone to record it quickly.

A minute later, everyone from the entire Kyushu Academy of Sciences arrived. School of Chemistry, School of Mathematics, School of Physics. School security, sanitation, and staff.

All of them came. There was a dense crowd of people standing downstairs.

The students in the School of Physics and the School of Mathematics all sat nervously on the ground. Everyone was holding notebooks and pens in their hands, sitting upright. Be prepared to start calculations the moment Qin Enze jumps down.

Many people in the Institute of Physics hold a pen in their right hand and a stopwatch in their left hand.

The people in the mathematics department nervously started testing the data on their notebooks.

"The roof of the building is 32 meters from the ground, then..."

"No, the distance is 32 meters. But Qin Enze will have a take-off process, and at that time his height will actually be at least 32.2 meters from the ground."

"How much... does Qin Enze weigh?"

"As an estimate, I'm 170cm tall, well-proportioned, and weigh about 130 kilograms."

"It is predicted that in a normal free fall, the landing time will be between 3.6 seconds and 4.5 seconds."

"How did you come up with the answer of 3-4 seconds?"

"Of course it's an estimate. Where on earth am I going to know the specific data."


Qin Enze was still preparing. People from the School of Mathematics had already listed the data one by one in their notebooks, and they were already quarreling over the accuracy of the data's prediction in advance.

The people in the Institute of Physics had a different look. Everyone looked at Qin Enze nervously. Different from the whispering in the School of Mathematics, in the School of Physics, everyone is talking to themselves foolishly, and no one communicates.

"Qin Enze weighs more than 100 kilograms. If the area of the canvas is more than 6 square meters, according to the principles of aerodynamics, he should be able to land safely, right?"

"If the entire air is compared to water, and the world is compared to a swimming pool. Then the wind resistance everywhere is converted into water resistance. Can all this be true?"

"Oh, you bitch, no matter whether you live or die, you have become famous instantly."

"If Enze proves that the force of wind resistance is enough to allow a person to land safely, then he will be the only person in the history of the world and the first person to personally prove wind resistance."

"Expressed in terms of fluid mechanics, why do I think Qin Enze is going to be in trouble this time?"


The school staff gathered in small groups, talking with fear in their eyes: "These teenagers are really crazy."

"This is asking for death. If he jumps from the tenth floor, unless he is a god, he will definitely die."

"This will definitely knock someone to death. I can't imagine how he could not die?"

"Oh, be prepared. I'll collect the body later."

"This Qin Enze is really polite and quiet every time he comes to the cafeteria to eat. Why is he so crazy?"

"Don't ask for suicide."


Li Zhen stood under a tree, shaking his legs uneasily and looking intently at Qin Enze standing on the rooftop. In fact, he couldn't guarantee what Qin Enze's fate would be.

There are too many uncertainties here.

Although he jumped down with the canvas, the theory may hold true. But actually no one can say. Maybe the wind resistance was too great and he got rid of it? What if the force of his own fall is too great and he is not strong enough to grab the canvas? What if Qin Enze is too heavy and the wind resistance endured by the area of the canvas is too much less than Qin Enze's weight

Any one of these is enough to kill Qin Enze.

On the rooftop, Qin Enze suddenly shook the canvas open.

It is a large canvas, with about two and a half quilts merged together. Qin Enze did not jump off the building impulsively. He had already gone through the plan carefully in his mind.

"If the wind resistance is too high, in order to prevent my free fall speed from being too high and my strength not being able to grab the canvas, I need to tie the four corners of the square canvas to my hands and feet."

"The area of the canvas is 6.5 square meters. The weight of the canvas is 10 kilograms. My weight is 136 kilograms. This is a free fall with a force of 146 kilograms. Then the canvas must withstand double the weight to ensure my safety."


"I kind of regret it."

Qin Enze tied the four corners of the canvas tightly to his limbs while smiling bitterly.

When the canvas was tied, a crude prototype parachute emerged.

At this time, he is more like a magical creature in nature - a flying squirrel.

Qin Enze stood on the edge of the rooftop and looked down. He was afraid of heights and his legs became weak and his face turned pale.

With trembling hands, he took out the pipe and took three long puffs, choking until tears flowed down his face.


Putting the pipe into his waistband, Qin Enze blew out a puff of thick smoke and screamed violently.

The whole person left the edge of the rooftop and rushed forward. Below is an altitude of thirty meters.

A leap of faith.


"Timing begins!"




In an instant, everything below was boiling.

Li Zhen's body suddenly became stiff, and he stared at the person falling from the sky with wide eyes.

(End of chapter)