Rising: Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 117: Blocking phenomenon (fourth update)



Screams resounded throughout the sky.

But Qin Enze jumped down. The canvas he thought was not protecting him at all.

He was falling down at an extremely fast speed, which was slightly slower than the speed of free fall.

Li Zhen's eyes suddenly widened: "Not good. It's not established!"

Everyone at the Jiuzhou Institute of Physics saw that Qin Enze's descent speed did not slow down at all, and they all became horrified: "This is not true!"

"This canvas didn't slow him down at all!"



In the air, Qin Enze's face was as white as paper. My life is at an end!

It's over, it's over.

Qin Enze's whole body trembled violently, and he saw that the earth was getting closer and closer to him. There was despair in my heart.

But everyone can't figure it out, why is this not true

When Qin Enze dropped to a height of more than 20 meters at an extremely fast speed, an accident happened. A phenomenon that no one had imagined, including Li Zhen, had appeared.

But when he saw Qin Enze, who was carrying a canvas on his back, his body suddenly froze. As if someone was pulling him from above, his body suddenly froze, and then the extremely fast speed quickly slowed down and became slower and slower. The acceleration of descent is getting smaller and smaller.

And the canvas behind him was at that moment. It suddenly expanded.

The four corners of the canvas pulled Qin Enze's limbs upwards in reverse directions.


Qin Enze screamed in pain. He felt great pressure on his limbs, and his face was filled with bitterness. Still thinking too much. The power of wind resistance is underestimated.

The strength of my limbs is simply not enough to withstand the impact of my rapid fall of more than 100 kilograms, and then my sudden pause.

With a 'bang' sound, Qin Enze felt that his right hand had no feeling, and severe pain hit him.

But his eyes were full of ecstasy at this time, and he couldn't understand why. Why does the speed remain unchanged when jumping down, but after reaching a certain level, it suddenly stops.

He discovered a phenomenon, that moment of sudden pause. The canvas was completely open. The canvas expanded rapidly, and a large vacuum bag appeared. Then his speed slowed down.




"The speed has slowed down!"

"It's like someone is carrying him up there."

"But what exactly is the principle?"

"It's unscientific. This is so strange. It's different from the fluid mechanics phenomenon we proved before."

"This wind resistance actually appeared later, not at the beginning."

"Quickly calculate. Everyone, quickly record the node just now. How far did you fall before the speed slowed down?"

"Why is it not slowing down constantly? But it is slowing down all of a sudden?"

"Now Qin Enze is like a goose feather..."

Li Zhen was also confused, half understanding. He always felt as if he had grasped something, but he just couldn't grasp the key point. Somewhat hazy.

All the employees in the school were excited.

"He's slowing down!"

"He won't die!"

"That's awesome. Is this okay?"

"Who would believe it? If you jump from the tenth floor, you won't die?"

"Is he flying?"


The whole school was excited.

Unrelated people screamed. All the relevant personnel had a heated discussion and kept recording in their notebooks excitedly.

High in the air, Qin Enze howled happily, and he felt that he was falling downwards at a very slow speed. The ground was getting closer and closer, and after a moment, Qin Enze called out. Seeing that the ground is getting closer and closer, but my hands and feet are out of control, and I don't have that much power to move.

He could only watch as the ground got closer and closer. Then he landed on his face!

The employees went crazy: "He landed on his face!"

"Your head hits the ground and you're still alive?"

"Who would believe this!"


After Qin Enze landed, everyone surrounded him in an instant, going crazy.

"Eunze, are you okay?"

"Qin Enze, you are so brave."

"Quick, tell me how you feel?"

"Qin Enze, what happened just now? What was that meal like?"


Li Zhen gritted his teeth and walked over. He looked at Qin Enze who was surrounded by people and stars, and shouted: "Don't say anything else. Come on, give him a good beating first. You fool."

Qi Lengzi hurriedly walked over with his fists clenched.

Li Zhen pointed at Qin Enze and shouted angrily: "Hit me. Beat him until he doesn't dare to do it again."


Qi Lengzi also had a livid face and was very angry. Why do you think Qin Enze makes people so worried

But Qin Enze quickly cried out in pain: "Master Li, don't worry yet. Don't hit me yet, my hand is broken. Quickly find someone to help me reattach the bones, my hand is broken."

Li Zhen didn't think he was pretending, but he saw that his face was pale and he was sweating. The right hand was trembling, and there was a big lump protruding from the bone on the shoulder.

He snorted coldly: "Untie him and call the doctor."

"Yes Yes."

"Quick, untie the rope quickly."

"Take Qin Enze to the hospital quickly."


When the canvas behind Qin Enze was untied, Qin Enze did not go to the hospital. He grabbed a notebook and anxiously started writing in the notebook with his left hand.

Everyone gathered around.

But Qin Enze looked very serious, but his right hand was broken and he couldn't write well with his left hand. Liu Jinghong grabbed the pen and said, "You tell me, I'll write it."

Qin Enze said in a deep voice: "When I jumped down, I didn't feel the presence of the canvas behind me. But after about two seconds, I suddenly felt a huge pressure behind me, a wave of An extremely powerful force lifted me up. No, the canvas was lifted up, and the four corners of the canvas pulled my limbs. The force at that moment was extremely powerful. It caused my right hand to bend over."

"After that sudden setback, my speed began to slow down sharply. At the same time, the canvas behind me expanded, and the canvas was filled with air. It was an extremely violent air mass. Although my The falling speed slowed down, but I felt the wind was getting stronger."

Liu Jinghong asked: "What is the windier? Where is the windier?"

"I felt like there was wind in the swollen canvas behind me. The wind was very strong."

“Is there wind inside the canvas?”

"Yes. But I'm not sure if it's in the canvas. I just feel like there's wind blowing out of the canvas."


After Qin Enze expressed his feelings and opinions, he quickly ran to the doctor to set the bones.

Li Zhen looked at the records in the notebook and became deep in thought.

Why is this

Li Zhen naturally knew the principle of a parachute, but he did not expect that the principle of this parachute would be so complicated. And why does such a wonderful phenomenon occur

It turns out that it doesn't slow down instantly.

(End of chapter)