Rising: Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 125: Free as an eagle



"What is that in the sky!"

"Ah, people from the Kyushu Academy of Sciences have developed an aircraft!"

"Wow, that's so cool. Has mankind finally taken a step towards the blue sky?"

"This is an aircraft. It's so cool!"

"Quick, go over there, it's so cool."


Everyone in Laoshan County exclaimed, and the whole of Laoshan was shocked.

Yanagisawa walked out of the yamen. When he looked up, he saw his son passing over his head very gracefully.

"this… "

The master exclaimed: "Jinghong is flying in the sky! He is actually flying in the sky!"

The two of them were stunned as they watched the dark gray paraglider pass by silently.

And Liu Jinghong was also extremely excited at this time, so let the strong wind come more violently. Let the strong wind be more noisy.

What is gliding? Gliding is moving from high to low. This paraglider has no power and can only glide by the wind. If there's no wind, he won't be able to glide very far. The stronger the wind, the more swaying it becomes.

And Liu Jinghong had already glided from Gale Tower to Laoshan County. With such a long distance, even if he jumped from a very high place, he was already approaching his limit. The height is now only fifty or sixty meters.

Liu Jinghong looked down and saw countless people running and chasing after him.

I feel really uncomfortable, and I don’t want to go down like this. I didn’t want this trip to end like this. But there was no way, he couldn't land in Laoshan County, turn around, and head back to the gale.

In the end, he didn't persist enough to fly back to Gale Tower, and landed in the wilderness halfway.

Liu Jinghong didn't have much flying experience. He visually noticed that there was an error between the distance on the ground and his own height. He missed the mark and fell to the ground on the spot. But the power of the paraglider was still there, dragging him forward with his face on the ground.

After a while, Liu Jinghong stood up in disgrace, his face covered with blood stains, but he jumped excitedly: "It's so exciting!"

Before he could untie it, he saw cheers coming from all directions, and the entire Laoshan County was alarmed. Everyone chased and surrounded him from all directions. Liu Jinghong was surrounded and watching the fun, pointing and pointing.

Liu Jinghong clasped his fists in front of everyone and said with a smile: "This is the latest achievement of our Kyushu Institute of Physics, a wind-powered paraglider. Thanks to all the folks, do you want me to fly again?"


"Quick, fly again. I want to see."

"I really want to see how you take off again when you fly again."

"Brother Jinghong, can you let me fly once too."

Liu Jinghong untied the rope and walked out. At this moment, a large group of steam cars drove over.

Everyone quickly moved out of the way, only to see thousands of people rushing towards Liu Jinghong from the direction of Dafengtai. They were extremely excited and rushed towards Liu Jinghong. On the steam car, dozens of people from the Institute of Physics were running over with red eyes.

"Get off!"

"It's my turn!"

"Fart, I was promised."

"It's obviously my turn."

"You all go away. Before this test flight, I worked so hard to move it up from the mountain. When I asked you to move it, you were all tired. I moved it up, and when I saw it was successful, you grabbed it again. Important points Face!"

"I, Lin Xiufeng, am quite old. I don't know if I will survive tomorrow. I should respect the old and love the young, and I should be allowed to do it."

"Teacher Lin, please stop joining in the fun. Last time we fell into the sea, Master Li almost skinned us. Please stop making trouble, be good."

"Fart. It was my first time as a guinea pig, and he fell into the sea. This finally succeeded, so it must be me."


The fight started.

Many people gathered in a circle to watch. People from the Institute of Physics actually got into a fight over who would fly next. They all found it funny.

After fighting for a long time, there was no result.

Li Zhen came and frowned: "Stop it!"

The confused people stopped, but they still muttered: "It's my turn anyway, I don't care."

"I told you in advance that I would make more at a time, but you just didn't listen."

"It's my turn."


Liu Jinghong consciously stepped aside. Seeing how fierce the competition for flight rights was, he obviously wanted to do it a second time, but he wisely kept his mouth shut. He could guarantee that if he said he would do it again, these people would tear him apart.

After Li Zhen's mediation, a rule was given: older people are given priority...

So, everyone at the Kyushu Academy of Sciences folded the paraglider and placed it on the steam car, and headed towards the Wuming Cliff with a roar. The villagers from Dafengtai trotted to follow, and the people in Laoshan County who had nothing to do also followed excitedly.

The Wuming Cliff, which is hundreds of kilometers long, became crowded with people on the spot. Everyone hiked up the mountain, and they were not tired at all. I was afraid that if I ran a step slower, I would be robbed of a good viewing position.

Li Zhen was also a little excited, this was finally heaven. The entire civilization has taken a big step forward in an instant.

Although this is not heaven in the true sense, it is enough to make people proud. At least they verified an important issue, humans can fly.

Going to heaven in the true sense means taking off from the ground.

But this gliding is jumping from a high place, and the meanings of the two are different. But this is already amazing.

The second person to take the test flight was Lin Xiufeng. The old man was so excited that he put on the paraglider tremblingly and jumped ready to jump off.

Li Zhen quickly grabbed him with quick hands and eyes.

"What are you doing?" Lin Xiufeng was still unhappy.

Li Zhen frowned and said, "You jump down to die."


Li Zhen explained: "There is no wind yet, how can you get down?"

"What do you need the wind for?" Lin Xiufeng said impatiently: "What do you need for gliding and gliding?"

Li Zhen said seriously: "Without a suitable wind direction, you won't be able to move forward very much if you jump."

Liu Jinghong nodded as if there was something wrong: "Master Li is right, I felt this way when I was flying just now. When you go with the wind, your descent speed will slow down and you will move forward. When you go against the wind, you always have this feeling. It feels like it will roll back and be blown over by the wind. But when there is no wind, it will fall to the ground at a very oblique angle. That kind of gentle tailwind is the most beautiful."

Lin Xiufeng stamped his feet anxiously: "Then when will the wind come?" Lin Xiufeng was a little strange. Li Zhen taught a lot of theories and he had never experimented. How could he know so much? He even understands what it feels like.

Li Zhen sat calmly on a rock: "Don't worry."

Lin Xiufeng blushed: "I'm in a hurry."

"There's no point in rushing."

"Hey, why isn't the wind blowing today? It used to be very windy here."

Li Zhen said with a smile: "Gliding is a wonderful thing. Be calm and wait for the wind to come."


Five minutes later, someone yelled: "The wind is picking up!"

Lin Xiufeng's eyes lit up, he grabbed the rope that controlled the direction with both hands, and ran hard towards the edge of the cliff.

After running violently, the paraglider held on the ground suddenly expanded and was blown up by the wind. Lin Xiufeng stumbled and almost fell to the ground.

But I heard Liu Jinghong shouting: "Run. Run hard!"

Lin Xiufeng gritted his teeth and felt a strong pulling force coming from behind. It seemed like someone was dragging me with a very strong force, preventing me from running forward.


Lin Xiufeng groaned and ran forward with all his arms and legs.

'Whoosh' the north wind howls.

He ran forward at a difficult speed, his feet gradually leaving the ground.

The wind was so strong that I couldn't run at all. I clearly see the cliff right ahead, but I can't run over it.

"I can't run!"

Lin Xiufeng was so anxious that he almost cried. If this gust of wind disappeared, wouldn't he still have to wait

Li Zhen laughed and shouted: "The wind is blowing. You have to run hard!"

Finally, Lin Xiufeng ran to the edge of the cliff with difficulty and jumped.


After stumbling, the paraglider tilted upwards, and Lin Xiufeng swung out like a swing.

Then he broke away from the cliff, floating in the air, and headed into the distance under the brilliant sunshine.

Looking down at the world like an eagle. At this moment, he felt that he was alone in the world.

There is no thrill as imagined, no trembling from fear of heights. Some are just as peaceful and quiet as the wind.

Floating leisurely towards the distant sky, he looked down at the beautiful scenery of the world like a big bird. My mood calmed down and became extremely peaceful. At this moment, he gave himself to the blue sky.

I also found my destiny.

PS: There will only be two updates today... The monthly pass will be more powerful. I added an update yesterday and dropped it today. There are no more rewards and no monthly passes.

I'm still out today, the manuscript is on my computer at home, and only these two chapters are regularly released in the manuscript storage box in the author's backend.

I love you all.

(End of chapter)