Rising: Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 127: Draw inferences from one example


After Yanagisawa touched the blue sky, he went back and thought about it for a long time. He actually felt that what his son said made sense.

In the evening, Yanag Zehui found Li Zhen: "Dean Li, I would like to ask your opinion?"

Li Zhen laughed and said only four words: "The people will be prosperous and the country will be strong."

"The people come first and the country comes last?" Liu Zehui was a little surprised.

"Yes, the people come first and the country comes after. So the people are rich and the country is strong. I have traveled to many places and investigated the economic conditions of many places. I found such an interesting phenomenon."

"Please give me some advice from Dean Li," Liu Zehui said sincerely.

Li Zhen said frankly: "In all the cities in Jiuzhou, it can be summarized into two phenomena. The first phenomenon is that the government has money, but the people have no money. The second phenomenon is that the government has no money, but the people have. Money. I said it’s just a relative phenomenon.”

Yanagisawa pricked up her ears subconsciously: "Yes, there is such a phenomenon. But it is actually difficult for me to figure out what is the difference and where is the difference? I think the difference is not just on the surface, right? It’s just the difference between poor people and rich people, right?”

"more than."

Li Zhen stood up and said: "Where the people have no money, generally speaking, there is no life in that place."


"It means vitality."

"I...can't understand what this means."

Li Zhen said: "Where the people are poor, the government is rich. The city is rich, but all this has no sense of substitution for the people. No matter how rich the city is, it has nothing to do with them. So I think, just I think, in this situation , according to probability, local people will have a self-defeating mentality. They will feel that everyone has no money, so it doesn’t matter whether I have money or not. For individuals, this mentality will create a person who has no motivation and no progress. The power to climb. But when summed up as a whole, this phenomenon will cause the entire city to have no vitality and the city has no power to develop. Overall, the city has no... no spirit."

Yanagisawa Megumi's statement was not obvious, he just nodded: "It makes sense."

Li Zhen added: "Look at another example. The government is poor, but the people are rich. Do you know what the probability will be when the people are rich?"

"What's the probability?"

"With a rich base, there will be more businessmen and more people doing business."

"What does it matter? Different cities have different styles."

"It needs to be taken into account. If there are many businessmen, it will also have a great impact on the city."

"What impact?"

"The first one is the overall sense of comparison. When everyone has money, they want to compare who is richer. Today this businessman spends 10,000 coins to buy a piece of vanity, and tomorrow another businessman will spend 20,000 coins to buy it. That's it. Competing to see who is richer. And where there are more businessmen, this phenomenon will be more common.”

Yanagisawa Megumi smiled bitterly and said: "This kind of behavior is not good. Comparison, vanity, and greed have long been said by liberal arts scholars to be the biggest drawbacks of human beings."

"Comparison, vanity, and greed. These are the three major shortcomings of human nature. However, they are also the root of human progress. You can imagine if human beings did not have the heart to compare and be greedy. Human beings are just muddle through without any ambition. So what kind of status will the current society be in? The whole society is lifeless. No one wants to work and no one wants to make progress. The country does not want to make progress. Everyone just eats as long as they are hungry. Who wants to make progress? Want to pursue a higher level?”

After Li Zhen finished speaking, Yanagisawa suddenly broke into a cold sweat.

He suddenly discovered something that was in great conflict with his world view - human nature.

There are philosophers who educate the whole world that human beings should be kind and truthful, good and beautiful. Human beings cannot be competitive or greedy. Educate the world every day.

This is the style of the entire country, and teachers also follow the same tone when teaching students: Don't compare with each other. Comparison is wrong.

This is actually a disguised form of negativity.

In fact, there is no market for such negativity because it goes against human nature.

Yanagisawa suddenly felt that all the previous arguments seemed wrong.

He woke up, he could imagine. If human beings don’t have greed and comparison. So from a personal point of view, it is a failure. I see you well, I am not envious, and I don’t care. I should still do what I do and love what I do. So will this person become a passive lazy person

If this is the case for the entire country, will the country as a whole become a "tribe" that does not seek to make progress

Li Zhen added: "People should have a wolf nature. This is what I want to tell you about the people being rich and the country being strong. This is also what I want to tell you about the people being rich but the government not being rich. You may have misunderstandings. When I say that the government is not rich, I speak in relative terms. It is based on a proportion. In fact, in places where the people are rich, no matter how poor the government is, it is definitely far better than those areas where the government is rich but the people are not."

"why is that?"

"Because when there are more rich people, they will spend money. Once they spend money, there will be consumption and taxes. This is called the gross urban product. Where does the money spent by the people go? It eventually returns to the government. In his hands. And businessmen who want to do business and do big business will understand the same ironclad truth."

"What's the point?"

"Big businessmen never think about how much money I can earn from this project before doing business and investing."

Yanagisawa choked on her saliva: "If they don't care how much money they can make, why do they want to start a business?"

"This is your thinking and the thinking of most people. In fact, the first thought of people who really do big business will always be: What benefits will it bring to others if I do this."

"That's not right. People say there is no business without treachery. Businessmen always think about their own interests first, so how can they think about others first?"

"Because big businessmen all understand a truth, which is called win-win and mutual benefit. Before doing something, you must first think clearly about the benefits and tangible benefits it will bring to others, the country, and the people of Jiuzhou. , you can make it big. There are no fools in this world, and no one will support you when you win alone and everyone loses. The most harmonious way to get along is win-win. Everyone benefits. Therefore, big businessmen will have this kind of thinking deeply ingrained in them.”

"Let me give you an example. You should know about Liu Jianye. He spent a lot of money to train and support scientists. What did he bring to those who engage in science?"

Yanagisawa knew that Liu Jianye had established a scientific research base and immediately said: "Those scientists can get extremely high salaries and glory."

"This is what Liu Jianye did for those scientists. Then let me ask you again, if Liu Jianye succeeds, what benefits will he bring to this society?"

Yanagisawa Megumi thought for a while and said: "If he keeps improving the steam engine and making progress, then he will at least solve the transportation problem for this society. He will promote his steam car to every corner of Kyushu. If he listens to the prince's advice It is suggested to lower the price, then he can at least help Kyushu's industry and commerce become extremely developed, because after the steam train is cheap, everyone can afford it. This is his contribution to society."

"Okay, I know the above two points. Let me ask you again, what benefits will society bring to Liu Jianye?"

Yanagisawa Megumi was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly was shocked: "He...if the steam vehicle industry matures, he will become the leader in the steam vehicle industry and will almost monopolize the market. At the same time, he has a group of scientists and advanced technology. He can continue to improve. From then on, he can completely dominate the family. The income he brings from just selling cars can at least exceed the benefits of his current monopoly on the transportation industry!"

Li Zhen nodded: "This is the truth between the poor and the rich."

Yanagisawa took a deep breath and was shocked inside.

A conversation with Li Zhen completely refreshed Yanagisawa Megumi's outlook on things.

He is not stupid, but he can draw inferences from one instance to another.

(End of chapter)