Rising: Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 129: Jiuzhou Science and Technology Award


Another week later.

The School of Chemistry, which has always been unknown, has also undergone earth-shaking changes.

Li Zhen adopted the same processing model as the Institute of Physics, dividing the subjects into categories and specializing in the field.

The Kyushu Institute of Chemistry was abolished and renamed the Department of Chemistry of the Kyushu Academy of Sciences.

There are two institutes under the Department of Chemistry: Institute of Biochemistry and Institute of Materials Engineering.

The two colleges were merged into the Department of Chemistry.

Institute of Biochemistry, focusing on biology and chemistry. Li Zhen developed a branch of biology based on what Jiuzhou didn't have, but it was also biology combined with chemistry. Collectively known as biochemical research.

The School of Materials Engineering has extremely huge needs. Li Zhen gradually realized that the foundation for the future development of physics must actually be based on materials science. Mechanics of materials is an extremely important project. Therefore, the Materials Engineering Research Institute was established. Main focus: heavy industry materials, light industry materials, chemical materials, material mechanics, structural mechanics, research and discovery of new material combinations. Even new alloys.

In fact, this subject has been linked to physics, but it was eventually assigned to the Department of Chemistry. This is because mathematics, physics and chemistry are the same, and it is easier for chemists who study the properties of materials to see through the characteristics and study the physical structure.

It can be said to be all-encompassing. When the School of Chemistry branched out in this way, the status of the School of Chemistry immediately became important.

Everyone is gradually realizing the importance of biochemistry and materials engineering. Once the School of Chemistry, now people in the Chemistry Department are no longer so low-key...

The School of Mathematics has also undergone earth-shaking rectifications.

The rectification of the School of Mathematics only happened after Li Zhen set up professional examinations and made waves.

A test paper is passed down, and all the deep and shallow waters are tested. Who is talented in advanced mathematics, who is talented in summarizing, and who is talented in which aspect can be seen clearly on a test paper.

Kyushu Academy of Sciences, Department of Mathematics, has three colleges under its jurisdiction.

They are: Institute of Financial Mathematics, Institute of Statistics, and Institute of Advanced Mathematics.

Among them, the Institute of Advanced Mathematics is the most difficult to enter. After a lot of trouble, only a dozen people were selected to be qualified to enter the Institute of Advanced Mathematics. This ratio is frightening.

Unexpectedly, Hou Qiang successfully entered the Institute of Advanced Mathematics.

But those who failed the exam were not discouraged, because Li Zhen also told them through lectures that financial mathematics and statistics are also extremely important subjects.

After the rectification, the Kyushu Academy of Sciences is more formal and scientific.

More standardized!

Almost in an instant of rectification, it became bigger overnight.


When the Kyushu Academy of Sciences was completely standardized and professionalized, the struggle between the various departments began.

However, Li Zhen encourages this kind of struggle. This kind of positive energy and thriving competition will be a trend.

Li Zhen knew how to encourage others, so he set up a science and technology award on a whim to compete among different departments. Mainly to compare scientific research results. And the department that achieves the greatest victory will receive a number of extremely generous scholarships.

This bonus model is the first of its kind in Kyushu.

Before this, there had never been any award-winning scientific research achievements in Jiuzhou. In the past, scientific research results could only obtain money from commercial channels, but now that Li Zhen has set up this award, not only can he obtain money, but he can also obtain extremely huge fame.

In the initial setting, Li Zhen believed that it would be once a month, because the progress of various departments today is rapid. Of course, it will gradually become an annual event... or even once every few years.

This already looks a bit like the Nobel Prize in ancient times. I don’t know if this is a coincidence that occurred at different times, or if science is booming, something like this will always develop...

This award is currently named "Kyushu Science Award". The prize is 100,000 coins. There is no second or third place, only first place.

When Li Zhen decided on the Kyushu Science Award, all the departments in the Kyushu Academy of Sciences went crazy. This was a matter of disgrace. Everyone is obsessed with researching new things, which spurs their thinking and keeps them from standing still.

No one realized that an award defined by Li Zhen on a whim would become the world's technological guide in the future.

No one would have thought that this award would become an honor that all scientists around the world would strive for throughout their lives.

For the first time, the Kyushu Science and Technology Award will be held within the Kyushu Academy of Sciences.

In order to make the first time have an important commemorative significance, Li Zhen sent an invitation letter on behalf of the Kyushu Academy of Sciences, and some of the invited people served as judges. They will use a professional eye to see which thing will have greater influence and progress.

In Quancheng County, Dongzhou Governor Feng Naien received the invitation letter and threw it on the table with a smile: "This Li Zhen is really good at making troubles. What kind of Kyushu Science Award, a scholarship program in the academy, and let me go Be a judge.”

A subordinate said: "The governor won't go?"

"Too lazy to run, just send someone there when the time comes."

"I suggest that the governor should go there in person."


"It's hard to say, but I feel this way for no reason. This must be a very sensational thing."

Feng Nai'en hesitated for a moment, remembering the paragliders that had spread throughout Dongzhou some time ago, and finally became a little interested. Well, let's go.

What Feng Nai'en didn't know was that this was his first time to attend this event, and it would also be his last. He almost delayed his glory of being written into the history books because he was too lazy to run.

The first Kyushu Science and Technology Award will be held at the Kyushu Academy of Sciences.

However, the development of the matter was far beyond everyone's expectation. I don't know if someone is spreading this incident, or if this incident is the first one in Kyushu and this has caused a fermentation phenomenon.

In an instant, the Kyushu Science and Technology Award created by the Kyushu Academy of Sciences spread like wind and fire across the entire land of Kyushu.

Those doing business in Laoshan County were the main force in spreading the news, and they talked about it with great enthusiasm. People from all over the country talked about the great changes in Laoshan County, and named Laoshan County as the hometown of science and technology.

The reputation of this science and technology town immediately spread throughout Kyushu. In fact, everyone in Kyushu has heard of the name of the Kyushu Academy of Sciences. This behemoth that has grown up in a short period of time makes everyone feel fascinated and yearned for it.

But other organizations that also engage in technology are not convinced. Red-eyed.

A few days after the invitation letter was sent out, Li Zhen received many reply letters. Almost most of the reply letters expressed the same meaning: can we participate.

Li Zhen had no think tank. He was the dean alone and had no one to consult with him.

In the end, I only found my only businessman friend Liu Jianye. After Liu Jianye conducted a professional analysis, he made a decision: "This is money!"


"The bigger the fight, the better. The bigger the fight, the better. Li Zhen, our Xingtu Group will fully sponsor all the expenses for the first session. But you want me to advertise. In addition, the amount of this bonus will be increased to one Millions of coins.”

Li Zhen took a breath, he was very smart. He knew why he started the monthly scholarship competition in the first place, which was to make people at the Kyushu Academy of Sciences enthusiastic and enthusiastic about scientific research results in different academic fields.

And after the commotion, scientists from all over Kyushu will fight for it. Isn't this good? This inspired the people of the Kyushu Academy of Sciences to feel that they did not dare to lose, and also inspired the Kyushu scientists to want to win.

Yes, if you do it, make it bigger.

"Okay, you said, sponsor us?"

Liu Jianye slapped his thigh: "You don't believe me? I signed the contract with the head office for you, right? But in terms of planning, I also have to be able to get in the way."

"you say?"

"Don't get the first place overall, you have to give opportunities to other subjects. Set up the first prize in physics, the first prize in chemistry, the first prize in mathematics. Just these three subjects. Let's get the first place in three different subjects. Then let everyone gather in Laoshan County and let a hundred schools of thought contend."

"Okay. Then three awards."

"The time is set in April?"

Li Zhen thought for a while: "April 1st."

"Then everyone still has time to prepare. There are still about twenty days. I will help you promote it."


The next day, under the vigorous publicity of Liu Jianye's Xingtu Transportation Group, the news of the change of policies for the Jiuzhou Science and Technology Award once again spread to the entire land of Jiuzhou.

All the intellectuals working on the front lines went crazy.

"The first place will win 1 million coins!"

"No, this is actually a great honor."

"Yes, yes, it's an honor. For such a big event, all the top people in Kyushu will attend. It's an opportunity to show their faces."

"The imperial court will definitely pay attention to it."

"I'm going to participate. I recently discovered a new thing and I'm going to participate."

"Tsk, tsk, this is really a big news. There has never been such a competition in history. Science can actually compete? You can also win prizes. It's really the first of its kind in Kyushu."

"This will surely prosper."


In order to make the news bigger and attract more people, Liu Jianye included private goods in the publicity. He said that the scientific research institutions under his Xingtu Group will also participate in the selection of the Jiuzhou Science and Technology Award.

He does this to give others confidence. It gave confidence to many people who were afraid to come. Let others see it, as if this award is something everyone can participate in...

Liu Jianye's approach is understandable. Xingtu Group's steam car is about to be launched. This is an excellent advertising opportunity. He won't miss it!

At the same time, Liu Jianye, as the organizer, invited many business leaders to participate. Outstanding people and elites from all walks of life also came to participate.

After the reform of the Kyushu Academy of Sciences, the competition that was originally defined as an intra-academic scholarship became huge in an instant thanks to the operation of capital.

A gust of wind blew throughout Kyushu, and everyone knew about it.

All over the world, all intellectuals rush to Laoshan. High-end intellectuals are proud and want to win awards. Middle and low-end intellectuals want to come to see the big scenes and see the magnificence of the big guys in academia.

The dignitaries wanted to come and see the grand occasion.

Under Liu Jianye's operation, the first Jiuzhou Science and Technology Award has not even started yet, but it has already succeeded...

Compared with the income from the later advertising effect, the capital spent was just a drop in the bucket for Liu Jianye.

PS: Today is Mr. Bao’s birthday. No one has given it to me. I spent the whole day writing alone at home, haha.

Or my ex-ex-girlfriend sent a text message saying happy birthday. But I didn't reply. Because I know she must have evil intentions towards me... After all, I am a handsome and talented young man, hahahaha.

On my birthday, please give me a reward. Asking for a monthly ticket.

I hope that today’s birthday will bring good luck and happiness to you who read this line.

Thank you readers for sticking with me through thick and thin, thank you.

I love you. Even if you only think of me in your spare time, you can still look back at me anytime and anywhere, and you can still see me holding flowers in my hand, waiting for you in the wind and rain, waiting for the moment I hold you in my arms.


(End of chapter)