Rising: Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 145: Mind-numbing mathematics


"The next person is Chi Liehuowang, a chemistry teacher from the public high school in Keleng County, Xizhou. His discovery this time is based on the current ammonia-alkali method. The new alkali production method he invented can be more efficient. Improving the purity of alkali is named the joint alkali production method."

Making alkali is a difficult thing. The most common alkali production method that exists in the world today is the ammonia-alkali method, which uses salt, ammonia, and carbon dioxide as raw materials to prepare sodium carbonate. The utilization of raw materials is somewhat wasteful.

On the basis of the ammonia-alkali method, Chilie Huowang researched and invented the joint alkali production method. Now Chi Lie Huo Wang's joint alkali production method has been popularized throughout Xizhou and has been fully used. This high school chemistry teacher is highly respected in Xizhou, but it is because he actually handed over his joint alkali production method to his students, and it has been widely used.

But Chi Lie Huo Wang is not without a penny of benefits. Throughout Xizhou, merchants who want to use this preparation method need to pay a certain patent fee to them. And this patent fee is very high. It can only be said that businessmen in Kyushu have a mentality that values intellectual property rights more in line with the law of no-business.

Chi Lie Huowang walked onto the stage a little shyly, and the plateau red on his face became even redder under the spotlight.

"I... I won't compare. The scientific research results of the two seniors before me are too great. As a firefly competing with the bright moon, let's forget it."

Li Zhen smiled and said: "Mr. Chi Liehuowang, there is no hierarchy in science, and no one is greater than anyone else. We are just striving to move forward in different fields. I have heard of your joint alkali production method. It’s a wonderful idea. I think you are a great person for teaching all this to your students.”

Chi Lie Huo Wang chuckled and said, "I am a teacher. I originally wanted to teach and educate people. I have made new discoveries, so naturally I want to teach them to the students."

Li Zhen gave a thumbs up: "Your joint alkali production method has not yet been promoted to the entire Kyushu. I believe that once it is fully promoted, it will produce great economic benefits. It will save more raw materials and produce purer products. Soda. In the future, no matter who eats steamed buns in Kyushu, they will think of you first."

"Thank you for your praise."

Chi Lie Huowang waved his hands quickly, and then explained his joint alkali production method to everyone from beginning to end. Retired.

At this point, the first Jiuzhou Science and Technology Award Chemistry Competition comes to an end.

Li Zhen walked up to the podium and said: "Maybe you don't have to rush to decide who to vote for or which scientist to support. We decided to leave enough time for everyone to discuss. On April 5, the awards will be presented at the Gale Tower. IV The answer in your mind will be revealed on the 5th of the month.”

A thousand guests nodded secretly, this method is more scientific.

Because there is no first in literature and no second in martial arts. In this scientific competition, it is actually difficult to quickly decide who is the strongest. There is no way to decide. We can only decide based on its future value and its role in promoting society.

And it is difficult to judge the pros and cons of one in a short period of time. Giving everyone five days to prepare is actually a very scientific approach. During five days, guests can gather together to discuss and gradually clarify their inner perceptions.

Li Zhen added: "Every situation at today's scene, as well as every word spoken by every chemist, has been recorded by a dedicated person. It will be printed into a book no later than this afternoon and distributed to all people in Laoshan for free. If you are If you are confused about something, you can read the book and review it at that time.”

'Wow' everyone was a little surprised.

There will be a special person to record and all the situations at today's scene will be printed into books and distributed? This is to announce the scientific research results of those chemists to the whole people.

Backstage, Xing Fu's old face turned red and he murmured: "Will what I said today be known to others? That would be embarrassing. Alas, who would have thought that the three people behind them would be doing more scientific research than the last one? The results are huge. Alas.”

Xing Fu's heart trembled when he thought that he was about to be criticized by the world.

But in fact, he thought too much.

At Ge Qingping's signal, the recorder directly erased Xing Fu. In other words, only three people participated in the Chemistry Award of the Kyushu Science and Technology Award. There is no such person as Xing Fu.

After the chemistry symposium ended, a thousand guests walked out of the auditorium in small groups in awe. Each one is heart-shaking.

Feng Naien, governor of Dongzhou Prefecture, was amazed and kept sighing: "It's here. Fortunately, at first I thought it was just a small fight and there was nothing to participate in. Now it seems that this is a grand event that will shake the whole world." Hybrid rice, metallic potassium, combined alkali production method... each of these will completely change the people's livelihood in Kyushu. The power of science."

Qian Mao and Lin Ke walked to the rest area hand in hand, discussing along the way: "Oh, this is a difficult choice. I don't even know who to vote for now."

Lin Ke also covered his forehead in pain: "I really hope that hybrid rice will win the prize, but hybrid rice is just an idea, just a theory."

"Yes. If he succeeds in hybrid rice and has a finished product, then no need to think about it, the Kyushu Chemistry Prize will definitely go to that Yuan Bing. But he is just a theory."

"I want to invest in potassium metal. Mr. Lin Guofu discovered the role of potassium. This will be of great help to Kyushu's agricultural production in the future."

"Who should I vote for?"


One thousand guests. Before coming, no matter whether you despise the Jiuzhou Science and Technology Award or not, whether you think it is a hasty activity or not.

By now, everyone has taken part in it. From the moment they walked into the auditorium, they understood their mission to make this country a better place.

Every scientific research achievement here is closely linked to the development and progress of the country. This is different from those ancient technologies that have been restored.

Now, all of them understand that restoring ancient technology is a piece of cake.

Progress from nothing to something is the truth.

They were obviously just here as guests, but now they were completely involved. Even more worrying than the participating scientists, who to vote for? This is a question.

Without a long break, the competition for the mathematics prize began.

It is also an interesting thing to say. There are more than 20 mathematicians who have signed up for the Mathematics Award. But after the Chemistry Award ended, all of them suddenly withdrew from the competition and were all cancelled.

When mathematicians from all over Kyushu excitedly decided to use their discoveries to win prizes. I accidentally communicated with students from the Department of Mathematics of Kyushu Academy of Sciences, and I was stunned on the spot.

It turns out that the kind of mathematics they thought they could win prizes for were all basic topics that the mathematics department had already mastered. But what the students from the mathematics department presented was something they couldn’t understand a word of!

This is not a level at all.

If we talk about chemistry awards and physics awards, we can tell from the surface. Mathematics is an incredibly complex concept. People who don't understand will think it's a book from heaven. And those who know a little bit will feel that this is more difficult than the heavenly book.

So they all chose to withdraw from the competition, not to be embarrassed. Only then did I realize that the mathematics of the Kyushu Academy of Sciences had actually advanced to such an extent. What functions, what calculus, things whose names I have never heard of...

So far, there are only three contestants left for the Mathematics Award. The three of them were all students of the Kyushu Academy of Sciences.

There are three institutes in the Department of Mathematics, and each institute sends a person, and each institute has something to offer.

(End of chapter)