Rising: Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 146: Nominate


2 p.m. Mathematics Department Auditorium.

A thousand guests yawned nonstop, drank strong tea to force themselves not to fall asleep, and tried to concentrate on watching Hou Qiang who was talking eloquently on the podium.

too difficult!

I don't understand it at all.

Ge Qingping was dumbfounded the whole time, unable to even interrupt and trying not to fall asleep.

"Geometrically, a tangent line refers to a straight line that just touches a certain point on the curve. More precisely, when the tangent line passes through a certain point on the curve, the direction of the tangent line is the same as the direction of the point on the curve. At this time, the part of the tangent near the tangent point is closest to the part of the curve near the tangent point. This is the idea of infinite approximation... "

"And what I'm talking about is the tangent problem that I discovered in my calculus research...that is, the idea of infinite approximation."

"...P and Q are two adjacent points on curve C, and P is a fixed point. When point Q approaches point P infinitely along curve C, the extreme position PT of secant PQ is called the tangent line of curve C at point P. Point P It is called the tangent point; the straight line PN passing through the tangent point P and perpendicular to the tangent line PT is called the normal line of the curve C at the point P... "

The whole audience was stunned.

Even Li Zhen couldn't help but frown, and even Li Zhen sounded a little laborious. He was extremely surprised. He only taught the basics of the Institute of Advanced Mathematics. He didn't expect that Hou Qiang would develop a new concept during this period of time.

Infinitely approaching thoughts.


Li Zhen was a little helpless, teaching his apprentices to starve their masters to death. Sure enough, Hou Qiang's talent in mathematics is really good.

After Hou Qiang's patient explanation and the use of many popular examples, he was able to clear up the blindness of most people present. But still half-understood.

Qian Mao exclaimed in his heart: "Is this the kind of mathematics I understand?"

"When did mathematics become such a monster?"

"Oh my God, is this math?"


Hou Qiang is gone. No one understands, but they just feel uncomfortable...

People from the Institute of Financial Mathematics also came on stage. If I talked about something from the Institute of Advanced Mathematics, they couldn’t understand it at all. Well, they finally understand a little bit about financial mathematics.

But as I listened, I found that I couldn’t understand financial mathematics, the only thing related to life.

The dean of the Institute of Financial Mathematics is named Liu Kaifu. He is wearing a sweater, walking calmly and confidently on the podium, and talking.

"My name is Liu Kaifu, and I am the dean of the Institute of Financial Mathematics. My research results today are mainly about economics. To name my theory, it should be defined as 'economies of scale'."

A thousand people in the audience looked at each other in confusion. They had never heard of it, but they all knew the words. They didn't know what it meant when combined.

"Economies of scale can be summed up in one sentence: costs decrease as output increases. This is a very complex proposition, but it is crucial to promoting the country's overall economy."

"The phenomenon of increased economic benefits caused by expanding the scale of production can be summarized as economies of scale. Economies of scale reflect the relationship between the concentration of production factors and economic benefits. The superiority of economies of scale lies in: as output increases Increase, the long-term average total cost decreases. This is the main purpose of studying economies of scale. From this, we can know the importance of economies of scale, and what politicians and business people must understand...

… This does not just mean that the larger the scale of production, the better, because economies of scale pursue the scale of production that can obtain the best economic benefits. Once a company's production scale expands beyond a certain scale, the marginal benefit will gradually decline, even fall below zero, or even become negative, causing diseconomies of scale... "

This is a question of money.

All the businessmen present pinched themselves and forced themselves to cheer up and listen. Going around and around, everyone was confused.

Danzi said: If you are tired, learn it. If you are tired, learn it.

Businessmen all want their businesses to grow bigger, so they have to work hard to listen and learn. Fortunately, as Liu Kaifu explained from the simple to the deeper, everyone could understand it even if they had only a little knowledge.

Next, there is the proposition of the Institute of Statistics.

"The importance of statistics is self-evident. A deep understanding of statistics will be of great benefit to the entire country. Understanding the national big data is like the court holding a sharp sword. The court will know all places in the country The data…

And what I found was inferential statistics. This is a new theory and idea proposed by our Institute of Statistical Mathematics, and it is also a new branch of statistics application... "

When it comes to statistics, it’s much simpler. All the officials in the imperial court pricked up their ears to listen. This is amazing, inferential statistics, this is a new concept to them. This is almost a panoramic view of the whole country.

And the bosses of those big companies have also become serious. This can be said to be the only one in the mathematics department who can understand it, right

"Inferential statistics is a method of studying how to infer the quantitative characteristics of the population based on sample data. It is based on the description of the sample data, and makes inferences in the form of probability about the unknown quantitative characteristics of the statistical population... "


Finally, the competition in the mathematics department is over.

One thousand guests walked out in silence, silence, honey silence.

Unlike the noise coming out of the chemistry auditorium, no one could say a word when they walked out of the mathematics auditorium.

At this moment, everyone felt their heads were numb.

That night, two books, "Nomination for Chemistry for the Kyushu Science and Technology Award" and "Nomination for Mathematics for the Kyushu Science and Technology Award", funded by the Kyushu Academy of Sciences, appeared.

A total of 50,000 copies were made and distributed throughout Laoshan to everyone who did not attend.

Not only is it in Kyushu, but it has been translated by foreign language experts in the liberal arts and compiled into the Yamato version, the White Robe Mandarin version, the English version, and the Rakshasa version.

When 50,000 nominations were placed at the door of the Kyushu Academy of Sciences, the entire Laoshan went crazy.

"Ah, announce it to the world!"

"Quick, Sawaki, get me a Yamato version."

"I didn't expect that the Kyushu Academy of Sciences would do this. This is simply beneficial to the country and the people. Let scientists around the world know about the birth of new scholarship."

"These are two nominations in Rakshasa language, one for chemistry and one for mathematics. Send them back to Rakshasa country quickly, make copies, and distribute them to all scientists across the country who have not come to Kyushu. The era of academic explosion is coming."

"Quickly, take the fastest ship and send people back to Yamato. Many scientists in Yamato are still waiting. Make copies immediately after returning and distribute them to scientists in Yamato for free. The Kyushu Academy of Sciences distributes them for free, and we can't charge."

"This is the crystallization of wisdom!"

"From the Kyushu Academy of Sciences, I see the hope of a scientific explosion."

"Perhaps from now on, we humans will no longer need to excavate ancient ruins."


PS: Not happy. The monthly vote list was originally ranked seventh, but today it was completely blown up by others, and it became eighth. The ninth place and me are only separated by a dozen monthly tickets, and we may be exposed again tomorrow.

Within two days, the monthly ticket will drop two places in a row. Not happy... slightly.

No one read the new book recommended by a good gay friend. Woo woo woo…

There is no official recommendation, no new readers join, and there are many readers who like to keep the book. Madan, the number of subscribers has also started to drop.

Yes, I am going to complain. I just want to complain.

Let’s get back to business, so two updates today.

(End of chapter)