Rising: Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 157: vote


Today is a day that has attracted much attention and intellectuals around the world have been looking forward to it for a long time.

The moment when the Kyushu Science and Technology Award was finally unveiled.

There was a serious atmosphere in the whole scene. In the front row, there were a thousand guests neatly dressed in Chinese tunic suits.

On the rostrum, there was a long row of tables, and all the scientific researchers participating in the Jiuzhou Science and Technology Award, all dressed meticulously, sat quietly.

Back on the beach and in the open space, all the intellectuals, common people, and wealthy businessmen from Laoshan County were sitting or standing from all directions.

A steady stream of countless people poured into Laoshan and into Dafengtai.

Everyone is nervous and apprehensive. Everyone has a scientist they support in their heart.

At first glance, it was completely dark.

Even though more than 100,000 intellectuals were not allowed to attend, in order to respect this grand event, everyone wore straight Mao suits or their respective national costumes. Solemn and solemn.

It's just that more than 100,000 people gathered at Gale Tower, because there is only room for more than 100,000 people to stand at Gale Tower. More people gathered in Laoshan County and could not squeeze into the gale tower.

But there was no chaos, everyone was quietly concentrating or talking quietly.

Waiting for the final results to be announced from Gale Tower.

There is no moderator.

Li Zhen took the microphone and spoke concisely: "Three-vote system. I, Li Zhen, have one vote. Ge Qingping has one vote. A thousand guests have one vote in total."

"The guest voting system is 'minority obeys the majority'. One thousand guests each have one vote, a total of one thousand votes. If a certain result receives the most guest votes, it is counted as one vote. If project A receives 501 guest votes, project B The number of guest votes received was 499. According to the majority rule, project A received one guest vote. In the three-vote system, the minority also obeys the majority."

"Do you understand the rules?"


The momentum was great, and everyone shouted excitedly.

Li Zhen stood up: "The first item is the Chemistry Award. Participants please come forward."

The voice fell, Lin Guofu, Chi Lie Huowang, Yuan Bing.

The three of them were all dressed in crisp clothes, their hair was neatly styled, and they strode forward. Standing at the front of the podium, there is a small table in front of each person, and there is a microphone on the small table.

No one in the audience could see it. The legs of the three people covered by the table were shaking greatly. Twitching.


Extremely nervous.

We are facing hundreds of thousands of people who can see it, and hundreds of thousands of people who can't see it. Such a big scene may only be experienced once in this life.

Before it started, Chi Lie Huowang suddenly burst into tears, biting his lips tightly and trying not to make any sound.

I have today too!

There will be a day when I can stand here and be watched by everyone.

Worth it!

In the end, it was worth it if I couldn’t win the prize. Chi Liehuowang could be seen, and there were more than a dozen extremely skilled painters sitting on a high platform in the distance.

Everyone spent a lot of money to hire skilled painters to paint this historic moment from different angles. It deserves to be recorded.

Li Zhen said: "Lin Guofu, 32 years old, is the dean of the Department of Chemistry and the Institute of Materials Engineering of the Kyushu Academy of Sciences. He discovered potassium metal, discovered that the human body contains potassium, and discovered the use of potassium metal for plant growth."

"Chi Lie Huo is strong and discovered the joint alkali production method. Use the joint alkali production method to improve the people's livelihood conditions in the entire Xizhou. Use the lowest cost and the most economical way of raw materials to produce the highest content of soda ash. In Xizhou, everyone eats steamed buns and noodles. , all possess the scientific research results of Chi Lie Huo Wang.”

"Yuan Bing. Proposed the theoretical idea of rice hybridization. However, due to reasons such as the slow growth cycle of plants, no finished project has appeared. The hybrid rice theory has been proven to be feasible. Most of the problems have been overcome, such as... The hybrid rice is expected to make the entire Kyushu food Increase production by at least five times. Produce more food with less land, less labor, and less resources.”

"The above are the results and detailed information of three chemical researchers."

After saying that, Li Zhen signed his life on a card and walked up to Chi Lie Huowang: "I will give my vote to Chi Lie Huowang. The reason is that hybrid rice is still a theoretical idea, and the metal potassium is still there. It has not yet been formally put into practical use. The joint alkali production method has now been successfully promoted in Xizhou and has received most support from the social level."

Chi Lie Huowang had tears in his eyes. He sobbed and took the card Li Zhen handed him, and said with a trembling voice: "Thank you. I... I, when I came here, I never thought that I could receive such a noble honor."

Li Zhen patted Chi Liehuowang on the shoulder with some emotion: "You are the only civilian scientist who impresses me. On behalf of the Kyushu Academy of Sciences, I would like to thank you for coming to Laoshan."


Then, Ge Qingping also signed his name on a card and walked up to Lin Guofu: "I'll give you this vote."

Lin Guofu looked at Ge Qingping in shock and said: "This..."

Ge Qingping smiled, picked up the microphone and said: "I will vote for Lin Guofu. The reason is that hybrid rice is currently in the theoretical stage. I have to wait until Yuan Bing is truly successful to give this Jiuzhou Science and Technology Award Give it to him who deserves it. I won't vote for him, mainly because I know he will succeed, and it will be more meaningful to win another award at that time."

"Although the joint alkali production method has now been fully rolled out in Xizhou, I think the discovery of potassium is even more landmark. The theory of potassium is now fully mature, and I just need my vote to promote it thoroughly. Spread it into practical applications. I believe that the fertilizer produced by Lin Guofu using potassium will completely subvert the food production in Kyushu. It will become a sharp tool for our agriculture in Kyushu."



Everyone gasped in shock.

Looking at the stage where one person got one vote, the whole audience exploded.

"Li Zhen actually disagrees with Ge Qingping!"

"That's right. They don't have the same opinions. The votes of a thousand guests will increase the value. Give more people a chance."

"I'm nervous now. There are a thousand guests. The variables are too big. It may be leaning towards Chi Lie Huowang, it may be leaning towards Lin Guofu, or it's even more likely that the three votes will be tied, and each of the three of them will get one vote."


The thousand guests also became nervous. Qian Mao and others sitting in the front row were sweating heavily.

Everyone clenched their fists tightly together to make the final decision.

Suddenly, an earth-shattering roar erupted from the beach in the distance. It was the unified shout of at least tens of thousands of people.

A large number of banners were suddenly raised.

“Support hybrid rice!”

“Support hybrid rice!”

"Yuan Bing, vote for Yuan Bing."

"Be sure to vote for Lin Guofu. You must understand the meaning of potassium."

"Chi Lie Huo Wang, you must vote for Chi Lie Huo Wang!"


The entire venue suddenly exploded.

Everyone is making a last-ditch effort for the people they support in their hearts.

Roaring crazily and calling excitedly.

Further away, hundreds of thousands of people who could not enter the gale tower and could only stand in Laoshan County and wait quietly, suddenly raised their heads. Look in the direction that is completely invisible and listen to the noisy roar.

Suddenly, people in Laoshan County also roared crazily.

Canvass votes for the scientists you support.

The sound resounded throughout Laoshan County.

In a sense, this voice reaches the entire Kyushu and the entire world.

Crazy for this group of scientists who are pushing the world forward.

(End of chapter)