Rising: Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 159: Sea Wolf Gang


East China Sea.

"Yo yo yo"

The shrill trumpet sound spread across the entire sea.

On a sunny day, the sea reflected the blue sky and white clouds, and a row of more than a dozen fishing boats lined up on the sea.

After hearing the unique whistle, more than a dozen fishing boats dropped their large nets at the same time, and a dozen fishing boats opened an absolute "death zone" that was more than 200 meters long.

After the formation swam forward for several kilometers, the fish boss standing on the bow blew the trumpet again: "Yo"

A sharp sound pierced the air, and all the fishermen on the boat took action.

"Hahaha, this is just the first net, the fish is so fat."

"Grouper can fetch a lot of money."

"If our Dafengtai continues to develop like this, it will definitely become the richest place in Laoshan County. After the Jiuzhou Science and Technology Award was held, our Dafengtai became famous in Jiuzhou in one fell swoop. There are countless tourists every day."

"Yes. The skydiving mountain and the paragliding base will be fully opened at the end of April. By then, wealthy businessmen and dignitaries from all over Kyushu will come here to play."

"I hope this prosperous age will last a little longer. Everything else is useless. This is the reality for us to live a good life."

"Hahaha, close the net."


Although Dafengtai has been promoted by the Kyushu Academy of Sciences, it has generated a lot of revenue. However, the fishermen of Dafengtai cannot forget their old profession. On good days and seasons, they will still go out to sea to fish.

Things that have been passed down from generation to generation cannot be forgotten.

Suddenly, the fish boss stared forward and blew a unique melody urgently: "Yo yo, yo yo, yo yo, yo, yo."

In an instant, all the fishermen on the dozens of fishing boats were stunned and exclaimed: "Three long and two short?"

"Quick, turn back."

"I haven't heard such a whistle in many years. Either a big storm is coming or pirates are coming."

"Quickly, throw the net. Turn the helm quickly and go back. It's important to save your life."

"He told you not to close the net. It's too late. Hurry, throw the net and return."

"If you lose your money, you can make more money. If your life is gone, you have nothing."


The entire phalanx of fishing boats was in chaos, with some people setting sail in a hurry, and others anxiously lifting anchor and turning the helm.

Someone huddled in the corner and cried.

"My wife is waiting for me to go back. I don't want to die."

"Blowing three long and two short trumpets will bring bad luck. Basically, it's either a severe storm, a typhoon, or a pirate. No matter which one we encounter, we can't run away."

"This is how to do ah."

"I don't want to die."


"Stop talking nonsense and run."


At this time, everyone saw it clearly. Not a typhoon, not a big storm, not a tsunami.

In the reflection of the sun, three large ships of voyage level appeared on the horizon ahead, with totems painted on the sails of the ships. They were very familiar with this totem, it was the totem of the pirate gang. Different gangs have different totems.

Surrounding the big ship, dozens of sailing boats were moving forward rapidly, rushing towards the fishing boats crazily.

There was no way the fishing boats could outrun the pirate ships. It didn't take long for more than a dozen small boats to surround all the fishermen.

"Ha ha ha ha."

"Anchor. Come on, drop anchor!"

"Kill those who resist."

"あほうたち, stop めて, ははは!"


"Those who resist will die without doing anything."

"Don't challenge the majesty of our Sea Wolf Gang."


Mixed with cheers in various languages, the abuse spread throughout the ocean of films. The fishermen at Dafengtai looked up and saw many bare-chested men on more than a dozen boats holding knives, firecrackers, or arrows aimed at the boats.

People kept throwing iron hooks onto the fishing boats and climbing up.

In just a few minutes, more than a dozen fishing boats were tied together with ropes and all were controlled by pirates.

All the fishermen were gathered on the deck of a boat, lying in a pile of struggling fish, holding their heads in their hands, not daring to take a look. There were constant sounds of sobbing in the field.

"a ha ha ha."


In the midst of arrogant laughter, a woman who went to sea with her husband was stripped naked by pirates. A group of wolf-like pirates pounced on him, laughing wildly and insulting him.

The woman did not dare to resist, so she could only bite her lips tightly, sob silently, and let the pirates vent themselves wantonly under her body.

She was afraid that her screams and panic would be heard by her husband lying there, and that her husband would lose his mind and fight against these pirates. She didn't dare to scream or make any sound, in order to save her own life and the life of her husband.

The middle-aged man huddled in the corner with his eyes tightly closed, his expression gradually became ferocious, he gritted his teeth tightly, making constant teeth-clack sounds while holding back tears.

In his ears, his wife's deliberately lowered voice was constantly amplified. The pirates' unbridled laughter gradually became clearer. I don’t want to hear it, but I keep putting it in my ears.

A big hand grasped his trouser leg tightly, and when he looked down, Boss Yu shook his head firmly at him.


But he couldn't stand it anymore, so he screamed, picked up a shovel from his side, and slashed at the head of the nearby pirate.

There was a 'pop!' before the pirates could react. They did not expect that the weak fishermen would suddenly become violent. The head was immediately cut into with a shovel, and half of the head was cut off.

"I'll fight with you!"

The man roared ferociously and rushed towards the group of pirates who surrounded his wife with a shovel.


Someone laughed wildly.

With a 'pop' sound, the middle-aged man's body twitched, and he felt his heart cramping, and the strength in his body continued to drain away. Lowering his head, a steel knife appeared from his chest. He looked desperately at his wife who was close at hand, and fell down unwillingly.

When the woman saw her husband's death, she looked like she was crazy. She suddenly hugged a pirate who was on top of her and bit his neck.

'Ahhh' The pirate struggled wildly, but was followed by a sharp pain. As the woman bit down so hard, her throat was ripped open.

A 'poof' knife ended the woman's life...

The pirate leader stood on the bow of the boat, watching all this with cold eyes. He watched the couple die indifferently, and also watched his two men die unwillingly, remaining indifferent. The sixty-year-old pirate leader seemed to have no emotions and just watched all this happening indifferently.

With a snap of his fingers, someone threw the bodies of all four people into the sea. Sharks came and dismembered the bodies.

The atmosphere on the ship was instantly depressing to the extreme, and the silence reached a freezing point. The pirates were all silent as they watched their companions end up like this. The fishermen looked at all this and did not dare to make a sound.

After a long time, the pirate leader showed a smile: "Sea Wolf Gang, in the name of wolf. If someone in the team becomes old, weak, sick or disabled, they will only be left behind. So my brothers, please take care of yourselves. Cherish yourself and don’t become the person I leave behind.”

The pirates felt chills in their hearts. This old man who smuggled himself out of Kyushu to join the Sea Wolf Gang and became the leader in just one month once again made everyone fearful. No one dared to resist him. His methods are more vicious than you imagine, his thoughts are more thoughtful than you imagine, and he is almost ruthless.

The leader of the Sea Wolf Gang looked at the group of fishermen and said: "I don't want it for the elderly over sixty years old, and I don't want it for children under ten years old. In addition, all of you here, from now on, will join our Sea Wolf Gang. Those who disobey will die, and those who resist will die.”

A cruel coldness flashed in his eyes: "From now on, you fishermen are under my control. Look for me as the leader, my name is Fan Jiuzhou."

(End of chapter)