Rising: Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 166: The milling machine is introduced


The next day.

The first semi-automatic steam forging machine in the history of the New World appeared.

In the factory, thousands of people gathered around to watch this big guy, marveling at it.

"Is this a forging machine?"

"A machine that can completely replace a blacksmith?"

"Forging and making steel requires a skilled worker to hammer a piece of red-hot iron tens of thousands of times with a hammer. But with it, it doesn't require any manpower and can be completed in just a few minutes. "

"real or fake?"

"After testing, the force of each blow of this big guy exceeds one thousand kilograms. Is this the power that workers can wield?"

"Just that?"


A huge boiler is connected to a big thing like a balance scale. Through the principle of leverage, one end is load-bearing and the other end is a huge hammer. A weight-bearing iron block of 500 kilograms was added to the hammer.

When the steam engine lifts the hammer to a height of one meter through repeated expansion and contraction, the steam force is recycled and the hammer will fall freely. A weight of several hundred kilograms fell freely from a height of one meter, and the impact force generated exceeded a thousand kilograms.

People from the Kyushu Academy of Sciences are doing the final tests. Test its final data and the energy it consumes for one hour of work.

The good news is that the steam engine technology of the Kyushu Academy of Sciences is quite mature and extremely powerful. On average, this forging hammer can complete 32 strikes in one minute. The frequency exceeds that of manual labor, and the efficiency far exceeds that of manual labor.

Yanagisawa Megumi also rushed to the scene to see the power of the steam forging machine.

When Ruan Mingxue shouted to start, the air plug opened and the steam engine suddenly started working.

'Woooooooo' The steam was discharged out of the chimney.




Everyone was in an uproar as they watched the giant thing start to run over and over again. That extremely terrifying sledgehammer, which could never be lifted by human power, began to be lifted and dropped repeatedly.

A skilled worker came over with a red-hot cube of iron and placed it on the forging table.

At this moment, everyone held their breath and concentrated.


Suddenly, the hammer fell.


"No way!"

"So much power."

"Oh my God, is this mechanical power?"

"Yes, this is the industrial age that Dean Li mentioned."


The 50 cm cube of red-hot iron was flattened instantly after being hammered by the forging hammer on the forging table. It was obviously steel, but at this moment, it turned out to be like mud.

Turn the extremely hard steel into as soft as mud. Knead it at will, this is the power of science.

Everyone at the Kyushu Academy of Sciences had a collective party.



This historic moment announced that Kyushu had officially entered the era of steam industry.

When the forging hammer experiment was successful, it was immediately put into use. Workers immediately began mass production of this steam forging machine, which has an uncomplicated process.

And the next moment, the steam cutting machine appeared.

When the disc-shaped hacksaw was connected to a steam engine for power. 'Buzzing buzzing' The hacksaw began to rotate at a high speed, and the speed was extremely fast. This was due to the mechanical principle of reducing the torque and increasing the speed.

Looking at the high-speed rotating hacksaw table, everyone took a step back in fear.

Lin Xiufeng was sweating profusely and simply took off his shirt: "Let's test it with wood first."

When someone came with a wooden board, Lin Xiufeng wiped the sweat from his forehead and performed the operation himself.

Place the board on the saw table and push it forward only slightly.

A sharp sound of "Zizzizi" appeared, but saw sawdust flying. The wooden board was easily pushed over and split into two.

Everyone was shocked.

This... is a steam-powered hacksaw

In fact, this is the principle of a chainsaw. It's just that the electric drive was changed to steam drive, and it became a steam cutting machine.

It's hard to say whether this steam saw is a success, because it reduces time costs, but there are fuel costs. It is not yet easy to calculate whether its costs and benefits are directly proportional.

However, the steam cutting machine envisioned by Li Zhen is currently being used.

People from the School of Mathematics helped them calculate the cost, and in the end, one machine was used for multiple purposes.

A factory houses a handful of steam engines, but assembles different platforms. The piston and cylinder are detachable, and one steam engine can drive several machines at the same time.

If a forging machine is to be used at this time, connect the cylinder to the forging machine and let the forging machine start working.

After using the forging machine and needing a cutting machine, disassemble the cylinder and install it on the cutting machine to continue working.

The power heart is not changed, but it has multiple functions.

Greatly reduces costs and raw materials. In this way, the machinery can be idle, but the steam engine is constantly working.

Some small parts need to be polished manually, and polishing steel actually takes a lot of time.

As a result, steam polishing machines also appeared.

The steam is transmitted through power and connected to the axis of a grinding wheel with a belt, driving the grinding wheel to rotate at high speed. People only need to hold the steel in their hands and rub it on the rapidly rotating grinding wheel. There is no need to use any manual force to polish at all. And because the grinding wheel rotates at a high speed, the efficiency is increased by at least dozens of times.

If you want to sharpen a purely dull knife, you need to sharpen it by hand on the whetstone for several hours. So get this grinder and you can do it effortlessly in just a few minutes.

This is the principle of machinery. This is the great age of steam.

This was a moment of enlightenment for everyone. They had never thought that a steam engine could do so many things.

Sure enough, as long as you have a heart of power, power can be output anywhere. All they need to do is achieve all this through mechanical dynamics.

It completely replaces labor.

Efficiency is doubled.

Everyone at the Kyushu Academy of Sciences cheered collectively, and amidst this joy, they continued to study the diversified uses of steam.

I kind of understand the few drawings Li Zhen threw out, just to use them as a starting point. Name the topic ideas and they need to write the rest of the article themselves.

If you can't write the topic even though you have the idea of the topic, then it's basically useless. Obviously, there is no useless person in Kyushu Academy of Sciences, they just didn't think of it.

The next day, students from the Institute of Mechanical Power produced another drawing, and everyone exclaimed.

Steam milling machine!

The advent of the milling machine represented that overnight, the steam era took a step forward.

The milling cutter is cast from high-strength alloy and rotates at high speed through steam transmission power. Thus, on a precision gear control platform, metal can be cut, carved, plane grooved, and special parts processed.

When someone from the Mechanical Power Research Institute announced the basic principles of milling machines and the use of milling machines. Everyone is excited.

A new era has arrived.

It truly belongs to the age of steam.

Industrial Age.

(End of chapter)