Rising: Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 167: The power of that rage


One month.

A whole month's time.

All classes at the Kyushu Academy of Sciences were suspended for one month, and no one was allowed to enter for one month.

The huge Kyushu Academy of Sciences suddenly became deserted, with only the staff, Li Zhen and Qi Lengzi remaining.

For the umpteenth time, Qi Lengzi found Li Zhen: "Speak, thousands of people are scattered throughout Laoshan with nowhere to go. They studied day and night, studied day and night. Now they really know their mistakes , and it has really achieved what you wanted.”

Li Zhen shook his head: "Not yet."

"Not yet? How can it be considered as yes?"

Li Zhen showed a mysterious smile: "When I lived in the office, I could smell the steam."


There are no tigers in the mountains, but monkeys are kings.

Qin Enze and the others went to the capital but did not return, and Lin Xiufeng took on the role of the leading big brother.

Having been frowning all day long, I thought Master Li would calm down in just a few days, but it has been a month. I watched from May to June. Still no sound.

Everyone became uneasy.

Countless rumors spread throughout Laoshan.

Master Li, we are going to abandon them.

Lin Xiufeng's anxious heart surged and he found Qi Lengzi: "We know we were wrong and we have reflected on it. Why aren't we allowed to return to the Kyushu Academy of Sciences?"

Qi Lengzi was also in a dilemma: "Li Zhen said, it's not enough."

"Not enough? There are already many factories using the steam engines we cast. We have even invented a steam milling machine and a precision operating table. Yesterday, people from the Machinery Institute even designed a boring machine. The drawings have completely opened a new chapter in history. Isn't that enough?"

Qi Lengzi said: "Li Zhen said that one day, he can smell the smell of steam while sitting in the office. It will be considered a success."

Lin Xiufeng was stunned for a moment, and stayed there for a long time.

He just stood there, dumbfounded and in a daze, his eyes unfocused and silent for half an hour.

Suddenly, Lin Xiufeng jumped up suddenly, his eyes red with excitement: "I understand. I understand, I finally understand."

Someone asked: "What did you understand?"

"I understand that Master Li wants to completely open the curtain of an era."


"Industrial Age. Master Li wants to completely bring about the Industrial Age."

"What do you mean? Machine tools are used in many places now. Isn't this the industrial age?"

Lin Xiufeng shook his head firmly: "No. When something is invented, it can only be said to have stepped into a certain field. It still belongs to a high-tech industry. What can truly be called an era is its popularization. . Only when it is popularized by everyone can it be called an era. Master Li said that he could smell the steam even if he was sitting in the office. I understand, we need to drive the entire Kyushu to completely enter the industry man of the times.”

“What exactly is the Industrial Age?”

Lin Xiufeng thought for a while and said in a low voice: "Probably to popularize the use of energy and power among the whole people. Let the entire country's heavy industry rise. There will be an explosion of science for the whole people, and an era of endless fantastic ideas."


"We got the first step."

"Did we do it?"

"We did it. Now the machine tools have been maturely used, but only a few people use them. They are all used under our arrangement. And when the machine tools spread to the entire Laoshan Mountain, the entire Qingdao County, the entire Dongzhou, and even the entire Kyushu . When steam rolls across Kyushu, it will be the arrival of the steam age. We will brighten the eyes of Kyushu people and let them see a different world. Just like Master Li’s drawings have brightened our eyes. From now on From now on, we will assume the responsibilities of Master Li."

"What duties?"

"Be the master of the world!"


Yanagisawa Megumi heard that people from Kyushu Academy of Sciences want to manufacture machine tools in large quantities and promote machine tools.

Totally don't understand.

"Why? Why promote it? This is your patent. Let's wait now. When the time comes, businessmen will definitely come to us. This is a patent, and it can make too much money for the Kyushu Academy of Sciences."

Lin Xiufeng said excitedly: "I can't wait."

"Now these machine tools have greatly saved labor costs and time costs, which is completely enough for shipbuilding. Now it takes three days to build an armored ship, which is completely enough. If this rate continues, ironclad ships will definitely be everywhere. Why? Do you want to promote it?" Yanagisawa didn't understand it at all.

Standing in the position and situation at that time, it is difficult for a person to have a pair of thorough eyes to see the overall situation.

This has to do with the pattern.

Yanagisawa just wants to see his three-thirds of an acre prosper and develop.

The overall situation of Li Zhen's overview is that the entire country, even the entire world, develops and breaks out together at the overall level. So Yanagisawa Megumi cannot understand.

Lin Xiufeng said: "We will pay for it ourselves. Now there are so many new factories in Laoshan, all of which are invested by local people to build ships. The ships and parts they build will make a lot of profits. We will Sell them this stuff. Sell it cheap."

"Don't sell it to businessmen. Such a powerful machine tool must be firmly controlled by the Kyushu Academy of Sciences and the government."

Lin Xiufeng smiled and left.

In the afternoon, the entire Laoshan County erupted.

People from the Kyushu Academy of Sciences began to sell drawings or finished products.

When the machine tools came out some time ago, the businessmen in the factory wanted to buy them, but they couldn't buy them and didn't dare to ask. Now people from the Kyushu Academy of Sciences take the initiative to sell it, and there is no fool who doesn’t want to buy it.

"I'll buy the drawings. Are the drawings 10 coins each? I'll buy them."

"Can we just buy the drawings? We can cast the machine tool ourselves according to the drawings. The finished product is too expensive."

"I don't want to buy the finished product. We want to cast it ourselves, but can you please ask someone to give us technical guidance?"


A big outbreak occurred in Laoshan County.

Mid June.


There are machine tools all over Laoshan, and steam engines all over Laoshan.

All factories have uniformly entered the steam age, and factories without steam machine tools will be eliminated. Because your production efficiency is really too low.

The reason why so many factories can appear in Laoshan instantly is related to the shipbuilding industry.

All the surrounding areas knew that Laoshan had produced iron-clad ships. Governments from all over the country have invested in factories and built ships here, and they have invited people from the Kyushu Academy of Sciences for guidance.

Originally, the government only opened factories to learn shipbuilding, but local businessmen in Laoshan County saw the profits and started to open factories in Dafengtai. Process the parts and sell them to the government who need armor to wear, or the army to make a profit.

In this way, the government completely took back the factory and handed it all over to the businessmen, who were only responsible for paying for it.

Among them, efficiency and quality have become big issues.

As long as you are a businessman who opens a factory, you must have machine tools. Otherwise, if others have it but you don’t, you will be eliminated. Laoshan County has a complete industrial explosion.

The reason was for shipbuilding.

Standing in front of the window holding hot tea, Li Zhen saw the steam rising from the entire Laoshan Mountain through the gap in the curtains. His expression was finally relieved and happy.

That anger was worth it, a bargain.

In anger, the curtain of industry was opened.

(End of chapter)