Rising: Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 168: July, the moment of explosion


But the people from Kyushu Academy of Sciences did not take the initiative to come back this time.

Everyone received the tasks assigned by Lin Xiufeng, and they were all scattered, radiating to the entire Qingdao County.

Qingdao County, Star Map Group.

Ruan Mingxue strode into the headquarters of such a large company. Everyone knew that he was from the Kyushu Academy of Sciences and treated him like an honored guest.

Soon, Liu Jianye arrived, greeted Ruan Mingxue warmly, and took Ruan Mingxue to visit the entire Xingtu Group factory.

When Ruan Mingxue took a look, he discovered that there was a scientific research institute behind it.

Liu Jianye introduced: "This is a scientific research team affiliated with our Xingtu Group. It mainly develops steam engines and studies more advanced technologies."

Ruan Mingxue nodded: "Not bad."

When he turned around, he saw all the staff in the science building running out and standing in the distance, watching him and pointing.

Liu Jianye laughed and said: "These people are also very fanatical. The Kyushu Academy of Sciences is the holy place in their hearts, and you are their idol."

Ruan Mingxue also smiled and changed his tone: "I'm here to sell things."

"What to sell?"

"Master Li once mentioned the industrial age and the steam age. Do you still remember it?"

"I remember it, but it's a bit vague. I don't know what it is exactly."

"I can increase the efficiency of your entire Xingtu Group industry dozens of times and save costs dozens of times. Do you believe it?"

'Cough cough cough cough' Liu Jianye choked on his saliva and grabbed Ruan Mingxue's hand excitedly: "Really...really?"

"Haha. You need to buy our drawings."

Liu Jianye hesitated for a moment: "Li...Has Dean Li agreed? Is this a product of the Kyushu Academy of Sciences?"

"Master Li has not expressed his position. But this is what he means."


A week later, the first ray of steam rose into the sky in the Xingtu Group's factory.

In late June, the first ray of steam rose into the sky from all factories and companies in Qingdao County, surrounding counties and towns.

Early July.

The first wisp of steam from Quancheng County rose into the sky.


Steam is rising from every corner of Dongzhou.

After the first ray of steam from Dongzhou rose into the sky, it could never stop again. The area of radiation is getting larger and larger. From a small wind typhoon in Laoshan County, it radiates to the entire Dongzhou in more than a month.

Throughout Dongzhou, mechanical monsters were activated.

Boilers throughout Dongzhou are boiling and chimneys are roaring.

Machinery across Dongzhou has begun to operate, and all factories are in ecstasy, harvesting the fruits that technology has given them.

In the second week, all prices in Dongzhou fell collectively.

When the machinery in all the factories and workshops in Dongzhou was started, the efficiency doubled, the cost was saved, and the quality was excellent. Comprehensive price collapse.

Don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing.

In other areas, businessmen flocked to Dongzhou like a swarm of wasps, asking from all directions whether a mechanical behemoth had appeared

Businessmen from all over wanted to make big purchases. Because Dongzhou Heavy Industry began to rise, prices began to collapse, but the remaining eight states among the nine states still had to maintain their original prices. This is almost a devastating blow to other businessmen.

The cause of the incident was to prevent piracy and the shipbuilding industry in Laoshan County flourished.

The flames were Li Zhen's thunderous anger.

The process is the diversified use of energy and power developed by Daxing, Kyushu Academy of Sciences.

The progress is that thousands of Kyushu Academy of Sciences are scattered throughout the East Continent, promoting an industrial explosion across the East Continent.

As a result, other regions across the country are destined to die if they don’t change.

Starting in July, Li Zhen personally unleashed a behemoth called the 'Steam Industry'.

The world is a cage that tightly imprisons everything.

Li Zhen opened the door of the cage with his own hands, and the giant industrial beast carefully stepped a paw firmly on the entire territory of Dongzhou.

When the giant beast came out of the cage, it was a terrifying era of technological explosion. Li Zhen opened the eyes of everyone in the Kyushu Academy of Sciences, and the people of the Kyushu Academy of Sciences opened the eyes of everyone in the entire Kyushu.

The jump from the cold weapon age to the steam age was so sudden. It's just such a surprise.

How similar is it to the world ten thousand years ago

The Stone Age lasted for countless years, the Bronze Age lasted for thousands of years, and the Cold War Age lasted for thousands of years. However, it only took a hundred years to jump to the complete industrial age.

In fact, this is a philosophical question.

Do you think science has never progressed

Science began from the moment humans became intelligent and from the moment they knotted ropes to record events. It's just that it's slow and tortuous. During these long tens of millions of years, it has been undergoing primitive accumulation. It is not just the accumulation of scientific knowledge, in fact, it is more of the accumulation of the '***' buried deep in the human heart.

When millions of years of '***' accumulate to a critical point. A spark will completely explode it. After the explosion, there was a period of rapid development.

This philosophical question is too profound. It only involves the most important sentence, which was equally applicable in the high-tech era 10,000 years ago - if it doesn't change, it will die.


Dafengtai, in the office of Kyushu Academy of Sciences.

Li Zhen waved his whip, whipped the monster in the cage, and tried his best to drive it out.


The sky across Laoshan is no longer blue.

Steam and soot filled the sky. Since mid-July, the sky over Laoshan has become foggy.

so what

Protect the environment

You can never have your cake and eat it too. Whatever you want to do, you have to pay a certain price. Big or small.

At least Li Zhen won't worry about environmental issues at the moment. So what if it starts to rain acid rain

The whole world is turning into desert, and Hangcheng County in ancient times was even beautiful.

In this era, who can realize this problem? Just like in the era of human technological explosion ten thousand years ago, no one would be aware of this problem.

"Li Zhen, now in the entire Laoshan, at least twenty armored ships are launched into the sea every day. This is a situation of insufficient orders. As far as I know, if more orders from the navy are received, these shipyards in Laoshan County can even I will build you hundreds of high-quality iron-clad ships."

Qi Lengzi read the document in his hand.

Li Zhen tapped his fingers on the armrest of the rocking chair and thought for a while before saying, "So, does that mean there is no one fishing in Dafengtai now?"

Qi Lengzi laughed loudly: "Now there are factories all over Dafengtai, and people everywhere come here to open shipyards to make money." Lao Liu was so excited that he couldn't sleep, saying that Laoshan has not only become a super tourist place, but also the only iron armored place in Kyushu. Ship base, industrial place. Who still fishes now? As long as they are men, women, old or young, they enter various factories as workers. In order to retain the workers and work hard, those investors created the only fishery in the history of Kyushu , with a worker-share dividend model.”

Li Zhen had some questions: "Dafengtai, with such a large population in Laoshan County, how can there be demand for so many factories? The emergence of machinery will logically squeeze the cost of workers."

"Yes, it was squeezed. But it was not squeezed into Laoshan County. White smoke came out of the chimneys across Dongzhou, because the people in Laoshan County and Dafengtai were the first to come into contact with these. So they are all skilled workers in mechanical operations. Factories throughout Dongzhou are paying high prices to poach technical personnel from Laoshan. The supply exceeds demand. Especially for people in Dafengtai, the salary has reached 10,000 yuan a month. Now everyone realizes that talent is the most important."

"Also, the heavy industry in Dongzhou has been fully developed. People from all over the country are going to Dongzhou to learn advanced knowledge and find special channels to get those machine tools. The industrial age you mentioned is radiating to the entire Kyushu. Also, Many big investors in Dongzhou have now begun to innovate, and I feel it is somewhat similar to the heavy industry you mentioned."


Li Zhen walked out of the office, came to the door of Kyushu Academy of Sciences, and calmly removed the big lock hanging on the door.

Looking up, there were dense crowds of people standing at the door, neatly lined up, all looking at me expectantly. There was desire in everyone's eyes, mixed with pride.

In the background behind them were huge chimneys of factories, billowing white smoke.

Everyone's skin is dark and weathered. After two months of frantically promoting industrial innovation, they all became tanned, but they became even more energetic.

'Woooooooo' A large steam vehicle passed behind them. The large steam vehicle pulled an ironclad ship weighing two or three tons, preparing to transport it to the seaside.

Several workers used their hands with black and white gloves to hold up the black safety helmets on their headrests. They sat in various corners of the large steam vehicle and looked here curiously. Looking at thousands of people with expectant eyes gathering here, they looked at the thin young man at the door of Kyushu Academy of Sciences. Full of curiosity.

The large steam train 'Didi Didi' is gone.

Li Zhen smiled and looked at the entire gale tower with his hands behind his back, seeing the steam rising from everywhere and the lively scenes everywhere. This once dead world is alive.

After a long silence, he slowly said: "I see the rise of heavy industry. You are doing a good job."

Then he turned around, personally pushed open the door of Kyushu Academy of Sciences for them, and walked in with his hands behind his back.

Suddenly, thunderous shouts came from behind: "This prosperity is as you wish. Master Li, we did not disappoint you."


There were whistling sounds from the factory in the distance and the sound of workers shouting slogans, which seemed to be responding to the situation.

Li Zhen turned around and said with a smile:

"This is a public internship class for you."


(End of chapter)