Rising: Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 169: Easy to store


"Li Zhen, the industrial age you mentioned has begun to explode. What should we do next?"

Qi Lengzi asked while holding a notebook and recording. He took a serious look at his IQ, maybe he really lacked the ability, and now he has developed the habit of recording in a notebook when talking to others.

Li Zhen was indifferent: "Wait."

"What are you waiting for?"

"Just wait."

"So what do we need to do?"

"do nothing."

Qi Lengzi was very curious: "Why? You have spent so much effort to bury the seeds of this industry, and now Dongzhou's heavy industry is rising. Isn't it a good time to add fuel to the flames? Why don't you do anything?"

Li Zhen laughed loudly: "Has it exploded? It hasn't exploded yet. The real industrial era will explode in a month or within a year."

"Why? What is an outbreak?"

"It's just...a huge disaster."

Qi Lengzi took a breath of air: "Catastrophe? How could it be a catastrophe?"

Li Zhen's eyes were deep, as if he had already penetrated everything, and said quietly: "When the entire industry of Dongzhou completely explodes, it will be the time of great changes in Dongzhou. Industry is a double-edged sword, a giant beast that devours everything. You Do you think industry can bring peace and prosperity to the country and the people? Wrong. Industry will offend the interests of most people."

"Why does it offend the interests of most people? Now the prices in Dongzhou are collapsing rapidly..."

"The rise of industry represents the revival of the steam age. It also represents the decline of the handicraft industry. Those who rely on their own skills to make a living will lose their jobs. Workers will be unemployed. Most manual jobs will be replaced by a steam engine. Iron smelting industry, steelmaking industry, manufacturing industry, handicraft industry, heavy industry, light industry, processing industry, and foundry industry. Earth-shaking changes will occur completely, and these industries will quickly complete a rebirth. Capital will lay off employees and cut off more The labor force will be replaced by machinery. In a month or within a year, radiating from Dongzhou to the entire Kyushu, we will usher in the greatest catastrophe and turmoil in the history of Kyushu."

As Li Zhen spoke, he stood up with some inexplicable excitement and stood in front of the window sill. His hands were shaking uncontrollably due to excitement and nervousness.

Qi Lengzi was stunned, looking at Li Zhen's back in disbelief, as if he saw the catastrophe in the entire East Continent, and seemed to see the catastrophe in Kyushu. It seems that we have seen countless homeless people, and we have also seen countless people who have been laid off, unemployed, and have lost their source of livelihood.

"This... this... Li Zhen, did you know in advance that the outbreak of the industrial age would have such consequences?"


Qi Lengzi seemed to recognize Li Zhen again, looked at him with incredible eyes, and murmured: "Then, why do you want people from the Kyushu Academy of Sciences to be scattered throughout Dongzhou, spreading this path to let Kyushu lead to the abyss? way?"

Li Zhen's eyes narrowed, and the look in his eyes was ruthless and determined. His tone was particularly determined:

"This is only temporary. It is a long-term pain in the process of historical development rather than a short-term pain. The development of history will definitely experience this catastrophe. I made it come early, that's all. In the next era, there will be a scientific explosion , the economic explosion. It will be full of endless variables, and I cannot predict what will happen in the era of industrial rise. But what I can be sure of is that after this catastrophe is over, the world will usher in a new life."

After saying this, Li Zhen murmured in his heart: One thing that can be determined is that the emperor at this critical point will be driven to death by the turmoil.

Paving the way for Kyushu is not paving the way for Xun Shifei's ascension to the throne.

With the rise of the industrial age, a large number of people were laid off and unemployed. The power of capital begins to turn into a giant beast that swallows everything, but the people's livelihood will not be solved.

There is a way around it. People from the Department of Mathematics and the Institute of Financial Mathematics definitely have a solution. Find a balance between capital and people's interests.

However, Xun Jiayuan could not solve it.

To be fair, Xun Jiayuan's rigid brain is now stuck in the spaceship. It is impossible for him to have the kind of method to solve the balance between capital and the country.

If he leans towards the people of the country, capital will swallow him up. When the industrial age broke out, capital was everything, even something that could evade imperial power.

If he leans towards capital, then the people who have no living security will devour the imperial court, riots will occur, and uprisings and rebellions will emerge one after another.

Whatever he leaned towards, he was finished.

Since you have decided to assist Xun Shifei in ascending to the throne, let's leave no room for it. The turmoil in Kyushu is accelerating. The turmoil in Kyushu is accelerating. Sacrifice a few people in exchange for the right direction for the future.

When Li Zhen is emotional, he can give up everything and pursue his true love.

When Li Zhen is honest, he can also sacrifice everything and do almost ruthless things.

He can give his existence an accurate position - the master of the world.

The vast number of sentient beings are a group of uncivilized students. Every move you make will establish a new outlook on life for them, allowing them to move forward bravely on a road full of thorns in the future. Finally move towards right and light.

After a long while, Li Zhen said: "Tell everyone at the Kyushu Academy of Sciences. You are not allowed to go out within two months. Just set Dongzhou on fire. I don't want the toiling sentient beings to hate us for a long time in the future."

Qi Lengzi swallowed: "Then...then, can we put out this fire? By doing this, aren't you a bit sorry for the poor people in the world?"

Li Zhen sighed: "I personally released the giant beast from the cage. From then on, it will devour everything and get bigger and bigger. It is not guided by anyone's will. The only thing that can control the giant beast is the power of capital. Without any People can stop it from running to every corner of the world, and no one can stop it from growing up, not even the imperial power. This is a classic topic in game theory."

After Qi Lengzi left, Li Zhen returned to the desk, took out a pen and paper, and fell silent.

Looking at the pen and paper in a daze, I have countless things to say in my heart, but I don’t know how to express them.

After hesitating for a long time, Li Zhen wrote a few words on the paper. He sealed it with fire paint and called a student: "Help me send it to Southeast State."

The student took a look at the letter and said, "This is your letter from the senior student." It suddenly dawned on him that his senior was the current prince.

When the letter left Laoshan, it was only a week later. A piece of bad news spread to the Kyushu Academy of Sciences, and at the same time, the news spread to the entire Kyushu.

An explosive message, a shocking news.

Overnight, everyone in Jiuzhou knew about it, the streets were empty, and everyone was talking about it. I couldn't help but sigh and sigh.

The battle for the crown prince ends.

Eventually, the princelings fell and the princelings came to power.

The new crown prince of Kyushu—the eighth prince, Xun Shitian!

In the end, the one closest to the Dragon Vein won the final victory.

(End of chapter)