Rising: Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 172: I feel wronged


In late July, it was destined to be the day when the dragon veins of Kyushu began to be cut off.

Floods suddenly broke out in the south.

There were heavy rains in Nanzhou that lasted for a month, and all crops and houses were washed away.

The whole state was in turmoil, and the people were homeless and displaced. Due to the raging floods, according to incomplete statistics, 200,000 people have gone missing across Nanzhou. This is almost the total population of the two counties combined.

The governor of Nanzhou was in tears all day long, and all the people in the state rolled up their trouser legs from top to bottom, went barefoot, and fought on the front line of the flood fight. The governor of Nanzhou is also not exempt from the custom.

Because the officials failed to control the flood, the governor of Nanzhou got angry and beheaded thirty relevant officials.

Within a few days, dozens of emergency memorials were sent to Zhongzhou Balong City to allocate funds! Grant money! Grant money!

Ask for help! Ask for help! Ask for help!

Ji Kang, the governor of Nanzhou, stood on Baiyun Mountain and looked at the roaring dragon below. He knelt on the ground and looked up at the sky, speechless for a long time.

"The imperial court... why is there still no movement?"

Ji Kang asked in a low tone.

The princess of Yangcheng County had red eyes, wiped her tears, and murmured: "Actually... I have received a reply from the court."

Ji Kang seemed to come to life: "What? Is there a memorial? How much money will be approved? How many people will be approved?"

Princess Yangcheng's head lowered even further. After a moment, she took out a memorial from her arms and handed it to Ji Kang: "I... I never told you. Because you will be disappointed after seeing it."

Ji Kang quickly picked it up and read it. The words written in cinnabar pen were very neat, but it made people fall into despair: "Ji Kang loves Qing, I know your difficulties in Nanzhou. But the imperial court also has to take care of Jiuzhou, and I hope Ji Kang loves Qing to stand in the world." Look at the problem from a perspective, think about Kyushu, think about me... Just think of a solution yourself, the court has no money."


Ji Kang looked at this line of text over and over again and murmured: "Find a way by yourself? Hahahaha, let me figure it out by myself?"

The princess of Yangcheng County almost shrank her head: "Maybe... the emperor doesn't know the current situation in Nanzhou, right?"

Ji Kang's eyes turned red: "Don't you know? I wrote it very clearly. At least 200,000 people are missing, all washed away by floods. Muds and rockslides, floods, heavy rains. All crops were destroyed, people were displaced, and now they are all migrating to the south and waiting for me. I have to use state official food to support myself. My Nanzhou official food reserve has been eaten up yesterday. How can I think of a solution on my own? How else can I think of a solution by myself? We Nanzhou... aren’t we from Kyushu? Nanzhou is one-ninth of this country, right? Aren’t we human beings? Why, why can’t the court help us?”

"what to do?"

Ji Kang said tremblingly: "The court doesn't care... I'll borrow it!"

The princess of Yangcheng County sighed: "I borrowed it. Dongzhou, Southeast Prefecture, and Northeast Prefecture all lent us food to the maximum extent. Otherwise, we would have finished eating a few weeks ago. In these neighboring places, the government has also There is no money. Since last month, the court began to amass money and levied almost 80% of the money from the states. I don’t know what it was used for. Before the flood in Nanzhou, the court also paid and levied 40,000 yuan. , have you forgotten?"

Ji Kang sighed, he remembered. I thought I was only collecting money from Nanzhou, but I didn’t expect that money from all states was being collected. But... didn't they collect so much money? Where's the money? How could the imperial court say that it had no money to relieve Nanzhou

In the palace of Balong City, Xun Jiayuan looked at the memorials from Nanzhou one after another, and threw them all away in a frenzy.

Sighing: "Ji Kang, Ji Kang, why are you like this? I also have difficulties. I know that there are floods in Nanzhou, but... can't you bear it? But, can't you think of a solution on your own? I... I am here for A great plan with good intentions."

Jiali also knew what happened in the past two days and saw the urgency in the memorial. A look of unbearable pain flashed in his eyes, and he comforted: "Emperor, if it doesn't work, let's cancel the plan of the golden battleship. We can use wood or other steel... It's okay to allocate part of the money to rescue them."

Xun Jiayuan sighed: "You don't understand."

"What don't you understand?"

"Our goal is to conquer the universe. We, the Kyushu Kingdom, must be solemn and solemn wherever we go. Only the golden warship can reflect the wealth and honor of our Kyushu country and the face of our great nation."

"This..." Jia Li forced a smile, and she suddenly had a bad feeling. A woman's intuition, it seems that something big is going to happen!

She regretted it a little. I thought it was a sense of accomplishment to play with the emperor, but it's not the case now... The emperor was so fascinated that he was now completely obsessed, as if he... seemed to have ascended to the universe.

Regret it. It's a heart-wrenching regret.

Something big is about to happen!


Early August.

Great changes in Nanzhou.

In Shaoguan County, which is close to the interior, all the displaced people in Nanzhou gathered here, or gathered around Shaoguan County.

Grain depots throughout Nanzhou were emptied, and people revolted!

In the Shaoguan County Government Office, Ji Kang was skinny and hungry, sitting on the table, listening to the sounds of shouting, beating and killing outside. There was despair in his eyes.

He rolled up his sleeves, dipped his brush in thick ink and stood up. Facing the wall behind him, he suddenly cried.

It has been a week, only drinking water and nothing to eat. This week, the dignified governor of Nanzhou ate tree bark and his own belt. He killed his old horse that had been with him for six years and let everyone eat it together.

Tears flowed, gushing.

Outside the house, there were the sounds of murder and arson, as well as the sounds of fighting between officers and soldiers and the mob.

Ji Kang looked up to the sky and sighed, wiped away his tears, suddenly raised his pen, and wrote three big words on the wall - I feel wronged.

I feel wronged. The three words are scrawled, but shocking.

'Bang' Suddenly, the door was pushed open.

A group of hungry, skinny men rushed in from outside. They rushed over with rusty steel knives in their hands, grabbed Ji Kang's hair, who had his back to them, and slammed it on the table.

Ji Kang was pressed on the table, a touch of peace appeared in his eyes, and he slowly closed his eyes.

There was a 'pop' sound.

Blood splattered, and a trace of blood splashed on the wall. The three characters "I feel wronged" are splashed on it, which is shocking.

After a while, a group of people came out of the government office carrying Ji Kang's head and jumped on the roof: "The officials forced the people to rebel, and the people had to rebel. The governor of Nanzhou is here. All officers and soldiers give up resistance, otherwise they will not be killed." Forgiveness. Hahahaha."

"From today on, I, Wang Sandao, will be the king of Nanzhou! Whoever listens to me will be the most popular and drink spicy food. Anyone who doesn't listen to me will die!"


In early August, Nanzhou underwent great changes. Wang Sandao, a former villager in a village in Yangcheng County, encouraged the remaining ten men in the village to revolt amid the raging floods. In just one day, the team grew to 40,000 people.

They attacked Shaoguan County, broke down the city gate, and beheaded Ji Kang, the governor of Nanzhou.

The next day, Wang Sandao's team rapidly expanded to 120,000 people. Search and suppress all military and military arsenals in Nanzhou to obtain armed forces. Fight out of Nanzhou, attack the neighboring southeastern states, and defeat Shangrao, Lishui, and Jinhua. Along the way, the team continued to grow, burning, killing and looting. Every place they passed was like a locust passing through the border. The next day, they were approaching Hangcheng County!


At the same time, a large ship went out to sea from Huangpu County, crossed the ocean, and headed east.

There was only one old man and one young man on board, and the young man was sitting in a wheelchair. The old man was pushing his wheelchair up and down, serving and following around.

Jingcun asked warmly: "Qin Sang, are you tired? Do you want to take a nap?"

"No need."

"Qin Sang, are you thirsty?"


"Qin Sang, are you hungry?"


"Qin Sang, do you want to lie down for a while? You have an injury on your back."


Qin Enze was sitting in a wheelchair and was pushed on the bow of the deck by Jingcun. He looked at the sea and felt the ship moving towards an unknown place...

Looking back, tears fell down, but no sound was made. Just let the tears keep falling, becoming more and more turbulent. Tears streaked down this ugly face and fell to the ground. This ugly man could hear the sound of every tear hitting the ground.


The familiar horizon is fading.

Farewell, Kyushu.



Li Zhen held two letters in his hand, one was sent from Balong City and the other was sent from Huangpu County. One was written by Liu Jinghong and Fang Hanxian. The other one was written by Qin Enze.

He already knows all the processes and results of all events.

He held the letter from Qin Enze tightly in his hand, with infinite heartache and regret in his eyes!

There were only a few words in the letter - Master Li, I'm sorry.

Li Zhen knew that Qin Enze still had three words that he had not written, just like the three words Ji Kang wrote - I feel wronged.

Taking a deep breath, Li Zhen stood up, but his face no longer showed any emotion. Some are just cold and silent.

"The country will not be a country. After Mingkang's death, I predicted that the lifeline of Kyushu would be up to three years. But you moved this time forward, exacerbating the changes?"

Li Zhen sneered and looked out the window at the bustling Laoshan Mountain: "Let's make chaos. Let this land experience the lowest point, the most desolate, and the time when hunger and death are everywhere. That's when capital and the proletariat completely explode. We will usher in Come to new life.”

The road is paved for you. All that needs to be said has been said.

Xun Shifei, it depends on whether you have the ability to make this eternal land reborn from the ashes.

If you can't do it anymore, retreat!

I'll do it myself!

If I didn’t have the energy. So what if the dynasty changes

What if you find someone from the Kyushu Academy of Sciences and push him to become emperor? I want to remove the carrion from this world and create a new era.

At this moment, Li Zhen's expression was extremely ferocious.

After walking out of the door, even Qi Lengzi didn't dare to look directly at Li Zhen at this time. Feeling heart trembling.

(End of chapter)