Rising: Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 174: Chaebol vision


Everyone in the class looked quietly at Jia Liping, a man who analyzed the social structure of Kyushu extremely thoroughly.

No one has the courage to shout out the word "need", even though they know in their hearts that Kyushu Academy of Sciences really needs it. But in fact, I dare not.

Everyone is unwilling to face the identity of becoming a 'technology provider' in the future.

But at the same time, we don’t want to become a capitalist who plunders labor and exploits the poor.

But at this time, it was Jia Liping who shouted out his need.

Li Zhen chuckled: "No need."


In fact, if Li Zhen said it was necessary, no one would feel any discomfort. But Li Zhen said it was not necessary, but everyone thought Li Zhen was a bit hypocritical.

Li Zhen's eyes narrowed: "Using our status and the respect that people in Kyushu have for scientists. We have a third way to choose."


"Capital Guide."

Everyone was confused and didn't know what it meant.

Li Zhen laughed: "We can't tame the giant beast of capital, nor can we change the fact. Then we need to lure the giant beast with food in front of it and control the direction of the giant beast. We don't need primitive accumulation, But we can guide a large group of capitalists who have experienced primitive accumulation to go to the place we stipulate. Let all large capitalists do what we stipulate under our control."

Jia Liping said: "Master Li, this is impossible. The words that have been said for thousands of years are good, and wealth and silk move people's hearts. The capitalists in the future will grow into a group that is not even afraid of imperial power. They cannot be controlled by us."

Li Zhen said firmly: "Okay."

Turn around and write two big words on the blackboard - technology!

Everyone fell silent. In the silence, some people seemed to vaguely understand something.

Li Zhen clapped his hands: "Use the technology of the Kyushu Academy of Sciences that is one step ahead of the world. To bring the capitalists together, we can't do it without us. And we use a certain system to plan a more scientific and rapid development path for the capitalists. To the obedient ones Capital provides advanced technology. Disobedient capitalists will not receive any support from us and will fall behind others.

Under such conditions, both soft and hard tactics are used. Obtain different conditions, and finally form the ideology of stars and moon. This is leading capital. "

"The second way is to use our position to concentrate the interests of most capitalists. It is up to us to invest in a common group. Or organize a consortium. The Kyushu Academy of Sciences will select the capitalists with the most potential in the future to develop a super Large consortium. These capitalists will be supported by us to become members of the largest consortium in the world in the future, and the status of the Kyushu Academy of Sciences will always be superior to everyone."


Everyone was shocked and broke into a cold sweat.


A new concept, a new concept that has never been seen before. Only when the capital matures will a special organizational structure of "teaming together for warmth and win-win interests" appear.

When most of the world's currency is in the hands of a few people. These few people are united again. It will become a kind of terrifying existence that will stand up even if the imperial power of the empire changes and the world structure changes.

Everyone couldn't help but lower their heads and think about the feasibility of Li Zhen's plan.

In the early days of capital, if the Kyushu Academy of Sciences took the lead, a chaebol group organization was established. Then there will be an overwhelming number of responders, and everyone will want to join the consortium led by the Kyushu Academy of Sciences.

At the beginning, everyone may only think that those capitalists who join this organization will receive technical priority from the Kyushu Academy of Sciences.

But in the end, when the Kyushu Academy of Sciences had the authority to kick out members and recruit members. The terrifying capitalists will put the Kyushu Academy of Sciences on the altar.

The Kyushu Academy of Sciences will completely become the most transcendent existence above all countries and imperial powers in the world.

Li Zhen rubbed his chin, a crazy look flashed in his eyes:

"When this consortium is big enough to change the world's economic structure, the Kyushu Academy of Sciences will have power far beyond the country. It can even change the entire Kyushu at will and eclipse the entire imperial power. When the team of this capital is infinite, the energy will be infinite. , even to the point of overriding the entire world.”

"Oh my God!"



"Is this the power of capital?"

"Yes, our Kyushu Academy of Sciences does not need to engage in primitive accumulation. We need to be shepherds who tame capital."

"Hahaha, in the future, we will dominate the entire world."


The students felt waves of fear, but also felt boundless excitement and ecstasy.

Li Zhen put down the book: "To summarize the central idea, what I said at the end is the main reason for giving you this lesson today."

"Within tomorrow, everyone will write down an idea about the consortium and submit it to me. This task will be left to you."

After saying that, Li Zhen strode away.

The entire Institute of Financial Mathematics fell into a state of madness and chaos.

This group of people realized Li Zhen's ambition, and also realized that every person here who is still inconspicuous now will become a person who can shake the economic lifeline by just stamping their feet in the future.

The uncontrollability of capital frightened Li Zhen.

He must use this method to try his best to control it and make it develop in the best direction. The reason for evading the imperial power of Kyushu is that Li Zhen completely distrusts the current empire.

All the lifeblood and decisions of the empire were given to one person to control, and it was a hereditary system. Then the rise and fall of this country will be completely tied to this person's preferences and personality.

Xun Jiayuan is an example.

Li Zhen no longer trusts Xun Shifei. He is afraid that Xun Shifei will become such a person when he gets old one day.

strength. Strength must be gained.

A force that can pull the country's historical process back on the right track. When a person is no longer responsible for the entire country, he will have the power to pull that person down and replace him with someone else.

If you don’t change your thoughts, change your people!

In fact, even if Li Zhen became a scientist with a reputation all over the world, he would not be able to shake the imperial power. Xun Shifei is talking nicely now, but after taking the position, no one knows what is going on.

Then Li Zhen had to be on guard. The power of reputation was unreliable, the power of public opinion was unreliable, and the power of emotions was even less reliable.

The only reliable thing is to unite a group of capitalists who control the lifeblood of the economy. Gain strong capital power. Only in this way is the most reliable choice.

The propositions of the Institute of Financial Mathematics in the next few years will all be the chaebol vision.

This is a confidential matter.

No one in this world knows that the future leader of the world will rise from the School of Financial Mathematics.

At this time, news came from Qi Lengzi:

"Li Zhen, Wang Sandao's uprising gang has already reached Hangcheng County. Your hometown!"

Li Zhen narrowed his eyes and said coldly: "He dares."

"What's there to be afraid of? A man with his head stuck in his waistband."

Li Zhen sneered and said: "Go to Hangcheng County and send a message to the mob. Anyone who dares to touch Hangcheng County is an enemy of the Kyushu Academy of Sciences."

Qi Lengzi hesitated and wanted to say something, Wang Sandao, a desperado like him, will not pay attention to you. But didn't say it. Did it.

In fact, when the attack reached Hangcheng County, Wang Sandao stopped. He had already stopped before receiving Li Zhen's warning. The person who can organize such a large team is not stupid. He knows how he made his fortune, and it was because of "serving the hearts of the people." But he also knew Li Zhen's status in the hearts of the people.

We dare not fight until we reach Hangcheng County.

But he couldn't say it. He couldn't say that he was afraid of Li Zhen. Wang Sandao made a truce, thinking of a good excuse, a reason not to attack Hangcheng County.

But when Qi Lengzi arrived in Hangcheng County, he unexpectedly discovered that Wang Sandao actually had the banner of "only to overthrow tyranny, not to embarrass ordinary people, let alone great scientists." Detoured through Hangcheng County.

Approaching Jiahe County.

Wang Sandao actually didn't attack Hangcheng County. Because he knows that he wants to win the hearts and minds of the people.

Li Zhen was not surprised when he heard the news. He ordered someone to write a letter and sent it to Wang Sandao: "Thank you for the detour. I will give you one million coins in relief food."

Wang Sandao was overjoyed after seeing the letter. Sure enough, I made the right decision. He secretly decided that making friends with Li Zhen would definitely be of great benefit to him in the future.

And Li Zhen didn't notice it either.

Unknowingly, his status has become so transcendent.

Even the rebels are avoiding their hometown...

It seems that with this identity and status, it is easier to succeed as a leader in capital.

(End of chapter)