Rising: Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 179: Hahaha (first update)


Lin Ke finally accepted the order.

Xun Jiayuan may have repented at this last moment, and his career was almost over. If he didn't repent, his sleepless heart would be too big.

Sitting alone in the Jinluan Hall, looking at the empty palace, Xun Jiayuan burst into tears and burst into tears:

"How come my empire is falling apart?"

"No one in the world understands my painstaking efforts. Why can't I be understood after all my hard work?"


Sighing, shedding tears.

Zhong Yi's son Xun Shitian also died in a very strange way. The root cause of all the troubles began after the sudden death of the prince.

If the Nanzhou Uprising is just the beginning, in fact, people in various states are still waiting and watching. But as soon as the prince died, someone immediately took action. The sudden death of the prince was almost the first layer of dominoes. After it fell, the layers fell back.

"Lao Ba's death must have something to do with the Kyushu Academy of Sciences, right?"

Xun Jiayuan was not stupid, and he quickly figured out the key.

Things go back a few weeks, about a few weeks ago. Xun Shitian purchased an iron plate from 10,000 years ago from unknown merchants. The iron plate had handwriting written 10,000 years ago. Only a few people know that the content on the iron plate is: "Spacecraft fuel preparation specifications."

what does that mean? This means that by developing this aerospace fuel, it is very possible to develop the core power of your own spacecraft.

Xun Shitian had just secured his position as crown prince, so he was naturally in an ecstatic mood and wanted to get the aerospace fuel from ten thousand years ago.

Xun Shitian had doubts as to why the fuel contained sulfuric acid. He is a science student and loves chemistry. Even if this is not aerospace fuel, Xun Shitian still wants to prepare this new type of chemical material.

The iron plate clearly stated: After the preparation is successful, verify it by smell. Through the nose, you can smell a slightly sweet smell, which proves that the preparation is successful.

Xun Shitian was a top student in chemistry, and was second only to Li Zhen in the college entrance examination. He naturally knew that the subject of chemistry was full of dangers, and it was best not to come into contact with it if possible.

Therefore, Xun Shitian was on guard and did not dare to smell it easily. He is wearing a mask.

But in fact, are masks enough


Even if he wears protective clothing, it is impossible to stop a chemical balance preparation formula written down by Li Zhen.

Because the thing that caused Xun Shitian's sudden death was called hydrofluoric acid.

Hydrofluoric acid is known in the chemical world as "corroding bones". Hydrofluoric acid with a concentration of 20% will cause amputation as long as it is contaminated with a little bit of the gas it overflows.

What Xun Shitian prepared was hydrofluoric acid with a concentration of 80%.

In ancient times, this concentration of hydrofluoric acid was something that even protective clothing could not protect against. It must be operated in isolation in a ventilated vacuum glass cabinet.

But Xun Shitian didn't know this. He just thought it was enough to wear a mask and gloves. He was very cautious and didn't smell it. But is this enough

After being exposed to hydrofluoric acid with a concentration of 80% in the air, the air in the room will be filled with hydrofluoric acid for at least a week. But no matter how cautious Xun Shitian was, he could not imagine that hydrofluoric acid would be so terrifying. He strictly followed today's chemical regulations and carried out safety protection, but how could he protect against such a perverted acidic substance

On the first night when he prepared the hydrofluoric acid, he felt a slight gap exposed at the connection between his gloves and sleeves, and then his wrists felt itchy. Xun Shitian, who has scientific knowledge, immediately understood that he had been contaminated by chemicals on his skin.

Without any hesitation, the emergency flushing with water began. Rinse yourself in the shower, then scrub your wrists furiously with soap. It took a full half hour of scrubbing.

But the symptoms didn't get any relief at all. An hour later, the skin on my wrist turned black. Then it spreads, and the skin of the entire palm becomes dehydrated and begins to shrink. The nails on all five fingers turned black.

Xun Shitian was shocked at this moment. He realized that he had been fooled.

The iron plate clearly says that after the preparation is successful, use your nose to smell it. Farting, I put on protective clothing, but the gas contaminated a little bit of my skin, and my whole hand immediately became dehydrated and turned black. If I smelled it with my nose, I would die on the spot.

Xun Shitian issued an urgent order to find the businessman immediately. But no matter what, it can't be found.

After one night, Xun Shitian woke up and found that his entire arm had turned black. The entire arm lost all feeling, and all the skin was dehydrated and cracked, as if it had been cooked in a fire. But he didn't notice any pain, just itching, itching in his bones and marrow.

This is the devastation of muscles and bones.

Hydrofluoric acid is different from other substances. Once you get a little bit of it, it will drill into your pores, your skin, and your bones. All the way into your bones. As the bone marrow flows, it continues to spread to the surroundings, causing cell necrosis.

Xun Shitian realized that he had been fooled, and someone was going to kill him in this way. He didn't have much indecisiveness and immediately asked the doctor for amputation. Amputation at the shoulder.

The doctor did not dare to amputate the prince's limb easily. Reported to Emperor Xun. Emperor Xun's golden warship was in a critical period at that time, and the people in the court could not find where Xun Jiayuan's people had gone for a while.

The senior officials in the court did not dare to hold a meeting and decide easily. This was to amputate the prince's leg. Who dares to make hasty decisions? No one dares.

Just put it off until the next day. it's all over.

Xun Shitian died violently in his own palace. Before he died, he was still chanting: "Someone is harming me... Someone is harming me... This is not aviation fuel, this is a high-concentration acid."


This is the most regrettable place. Li Zhen did not expect that Xun Shitian would be so cautious and did not smell it after preparing it.

If he smelled it, he would die within ten minutes. And he couldn't even speak before he died.

But Xun Shitian carefully wore protective equipment. Although he still died, it was not perfect after all.

Xun Jiayuan is very smart, but just pedantic. He carefully recalled the cause and effect: "Someone is killing my son."

Who is it

You don’t have to think about it, the answer will come to you easily.

Kyushu Academy of Sciences.

Xun Jiayuan saw the iron plate, and someone analyzed it and found that it was a fake iron plate. There are traces of hydrochloric acid reaction on it, which is due to the use of hydrochloric acid to corrode the iron, resulting in an old feel.

And someone who can use chemistry so proficiently and reach such a high level. There is only the Kyushu Academy of Sciences.

Li Zhen was close to the former prince Xun Shifei, and Xun Shitian died after he came to power, so Li Zhen had the motive to kill. Xun Jiayuan was very sure that it was his eighth son who Li Zhen killed.

A strong look of hatred flashed in his eyes: "I will not let you go."

Remembering that Yun Ke came to him some time ago and asked him to order the cancellation of the Kyushu Academy of Sciences, Xun Jiayuan quickly asked the official next to him: "How is the Kyushu Academy of Sciences now? Where is Li Zhen?"

The official said in a low voice: "Still in Dongzhou..."

Xun Jiayuan was furious. How could it be that the governor of Dongzhou ignored my imperial edict? How dare you not deal with the Kyushu Academy of Sciences

At this time, Yun Kexian found Xun Jiayuan again and said coldly: "The Emperor. Why is the Jiuzhou Academy of Sciences still dominating Dongzhou?"

Xun Jiayuan's face turned red: "Dean Yun, this is a long story."

"I understand that Feng Nai'en, governor of Dongzhou Prefecture, is disobeying the situation. So if you are not good at literature, you should use martial arts. The emperor should send the imperial army to Dongzhou, and directly send people from the imperial court to forcibly break up the Kyushu Academy of Sciences."

Xun Jiayuan was silent for a while.

An hour later, the order was given, and two thousand forbidden troops attacked Dongzhou. Capture Li Zhen alive and behead everyone at the Kyushu Academy of Sciences.

Suddenly, Xun Jiayuan remembered that the person who supervised the construction of his golden warship was also a member of the Kyushu Academy of Sciences. There was a thought in my heart, and I wanted to catch them first.

Now Xun Jiayuan has woken up from his dream and is awake.

But it doesn't seem to help.

When the imperial army rushed to the residence of Fang Hanxian and his wife, they found no one and only found a letter: "Emperor, we are homesick. Please don't blame us for leaving without saying goodbye. Hahaha."

A short sentence. The last three words, hahaha, seem to be a mockery of the ruler of the Nine Provinces.

'Jingle Bell'

The carriage moved forward, heading all the way to Dongzhou.

Fang Hanxian and Liu Jinghong were sitting in a spacious carriage drinking together, feeling very happy.

As soon as the flag was displayed, the little guys along the way gave way - the Ma Group.

No one thought that the person who took Fang Hanxian and the two people out of Beijing would be the Ma Group, which had power throughout Kyushu. The Ma Group is a super group involved in water transportation, official transportation, inns, chain restaurants, clothing industry, and animal husbandry.

This is someone who is completely incompatible with each other. How could Ma Fei, the richest man in Kyushu, be involved with the Kyushu Academy of Sciences? How could Ma Fei know in advance that Xun Jiayuan wanted to take action against the other party, Han Xian

I can't understand...

I can't understand all this, maybe just like the last three words of the letter left to Xun Jiayuan.


(End of chapter)